TypoScript condition based on language - TYPO3 version 9 - typo3-9.x

I'm currently upgrading a site from version 7 to version 9.
I have a small TypoScript object that shows different content depending on the page language selected:
lib.myTSO = TEXT
lib.myTSO.value (
<p>Hello World</p>
[globalVar = GP:L =1]
lib.myTSO = TEXT
lib.myTSO.value (
<p>Hello World in a different language</p>
This worked, in version 7 & 8 but no longer appears to be working in version 9. I assume its the way in which I'm calling the language variable?
Thanks again,

Matching against your locale set in site configuration should work:
[siteLanguage("locale") == "en_US.UTF-8"]
lib.myTSO = TEXT
lib.myTSO.value (
<p>Hello World in a different language</p>
In Constants only this seems to work as of TYPO3 9.5.1
[siteLanguage = locale = en_US.UTF-8]
constantFoo = Bar

if you want to use the language uid, this also works:
[siteLanguage("languageId") == 1]


Form and process list of string with Lua plugin on very old Lua 2.5

I'm trying to write lua plugin to extract and place some metadata from HTML page. It's a plugin for soupault static site generator and it requires lua version 2.5 for work. So no closures and no for loops in particular.
It is no sense to load you how this generator works because plugin exists as a small standalone file .lua and plugs in during the running of generator.
What is significant are the methods used by the plugin. These are used at the input and output of the plugin.
And more importantly, it is how to form and process the list of extracted tags with lua language.
Input data in the body of html page:
#+title: post 1 title
#+subtitle: Post 1 subtitle
#+description: Post 1 decription
#+author: Billy
#+date: 2021-11-03
#+datepublished: 2021-06-02
#+usertags: inventory,errand
#+summary: Post 1 summary
#+id: 1-test1com
And these are steps that plugin should take:
get strings between <site-meta-data></site-meta-data> tags into the
list get string from the list & split by first colon eg.
string.match(destination_number, "(.-):"))
create variable name as first word before colon and without #+ (eg. title)
create conditions for the next operation on this variable. If variable name which is
created from the string = current name, eg. meta_tag = title, insert
metatag with value or insert new tag with extracted value after
parent tag. I'll write by myself which tags should be inserted.
after processing of the list remove all between <site-meta-data></site-meta-data> including
As being near zero in lua scripting I just wrote the scratch of the script.
all_meta_tags = HTML.select_one(page, "site-meta-data")
all_meta_tags = HTML.parse(page, "site-meta-data")
local index = 1
while all_meta_tags[index] do
meta_tag_line = all_meta_tags[index]
meta_tag = string.match(meta_tag_line, "(.-):")
meta_tag_content = string.match(meta_tag_line, ":(.*)")
meta_tag_content = strlower(String.trim(meta_tag_content))
meta_tag = Regex.replace(meta_tag, "#+", "")
if (meta_tag == "title") then
HTML.append_child(page, HTML.create_string('<meta name="title" content="value..">'))
elseif (meta_tag == 'subtitle') then
HTML.append_child(page, HTML.create_string('...'))
elseif (meta_tag == 'description') then
HTML.append_child(page, HTML.create_string('<meta name="description" content="meta_tag_value">'))
elseif (meta_tag == 'author') then
HTML.append_child(page, HTML.create_string('author...'))
elseif (meta_tag == 'date') then
HTML.append_child(page, HTML.create_string('<meta name="date" content="meta_tag_content">'))
index = index + 1
HTML.delete(HTML.select_one(page, "site-meta-data"))
Please, help me to modify the script to accomplish the above task. I'll correct what tags it should place.
Since version 4.0 soupault supports a pre-parse hook. So it's now possible to reimplement various types of front matter with that hook. The plugin should always put the rendered HTML before the page body. Plugin can be written as this example.
file = "hooks/org-mode-metadata.lua"
template = """
<h1 id="post-title">{{title}}</h1>

Why does the input (colorPicker) only support Hex?

I'm afraid I don't understand why there is no system-side option to select RGB, including transparencies? Am I making a mistake in using it, or did this feature not make it into Typo3 11 either? Thanks in advance?
My guess is that this is not a feature that's requested a lot and in most cases the current functionality is good enough. If you want it added to the TYPO3 core (12, since 11 is already in a feature freeze), add a feature request to https://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3cms-core/issues.
You can however get the same effect now by adding 2 fields, one with a color picker to select the color and 1 to select the transparency. You'll then have to convert the hex to int and combine the values. If you're using an Extbase model, that could be something like:
list($r, $g, $b) = array_map(
strlen( $color ) / 3
$rgb = sprintf('rgba(%s, %s, %s, %s)', $r, $g, $b, $myModelObject->getOpacity());

Reproducible screenshots with Selenium and Firefox

I use Selenium to automate some GUI tests using the firefox web driver.
It occurred to me that it would be also make sense to create screenshots during the run of the tests to use those in the manual.
The screens of my application are relatively static - no timestamps visible and so on. So my expectation would be, if I create a screenshot from lets say the start page, navigate later to the start page again, the screenshots should be identical. Also if I run the test twice, the screenshot of the start page should be identical between both runs.
I save the screenshots as PNG, I even process the screenshots (save without date) before saving them, so that the files should be really identical.
Nevertheless, if I compare the pictures with each other (e.g. subtract them from each other), there are minor differences between them (not visible to the naked eye), some faint lines at the border of tables, or around fonts.
My question:
1) Why are there differences at all?
2) What could be the easiest way to ensure that the screenshots are identical? (what kind of post processing could I do)
PS: I also tried to change the renderer from skia to windows to cairo, but although the differences are slightly different, it still doesn't solve the problem.
How do you save the images ?
In ruby I was using something like this ?
def take_screenshot(image_id)
scenario = Zpg::HooksHelper::FeatureHelper.scenario_name
Dir.mkdir('output', 0o777) unless File.directory?('output')
Dir.mkdir('output/screenshots', 0o777) unless File.directory?('output/screenshots')
screenshot = "./output/screenshots/#{image_id}#{scenario.tr(' ', '_').gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/, '')}.png"
if page.driver.browser.respond_to?(:save_screenshot)
FileUtils.chmod(0o777, screenshot)
And I was checking the image diff
# return[hash]
def image_diff(imageid_1 = nil, _imageid_2 = nil)
scenario = Zpg::HooksHelper::FeatureHelper.scenario_name
if imageid_1.class != Integer
image_1 = "./features/support/data/images/#{Zpg.brand}/#{imageid_1}.png"
image_2 = "./output/screenshots/#{_imageid_2}#{scenario.tr(' ', '_').gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/, '')}.png"
image_1 = "./output/screenshots/#{imageid_1}#{scenario.tr(' ', '_').gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/, '')}.png"
image_2 = "./output/screenshots/#{_imageid_2}#{scenario.tr(' ', '_').gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/, '')}.png"
images = [
diff = []
images.first.height.times do |y|
images.first.row(y).each_with_index do |pixel, x|
diff << [x, y] unless pixel == images.last[x, y]
puts "pixels (total): #{images.first.pixels.length}"
puts "pixels changed: #{diff.length}"
puts "pixels changed (%): #{(diff.length.to_f / images.first.pixels.length) * 100}%"
# init empty hash
diff_hash = {}
# return pixels changed number
diff_hash[:pixels_changed] = diff.length
# return pixels changed percentage
diff_hash[:pixels_changed_percentage] = (diff.length.to_f / images.first.pixels.length) * 100
# return diff hash
you can get different results if the browser DOM is not 100% loaded . I would try to have a threshold in which I would expect my image to be .
There is a very good project here in .Net https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/374386/Simple-image-comparison-in-NET which you can convert in any language you want.

Telligent 10 - Velocity Template - get current datetime

Using Telligent 10 platform and their native Velocity Template Language, how can we simply get the current datetime?
Per the many examples I've seen here on SO these first two require the $date var previously defined and those examples all define the date statically not by getting the current system datetime so the following do not work:
#set ($today = $date.getCurrentDate())
#set ($today = $date.getDate())
Per this Telligent Community thread I read that Telligent uses .NET DateTime (of which I'm very familiar) but ... these don't work either in Widget Studio:
#set ($today = DateTime.Now)
#set ($today = new DateTime)
Found it. I overlooked the properties (literally the first section) outlined for the $core_v2_utility.
We can get the current date by using the following:

drupal bootstrap script: how to get list of all nodes of type x?

I create a custom import and export, at the moment as an external script (via bootstrap), i plan to create a module in a more generic fashion lateron.
I am building a frontend for nagios and for our host management and nagios configuration btw. Maybe it might become useful for other environments (networkmanagement)
Now i need to know how to get list of all nodes of type x?
I want to avoid direct SQL.
A suggestion i got was to make an rss and parse it
but i acess the drupal db a dozen times to extract various nodes, so it feels strange to do a web request for one thing
So what i am looking for as newbie drupal dev is just a pointer to basic search module api for this task
Why do you want to avoid using SQL?
If you want to get info about what's in your db, like all the nodes of type x, the only way to get it, is through a SQL query, unless you have the data extracted already.
A query like
db_query("SELECT title, nid FROM {node} WHERE type = 'x';");
shouldn't be the thing that ruins your performance.
The link you provided is a from Drupal 7, so you have to be be careful reading this. The reason is that in Drupal 7 it is not only possible to use db_query which basically is wrapper for the php functions mysql_query, pg_query. It's a bit different and using it, you wont have to use db_specific code. Anyways new in Drupal 7 is something that is a bit like an ORM. I haven't read about it in detail, but the idea is that you can build a query using commands on an object. This is probably what you are after. However, Drupal 7 is not ready at all for production sites. There are still a lot of critical issues and security issues. So this wont be a possibility for quite some time.
Edit 2:
If you want to get the node title and body, this is what you should do:
$type = 'x';
$query = db_query("SELECT r.nid, r.title, r.body FROM {node} AS n
LEFT JOIN {node_revisions} AS r ON r.nid = n.nid
WHERE type = '%s';", array($type));
$nodes = array();
while ($node = db_fetch_object($query)) {
$nodes[$node->nid] = $node;
You can use db_fetch_array instead of db_fetch_object` if you want to extract arrays instead of objects from the db.
This is a pretty old question, but for anyone coming across this page now, in Drupal 7.x best practise is to use dynamic queries.
So if you wanted to select all the nodes of type x, you could do the following:
$articles = db_select('node')
->fields('node', array('nid', 'title'))
->condition('type', 'x', '=')
The $articles variable should then be an array of all x type nodes, keyed by nid with the arrays corresponding value set to the node title. Hope that can help.
Views is generally how you create database queries without writing them in Drupal, but this query is so simple I'm not sure it's worth the overhead of learning views, barely 5 lines after you've bootstrapped Drupal:
$nodes = array();
$results = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type = '%s'", $type);
while ($result = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$nodes[] = node_load($result->nid);
Gotta use SQL do to this.
Node counts =
$node_types = node_get_types();
$type_count = array();
foreach ($node_types as $type) {
$result = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT count(nid) AS node_count FROM {node} WHERE type = "%s"'), $type);
$type_count[$type] = $result['count(nid)'];
Nodes and their type:
$node_types = node_get_types();
$nodes = array();
foreach ($node_types as $type) {
$result = db_query('SELECT nid, title FROM {node} WHERE type = "%s"'), $type);
while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$nodes[] = array('Type' => $type, 'Title' => $node->title);
Something like that. I am eating lunch so I didn't test that but I have done this before so it should work. Drupal 6.
The migrate module may be of interest to you. It also supports drush so you can script things fairly easily.