Insert into table sum of different columns with same schema - sql

I´ve the following tables
I want to insert the sum of the columns [01],][02],[03]...etc. Into another table with the same schema, even if in a specific table exist only 1 record.

DEFAULT( SUM(01,02,...N))
Is this what you are looking for or provide extra detail


SQL only delete values in specific colums?

What I am trying to do is delete all rows from a table, but leave values in 1 specific column from the table.
For example the table 'member' with the columns 'membernumber', 'name', lastname' and 'zipcode', I only want to keep all the zipcodes as they are, but delete all other data.
If you want to change your table structure, you use Alter Table along with Drop Column instead of Delete which is for your records. Here is a sample:
DROP COLUMN membernumber, name, lastname

How to copy some records of table and change some columns before insert into this table again in sql server?

In my SQL Server table, I have a table whose PK is GUID with lots of records already.
Now I want to add records which only needs to change the COMMON_ID and COMMON_ASSET_TYPE column of some existing records.
select * from My_Table where COMMON_ASSET_TYPE = "ASSET"
I am writing sql to copy above query result, changing COMMON_ID value to new GUID value and COMMON_ASSET_TYPE value from "ASSET" to "USER", then insert the new result into My_Table.
I do not know how to write it since now I feel it is a trouble to insert records manually.
I have far more columns in table and most of them are not nullable, I want to keep all these columns' data for new records except above two columns.Is there any way if I do not have to write all these column names in sql?
Try to use NEWID if you want to create new guid:
INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable
select NEWID(), 'User' as Common_Asset_Type
from My_Table
As a good practice I would suggest to write all column names explicitly to have a clean and clear insert statement. However, you can use the following construction, but it is not advisable in my opinion:
insert into table_One
, isnull(name,'Jon')
from table_Two
FROM My_Table
If I've understood correctly you want to take existing records in your table, modify them, and insert them as new records in the same table.
I'll assume ID column contains the the GUID?
I'd first create a temporary table
CREATE TABLE #myTempTable(
Name varchar(max),
... etc
Fill this temp table with the records to change with your SELECT statement.
Change the records in the temp table using UPDATE statement.
Finally, Insert those "new" records back into the primary table. with INSERT INTO SELECT statement.
You will probably have to sandwitch the INSERT INTO SELECT with IDENTITY_INSERT (on/off):
SET IDENTITY_INSERT schema_name.table_name ON
SET IDENTITY_INSERT schema_name.table_name OFF
IDENTITY_INSERT "Allows explicit values to be inserted into the identity column of a table."

Delete the values from particular columns and insert new values to that columns

I need to delete the values from Cost & Remaining column from the below table and insert new values from another table. Can anyone help please?
One possible way is you can delete the columns Cost and Remaining first then you can create it.
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `transactions.test_table` AS
* EXCEPT (Cost, Remaining)
The above will create the table without those 2 columns. Now you can insert the data from other table by creating the other columns.
A better way to do is as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `transactions.test_table` AS
table1.Date, table1.Name, table2.Cost, table2. Remaining
`transactions.test_table` table1, `transactions.other_table` table2;

How to fire two triggers for two tables at different time to insert some values from both the tables to third table?

I have 3 tables in SQL server with following fields.
Table 1- id, name, age.
Table 2- id,email, Address.
Table 3- id, name, email.
I wish to use two triggers like, when I insert values on Table 1, id and name should insert in Table 3. When I insert values in Table 2, Email should insert in Table 3 and it should insert at id and name position means it should not show NULL values. Name,id and email should insert in one row.
You should make the View for inserting data from two tables to a single table
You should fix the data model so that it is normalized. You wouldn't need a trigger to replicate data into Table 3 if the name and email columns weren't in 2 tables.

Revert backup table data to original table SQL

I have created a backup for my country table.
create table country_bkp as select * from country;
What SQL should I use to restore the country table to it's original state?
I can do
insert into country select * from country_bkp;
but it will just have duplicate entries and probably fail as primary key would be same .
Is there an SQL command to merge data back?
Last alternative would be
DROP TABLE country;
create table country as select * from country_bkp;
but I want to avoid this as all the grants/permissions would get lost by this.
Other cleaner way would be
delete from country ;
insert into country select * from country_bkp;
But I am looking for more of a merge approach without having to clear data from original table.
Instead of dropping the table, which, as you noted, would lose all the permission defitions, you could truncate it to just remove all the data, and then insert-select the old data:
INSERT INTO country SELECT * FROM county_bkp;
In my case, INSERT INTO country SELECT * FROM county_bkp; didnt work because:
It wouldnt let me insert in Primary Key column due to
indentity_insert being off by default.
My table had TimeStamp columns.
In that case:
allow identity_insert in the OriginalTable
insert query in which you mention all the columns of OriginalTable (Excluding TimeStamp Columns) and in Values select all columns from BackupTable (Excluding TimeStamp Columns)
restrict identity_insert in the OriginalTable at the end.
Set Identity_insert OriginalTable ON
insert into OriginalTable (a,b,c,d,e, ....) --[Exclude TimeStamp Columns here]
Select a,b,c,d,e, .... from BackupTable --[Exclude TimeStamp Columns here]
Set Identity_insert OriginalTable Off
Only One Solution to Recover Data from Backup table is Rename Original table with random name and than rename Backup table with Original Table name in case if Identity Insert is ON for Original Table.
for example
Original Table - Invoice
Back Up Table - Invoice_back
Now Rename these tables :
Original Table - Invoice_xxx
Back Up Table - Invoice