Improving training accuracy on Resnet - mxnet

I am training an object detector using mxnet/resnet50
After the last training run the mAP was 78%, and the loss was 0.37
When I run the detector on my test set (independent of train/val data)
I am getting false positives result - with some rather high 30-60% confidence levels. I think I need to add some train/val images that do not have ANY of the objects i'm training the detector for.
I'm planning on adding about 20% more images that have a label of -1 -- which I read somewhere is how you designate an image having no label in mxnet.
Does this seem reasonable? is -1 the right way to designate it? any downside?

One method for an unbalanced object detection task is to have a classifier before the object detection stage, which determines if the image contains an object or not. You can weight the loss for each class in this classifier relative to its inverse frequency (i.e. higher weight for classes that appear less frequently). You should test on data with a similar class balance as the real world. You might find this post useful.


variational autoencoder with limited data

Im working on a binary classificaton project, and im using VAE (variational autoencoder) to handle the imbalance between the 2 classes by generating new samples for the minority class.
the first class (majority class) contains 20000 samples, and the second one (minority class) contains 500 samples.
After training VAE model on the minority class, i generated new samples for this class and add them to the training set, then i trained two classification models, a model on trained on the imbalanced data (only training set) and the second one trained with training set + data generated by VAE). The problem is the first model is giving results better than the second(f1-score, Roc auc...), and i thought that maybe the problem was because of the limited amount of data that the VAE was trained on.
Any help please.
Though 500 training Images are not good enough to generate diversified images from a VAE, you can still try producing some. It's better to take mean of latents of 10 different images (or even more) and pass it through the decoder ( if you're already doing this, ignore it. If you're doing some other method, try this).
If it's still not working, then, I suggest you to build a Conditional VAE on your entire dataset. In conditional VAE, you train VAE using the labels so that your models learns not only reconstruction but also what class of image it is reconstructing. This helps you to generate an Image of any particular class.

how to detect not in trained-for-category images when using resnet50

I have trained resnet50 on four categories of images. It works fantastic when I feed it an image in any one of the four categories -- I have essentially 100% accuracy on images in these categories.
However, when I feed my trained Resnet50 model an image of a similar object, but not in one of the original four categories, the prediction comes back as one of the four existing classes. By this I mean, in the array that is returned with the likelihood of each category, in many cases the likelihood of one of the categories is basically 1. For example, when I query the model about image that is not in one of the four categories, the prediction array will look like
[1.3492944e-07 9.9999988e-01 8.3132584e-14 1.4716975e-24]
Here is the prediction array for an image that the model was trained on:
[1.8217645e-27 1.0000000e+00 3.6731971e-32 0.0000000e+00]
These scores are different, but not much different. Many of the images that are not in one of the trained-for categories have a 1.00000000 for one of the labels.
I had been planning on dealing with the oddball images by looking at the prediction array to see if the max(category labels prediction) was below some threshold. But most of my max(category labels predictions) are all above .99999 and so I can't differentiate between images in the training set and images not part of the training set.
I plan to train my model for N buckets. When I am running the system I will occasionally have images that are not in one of the N buckets and I need to know that. I don't care what they are, I just want to know when an image is not in one of the N buckets.
Resnet50 does a great job of forcing everything into one of the categories, even when it is not.
My images are super well defined! I wonder if I am somehow overtraining or overlooking some other obvious error.
Here is an example of an image that was correctly categorized:
in training set and correctly categorized
Here is an image that is not part of the training set that was then categorized into one of the categories:
not in training set and incorrectly categorized
In summary: I am trying to sort images and I need to know when one of the images is not part of the training categories so I can reject that image. Restated, I want to sort images into buckets: known, trained for buckets, and one unknown bucket.
Is there any way to do this?
Should I use a different classifier than Resnet50?
My images are grayscale, bicubic interpolated during resize (large to smaller), 150x150. I have about 1,600 training images and 200 validation images per category. My accuracy and val_accuracy are .9997 after 3 epochs.
Training and validation accuracy
Training and validation loss
Your model only knows about 4 classes. It or any other model say MobileNet will always look at an image and assign probabilities to each of the 4 classes. You could put in a picture of a water buffalo and it will still try to classify it. Usually but not always if the out of class image you put in is very different from your training images the class with the highest probability will have a probability value well below 1.0. However in your case the out of class image is NOT all that different from the images in your dataset hence a fairly high false probability prediction.
All I can think off is if your out of class images will be generically similar to each other you could create a 5th class and train your model with the data you have plus gather some "typical" out of class images. Then train the model on these 5 classes. I made a model that classified 50 different dog breeds. It was extremely accurate. I put in a picture of Donald Trump and he was predicted as being a chihuahua!

YOLOv4 loss too high

I am using YOLOv4-tiny for a custom dataset of 26 classes that I collected from Open Images Dataset. The dataset is almost balanced(850 images per class but different number of bounding boxes). When I used YOLOv4-tiny to train on just 3 classes the loss was near 0.5, it was fairly accurate. But for 26 classes as soon as the loss goes below 2 the model starts to overfit. The prediction are also very inaccurate.
I have tried to change the parameters like the learning rate, the momentum and the size but whatever I do the models becomes worse then before. Using regular YOLOv4 model rather then YOLO-tiny does not help either. How can I bring the loss further down?
Have you tried training with mAP? You can take a subset of your training set and make it the validation set. This can be done in the same way you made your training and test set. Then, you can run darknet.exe detector train data/ yolo-obj.cfg yolov4.conv.137 -map. This will keep track of the loss in your validation set. When the error in the validation say goes up, this is the time to stop training and prevent overfitting (this is called: early stopping).
You need to run the training for (classes*2000)iterations. However, for the best scores, you need to train your model for at least 6000 iterations (also known as max_batches). Also please remember if you are using a b&w image, change the channels=3 to channels=1. You can stop your training once the avg loss becomes something like this: 0.XXXX.
Here's my mAP graph for 6000 iterations that ran for 6.2 hours:
avg loss with 6000 max_batches.
Moreover, you can follow this FAQ documentation here by Stéphane Charette.

subset of any pre-trained model in tensorflow

Can we take subset of any pre-trained model in tensorflow? For example, if we have a pre-trained model which can detect 545 obejcts, can we make a subset of this model which can detect only 20 objects so that the time taken to load the model as well as the detection process can be reduced.
The best you can do is reduce the weights that are related to the last (output) layer only. So, if the size of your second last layer is 1000 so it will reduce your parameters by (1000 * 545 - 1000 * 20) = 525000.
But, if your network is very deep this won't prove to be a great speedup, as you will still need to calculate all the other layers except the last one.
You could, but it's a non-negligible amount of work, and it won't substantially improve the speed.
Indeed, what you'd need to change is only the class prediction layer, which you'd have to reduce from n_featuresx545 to n_featuresx20. Typically at that stage you have n_features=7*7=49 (although it actually depends on the method you're using; this is true for Faster RCNN with usual settings), so you'd save approximately 26k parameters and 8million operations per image (considering 300 detections per image), which is negligible compared to the millions of parameters and billions of operations usually involved in object detection models.
And changing the prediction layer without retraining and while keeping the trained values is not staight-forward, you'd have to write a piece of code to modify your network manually.

Understanding and tracking of metrics in object detection

I have some questions about metrics if I do some training or evaluation on my own dataset. I am still new to this topic and just experimented with tensorflow and googles object detection api and tensorboard...
So I did all this stuff to get things up and running with the object detection api and trained on some images and did some eval on other images.
So I decided to use the weighted PASCAL metrics set for evaluation:
And in tensorboard I get some IoU for every class and also mAP and thats fine to see and now comes the questions.
The IoU gives me the value of how well the overlapping of ground-truth and predictes boxes is and measures the accuracy of my object detector.
First Question: Is there a influencing to IoU if a object with ground-truth is not detected?
Second Question: Is there a influencing of IoU if a ground-truth object is predicted false negativ?
Third Question: What about False Positves where are no ground-truth objects?
Coding Questions:
Fourth Question: Has anyone modified the evaluation workflow from the object detection API to bring in more metrics like accuracy or TP/FP/TN/FN? And if so can provide me some code with explanation or a tutorial you used - that would be awesome!
Fifth Question: If I will monitor some overfitting and take 30% of my 70% traindata and do some evaluation, which parameter shows me that there is some overfitting on my dataset?
Maybe those question are newbie questions or I just have to read and understand more - I dont know - so your help to understand more is appreciated!!
Let's start with defining precision with respect to a particular object class: its a proportion of good predictions to all predictions of that class, i.e., its TP / (TP + FP). E.g., if you have dog, cat and bird detector, the dog-precision would be number of correctly marked dogs over all predictions marked as dog (i.e., including false detections).
To calculate the precision, you need to decide if each detected box is TP or FP. To do this you may use IuO measure, i.e., if there is significant (e.g., 50% *) overlap of the detected box with some ground truth box, its TP if both boxes are of the same class, otherwise its FP (if the detection is not matched to any box its also FP).
* thats where the #0.5IUO shortcut comes from, you may have spotted it in the Tensorboard in titles of the graphs with PASCAL metrics.
If the estimator outputs some quality measure (or even probability), you may decide to drop all detections with quality below some threshold. Usually, the estimators are trained to output value between 0 and 1. By changing the threshold you may tune the recall metric of your estimator (the proportion of correctly discovered objects). Lowering the threshold increases the recall (but decreases precision) and vice versa. The average precision (AP) is the average of class predictions calculated over different thresholds, in PASCAL metrics the thresholds are from range [0, 0.1, ... , 1], i.e., its average of precision values for different recall levels. Its an attempt to capture characteristics of the detector in a single number.
The mean average precision is mean of average previsions over all classes. E.g., for our dog, cat, bird detector it would be (dog_AP + cat_AP + bird_AP)/3.
More rigorous definitions could be found in the PASCAL challenge paper, section 4.2.
Regarding your question about overfitting, there could be several indicators of it, one could be, that AP/mAP metrics calculated on the independent test/validation set begin to drop while the loss still decreases.