SQL WHERE clause to pick data for last 7 days - sql

I want to build a view on the server with a SELECT statement and pick all records that are created at the last 7 days?
Original creation_date field is in varchar like '18/11/08' and I use the CONVERT(datetime, creation_date,11) to convert it into 2018-11-08 00:00:00.000, but I don't know how to do in the WHERE clause, so it only selects all records created for last 7 days.

use where clause like below
select t.* from your_table t
where CONVERT(datetime, creation_date,11)>= DATEADD(day,-7, GETDATE())

In order to get the best performance, you should keep the calculation away from the column:
FROM <YourTable>
WHERE creation_date >= CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(day,-7, GETDATE()), 11)
This will handle it well because of the format of the varchar - yy/mm/dd. Would not have worked with all formats

The best thing to do is store dates properly to begin with - in a column with a Date data type.
Assuming you can't change the database structure, you can use DateDiff with GetDate():
SELECT <ColumnsList>
FROM <TableName>
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, CONVERT(datetime, creation_date,11), GETDATE()) <= 7
Of course, you need to replace the <ColumnsList> with the list of columns and <TableName> with the actual table name.


Date difference, two variables in SQL

The problem: I am writing a query to check if the date from a given column is 6 weeks from another column.
I have tried DATEDIFF for other date checks, but that has been with a fixed date as one of the variables. I have two different variables in this case.
My code attempt:
DATEDIFF(d, ifc_forecast, date_complete)
FROM ifc_file
ifc_forecast DESC
This could be as simple as:
SELECT DATEDIFF(wk, date1, date2) FROM table...
provided that your fields/variables are proper datetime columns.
Reference: DATEDIFF (Transact-SQL)
But probably you'll get a more accurate result by counting the number of days instead, so:
SELECT DATEDIFF(day, date1, date2) FROM table...
6 weeks = 42 days.

SQL Server: Inconsistencies in date

create table #temp
A date
insert into #temp(A)
insert into #temp(A)
Now when I query the table as
select A from #temp where A>=GETDATE() and A<=GETDATE()
I get no records
But GETDATE() record value should satisfy my where condition, shouldn't it at least pass me one record?
Please guide me if I am missing some point here.
You need to do conversion, so it seems :
where a >= convert(date, dateadd(day, -1, getdate())) and
a <= convert(date, getdate());
Your where clause comparing date as :
where a >= '2020-04-21 16:01:27.277' and a <= '2020-04-21 16:01:27.277'
So, you need to convert date because getdate()will also return time portions.
Since your where clause looks for single day so you can do :
where a = convert(date, getdate())
Yogesh is right.
GETDATE() gives the present DATEIME value. When you insert it into a DATE column, SQL Server coerces -- silently typecasts -- the DATETIME to a DATE before inserting it.
But when you use it in a WHERE clause, SQL Server coerces the DATE from your column into a DATETIME value by turning 2020-04-20 into 2020-04-20 00:00:00. That can't be the same as GETDATE() except during the first few milliseconds of each day. (Meaning you or your test krewe are extremely unlikely to catch it equal.)

SQL: Trying to select records 7 days before date

I have a table with a date field called oppo_installdate. This is a date in the future, and I basically want to select records where this date is 7 or fewer days from the current date. I have tried to do this with the query below but it is older returning dates from 2019 as well, and I'm not sure why that's happening.
select * from [CRM_Test].[dbo].[Opportunity]
where (GETDATE() >= DATEADD(day,-7, oppo_installdate))
Could anyone suggest a better way of doing this?
Whenever you're using a WHERE always try to apply any functions to constants, or other functions, never your columns. DATEADD(day,-7, oppo_installdate) will make the query non-SARGable, and could slow it down as any indexes won't be able to be used.
It seems like what you simply want is:
FROM [dbo].[Opportunity]
WHERE oppo_installdate >= DATEADD(DAY, 7, GETDATE());
Note that GETDATE returns a datetime, so if you want from midnight 7 days ago, you would use CONVERT(date,GETDATE()) (or CAST(GETDATE() AS date)).
Use below condition-
select * from [CRM_Test].[dbo].[Opportunity]
where oppo_installdate>= DATEADD(day,-7, GETDATE()) and oppo_installdate<=getdate()
This should give you the records where oppo_installdate is 7 or fewer days away from now:
FROM [dbo].[Opportunity]
WHERE oppo_installdate <= DATEADD(DAY, 7, GETDATE())
and oppo_installdate > getdate();

SQL Server: use parameter instead of GETDATE()

I have a stored procedure that uses selects like the following which works fine so far.
In this case for example it selects all records with a date from the previous month, i.e. March 2014 (column: dateEsc, formatted as nvarchar(20), example date: 2014-03-25).
My Select (example):
SELECT COUNT(*) AS groupCount
FROM Log_Esc
CONVERT(DATE, dateEsc, 120) >= CONVERT(DATE, CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE()), 112) + '01', 112)
How do I have to change this if instead of the current Date (GETDATE()) I want to use a variable date input as the reference.
This input would be any date and is formatted as nvarchar(20) as well, example: 2014-04-03.
So instead of calculating the previous month compared to the current month from GETDATE() I would like to calculate the same from the variable date input.
Many thanks for any help with this, Tim.
First of all I think this query is better than the one you have:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS groupCount
FROM Log_Esc
WHERE DATE >= dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,dateadd(month,GETDATE(),-1)),0)
AND DATE < dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,GETDATE()),0)
If there is an index on the DATE field this can do a seek.
If you have a parameter #indate defined as date or datetime then this will work
SELECT COUNT(*) AS groupCount
FROM Log_Esc
WHERE DATE >= dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,dateadd(month,#indate,-1)),0)
AND DATE < dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,#indate),0)
See this question for more information on flooring a date to a month: Floor a date in SQL server
So what you want is a parameter:
Specifying Parameters in a Stored Procedure
Parameters allow you to pass user input to modify output.
An example
#param int
select 7 *#param as Value
EXEC dbo.Param1 5 -- 7 *5
EXEC dbo.Param1 -10 -- 7 * -10
Perhaps this'll give you some creative ideas for how you might implement parameters to accomplish your group count.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Dates

I have a couple of questions in regards to dates in SQL Server.
How do I separate a datetime value "2011-08-10 14:56:17.267" into date and timestamp in two separate columns. Eg. Date "2011-08-10" and timestamp "14:56:17"
I want remove the timestamp from datetime value into "2011-08-10" and still be able to order the data by date (therefore not converted to varchar). Also is there away to change the date value as '10 Aug 2011' and still can sort (not alphabetically but in real date order).
Thank you,
For the first one:
UPDATE atable
DateColumn = CAST(DateTimeColumn AS date),
TimeColumn = CAST(DateTimeColumn AS time)
As for the second one, date display format is something that is unrelated to the date value. You can order the result set by your date column, but in the SELECT clause you can use CONVERT to display the date in the desired format. For example:
CONVERT(varchar, DateColumn, 106) AS Date,
FROM atable
ORDER BY DateColumn
use CONVERT function with parameters from resource http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1145
-- simple conversion example:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 102) -- for date