How to solve Virto Commerce Theme Missing Error? - virtocommerce

I had deployed the Virto Commerce Platform and storefront on my local machine with IIS. everything went well but when i open store front it is saying
Virto Commerce storefront has been successfully deployed
Looks like you're missing a theme :(
We looked for 'index.liquid' view in the following locations
It simple to fix: follow our instructions to download and correctly configure theme for your storefront.
I had tried almost all options mentioned here but not able to sort out issue.
I think iam doing something wrong with connection string in appsettings.json or iam making some mistake in linking the platform directory to storefront theme .
This is my connection string
"ConnectionStrings": {
"ContentConnectionString": "provider=LocalStorage;rootPath=~/cms-content"
I tried to point this to local directory of my installation
becoz of this i had made a virtual directory inside the storefront folder in iis manager.
but again when i assign this value application is not starting by saying Http error.
can anybody help in sorting out this issue?

Set this value for setting will be enough
"ConnectionStrings": { "ContentConnectionString": "provider=LocalStorage;rootPath=C:\vc-platform\VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web\App_Data\cms-content"


How do you deploy ABP.IO application template projects?

I have some tiered ABP.IO application template project deployment questions - but they may be ASP.NET Core deployment questions.
I'm a bit confused as to whether I need to create appsettings.Production.json files to mirror the appsettings.json files in my class library projects (MyProduct.Application, MyProduct.Application.Contracts, etc.) AND my four ASP.NET projects (MyProduct.HttpApi.Host, MyProduct.IdentityServer, MyProduct.Web, and MyProduct.Web.Public) OR whether I just need to create them for ONLY the four ASP.NET projects and make sure that the settings that are in the class library projects are represented in the ones for the ASP.NET projects.
Should I create appsettings.Production.json files in my class
library/DLL projects?
If yes to 1, will the launchSettings.json file be the right place to
ensure that the libraries are built with the production
If yes to 2, are there any considerations when deploying to
production? I know I need to use an environment variable on the
If no to 1 or 2, how do I build my libraries to use the production
Is it possible to replace the client secrets wherever they may
appear? It would seem like it would be necessary but there's no help
on this in the documentation. Are there any considerations toward
doing this? Is a simple search and replace of all the default
secrets sufficient or are there code changes necessary?
Is it possible to replace all references to localhost with the FQDN
of the respective site (Host/API, IdentityServer, Web, Web.Public)?
The application template would require this, correct? I am doing an
IIS deployment currently - not a Docker or Kubernetes deployment.
What else am I missing?
Thanks for taking the time to comment. If you have a resource to share with me, please do. I cannot find a deployment guide or checklist on the ABP Framework site, ABP Commercial site, Community Forum, or Discord channel.
I have been through these two resources and I am a lot more educated about configuration in ASP.NET Core but I still cannot find the answer to my question about configuring class libraries in production. 1 - 2 -
Eventually I just had to figure things out but Omer's answers make a lot of sense in hindsight.
My solution was to add the appsettings.Production.json files to each of the deployable projects as suggested below. You can read Omer's answer for details. I pretty much did everything that Omer suggested but I had not thought about the one shot seeding of the Identity Server database tables. That was truly helpful. My final hurdle was figuring out a way to perform DB Migrations on my local DB instance and my remote servers with just a click.
Through various posts, I eventually figured out that I could use the Launch Profile editor buried under the Debug section of the DbMigrator project properties, to create myself two Launch Profiles. I have one for local development and one for production - although through this mechanism, I don't see why you couldn't create one for each part of your staging pipeline.
It should be noted that I deleted the default profile which was named using the project name/namespace.
Here is the Launch Profile editor screen for the Development profile:
And here is the Launch Profile editor screen for the Production profile:
Of primary importance is the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development environment variable in development and the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production environment variable in production.
Exiting the editor produces the Properties folder and the contained
launchSettings.json file.
You could create this folder and file yourself without going through the editor. Here is the text of that file:
"profiles": {
"EnvironmentConfiguration.Cli (Development)": {
"commandName": "Project",
"environmentVariables": {
"EnvironmentConfiguration.Cli (Production)": {
"commandName": "Project",
"environmentVariables": {
Now when I want to run a schema migration, I can simply select the DbMigrator project as the startup project...
...and I will have two launch profiles in my debug menu:
Does anyone know of a better way?
I am using ABP with Blazor Wasm and IdentityServer is not seperated. So I am publishing only .Host and .Blazor projects.
No, you only need them for published projects (.Host, .Web, .Blazor etc)
Should I create appsettings.Production.json files in my class
library/DLL projects?
Libraries are not standalone projects. They are used by other projects (By .Host project or they can be used by another library project) So, they will take these configuration settings from live application (.Host, .Web, .Blazor etc)
If no to 1 or 2, how do I build my libraries to use the production
These keys are using by IdentityServer and I think they are seeded to Database on initial migration. If you want to change them, you need to change them from appsettings.json files and change value in database also. By the way, it is encrypted and you need to change value in DB with new encrypted value. (
Is it possible to replace the client secrets wherever they may
appear? It would seem like it would be necessary but there's no help on this in the documentation. Are there any considerations toward doing this? Is a simple search and replace of all the default secrets sufficient or are there code changes necessary?
Change "localhost" values to your FQDN in all appsettings.json files. Also there should be some changes in database for IdentityServer. Because in the initial migration, it is written on DB.
[dbo].[IdentityServerClientPostLogoutRedirectUris].[PostLogoutRedirectUri] [dbo].[IdentityServerClientRedirectUris].[RedirectUri]
Is it possible to replace all references to localhost with the FQDN
of the respective site (Host/API, IdentityServer, Web, Web.Public)?
The application template would require this, correct? I am doing an
IIS deployment currently - not a Docker or Kubernetes deployment.
Do not forget to install SSL. If you are using Cloudflare disable SSL from Cloudflare (If you have also in server) Because it may conflict.
Another important thing is to remove Webdav if you are using IIS. Because Webdav occurs error for put request. (
Also, I dont know why but for the first publish of Blazor projects, it gives 403 error for .dll files in ISS. Then I follow this link ( and problem is solved.
What else am I missing?
actually configuration of development mode different from production mode so to handle this you must use appsetting.production.json
answer for first question is no, because all projects use ui project settings by dependency injection

Hosting blazor wasm core hosted app in kestrel

I am having troubles hosting the blazor wasm core hosted application.. The solution has 3 projects: Client, Shared, and Server.
when I run the command dotnet publish --configuration Release it publishes the libraries to their respective folders in solution like this:
I would assume that since the server project is referencing a client - then my steps to host the application are following:
Open WebWorkbench3\Server\bin\Release\net5.0\publish in powershell
Run command dotnet .\WebWorkbench3.Server.dll
Navigate to: https://localhost:5001/
Expected: client page opened
Actual: page is stuck at "Loading.." string. In the console we see that there was an error about _framework/blazor.webassembly.js not being loaded.
If we were to check the wwwroot folder contents in the server app we will see the following:
So this explains why the error is shown. However my question at this point - should the publishing process/configuration in project take care of copying client's wwwroot contents into the the server's app output directory? If we start a debugging session in the VisualStudio, then we use the server as the startup point, so the project should have some idea where to look up the blazor.webassembly.js file at..
So why doesn't the same process occurs during the publishing?
Note: I was able to fix the issue by manually copying the client's wwwroot directory and by placing the contents into the server's wwwroot directory... But I don't think that is is how serving is supposed to work?
EDIT: I have just tried to set-up the client blazor application in IIS. And it works. Kind of. The page is opened. But then when it tries to make a REST GET request to the server - it uses the same hostname:port combination. So if my app is hosted on mysite.local:50001 then the request to API will look like mysite.local:50001/data/loadall where data is the controller name and loadall is the action name.. So basically the client uses the same base address as the server.. The problem, is that I cannot start the server on the same port as the client! In attempt in doing so - you will see following output:
So basically I have the same question as before - how to host the wasm application that is split between client and the server? I am pretty sure that I can make it work by forcing the client to use the non-standard server port and serving the server part on that port.. However, I believe there should be a reason why current configuration (default configuration in the blazor wasm template) is configured in this way so it should be possible to run the project somehow without any additional changes at all..
Well this will be a self-answer.. Instead of publishing (dotnet publish --configuration Release) the application on solution level - do the publishing on project level..
before ..\repos\WebWorkbench3\WebWorkbench3
after ..\repos\WebWorkbench3\WebWorkbench3\Server
In 1 case the compiler does not copy the _framework folder (and possibly some other files) into the wwwroot.. Once you have published the Server correctly you can access the app by serving it with dotnet .\WebWorkbench3.Server.dll command.
Having the samie issue as explained above:
The solution file
had the same name
was in the same folder
as the server project
I moved the solution to the project root (one level up).
Now, dotnet publish within the server project produced the __framework folder + content as expected.

aspboilerplate multi-tenant configuration using {0} format

I downloaded the latest aspboilerplate. In documentation
it lists 3 tenant resolvers.
document ask to add;
Configuration.Modules.AbpWebCommon().MultiTenancy.DomainFormat = "{0}";
to get domain based tenant resolving.
I am using hosts file to simulate actual URLs. So, I feel the app config should be something like below (apart from above code change to Abp module);
"App": {
"ServerRootAddress": "",
"ClientRootAddress": "http://{0}",
"CorsOrigins": "...."
But the documentation doesn't mention anything related to that. So, I don't think the documentation is complete.
Then in IIS, I have two sites.
API site : Bindings set to
Client site : A new binding will be added such as for new tenant(s). So basically in IIS for client site there can be many bindings with different subdomains portion, but pointing to the same site.
Then I ran the api site I assume it should pick the correct urls to listen to from appsettings. But it doesn't. it shows;
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
And I am not sure where its coming from since there is no reference to that in code.
How can I get this properly configured to run on IIS with subdomain based tenant resolver?
Actual issue(s) were outside of what I have thought. In brief; is one issue which crashed the app at the very beginning. Reason is it was loading log4net config file at Startup() and because of the way core 2.2 works, in IIS inproc mode it can't find the file. this helped a lot to understand and tackle the issue.
Make sure you don't mix 32bit 64bit when hosting in IIS.

Create New Application of Yii Framework on cPanel

I uploaded Yii Framework to my cpanel and now I dont know how to create new application while I did it on my local host using CMD.
I have not any shell access on cpanel and search this question but I found no related answer for this question.
Please help me out!
You have to deploy your application in another way, eg. with FTP, git or rsync.
Upload your complete application, but make sure to exclude and/or set the correct permissions manually for certain folders eg. assets and protected/runtime.
create your app on a local pc, then upload your app to your host. It's that simple.
you can skip making app using cmd on your host!
then just point to the frameworks location in index.php
if you have other apps which are been used by your YII app make sure to install them from Cpanel install php packages.For instance if your using LDAP authentication run a php5-ldap package. If your not using any packages upload your site and your good to go.

LocalResource not available after publishing mvc4 to azure

I've a very simple application built in MVC4. This application allow the users to upload a file, and the application generates an output.
This app works great locally, but when I publish to azure (by right click -> publish), I get a less descriptive error. I've figured out that the error was because in the code, we accessed to a server relative path, and that is not possible in azure. So I've found a way to solve that in this link, that says that I should use LocalResource, rather than Server.MapPath. That make sense for me, but so far, I'm struggling with the suggested line.
LocalResource localResource = RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource("DownloadedTemplates");
I'm not able to get it working, and also can't get a proper error. BTW I'm not sure how to enable the error log in azure :(
So, after going deeper in MSDN, I've seen that I should configure the Local Storage Resources, but as I've created a local MVC4 project, I can't find where I should configure this.
I need to be able to store a temporary file in the application (hosted in azure).
Did someone faced with this problem?
Anybody knows how to enable the Local Storage Resource in a project like that?
Milton Rodríguez
Well, after struggling a while, I've ended up using Windows Azure Tools.
The steps:
Add a new project
Under Cloud category, select Windows Azure Cloud Service.Note that if you don't have this option, an option to install the needed SDK will be shown. Install it first.
Name it properly :)
New Windows Azure Cloud Service window will appear, select the role that fits your needs. In my case, I choose ASP.Net MVC4, and then removed it.Note that you can edit the name of the created role at the right.
In the Roles folder of your new project, select Add, and then Web Role Project in solution. Your project will be an option to add.
You can remove the other role in the folder, the web project created in step 4, and also the folder ending in Content (ie. WebRole1Content). Basically, you can remove the created assets, but the Azure Service, and link the service to your project.
You're almost done. Follow this link to configurate your local storage :)
Now you're done!