Vuex how to handle api error notification? - vue.js

I started working with Vuex 2 weeks ago and I realized that Vuex is very good to handle the state of the app. But, it is difficult to handle the error of API calls. When I get data from the server, I dispatch an action. When data is successfully returned, of course, everything is fine. But when an error happens, I change state, I don't know how to detect it through the state from Vuejs components to notify to the user. Could anyone give me some advice?

I typically have the following parts:
A component for displaying the notification, typically an alert or a snackbar or similar, e.g. error-notification. I use this component on a high level, directly below the root app component. This depends on your layout.
A property in vuex indicating the error state, typically an error object w/ error code & message, e.g. error
One mutation in the store for raising an error setting the error property, e.g. raiseError
One mutation in the store for dismissing an error clearing the error property, e.g. dismissError
Using these, you need to:
Display error-notification based on the error in the store: <error-notification v-if="$store.state.error :error="$store.state.error"/>
When an error occurs, call raiseError mutation (in your API callback): vm.$store.commit('raiseError', { code: 'ERR_FOO', msg: 'A foo error ocurred'})
In error-notification, call the dismissError mutation when the notification is closed.

You can also return a promise in your action so that if you call it from component you can catch the error there and display a notification as needed:
in your store:
const fetch = (context) => {
return api.fetchTodos() //api here returns a promise. You can also do new Promise(...)
.then((response) => {
context.commit('SET_TODOS', response);
in vue component:
this.$store.dispatch('todos/fetch', modifiedTodo)
.catch(error => {
//show notification


how to place server action listeners in a vuejs project?

I am trying to make a simple chat app using vuejs and socketio.
I would like to broadcast a message from one user to all the others.
I have the following code on the server side to do that:
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('send-message', message => {
console.log('message sent: ' + message)
socket.broadcast.emit('receive-message', message)
On the client side, I am listening to that action in this method:
this.socket.on('receive-message', message => {
I am having a hard time knowing where to place that method. putting in mounted() or created() will make it get called over and over again. I only want to call it when the server actually sends a message.
What is the correct way to place server action listeners in a vuejs project?
putting in mounted() or created() will make it get called over and
over again.
this.socket.on is a "socket version" of document.addEventListener (docs) so, you will set a function (callback) that will be executed when a certain event occurs (receive-message in your case). Depending on what createMessageHtmlElement actually does, you can put this.socket.on in either created() or mounted().
Assuming you have a simple app, probably the best place to do that is App.vue since the listener is going to be registered when the App.vue is registered (Vue lifecycle)

API response is not accessible in ComponentDidMount but in render I can use

Hi I am working on React Native app. I am using Redux and Saga. I call the API in componentDidMount.
async componentDidMount() {
let data = this.props.navigation.getParam("returnProductData");
if (data) {
console.log("Return Here");
console.log(this.state.returnQty,"Return quty"); //coming undefined
console.log(this.props.product, "product"); // undefined
console.log(this.props.product.item_ordered); //undefined
I have to set the state in componentDidMount for returnQty. But, state is not accessible here. It's working fine in render method. I can use all the product object. But, it is coming empty in componentDidMount. I tried using async and await but it's not working.
// Dispatch Methods
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return bindActionCreators(
{ getProductReturnAction, submitProductReturnAction },
// Props
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
product: state.myOrdersReducer.returnProduct
I can't be able to find out the bug please help to find out the best solution.
When you are making API calls through redux/saga, you can not use async await, as the frameworks will just dispatch an action and return back, the listeners which are registered for the action will be triggered and then after they complete their work they will dispatch a new action and respect reducer will handle the response.
Explained above is general scenario.
In your scenario,
You are dispatching the action returned by getProductReturnAction which will give say GET_PRODUCTS action.
A saga would be registered for GET_PRODUCTS, say getProducts, this get invoked.
This will perform the API call once the response is received it will dispatch GET_PRODUCTS_SUCCESS along with the products data.
Corresponding reducer which handles GET_PRODUCTS_SUCCESS will get called and that updates returnProduct and as you are registered for that in your component the render method gets called (as the props are changed) and hence product data is available in your render method.
This is working perfectly correct. I don't see anything wrong here.
As the data is available in props use the same u do not need to do a setState again on that.

how to handle axios onError in nuxtjs plugin and show appropriate error message to user

I have a nuxt single page application. The api that I work with has a list of codes for various errors. So, in onError interceptor, the error has to be checked in a dictionary or in a more desired way in a json file. For this, I added a error-handler.js plugin in my nuxt project. But, I don't know how to read from json file.
1) Loading of the json file would occur every time an error thrown?
2) What is the best practice to show the error message to the user? Is this plugin only responsible to create the error-message and in the page try-catch is needed to toast that message?
export default function ({ $axios, store, app, redirect }) {
$axios.onError(error => {
if (error.config.hasOwnProperty('errorHandle') && error.config.errorHandle === false) {
return Promise.reject(error);
if (error.message === 'Network Error') {
error.message = 'check the Internet connection';
const code = parseInt(error.response && error.response.status)
if (error.response)
console.log('error.response', error.response.status, error.response)
if ( {
let errMessage = '' => {
switch (item.Message.MessageText) {
case 'OrganizationNotFound':
errMessage = 'the organization that you are looking for does not exists'
In Nuxt, plugin code is loaded once or twice per user visit, after that in universal mode it is not executed (of course your onError handler will be). It's once if you make it a client/server-side only plugin, or twice if you need it both on client and server. In your case client-side only plugin sounds like a good choice - just make sure that loading of JSON goes outside of the onError function.
As for how to show it, it depends on your design. We are using Vuetify and have v-snackbar in default layout so it's on every page. Snackbar is bound to VueX value. Then your error plugin can populate that value as appropriate as it will have access to store. This keeps the "raising the error" (dispatch to store) and "showing the error" reasonably decoupled, whilst very reusable (components can also dispatch to store if they face a problem).

How to handle navigation when removing the current page's Vuex record?

I have a ClientManagePage where I display client information and allow for the removal of the displayed client.
The vue-router route configuration for that page looks like this:
path: '/client/:id/manage',
name: 'client',
component: ClientManagePage,
props: ({ params }) => ({ id: }),
The client entities are stored in a vuex store. ClientManagePage gets its client entity from the store using the id prop and displays various properties of the client and a "remove" button.
The remove button listener is (inside a mapActions):
async removeClientClicked(dispatch) {
// Wait for the action to complete before navigating to the client list
// because otherwise the ClientListPage might fetch the client list before
// this client is actually deleted on the backend and display it again.
await dispatch('removeClientAction',;
this.$router.push({ name: 'clientList' });
The vuex action that removes a client is:
async function removeClientAction({ commit }, id) {
// Remove the client from the store first (optimistic removal)
commit('removeClient', id);
// Actually remove the client on the backend
await api.remove('clients', id);
// Moving "commit('removeClient', id);" here still produces the warning mentioned below
My problem is how to handle navigating to the other route when removing a client. The current code produces warnings in development mode such as:
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined"
found in
---> <ClientManagePage> at src/pages/ClientManagePage.vue
This is of course caused by the reactivity system kicking in and trying to update the content of the page with the now-deleted vuex client entity. This happens before the removeClientAction is completed therefore the navigation to the ClientList page.
I've come up with some possible solutions to this, but they are not very appealing:
Have a v-if="client" at the top of the ClientManagePage that hides everything while the client does not exist in the store.
Use the computed property client in ClientManagePage to return a default "dummy" client that contains the required properties for the page. The page will still flash with "fake" content while the action is underway though.
Navigate to "clientList" right after (or even before) dispatching removeClientAction. This causes the clientList to display the removed client briefly while the action completes which is not good.
Are there other solutions to this seemingly common problem of navigating away when deleting the underlying vuex entity displayed on the current page?
I ended up doing a big v-if at the top of the ClientManagePage that hides everything while the client does not exist in the store. It's not pretty, but it works. An improvement could be to display a "please wait, operation in progress" in v-else.
One option is to externalize the deletion of the record. There are a number of ways to do that, but the simplest for me was to create a new route, /records/delete/:id, and place a route guard on that route that triggers the removal. Then redirect to the records list where you wanted to go in the first place. Something along the lines of:
import store from "wherever/your/store/is";
const routes = [{
path: "/records/delete/:id",
name: "deleteRecord",
props: true,
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
store.dispatch("DELETE_RECORD", => console.log("record deleted!"));
next({name: "some/path/you/wanted/to/go/to"});
}, ...];

Mutating a state from one module to another Vuex

I'm pretty new to Vuex and am having difficulty understanding how to handle a state change from one module to another. Currently, I have a module called transactions which does an Ajax request and if successful it should close the Modal that is open. I have my modal state set in a separate module called General. I originally tried to set the General State of modal but committing my general mutation closeModal. I realized this won't work and as it sounds like Mutations aren't supposed to do this sort of heavy lifting. I've searched for another method to handle this sort of work and have been lead to Actions but I'm not clear on how to implement it or if it is even supposed to do this kind of work. Would someone please let me know if an Action is the correct method for this problem or if there is another way I should be addressing things.
I have a module called transactions that is running an ajax request and should close a modal if successful. For the sake of this issue, I've simplified my module.
const Transactions = {
state: {
mutations: {
And I also have a second module called general which I want to use for general state management and error handling. I'm attempting to call a mutation from transactions into this general module.
const General = {
state: {
modalState: null,
mutations: {
CLOSE_MODAL: function(state) {
state.modalState = null
You should not make a commit inside a mutation. Mutations are only to change the state.
You could do this in two ways:
1.- Using Vue's Watch spying transaction state. Then, if the transaction is correctly done, you dispatch an action to close the Modal.
2.- You can dispatch an action to close the modal inside the action that launches the ajax call (after the success).
apiCall({ dispatch, commit }) {
.then((response) => {
commit('TRANSACTION_SUCCESS', response);
.catch((error) => commit('TRANSACTION_ERROR', error));
These methods below are done with thinking of the modal as it should use vuex too but, if you want to simplify you can just:
3.- Pass the status of the transaction that comes from vuex directly to the modal by prop and handle the modal with it.