BigQuery - Max Partiton Date for a Custom Partitioned Table - google-bigquery

Is there a metadata operation that can give me the max partitioned date/timestamp in use (for custom partitioned table not Ingest partitioning), such that I do not need to scan a whole table using MAX function? Or some other clever SQL way? Our source table is very large, and it gets a fresh snapshot of data most days - but then that data is generally for current_date()-1...but all in all I cant rely on much except for a query to tell me the max partition in use that doesnt cost the earth for a large table? thought?
SELECT MAX(custom_partition_field) FROM Y

SELECT MAX(partition_id)
FROM [project:dataset.your_table$__PARTITIONS_SUMMARY__]
It is documented at Listing partitions in partitioned tables


Optimize SELECT MAX(timestamp) query

I would like to run this query about once every 5 minutes to be able to run an incremental query to MERGE to another table.
SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM dataset.myTable
-- timestamp is of type TIMESTAMP
My concern is that will do a full scan of myTable on a regular basis.
What are the best practices for optimizing this query? Will partitioning help even if the SELECT MAX doesn't extract the date from the query? Or is it just the columnar nature of BigQuery will make this optimal?
Thank you.
What you can do is, instead of querying your table directly, query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS table within your dataset. Doc here.
You can for instance go for:
The PARTITIONS table hold metadata at the rate of one record for each of your partitions. It is therefore greatly smaller than your table and it's an easy way to cut your query costs. (it is also much faster to query).

BigQuery: cost of querying tables partitioned by ingestion time vs date/timestamp partitioned

We are trying to build (or better say rebuild) our DWH in the cloud based on BigQuery. We decided to use 'partitioned by date field' tables (like a 'created_date' field) for our raw data instead of ingestion time partitions because with this feature we can load data easely and then query it with "group by" partition date column, build datamarts bla bla bla. We supposed that this partition method will increase queries speed and reduce it cost (versus non-partitioned tables - yes), BUT we've discovered than when you querying table with WHERE by partition field (like 'select count(*) from table where created_date=current_date'), it will cost money.
Our old-style ingestion time partitioned table queries with WHERE _PARTITIONTIME ='' were FREE! (like 'select count(*) from table where _PARTITIONTIME=current_date')
For example:
1) select value1 from table1 where _PARTITIONTIME = current_date
2) select value1 from table1 where created_date = current_date
3) select count(*) from table1 where _PARTITIONTIME = current_date
The second query costs more, because it will scan 2 columns. Its logical. But not fair((( The 3rd query is absolutely free btw!
This is very sad situation, because there is NO ANY WARNING about this 'side effect' in the documentation. This feature designed to make DB developers life easier (i guess), and it positioned as best practice feature and highly recommended by Google. But nobody said that it will cost you additional money also!
So the question is can we somehow query date-field partitioned tables using partition key for free? Is there any other pseudocolumn or method of filtering by partition key available if you use date/timestamp field based partitioning?
(ps: you guys from google must add some pseudocolumn for the date/timestamp partition method if it does not exist).
So the question is can we somehow query date-field partitioned tables
using partition key for free?
The answer is No, querying the partition will not be free.
Is there any other pseudocolumn or method of filtering by partition
key available if you use date/timestamp field based partitioning?
If you want partitioning by date, this can only be achieved using ingestion-time partitioning with the _PARTITIONTIME pseudocolumn or using dates value in a selected date/timestamp value columns. Currently there is no alternative option available. Keep in mind that one of the main goals of partitioning is reducing the amount of data being scanned mainly by reducing the number of rows that are scanned.
You guys from google must add some pseudocolumn for the date/timestamp partition method if it does not exist
I understand that you would like to have some pseudocolumn for the data column partitioned method, but could you please elaborate a bit more what values you would like to see in this partition in your original post?
Edit: A feature request has been opened on your behalf. You can follow it here

BigQuery - What is the difference between Wildcard and partitionned tables [duplicate]

I try to understand if there is a difference in big query (in the cost or possibility of requesting for example) between :
Create one table per day (like my_table_2018_02_06)
Create a time partitioned table (my-table with time partition by day).
Thanks !
Short explanation: querying multiple tables using Wildcard Tables was the proposed alternative for when BigQuery did not have a partition mechanism available. The natural evolution was to include the feature of Partitioned Table, and currently there is an alpha release consisting in column-based time partitioning, i.e. letting the user define which column (having a DATE or TIMESTAMP data type) will be used for the partitioning.
So currently BigQuery engineers are working in adding more new features to table partitioning, instead of the legacy Wildcard Tables methodology, then I'd suggest that you work with them.
Long explanation: you are comparing two approaches that in fact are used with the same purpose, but which have different implications:
Wildcard Tables: some time ago, when table partitioning was not a feature supported by Big Query, Wildcard Tables was the way to query multiple tables using concise SQL queries. A Wildcard Table represents the union of all the tables that match the wildcard expression specified in the SQL statement. However, Wildcard Tables have some limitations, such as:
Do not support views.
Do not support cached results (queries containing wildcard tables are billed every time they are run, even if the "cached results" option is checked).
Only work with native BigQuery storage (cannot work with external tables [Bigtable, Storage or Drive]).
Only available in standard SQL.
Partitioned Tables: these are unique tables that are divided into segments, split by date. There is a lot of documentation regarding how to work with Partitioned Tables, and regarding the pricing, each partition in a Partitioned Table is considered an independent entity, so if a partition was not updated for the last 90 days, this data will be considered long-term and therefore will be billed with the appropriate discount (as would happen with a normal table). Finally, Partitioned Tables are here to stay, so there are more incoming features to them, such as column-based partitioning, which is currently in alpha, and you can follow its status in this Public Issue Tracker post. On the other hand, there are also some current limitations to be considered:
Maximum of 2500 partitions per Partitioned Table.
Maximum of 2000 partition updates per table per day.
Maximum of 50 partition updates every 10 seconds.
So in general, it would be advisable to work with Partitioned Tables over multiple tables using Wildcard Tables. However, you should always consider your use case and see which one of the possibilities meets your requirements better.
One thing to add to your decision criteria here is caching and usage of legacy vs standard SQL.
Since the syntax in standard SQL for selecting multiple tables uses a wild card there is no way for the query result to be cached.
Interestingly, the query result would have been cached if legacy SQL was used. Just converting the query to standard SQL would disable caching.
This may be important to consider, at least in some cases more than others.
Thank you,
Not exactly a time partition, but one can benefit from both worlds - wildcard "partitions" and real partitions to slice the data even further. Below is an example where we first use the data suffix to select only table holding data from that particular date, then we use actual partitioning within the table to limit the amount of data scanned even further.
Create first partitioned table with data suffix
CREATE TABLE `test_2021-01-05` (x INT64, y INT64)
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,1);
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,2);
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,3);
Create second partitioned table with data suffix
CREATE TABLE `test_2021-01-04` (x INT64, y INT64)
insert `test_2021-01-04` (x,y) values (4,1);
insert `test_2021-01-04` (x,y) values (4,2);
Select all the data from both tables using wildcard notation, 80B of data is the whole test set
select * from `test_*`
-- 80B, all the data
Just select data from one table, which is like partitioning on date
select * from `test_*`
where _TABLE_SUFFIX = "2021-01-05"
-- 48B
Select data both from one table(where I am interested in one date) and only from one partition
select * from `test_*`
where _TABLE_SUFFIX = "2021-01-05"
and y = 1
-- 16B, that was the goal
Select data just from one partition from all the tables
select * from `test_*`
where y = 1
-- 32B, only one partition from both tables
The ultimate goal was to limit the data scanned when reading, thus reducing the cost and increasing performance.

Wilcard on day table vs time partition

I try to understand if there is a difference in big query (in the cost or possibility of requesting for example) between :
Create one table per day (like my_table_2018_02_06)
Create a time partitioned table (my-table with time partition by day).
Thanks !
Short explanation: querying multiple tables using Wildcard Tables was the proposed alternative for when BigQuery did not have a partition mechanism available. The natural evolution was to include the feature of Partitioned Table, and currently there is an alpha release consisting in column-based time partitioning, i.e. letting the user define which column (having a DATE or TIMESTAMP data type) will be used for the partitioning.
So currently BigQuery engineers are working in adding more new features to table partitioning, instead of the legacy Wildcard Tables methodology, then I'd suggest that you work with them.
Long explanation: you are comparing two approaches that in fact are used with the same purpose, but which have different implications:
Wildcard Tables: some time ago, when table partitioning was not a feature supported by Big Query, Wildcard Tables was the way to query multiple tables using concise SQL queries. A Wildcard Table represents the union of all the tables that match the wildcard expression specified in the SQL statement. However, Wildcard Tables have some limitations, such as:
Do not support views.
Do not support cached results (queries containing wildcard tables are billed every time they are run, even if the "cached results" option is checked).
Only work with native BigQuery storage (cannot work with external tables [Bigtable, Storage or Drive]).
Only available in standard SQL.
Partitioned Tables: these are unique tables that are divided into segments, split by date. There is a lot of documentation regarding how to work with Partitioned Tables, and regarding the pricing, each partition in a Partitioned Table is considered an independent entity, so if a partition was not updated for the last 90 days, this data will be considered long-term and therefore will be billed with the appropriate discount (as would happen with a normal table). Finally, Partitioned Tables are here to stay, so there are more incoming features to them, such as column-based partitioning, which is currently in alpha, and you can follow its status in this Public Issue Tracker post. On the other hand, there are also some current limitations to be considered:
Maximum of 2500 partitions per Partitioned Table.
Maximum of 2000 partition updates per table per day.
Maximum of 50 partition updates every 10 seconds.
So in general, it would be advisable to work with Partitioned Tables over multiple tables using Wildcard Tables. However, you should always consider your use case and see which one of the possibilities meets your requirements better.
One thing to add to your decision criteria here is caching and usage of legacy vs standard SQL.
Since the syntax in standard SQL for selecting multiple tables uses a wild card there is no way for the query result to be cached.
Interestingly, the query result would have been cached if legacy SQL was used. Just converting the query to standard SQL would disable caching.
This may be important to consider, at least in some cases more than others.
Thank you,
Not exactly a time partition, but one can benefit from both worlds - wildcard "partitions" and real partitions to slice the data even further. Below is an example where we first use the data suffix to select only table holding data from that particular date, then we use actual partitioning within the table to limit the amount of data scanned even further.
Create first partitioned table with data suffix
CREATE TABLE `test_2021-01-05` (x INT64, y INT64)
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,1);
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,2);
insert `test_2021-01-05` (x,y) values (5,3);
Create second partitioned table with data suffix
CREATE TABLE `test_2021-01-04` (x INT64, y INT64)
insert `test_2021-01-04` (x,y) values (4,1);
insert `test_2021-01-04` (x,y) values (4,2);
Select all the data from both tables using wildcard notation, 80B of data is the whole test set
select * from `test_*`
-- 80B, all the data
Just select data from one table, which is like partitioning on date
select * from `test_*`
where _TABLE_SUFFIX = "2021-01-05"
-- 48B
Select data both from one table(where I am interested in one date) and only from one partition
select * from `test_*`
where _TABLE_SUFFIX = "2021-01-05"
and y = 1
-- 16B, that was the goal
Select data just from one partition from all the tables
select * from `test_*`
where y = 1
-- 32B, only one partition from both tables
The ultimate goal was to limit the data scanned when reading, thus reducing the cost and increasing performance.

How to efficiently get the partitions of a BigQuery table

Is there a way of getting a list of the partitions in a BigQuery date-partitioned table? Right now the best way I have found of do this is using the _PARTITIONTIME meta-column, but this needs to scan all the rows in all the partitions. Is there an equivalent to a show partitions call or maybe something in the bq command-line tool?
To list partitions in a table, query the table's summary partition by using the partition decorator separator ($) followed by PARTITIONS_SUMMARY. For example, the following command retrieves the partition IDs for table1:
SELECT partition_id from [mydataset.table1$__PARTITIONS_SUMMARY__];