I've got a little problem with vuejs.
My state is basically something like this.
state: ()=>({
activeSide : "from",
I want a component to be focused or blurred based on whether activeSide has the value activeSide set to "from" or not
my idea at the moment, doesn't seem to be very elegant, I basically created a computed property in my component,
console.log("changed active side")
and then I set up a watch to see if that property changes.
focusSide : function(newV,_){
console.log("changing focus")
newV=="from" ? this.$refs.fromArea.$el.focus() : this.$refs.fromArea.blur()
the problems here is that apart from the fact that the solution doesn't look elegant the watch doesn't work either, I've seen that focusSide is changing its value correctly (or at least the body of the method is executed), but the watcher is not executed, I have the feeling that since focusSide state is never used in my template, vuejs thinks that it's not necessary to react and change values, something like reactive frameworks where if the value is not observated then don't change (maybe I'm wrong)
what would be the ideal way for achieve this???
thank you
You need return value of computed properties focusSide, otherwise it will always return undefined
focusSide () {
console.log("changed active side")
return this.$store.state.activeSide
I'm trying to create a simple component whose focus is to display an element in an array, but I'm having issues with Vue's philosophy.
As you may know, if a mutation on a prop is triggered, Vue goes crazy because it doesn't want you to update the value of a prop. You should probably use a store, or emit an event.
The issue is: that since I'm adding functionalities to my codebase (for instance the possibility to start again when I reach the last element of the array), it would be wrong to have an upper component be responsible for this management, as it would be wrong to ask an upper component to change their variable, given that my component is supposed to manage the array, so an emit would be a bad solution.
In the same way, given that I'm making a generic component that can be used multiple times on a page, it would be incorrect to bind it to a store.
EDIT: the reason why the prop needs to be updated is that the component is basically acting as a <select>
Am I missing an obvious way to set this up?
To give an example of my end goal, I'm aiming for a component looking like the one in the picture below, and I think a 2 way bind like in v-model would be more appropriate than having to set an #change just to say to update the value of the passed prop.
If you have a prop the correct way to update the value is with a sync, as in the following example
<my-component :title.sync="myTitle"></my-component>
this.$emit("update:title", this.newValue)
Here is a very good article talking about the sync method.
By the other hand you can alter a Vuex state variable by calling a Vuex mutation when you change the value:
computed: {
title: {
// getter
get() {
return this.$store.state.title
// setter
set(newValue) {
this.setTitle(newValue) // Requires mutation import, see the methods section.
// Or without import:
this.$store.commit('setTitle', newValue);
methods: {
...mapMutations("global", ["setTitle"]) // It is important to import the mutation called in the computed section
In this StackOverflow question they talk about changing state from computed hook in Vue. I hope it works for you.
I'm trying to recreate the doughnut to pie change in behavior as seen here:
I'm using VueJS version of Chart JS and after recreating this it seems to not be reactive at all.
Here is the method that I use to change the chart to the other one:
togglePieDoughnut() {
this.options.cutoutPercentage = 50;
As you can see it does not work as intended, even tough I used reactiveprop mixin.
EDIT: To be precise I want to recreate the chart update behaviour as seen in the example on chartjs.org website. I do not want to rerender the chart, rather update it so the transition remains smooth.
Seems like the issue is the template isn't reacting to the data changes. Best way to force template re-render is to bind a key, for our example, we are changing this value, the template will update when its changed:
Codepen example:
What if we add a watch to the options variable and rerender the chart when it happens?
watch: {
options: function() {
this.renderChart(this.donut, this.options);
When you look at the code of Piechart.vue, it seems that it only render one time on mounted. Thats why when changing the options, it not gonna reflected in the chart because there is no function to rerender.
The only way is you have to remove the old pie chart and create a new one when options changed. There's a lot of way to do the force re-render, but still the cleanest way is as procoib said, attach a key to it.
When using object as props and update one property in it, the reactivity system will not trigger the change, because the object is the same and only one property updated. Thus, the child component will not get the updated value.
What can you do is to recreated the object with the updated property. See below code:
this.options = Object.assign({}, this.options, { cutoutPercentage: 50 });
And in the child component, use watcher re-render the chart
watch: {
options(newVal) {
I'm trying to use v-radio-group in conjunction with computed values from Vuex as described similarly here.
Example codepen of the issue I'm facing is here
Whenever a radio button is clicked, a Vuex mutation is called to save the selected value in the state.
However it can be the case that some validation fails inside the mutation and that therefore the value is not changed in the state as expected.
Regardless of what value ends up in the Vuex state, the radio buttons do not truly reflect the current state.
E.g. in the codepen snippet I'd expect the second option (Option 1) never to show as chosen, as the corresponding state is always 0.
As far as I can see this behavior is not only happening when using v-radio-groups.
It happens with all Vuetify components using v-model and computed getters/setters.
So e.g. Vuetifys v-text-input/v-text-field and v-select also show the same behavior.
To sum it up, my questions are the following:
Why is the second option in my codepen example getting selected even as the corresponding state is different?
How can I achieve the expected result (Having Option 1 never shown as selected, even when it is clicked)?
As far as I know Vuetify keeps its own state in their components like v-radio-group.
To change it you need to send updated props. Then it will react and update its own state.
The trouble is that you are performing validation in a mutation. Which is a bad practice in my opinion.
I will show you how to "block" changing state and update v-radio-group so its own state corresponds to what is actually in your $store.state.radioState.
And I will spend some more time to figure out how to performe it in on mutation ;-)
This is not a perfect solution >> my codepen
Your mutation just updates the state.
// store.js
mutations: {
setRadioState (state, data) {
state.radioState = data;
Your set method do the validation.
// component
computed: {
chosenOption: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.radioState;
set (value) {
if (value !== 1) {
this.$store.commit('setRadioState', value)
} else {
const oldValue = this.$store.state.radioState
this.$store.commit('setRadioState', value)
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$store.commit('setRadioState', oldValue)
What happens in the set when it fails validation? You save current state to oldValue, you update state so it corresponds to v-radio-group component. And in the $nextTick you change it right back to oldValue. That way v-radio-group gets updated props and change its state to yours.
How to make multilevel array reactive?
I have something like this.
whereas Scene and Content have their own components. I was able to update the data in Vuex however, the changes are not reflecting in the UI. I already tried using
Vue.set(state.scenes[state.sceneIndex].contents, payload.contentIndex, payload.value)
but didn't work.
Will really appreciate your help.
I found the answer.
It was the ...MapState that causes this issue.
I just created another computed that returns the value from mapState.
computed: {
...mapState('SomeModule', ['SomeState']),
someName() {
return this.someState
I am using an opensource vuejs + vuex project and this is the source https://github.com/misterGF/CoPilot/tree/master/src/components
I am currently having problems knowing how to trigger an event from one components to another.
I can use this.$state.store.commit("foo", "bar") to store information in vuex, but when two seperate have two difference export default {} I don't know how I can make the app aware whenever "foo" is for exampled changed to "baz" ... unless I refresh/reload the app, there is no way for me to know the changes
Use this.$store.watch on your component. Created() is a good place to put it. You pass it the state to watch and then specify the callback for when it changes. The Vuex docs do not give good examples. Find more information on this Vuejs Forum page. Store watch functions the same as the vm.$watch, so you can read more about that here in the Vue docs.
return this.$store.state.VALUE_TO_WATCH // could also put a Getter here
(newValue, oldValue)=>{
//something changed do something
//Optional Deep if you need it
Your question is not entirely clear so I am going to make some assumptions here.
If you simply want your app to know when a store value has changed you can use a watcher to watch a computed property that is directly linked to a store getter:
So you would set a watcher on something like this:
computed: {
doneTodosCount () {
return this.$store.getters.doneTodosCount
doneTodosCount(value) {
console.log(`My store value for 'doneTodosCount' changed to ${value}`);
If you want your commit to behave differently depending on what the current value of your foo property is set to, then you can simply check for this in your commit function.
Let me know if you have some more questions.