I have downloaded prebid js script file from prebid website and made request using that file. while deliver the ad It shows following error.
prebid shows error message :Trying to make a request for bidder that does not exist: rubicon
How to solve this error?
Make sure that you selected Rubicon as a bid adapter when you download prebid.js.
Alternatively if you are building from source, make sure you pass in the paramater.
gulp build --modules=rubiconBidAdapter
I have a problem with v2ray config file and api request
I wand to send a request to x-ui that iinstalled on my vps to create a user and get data usege of users from another server
I found a python module on github but it rise a connectio error
Can any body help me to how set this?
What is wrong in this config file?
I have some png files stored in Azure file Storage, and I'm retrieving and displaying it from my MVC web project to the browser. But sometimes I get the below error message from browser console.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400
(Condition headers are not supported.)
If I refresh the page again, the error message disappears automatically. But it doesn't solve my problem as I run my MVC project again, the same error comes back. How to solve it?
It's acutally a common issue on Azure Storage, which be listed in the offical reference Common REST API Error Codes as the figure below.
It means that Get File REST API does not support those request headers which not be listed in the Request Headers.
There is a similar SO thread Azure File Storage Error: Condition Headers Are Not Supported, which got the same issue with yours. It seems to show up different behavior in different browses when you get a file from Azure File Storage.
I could not reproduce this issus by a file url with SAS token, but I really recommend that you need to store these static files like images on Azure Blob Storage, as I known and as Azure best practice, to show an image by its url with sas token or a public container.
I'm trying to get task info via Active Collab REST API and have a problem.
I got token by login and password and successfully made a request on next URL's:
GET on https://app.activecollab.com/ACCOUNT_ID/api/v1/projects
GET on https://app.activecollab.com/ACCOUNT_ID/api/v1/projects/1
But I receive 404 on:
GET on https://app.activecollab.com/ACCOUNT_ID/api/v1/projects/1/time-records
I found this endpoint in the documentation
Could you please explain to me what am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much
Time tracking is not enabled by default per project. You can make sure that you enable it when you create a project (or update project's settings), or check whether it is enabled in your code.
To check if it is enabled, you can probe for 404 on /projects/:project_id/time-records API end point, or you can check for is_tracking_enabled property in response that you get from /projects/:project_id API response.
Follow previous link to do create loopback project named ibmsvt and do test locally, we can post and get.
then publish this api as running api app on bluemix and we will get api target url and tls file.
type url and tls in api designer invoke, and publish api product again.
check api connect service and we can find that published api product has been published, configure developer portal, and invite developers
login developer portal and register one app
subscribe app to api product and run post command.
We will see that we only get can't post error information...
Please see attachment info for error info and api file.
From the screen capture provided, it looks like you're displaying the logs for the loopback application deployed on bluemix. It also looks like the POST request from APIConnect hit the Bluemix application as well. However, I'm unable to see the exact message of the error. What error did you get when you execute the POST from APIConnect? I suspect the POST did not include the $(request.path), what did you change the invoke url to be ? Can provide the x-ibm-configuration section in your yaml file? It will be located in your /definitions.
Thanks and best regards,
I am just have the exact problem, and struggled for days on redoing the tutorial several times, but still met with the same problem until found the upper reply, and gave me a hint.
In the tutorial, it says like the following:
Update the following fields with the values you copied previously:
Invoke URL: Insert the API target URL. You must specify the secure protocol HTTPS. For example:
TLS Profile: Insert the API invoke tls-profile.
For example:
The origininal URL is $(runtime-url)$(request.path)$(request.search).
And the correct URL after updating is like following:
no slash before $(request.path), and $(request.search) should be deleted.
I also checked a tutorial video, it also do like this, but the screen for this step is passed away very quickly, you will not pay attention to this detail normally.
I tried to use the Sylius API by using this guide.
Authorization seems okay because no 'bad request' errors occur.
If I try to fetch, for example, a list of all taxonomies, I'm getting a Sylius\Api\InvalidResponseFormatException because the API returns me the contents of the hwi_oauth_security (/connect) route. It's the one with the amazon/facebook/google login links.
I tried with the HttpFul library, and with Lakions client. Both same response. This is on Sylius 0.14. I tried this on a fresh install too, also same response.
Am I missing something here? I am trying to login with the admin user that was generated during install.