AWS Pinpoint : Active targetable endpoints is Nul - react-native

I integrated AWS Amplify into my project react native. I use facebook Account Kit for connecting users. I'm having problems with aws pinpoint.
The analytics module works very well
the push notification module does not work very well:
the golds of tests to know to send a push notification according to the token FCM, I receive very well the message push notification.
In the dashboard impossible, you can not create segments or campaigns because "Active targetable endpoints is 0". What should I
do please? I need your help.
aws-amplify: 1.1.7
aws-amplify-react-native: 2.0.7
# aws-amplify / pushnotification: 1.0.16

the endpoint should be automatically updated with the FCM token by Amplify when you opened the app. You can verify it by looking into the debug info.


Configure expo notifications for push notifications

I have 2 apps and I implemented expo push notification and everything was fine, but in the other one it asked me for the experienceid as a prop to Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync({
experienceId: "#name/slug,
and when trying to send a notification it gives me this error: InvalidCredentials: Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient's app. Make sure you have provided a server key as directed by the Expo FCM documentation.
I dont want to use FCM, i want to use expo push api.
Can you help me?
The Expo Push API uses FCM for Android, and while it's not necessary to configure it for Expo Go (this is done already for the Expo Go app), when you deploy your standalone app you will need to have it configured for FCM. More information here:

FCM: Mismatched Sender Id when trying to send notification to Expo app

I have a backend that send fcm to web app and expo apps. Double checked all the credentials. But still unable to get it work. Both of the credentials are under same project. Backend is using firebase admin, with service account. Front end is using google-services.json. Anyone encountered this?
Found out that the device token from expo-notification can only be used on standalone build. But not in expo-client during development.
This is the copy paste comment by expo team.
Hi! If you want to send notifications directly through FCM, and not
through the Expo notifications service, you’ll have to test in a
standalone app (as in, an app you built with expo build:android). This
is because you don’t have the push credentials for the Expo client
app, only we do :slight_smile:
If you want to test in the Expo client app, then you can do that with
Expo’s notifications, which you can read more about here-

React Native Push Notifications doesn't receive notification

I have a React Native app (testing on iOS) and am trying to incorporate Push notifications. I am using the following module:
I tried running example app code and am able to obtain
a (1) message token and (2) successfully obtain permissions from my device.
I am trying to send a test notification from Firebase and am using my device's token. However, nothing happens upon triggering a test notification. Any tips? I believe I followed the key upload instructions correctly (
I hope you have uploaded pem/p8 file on firebase console at "Cloud Messaging" in Project settings. Check this image
I figured it out! Although I thought I had done this in the past, I did not have Remote notification enabled in background modes, nor did I have Push notifications checked in the Signing & Capabilities section of project setting on Xcode. Thank you!

PushSharp - GCM Authorization Failed

Using v4.0.10 of Pushsharp (nuget package), I am getting error GCM Authorization Failed when sending push notifications to Android devices.
Seems the bug raised in issue 574 ( ) has been compiled into the nuget package, yet I'm still getting this error.
Could this be related to the introduction of Firebase Cloud Messaging?
Does anyone still have success using GCM?
As of right now, GCM is still usable. However, it is highly encouraged for new users to use FCM instead. Either way, for both GCM and FCM, you must use a Server Key generated from the Firebase Console. There is a visible note in the GCM docs saying:
Starting from Sept. 2016 new server key can only be created in the Firebase Console using the Cloud Messaging tab of the Settings panel. Existing projects that need to create a new server key can be imported in the Firebase console without affecting their existing configuration.
The Authorization error has been encountered by number of users, some also had an old project. See my answer here for more details.
The sender id used in the app code needs to match the sender id Firebase Cloud Message Console and its corresponding "Firebase Cloud Messaging token".
Thank you #AL for your help.

Firebase Cloud Messaging with serverside API push for obj-c

currently I working to implement Firebase Push Notification in my apps.
I found this:
[background] Using Firebase Console my apps can get the notification from system tray with remote notification
[foreground] Using Firebase Console my apps can get the notification from log, but i can make it into notification center with local notification
[foreground] Using Our Dashboard which managed by PHP serverside, I can get notification from log, but i can make it into notification center with local notification
The problem is, how can i get the notification (log is fine) if my apps in background with Our Dashboard which managed by PHP serverside?
I found that there is different between json I got from Firebase Console and our managed serverside dashboard, is that a problem that my apps cant handle? and how i can handle it? can I get the sample of the code to solve this problem?
This is the different between json i got from firebase console and our managed serverside dashboard
firebase console
our managed serverside dashboard
What you want to do is possible by using the normal FCM api.
Please review the differences between Display-Message and Data-Message here:
and see all the parameters in the reference page: