Should Constructor Parameter Names be Abbreviations of Instance Variables? - oop

For example, with this class,
class Dog {
String name;
int colour;
would it better to have a constructor with parameters that have the same name as the instance variables they represent, like this:
public Dog(String name, int colour) { = name;
this.colour = colour;
Or is it better to abbreviate the names of the parameters, like this:
public Dog(String n, int col) {
name = n;
colour = col;

It’s better to use the full field name for parameters, because it’s clearer.
Even though it take’s slightly more code (adding this.), clarity wins.
Also, it avoids the problem of naming convention when two fields share the same first letter.


Is this an anti-pattern/code smell? - Using enum/class of consts to access class properties with [] instead of using dot property

class FruitFields {
static const NAME = "name";
static const DESCRIPTION = "descriptionText";
class Fruit {
final string name;
final string descriptionText;
Fruit(required string id, required string descriptionText);
Then when I want to do something with a Fruit use the [] instead of . notation.
var banana = new Fruit('banana', 'a yellow fruit')
banana[FruitFields.DESCRIPTION] = 'a very yellow fruit'
// instead of
banana.descriptionText = 'a very yellow fruit'
Why? So I can refactor without having to think. If I want to change DESCRIPTION to SUMMARY it's easier to do a find and replace on FruitFields.DESCRIPTION verse apple.descriptionText, banana.descriptionText... where some non fruit object like car.descriptiontText could have a similarly named property I would have to watch out for.
I can't tell if this dumb or not.
The compiler can't help you to spot a typo in the value if you use strings. Using enums however, the compiler only let you use valid values. You also get an performance benefit. An enum value is just a number and it's faster to work with numbers than with strings.

How to figure out which methods IDynamicMemberReferenceOperation refers to?

I have the following function in my OperationWalker:
public override void VisitDynamicInvocation(IDynamicInvocationOperation operation)
var memberReferenceOp = (IDynamicMemberReferenceOperation)operation.Operation;
switch (memberReferenceOp.Instance.Type)
case INamedTypeSymbol type:
var memberName = memberReferenceOp.MemberName;
var members = type.GetMembers(memberName);
if (members.Length > 1)
case IDynamicTypeSymbol dynamicType:
Unresolved.Add((operation.Syntax, memberReferenceOp.MemberName));
I am clueless when a method on a normal type (non dynamic) is called with a dynamic parameter and there is a choice of target methods with the same name. E.g.:
class A
public void Get(int i){}
public void Get(string s){}
public void Get(object o){}
public void Get(double s, int precision){}
dynamic x = ...;
A a;
In this case any of the first 3 A.Get methods may be called, depending on the actual type of x. But not the fourth method.
Is there a way in Roslyn to get this information? Specifically in this example, I would like to get the symbols for first 3 Get methods.
The logic is non trivial, because one needs to take into account:
Default parameters, so just counting the arguments may not be enough
Type conversions
Visibility Scope
Number of arguments
Parameters may be passed using the named syntax in arbitrary order
Combining it all together we get non trivial logic. Is there anything in the SemanticModel or anywhere else to help get the answer?
I figured it out and it is straightforward - SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo. When there is exact match its Symbol property returns it. When there are multiple candidates, as may be the case when one of the passed arguments is dynamic, then the property CandidateSymbols holds all the options.
I have not tested it with extension methods, so it is possible there is a gap there.

Can I use hashCode function of a class to verify if both has same value for areContentsTheSame in diffutils callback?

I am trying to implement RecyclerView ListAdapter with DiffUtils callback to only update/insert rows that has been changed not all. To implement I have to override these function from diff utils
areItemsTheSame and areContentsTheSame. I can check areItemsTheSame using id of each object which I get from db. But for areContentsTheSame I don't want to write equals function and match each and every field with .equals method or similiar. I am wondering can I use default hashCode function from the class? If not can I override hashCode function like this?
public class Person {
String name;
String surname;
String country;
int age;
public Person(String name, String surname, String country, int age) { = name;
this.surname = surname; = country;
this.age = age;
public int hashCode() {
int prime=31;
int sum = prime*;
return sum;
Java documentation states the following:
If two objects are equal according to the
equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the
two objects must produce the same integer result.
It is not required
that if two objects are unequal according to the
equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on
each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results.
Therefore, only using hashCode() function to check equality can give wrong results, given the probability that produced integers for different objects may have the same value.
If your concern is about having a long equals() method where every field is compared, you can only compare the fields that matters for equality.

How to change the value of a global variable in a function while there is a local variable of same name in C#

I want to change the global variable in a function where a local variable of same is already present.
int x=10; //global variable
void fun1()
void fun2(int x)
x=7; //here i want that this statement assigns the value 7 to the global x
Just qualify it with this. It's a pretty common pattern, particularly for constructors:
public class Player
private readonly string name;
public Player(string name)
{ = name;
While I view it as acceptable if your parameter really is meant to be a new value for the field (potentially in a method which creates a new instance based on the current one and the new value for the single field, for example), I would try to avoid it in general, just from a readability perspective. Of course, the names of your private fields are an implementation detail, but when reading the code for the method, it's confusing to have two different concepts represented by the same variable name.
Rename the local parameter value.
Like Yuriy Vikulov said.
this.x for non-static variables
int x=10; //global variable
void fun1()
void fun2(int lx)
x=7; //if you want 7
x=lx; //if you want the paramValue
this.x for non-static classes
NameClass.x for static variables

Object oriented design

I have two csv files A and B. A is the master repository. I need to read those files, map the records of B to A and save the mapped records to another file.
The class to hold records is, say Record. The class to hold the matched records is, say, RecordMatch.
class Record
string Id;
string Name;
string Address;
string City;
string State;
string Zipcode;
class RecordMatch
string Aid;
string AName;
string Bid;
string BName;
double NameMatchPercent;
The mapping scenario goes thus : First, against each record of B, the records of A are filtered using state, city and then zipcode. The records of A thus filtered are then compared with the record of B. This comparison is between the name field, and is a best-match comparison using a fuzzy string algorithm. The best match is selected and saved.
The string matching algorithm will give a percentage of match. Thus, the best result out of all the matches have to be selected.
Now that I tried my best to explain the scenario, I will come to the design issue. My initial design was to make a Mapper class, which will be something as below :
class Mapper
List<Record> ReadFromFile(File);
List<Record> FilterData(FilterType);
void Save(List<Record>);
RecordMatch MatchRecord(Record A, Record B);
But looking at the design, it simply seems to be a class wrapper over some methods. I dont see any OO design in it. I also felt that the Match() belongs more to the Record class than the Mapper class.
But on another look, I saw the class as implementing something resembling to Repository pattern.
Another way I think is to keep the Mapper class, and just move the Match() method to the Record class, something like this :
class Mapper
List<Record> ReadFromFile(File);
List<Record> FilterData(FilterType);
void Save(List<Record>);
class Record
string id;
string name;
string address;
// other fields;
public RecordMatch Match (Record record)
// This record will compare the name field with that of the passed Record.
// It will return RecordMatch specifyin the percent of match.
Now I am totally confused in this simple scenario. What would ideally be a good OO design in this scenario?
Amusingly enough, I am working on a project almost exactly like this right now.
Easy Answer: Ok, first off, it is not the end of the world if a method is in the wrong class for a while! If you have your classes all covered with tests, where the functions lives is important, but can be changed around fluidly as you, the king of your domain, sees fit.
If you are not testing this, well, that would be my first suggestion. Many many smarter people than me have remarked on how TDD and testing can help bring your classes to the best design naturally.
Longer Answer: Rather than looking for patterns to apply to a design, I like to think it through like this: what are the reasons each of your classes has to change? If you separate those reasons from each other (which is one thing TDD can help you do), then you will start to see design patterns naturally emerge from your code.
Here are some reasons to change I could think of in a few passes reading through your question:
The data file changes format/adds columns
You find a better matching algorithm, or: "now we want to filter on cell phone number too"
You are asked to make it match xml/yaml/etc files as well
You are asked to save it in a new format/location
Ok, so, if implementing any of those would make you need to add an "if statement" somewhere, then perhaps that is a seam for a subclasses implementing a common interface.
Also, let's say you want to save the created file in a new place. That is one reason to change, and should not overlap with you needing to change your merging strategy. If those two parts are in the same class, that class now has two responsibilities, and that violates the single responsibility principle.
So, that is a very brief example, to go further in depth with good OO design, check out the SOLID principles. You can't go wrong with learning those and seeking too apply them with prudence throughout your OO designs.
I gave this a try. There's not so much you can do when it comes to OO principles or design patterns I think, except for maybe using composition for the MatchingAlgorithm (and perhaps Strategy and Template if needed). Here's what I've cooked up:
class Mapper {
map(String fileA, String fileB, String fileC) {
RecordsList a = new RecordsList(fileA);
RecordsList b = new RecordsList(fileB);
MatchingRecordsList c = new MatchingRecordsList();
for(Record rb : b) {
int highestPerc = -1;
MatchingRecords matchingRec;
for(Record ra : a) {
int perc;
perc = rb.match(ra);
if(perc > highestPerc) {
matchingRec = new MatchingRecords(rb, ra, perc);
if(matchingRec != null) {
class MatchingAlgorithm {
int match(Record b, Record a) {
int result;
// do your magic
return result;
class Record {
String Id;
String Name;
String Address;
String City;
String State;
String Zipcode;
MatchingAlgorithm alg;
setMatchingAlgorithm(MatchingAlgorithm alg) {
this.alg = alg;
int match(Record r) {
int result; -- perc of match
// do the matching by making use of the algorithm
result = alg.match(this, r);
return result;
class RecordsList implements List<Record> {
RecordsList(file f) {
//create list by reading from csv-file)
class MatchingRecords {
Record a;
Record b;
int matchingPerc;
MatchingRecords(Record a, Record b, int perc) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.matchingPerc = perc;
class MatchingRecordsList {
add(MatchingRecords mr) {
saveToFile(file x) {
//save to file
(This is written in Notepad++ so there can be typos etc; also the proposed classes can surely benefit from a little more refactoring but I'll leave that to you if you choose to use this layout.)