Writing data to S3 through Spark Data Frame and in scale - s3 connectivity issue and caused by s3 503 slow down error - amazon-s3

We are trying to read and write the data to S3 in spark using AWS EMR clusters. And during this process, while we were scaling the execution, we ended up with some issues. When we try to process the same job for one-quarter of data we are not noticing this issue, but when we scale it to run multiple quarters of data in parallel, randomly for one/more quarters of data, we started seeing the spark jobs failing while writing the data to S3. Then we went down further to understand the issue in deeper, that is when we realized that spark is throwing the issue while it is writing the data to S3 and that is caused by S3 503 Slow down the error.
The slow down error will come only when we exceeded the S3 TPS of a given path. And the suggestion from S3 is to add random hash values to s3 path while writing. We tried this using partition by, but we come to know that some hash values(xy, 2 digit hash values) only will perform better. So does anyone come across the similar issue, and if so may I know how you had overcome this issue?
Looking forward!

S3 client should be throttling back on the errors; surprised the EMR one wasn't as the AWS SDK everyone uses does recognise a 503 and will backoff and retry.
There'll probably be a config option to set it (for S3a://, its fs.s3a.attempts.maximum)
If you are using the EMR s3:// connector, you'll have to look for their option


AWS : How do Athena GET requests on S3 work?

How do Athena GET requests on S3 work? I had the impression that one S3 GET request = getting one single file from a bucket. But that doesn't seem to be the case since a single query that uses 4 files is costing me around 400 GET requests.
What's happening exactly?
If you run queries against files that are splittable and are large enough Athena will spin up workers that will read partial files. This improves performance because of parallelization. Splittable files are for example Parquet files.
A 100x amplification sounds very high though. I don't know what size Athena aims for when it comes to splits, and I don't know the sizes for your files. There could also be other explanations for the additional GET operations, both inside of Athena and from other sources – how sure are you that these requests are from Athena?
One way you could investigate further is to turn on object level logging in CloudTrail for the bucket. You should be able to see all the request parameters like what byte ranges are read. If you assume a role and pass a unique session name and make only a single query with the credentials you get you should be able to isolate all the S3 operations made by Athena for that query.

Spark write parquet job completed but have a long delay to start new job

I am running Spark 2.4.4 on AWS EMR and experienced a long delay after the spark write parquet file to S3. I checked the S3 write process should be completed in few seconds (data files and _success file found in the S3). But it still delayed around 5 mins to start the following jobs.
I saw someone said this is called "Parquet Tax". I have tried the proposed fixes from those articles but still cannot resolve the issue. Can anyone give me a hand? thanks so much.
You can start with spark.hadoop.mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version 2.
You can set this config by using any of the following methods:
When you launch your cluster, you can put spark.hadoop.mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version 2 in the Spark config.
When you write data using Dataset API, you can set it in the option, i.e. dataset.write.option("mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version",
That's the overhead of the commit-by-rename committer having to fake rename by copying and deleting files.
Switch to a higher performance committer, e.g ASF Spark's "zero rename committer" or the EMR clone, "fast spark committer"

AWS Spectrum giving blank result for parquet files generated by AWS Glue

We are building a ETL with AWS Glue. And to optimise the query performance we are storing data in apache parquet. Once the data is saved on S3 in parquet format. We are using AWS Spectrum to query on that data.
We successfully tested the entire stack on our development AWS account. But when we moved to our production AWS account. We are stuck with a weird problem. When we query the rows are returned, but the data is blank.
Though the count query return a good number
On further investigation we came to know the apache parquet files in development AWS account is RLE encoded and files in production AWS account is BITPACKED encoded. To make this case stronger, I want to convert BITPACKED to RLE and see if I am able to query data.
I am pretty new to parquet files and couldn't find much help to convert the encodings. Can anybody get me the ways of doing it.
Currently our prime suspect is the different encoding. But if you can guess any other issue. I will be happy to explore the possibilities.
We found our configuration mistake. The column names of our external tables and specified in AWS Glue were inconsistent. We fixed that and now able to view data. I bit shortfall from AWS Spectrum part would be not giving appropriate error message.

Saving a >>25T SchemaRDD in Parquet format on S3

I have encountered a number of problems when trying to save a very large SchemaRDD as in Parquet format on S3. I have already posted specific questions for those problems, but this is what I really need to do. The code should look something like this
import org.apache.spark._
val sqlContext = sql.SQLContext(sc)
val data = sqlContext.jsonFile("s3n://...", 10e-6)
I run into problems if I have more than about 2000 partitions or if there is partition larger than 5G.
This puts an upper bound on the maximum size SchemaRDD I can process this way.
The prctical limit is closer to 1T since partitions sizes vary widely and you only need 1 5G partition to have the process fail.
Questions dealing with the specific problems I have encountered are
Multipart uploads to Amazon S3 from Apache Spark
Error when writing a repartitioned SchemaRDD to Parquet with Spark SQL
Spark SQL unable to complete writing Parquet data with a large number of shards
This questions is to see if there are any solutions to the main goal that do not necessarily involve solving one the above problems directly.
To distill things down there are 2 problems
Writing a single shard larger than 5G to S3 fails. AFAIK this a built in limit of s3n:// buckets. It should be possible for s3:// buckets but does not seem to work from Spark and hadoop distcp from local HDFS can not do it either.
Writing the summary file tends to fail once there are 1000s of shards. There seem to be multiple issues with this. Writing directly to S3 produces the error in the linked question above. Writing directly to local HDFS produces an OOM error even on an r3.8xlarge (244G ram) once when there about 5000 shards. This seems to be independent of the actual data volume. The summary file seems essential for efficient querying.
Taken together these problems limit Parquet tables on S3 to 25T. In practice it is actually significantly less since shard sizes can vary widely within an RDD and the 5G limit applies to the largest shard.
How can I write a >>25T RDD as Parquet to S3?
I am using Spark-1.1.0.
From AWS S3 documentation:
The total volume of data and number of objects you can store are unlimited. Individual Amazon S3 objects can range in size from 1 byte to 5 terabytes. The largest object that can be uploaded in a single PUT is 5 gigabytes. For objects larger than 100 megabytes, customers should consider using the Multipart Upload capability.
One way to go around this:
Attache an EBS volume to your system, format it.
Copy the files to the "local" EBS volume.
Snapshot the volume, it goes to your S3 automatically.
It also gives a smaller load on your instance.
To access that data, you need to attache the snapshot as an EBS to an instance.

Speeding up S3 to GCS transfer using GCE and gsutil

I plan on using a GCE cluster and gsutil to transfer ~50Tb of data from Amazon S3 to GCS. So far I have a good way to distribute the load over however many instances I'll have to use but I'm getting pretty slow transfer rates in comparison to what I achieved with my local cluster. Here are the details of what I'm doing
Instance type: n1-highcpu-8-d
Image: debian-6-squeeze
typical load average during jobs: 26.43, 23.15, 21.15
average transfer speed on a 70gb test (for a single instance): ~21mbps
average file size: ~300mb
.boto process count: 8
.boto thread count: 10
Im calling gsutil on around 400 s3 files at a time:
gsutil -m cp -InL manifest.txt gs://my_bucket
I need some advice on how to make this transfer faster on each instance. I'm also not 100% on whether the n1-highcpu-8-d instance is the best choice. I was thinking of possibly parallelizing the job myself using python, but I think that tweaking the gsutil settings could yield good results. Any advice is greatly appreciated
If you're seeing 21Mbps per object and running around 20 objects at a time, you're getting around 420Mbps throughput from one machine. On the other hand, if you're seeing 21Mbps total, that suggests that you're probably getting throttled pretty heavily somewhere along the path.
I'd suggest that you may want to use multiple smaller instances to spread the requests across multiple IP addresses; for example, using 4 n1-standard-2 instances may result in better total throughput than one n1-standard-8. You'll need to split up the files to transfer across the machines in order to do this.
I'm also wondering, based on your comments, how many streams you're keeping open at once. In most of the tests I've seen, you get diminishing returns from extra threads/streams by the time you've reached 8-16 streams, and often a single stream is at least 60-80% as fast as multiple streams with chunking.
One other thing you may want to investigate is what download/upload speeds you're seeing; copying the data to local disk and then re-uploading it will let you get individual measurements for download and upload speed, and using local disk as a buffer might speed up the entire process if gsutil is blocking reading from one pipe due to waiting for writes to the other one.
One other thing you haven't mentioned is which zone you're running in. I'm presuming you're running in one of the US regions rather than an EU region, and downloading from Amazon's us-east S3 location.
use the parallel_thread_count and parallel_process_count values in your boto configuration (usually, ~/.boto) file.
You can get more info on the -m option by typing:
gsutil help options