Using a JSON-API server library in a Ktor application - kotlin

I have a Ktor application (in Kotlin) and would like the endpoints to be exposed according to the JSON:API specification. I understand my library options are between the Java server libraries for JSON:API, i.e. Katharsis (which gives code examples for Dropwizard, Spring Boot etc.) and Crnk (which gives example for Spring Boot). I have tried a bit with Katharsis but it's not clear to me how the ResourceRepositoryV2 class should be registered/exposed by the Ktor application.
Any examples or pointers?


Quarkus Jax-rs clients with external interfaces

I started playing around with Quarkus and its REST client. According to the documentation a Jax-RS annotated interface should be created and annotated further with #RegisterRestClient.
My issue is that I already have the JaxRS interfaces for the services I need to connect to, in an artifact provided by the server, which I can just import. Is there a way to use an already created external Jax-RS interface to create a service with? It seems so wrong to copy-paste the code for a perfectly good interface, when it has been so nicely served for me.
There's RestClientBuilder, which allows programmatic usage of JAX-RS interfaces. Assuming the JAX-RS interface is called HelloClient, you can do this:
HelloClient client = RestClientBuilder.newBuilder()

How to use kotlin as a server side lanaguage?

I want to develop server side application like a blog app, So how can i use kotlin programming language as a server side language.
Ktor is a framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in connected systems using the powerful Kotlin programming language. This website provides a complete reference to the Ktor application structure and programming interface. And how to approach particular tasks.
Ktor offcial site

what does Swagger server stub mean?

What does the term Server Stub mean in the context of the Swagger ecosystem? How is it used?
From a swagger tutorial:
With SwaggerHub, you can easily generate a server stub (an API implementation stub) for Node.js, ASP.NET, JAX-RS, and other servers
and frameworks. The server stub is a good starting point for
implementing your API – you can run and test it locally, implement the
business logic for your API, and then deploy it to your server.
and a stub is:
method stub or simply stub in software development is a piece of code used to stand in for some other programming functionality. A stub may simulate the behavior of existing code (such as a procedure on a remote machine, such methods are often called mocks) or be a temporary substitute for yet-to-be-developed code. Stubs are therefore most useful in porting, distributed computing as well as general software development and testing.
Stub the API means : create à mock to serve examples described in swagger file.
This mock can be formatted in specific languages/ framework
Server stubbing can be quite powerful depending on the backend platform and framework you plan to use for your API.
For example, you may choose Apache (common in Linux environments) or ASP.NET (common for IIS). The server "stubs" being generated will typically be a deployable library to that specific platform. What you typically get is:
Routing to your business logic. The framework will handle the HTTP specification, but actually mapping from a "controller" to your service layer is being handled by the code generator, based on your API specification.
Serialization and Deserialization of your models (applies to strongly-typed languages like Java/C#).
AuthN/AuthZ may be handled, to some degree, based on the framework's support for your API's chosen auth scheme.
tl;dr: A server stub is intended to be a ready-to-deploy application that routes HTTP requests to your actual business logic on the backend.
From my experience and peers, I found stub to be a mock function or a placeholder function where you can fill in the proper implementation later.

Does api work like bytcode to provide multi-platform functionality

I've recently come across the term api and from what I have known api is a interface that connects/integrates between two programs and it can run on any platform.
And again from java we know that it turns it's source code into bytecodes and this bytecode can run on any platforms since it is platform independent.
So my question is does api work/run just like as a bytecode to provide multi-platform functionality
And if not is there any similarities between them or thier process? If please anyone could explain it to me it would be a great help. Thanks in advance.
API does not work like bytecode
Actually, API and Bytecodes are a completely different thing
For Bytecode,
let's try to understand it in java. java compiler compiles a java program then produce bytecode. Then the bytecode is interpreted by java interpreter in different machines and generate different executable files as the requirement of different machines and os.
this is how java maintains it's multi-platform property
Now, API,
API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you’re requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.
there are many types of API's out there
but I think you are referring to Web API and it's multi-platform functionality and how it works.
A Web API is an application programming interface for either a web server or a web browser
A Web API works as server-client architecture.
client request to server through HTTP protocol, server responds to client through HTTP protocol
actually whole api service is provided through HTTP protocol, and this api service can provide to any device using HTTP protocol
this has nothing to do with bytecode

axis2 vs spring-ws vs jersey

My friend asked to explain me what's the difference between Spring, axis2 and Jersey. Here I listed down a few differences that I'm aware of. Please comment/respond if you know more differences
Spring webservices:
A java web application with a servlet configured in
You can use spring annotated POJOs for creating web services
Supports both RESTful and SOAP based web services.
Since it’s a web application you can use http authentication mechanisms
for enabling security
The webservice application is a .aar file that will be deployed in
Use AXIOM for using non-primitive type arguments to web service calls
You can use JSR181 annotations to create webservices
You can use spring-dependency injection using axis2 extensions.
Supports both RESTful and SOAP based web services.
I guess you have to use ws-security implementation for
providing security
to your web services>
They claim hot deployment of webservices works but I haven’t seen
it working.
A regular web application with a servlet configured in web.xml.
Write custom message readers/writers for using
non-primitive type arguments to web
service calls
Since it’s a web application you can use http authentication mechanisms
for enabling security
Supports only RESTful implementation of web services
I have seen hot deployment working may be because it’s a web application
and the container can do hot
I'm not familiar with Jersey and Axis, but I can tell you something about Spring-WS.
You cannot use Spring-WS for restful webservices. Spring-WS is intended to be used for contract first webservices. You can however use the features of Spring 3.x and Spring-MVC for REST services.
As for authorization, you can easily wire in any sort of security (with Spring-Security for instance).
I'm a big fan of the 'automatic' (de) marshalling features of Spring-WS. Just annotate your methods with the correct types and it'll know what to do.