In HTTP headers with parameters, are parameter names case-sensitive? - http-headers

I know HTTP header names themselves are case-insensitive (that question has been answered multiple times), but what of parameter names within the headers? I'm talking about parts like:
charset within the Content-Type header (the values for charset ignore case, but does the charset keyword itself?)
filename within the Content-Disposition header
Would a server be safe in assuming these keywords will always be lowercase?

Since RFC 7230 HTTP/1.1 Message Syntax and Routing doesn't say anything regarding header field value, you could assume that this value is application defined. As a result, I don't think that you can be sure that this value will always be lowercase.


Can we set multiple DCM_SpecificCharacterSet while importing records using DICOM?

Currently, I am using the below code to set parameters to retrieve data from PACS.
DcmDataset findParams = DcmDataset();
findParams.putAndInsertString(DCM_QueryRetrieveLevel, "SERIES");
findParams.putAndInsertString(DCM_SpecificCharacterSet, "ISO_IR 192");
However, just wanted to check can we provide support multiple characters set to import data at the same time, Code will look like something below, I am trying to check whether this is possible or not as I dont have the facility to verify the same.
findParams.putAndInsertString(DCM_SpecificCharacterSet, "ISO_IR 192" ,"ISO_IR 100");
I think that what you want to express is that "this Query SCU can accept responses in the following character sets". This is plainly not possible. See a discussion in the DICOM newsgroup for reference. It ends with a proposal to add character set negotiation to the association negotiation. But such a supplement has not been submitted yet, and I am not aware of anyone working on it currently.
The semantics of the attribute Specific Character Set (0008,0005) in the context of the Query Retrieve Service Class:
PS3.4, C. Request Identifier Structure
Conditionally, the Attribute Specific Character Set (0008,0005). This Attribute shall be included if expanded or replacement character sets may be used in any of the Attributes in the Request Identifier. It shall not be included otherwise
I.e. it describes nothing but the character encoding of your request dataset.
C. Response Identifier Structure
Conditionally, the Attribute Specific Character Set (0008,0005). This Attribute shall be included if expanded or replacement character sets may be used in any of the Attributes in the Response Identifier. It shall not be included otherwise. The C-FIND SCP is not required to return responses in the Specific Character Set requested by the SCU if that character set is not supported by the SCP. The SCP may return responses with a different Specific Character Set.
I.e. you cannot control the character set in which the SCP will send you the responses. Surprising but a matter of fact.
Sending multiple values for the attribute is possible but has different semantics. It means that the request contains characters from different character sets which are switched using Code Extension Techniques as defined in ISO 2022. An illustrative example how this would look like and what it would mean is found in PS3.5, H.3.2
What implementors usually do to avoid character set compatibility issues is configuring "the one and only" character set for a particular installation (=hospital) in a locale configuration that is configured upon system setup. It works pretty well, for e.g. an installation in Russia will very likely support Cyrillic (ISO_IR 144) or UNICODE (ISO_IR 192) or both. In case of "both", you can select the character set that you prefer for configuring your system.

URL-parameters input seems inconsistent

I have review multiple instructions on URL-parameters which all suggest 2 approaches:
Parameters can follow / forward slashes or be specified by parameter name and then by parameter value. so either:
For the 2nd one, I provide parameter name and then parameter value by using the ?. I also provide multiple parameters using ampersand.
Now I have see the request below which works fine but does not fit into the rules above:
I understand that the requests sets 42 as a parameter but why is the ? not followed by the parameter name and just by the value. Also the ? seems to be used as an ampersand???
From Wikipedia:
Every HTTP URL conforms to the syntax of a generic URI. The URI generic syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of five components:
URI = scheme:[//authority]path[?query][#fragment]
where the authority component divides into three subcomponents:
authority = [userinfo#]host[:port]
This is represented in a syntax diagram as:
As you can see, the ? ends the path part of the URL and starts the query part.
The query part is usually a &-separated string of name=value pairs, but it doesn't have to be, so json is a valid value for the query part.
Or, as the Wikipedia articles says it:
An optional query component preceded by a question mark (?), containing a query string of non-hierarchical data. Its syntax is not well defined, but by convention is most often a sequence of attribute–value pairs separated by a delimiter.
It is also fairly common for request processors to treat a name=value pair that is missing the = sign, as if the it was name=.
E.g. if you're writing Servlet code and call servletRequest.getParameter("json"), it would return an empty string ("") for that last URL in the question.

Is it possible to add mutiple headers with same key to NSMutableURLRequest?

Is it possible to add mutiple headers with same key to NSMutableURLRequest?
I just come to a request that multiple headers with same key should be present in the headers, as I know , the NSMutableURLRequest's setHTTPHeaderField would only set some field, but not able to add duplicated item into the headers, is there anyway to achieve this? thanks.
There is no -setHTTPHeaderField method, you likely mean -setValue:forHTTPHeaderField:. This method always replaces an existing value. But you can do it. First of all, you have to know, that multiple header fields with the same name are only allowed under some circumstances:
Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be
present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that
header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)].
It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one
"field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the semantics of the
message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first, each
separated by a comma.
RFC2616, 4.2
So, a: 1, a: 2 has to have the equivalent a: 1, 2. This is, what
-addValue:forHTTPHeaderField: does:
This method provides the ability to add values to header fields incrementally. If a value was previously set for the specified field, the supplied value is appended to the existing value using the appropriate field delimiter. In the case of HTTP, the delimiter is a comma.
So you can do:
[request addValue:#1 forHTTPHeaderField:#"a"];
[request addValue:#2 forHTTPHeaderField:#"a"];

System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode method gives wrong result with different language value

Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode method in my project. When I am encoding name in English language then I got correct result. For example,
string temp = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Jewelry");
then I got exact result in temp variable. But if I wrote name in Russian language then I got different result.
string temp = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("ювелирные изделия");
then I got value in temp variable like "%d1%8e%d0%b2%d0%b5%d0%bb%d0%b8%d1%80%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%b5+%d0%b8%d0%b7%d0%b4%d0%b5%d0%bb%d0%b8%d1%8f"
Can anyone help me how to achieve exact name as per language?
Thank you!
Actually, the method has "done the right thing" for you!
It encodes non-ASCII characters so that it can be valid in all of the cases and transmit over the Internet. If you put your temp variable in an URL as a parameter, you will get your correct result at server side. That's what UrlEncode means for. Here your question is not a problem at all.
So please have a look at this link for further reading to understand about URL Encoding:
If you input that Russian word to the "URL Encoding Functions" part in the page I have given, it will return the same result as Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode method does.
Can anyone help me how to achieve exact name as per language?
In short: not with that method, but it might depend on what is your exact goal.
In details:
In general URIs as defined by RFC 3986 (see Section 2: Characters) may contain any of the following characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~:/?#[]#!$&'()*+,;=. Any other character needs to be encoded with the percent-encoding (%hh).
This is why UrlEncode produces
UrlEncode("Jewelry") -> "Jewelry"
UrlEncode("ювелирные изделия") -> "%d1%8e%d0%b2%d0%b5%d0%bb%d0%b8%d1%80%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%b5+%d0%b8%d0%b7%d0%b4%d0%b5%d0%bb%d0%b8%d1%8f"
The string of "ювелирные изделия" contains characters that are not allowed in a URL as per RFC 3986.
Today, modern browsers could work with UTF-8 in URL it might be not necessary to use UrlEncode(). See example:

How to escape a line break literal in the HTTP header?

In the HTTP header, line breaks are tokens to separate fields in the header.
But, if I wan't to send a line break literal in a custom field how should I escape it?
If you are designing your own custom extension field, you may use BASE64 or quoted-printable to escape(and unescape) the value.
The actual answer to this question is that there is no standard for encoding line breaks.
You can use any Binary-to-text encoding such as URL-Encoding or Base64, but obviously that's only going to work if both sender and receiver implement the same method.
RFC 2616 did allow to 'fold' (i.e. wrap) header values over multiple lines, but the line breaks were treated as a single space character and not part of the parsed field value.
However, that specification has been obsoleted by RFC 7230 which forbids folding:
Historically, HTTP header field values could be extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at least one space or horizontal tab (obs-fold).
This specification deprecates such line folding except within the message/http media type (Section 8.3.1).
A sender MUST NOT generate a message that includes line folding
A standard for line breaks in HTTP Header field values is not – and never was – established.
According to RFC2616 4.2 Message Headers:
Header fields can be extended over
multiple lines by preceding each extra
line with at least one SP or HT.
where SP means a space character (0x20) and HT means a horizontal tab character (0x09).
The idea is, that HTTP is ASCII-only and newlines and such are not allowed. If both sender and receiver can interpret YOUR encoding then you can encode whatever you want, however you want. That's how DNS international names are handled with the Host header (it's called PUNYCODE).
Short answer is: You don't, unless you control both sender and receiver.
If it's a custom field how you escape it depends entirely on how the targetted application is going to parse it. If this is some add on you created you could stick with URL encoding since it's pretty tried and true and lots of languages have encoding/decoding methods built in so your web app would encode it and your plug in (or whatever you're working on) would decode it.