Sass refactoring variable as selector - variables

I'd like to refactor this code if possible, I didn't find something to figure it out :
$javascript: rgb(238, 218, 103);
$php: rgb(119,125,176);
$ruby: rgb(197, 25, 17);
.isjavascript {
color: $javascript;
.isphp {
color: $php;
.isruby {
color: $ruby;

Well, you could use a map.
$languages-color: (
'javascript': rgb(238, 218, 103),
'php': rgb(119,125,176),
'ruby': rgb(197, 25, 17)
#each $label, $color in $languages-color {
.is#{$label} {
color: $color;


LESS array loop through loop: double loop case

How to double loop in LESS to generate a set of mixins such as:
.p_0_0 {
padding: 0rem 0rem;
.p_1_0 {
padding: 1rem 0rem;
.p_0_1 {
padding: 0rem 1rem;
.p_1_1 {
padding: 1rem 1rem;
It is better to use built-in tools...
Since LESS 3.x version LESS has each function, see more here. In this case, we can use this function to its fullest:
#steps: {
0: 0rem;
1: 1rem;
each(#steps, .(#valueX, #keyX, #indexX) {
each(#steps, .(#valueY, #keyY, #indexY) {
.p_#{keyY}_#{keyX} {
#{valueP}: #valueY #valueX;
Which generates:
.p_0_0 {
padding: 0rem 0rem;
.p_1_0 {
padding: 1rem 0rem;
.p_0_1 {
padding: 0rem 1rem;
.p_1_1 {
padding: 1rem 1rem;

Using svg-gauge in vue component

I'd like to use svg-gauge ( in a vue component (vue-svg-gauge does not work properly). I am struggling where to start. I have imported the library but am not sure about using it within vue. This is what I have done so far:
module.exports = {
props: {
'value': {type: Number, default: 20},
data: function () {return {
chart: null
mounted: function () {
this.chart = new Gauge(
document.getElementById("gauge1"), {
min: 0,
max: 50,
dialStartAngle: 180,
dialEndAngle: 0,
value: this.value,
color: function(value) {
if (value < 0) {
return "#5ee432";
} else if(value < 25) {
return "#fffa50";
} else if(value < 50) {
return "#f7aa38";
} else {
return "#ef4655";
It renders a gauge but I'm not sure how to update it or if this is the right way of going aboout things?
I am now using High charts gauge as it see easier to configure.
The solution I came up with for the above question is as follows (from an old commit)
<div class="wrapper bg-dark text-light border-0">
<div id="gauge1" class="gauge-container two"></div>
module.exports = {
props: {
'value': {type: Number, default: 0},
data: function () {return {
chart: null
mounted: function () {
this.chart = new Gauge(
document.getElementById("gauge1"), {
min: 0,
max: 50,
dialStartAngle: 180,
dialEndAngle: 0,
value: this.value,
color: function(value) {
if (value < 0) {
return "#5ee432";
} else if(value < 25) {
return "#fffa50";
} else if(value < 50) {
return "#f7aa38";
} else {
return "#ef4655";
beforeDestroy: function () {
// this.chart.destroy()
watch: {
value: function (val) {
this.chart.value = val
options: function (opt) {
// this.chart.destroy()
// this.chart = new RadialGauge(Object.assign({}, this.options, {renderTo: 'canvas-gauge', value: this.value})).draw()
<style scoped>
/* ------ Default Style ---------- */
.gauge-container {
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
display: block;
float: left;
padding: 10px;
background-color: #222;
margin: 7px;
border-radius: 3px;
position: relative;
.gauge-container > .label {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
display: inline-block;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 0.8em;
padding: 5px 10px;
.gauge-container > .gauge .dial {
stroke: #334455;
stroke-width: 2;
fill: rgba(0,0,0,0);
.gauge-container > .gauge .value {
stroke: rgb(47, 227, 255);
stroke-width: 2;
fill: rgba(0,0,0,0);
.gauge-container > .gauge .value-text {
fill: rgb(47, 227, 255);
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 0.8em;
/* ------- Alternate Style ------- */
.wrapper {
height: 150px;
float: left;
margin: 7px;
overflow: hidden;
.wrapper > .gauge-container {
margin: 0;
.gauge-container.two {
.gauge-container.two > .gauge .dial {
stroke: #334455;
stroke-width: 10;
.gauge-container.two > .gauge .value {
stroke: orange;
stroke-dasharray: none;
stroke-width: 13;
.gauge-container.two > .gauge .value-text {
fill: #ccc;
font-weight: 100;
font-size: 1em;

Can a Chartist line graph be animated left to right?

I see animations for Chartist line graphs (, but none where the line literally draws itself out from left to right. Is that possible?
Not my solution, but it seems to do what you want.
<div class="ct-chart ct-golden-section"></div>
$color1: #ada8b6; //rgba(173, 168, 182, 100)
$color2: #ffeedb; //rgba(255, 238, 219, 100)
$color3: #4c3b4d; //rgba(76, 59, 77, 100)
$color4: #a53860; //rgba(165, 56, 96, 100)
$color5: #61c9a8; //rgba(97, 201, 168, 100)
body {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
background: #111;
.ct-chart {
width: 90vw;
max-width: 1100px;
height: 375px;
margin: 5vh 6.5vw;
svg {
width: 100%;
.ct-grids line {
stroke: $color3;
opacity: 0.4;
.ct-labels span {
color: $color3;
#mixin pathseries($length, $delay, $strokecolor) {
stroke-dasharray: $length;
stroke-dashoffset: $length;
animation: draw 1s $delay ease both;
fill: none;
stroke: $strokecolor;
opacity: 0.8;
.ct-series-a {
#include pathseries(1093, 0s, $color1);
.ct-series-b {
#include pathseries(1665, 0.25s, $color5);
.ct-series-c {
#include pathseries(1644, 0.5s, $color2);
.ct-series-d {
#include pathseries(1540, 0.75s, $color4);
#keyframes draw {
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
new Chartist.Line('.ct-chart', {
labels: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
series: [
[11, 12, 13, 11, 12, 10, 11, 10],
[12, 11, 17, -1, 0, 18, -2, 8],
[0, 8, 12, 1, 15, 3, 18, 1],
[3, 2, 12, 15, 16, 3, 18, -3]
}, {
high: 20,
low: -3,
fullWidth: true,
// As this is axis specific we need to tell Chartist to use whole numbers only on the concerned axis
axisY: {
onlyInteger: true,
offset: 20
setTimeout (
function() {
var path = document.querySelector('.ct-series-a path');
var length = path.getTotalLength();

Sass - using different variables in #each [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Creating or referencing variables dynamically in Sass
(7 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have widths of different planets
$mercury-width: 20px;
$venus-width: 30px;
$earth-width: 20px;
and their names:
$planets: mercury, venus, earth;
#each $planet in $planets {
.#{$planet} {
width: #{$planet}-width;
it doesn't work.
expected result:
.mercury {
width: 20px;
How can I do that?
How about this:
$planets-width: (mercury: 20px, venus: 30px, earth: 20px);
#each $name, $width in $planets-width {
.#{$name} {
width: $width;
/* line 3, ../scss/test.scss */
.mercury {
width: 20px;
/* line 3, ../scss/test.scss */
.venus {
width: 30px;
/* line 3, ../scss/test.scss */
.earth {
width: 20px;
If you want both color and size you can use nested maps:
$planets-map: (mercury: (width : 20px, color: red), venus: (width : 30px, color : purple), earth:( width: 20px, color: blue));
#each $name, $properties in $planets-map {
.#{$name} {
width: map-get($properties, width);
color: map-get($properties, color);
/* line 3, ../scss/test.scss */
.mercury {
width: 20px;
color: red;
/* line 3, ../scss/test.scss */
.venus {
width: 30px;
color: purple;
/* line 3, ../scss/test.scss */
.earth {
width: 20px;
color: blue;

sencha Touch chart: Applying gradient color to line fill

I am working on a mobile application that contains different line charts . I have been trying to apply gradient colors to a line (single) chart fill color. But unfortunately I could not.
Is it possible to apply color gradients to a line fill color? Please help.
Check out this article:
sample styling with SASS:
chart {
colors: linear-gradient(45, rgb(212, 40, 40), rgb(117, 14, 14))
linear-gradient(45, rgb(180, 216, 42), rgb(94, 114, 13))
linear-gradient(45, rgb(43, 221, 115), rgb(14, 117, 56))
linear-gradient(45, rgb(45, 117, 226), rgb(14, 56, 117))
linear-gradient(45, rgb(187, 45, 222), rgb(85, 10, 103));
background: linear-gradient(45, #444, #111);
series {
stroke-width: 2;
&:nth-child(1) {
fill: linear-gradient(0, rgb(212, 40, 40), rgb(117, 14, 14));
&:nth-child(2) {
fill: linear-gradient(0, rgb(180, 216, 42), rgb(94, 114, 13));
&:nth-child(3) {
fill: linear-gradient(0, rgb(43, 221, 115), rgb(14, 117, 56));
&:nth-child(4) {
fill: linear-gradient(0, rgb(45, 117, 226), rgb(14, 56, 117));
&:nth-child(5) {
fill: linear-gradient(0, rgb(187, 45, 222), rgb(85, 10, 103));
axis {
stroke: #555;
fill: #555;
label {
fill: #eee;
title {
fill: #eee;
Also note this earlies post: Sencha Touch Charts style