Intellij Flutter - Import via Alt+Enter not working - intellij-idea

My team members and me often face the problem in Intellij that we cannot import some classes via Alt+Enter because Intellij hasn't indexed them successfully.
Our set up
We have different Flutter projects which belong and work together.
Some of these projects have dependencies to other projects which are declared in the pubspec.yaml file.
E.g. the customer_app has a dependency to the model_app.
Now we add this new class in model_app such as class MyModel.
Later in the process we want to use MyModel inside of the customer_app.
If we type something like MyModel() and try to press Alt+Enter it doesn't find the class immediately. (it works miracously only sometimes)
What we have to do then is to copy the path of MyModel and do the import manually. Which is often time consuming.
We even tried to run flutter packages get which also doesn't help to find this import of MyModel. Ideally we want that Intellij find the import automatically by indexing it without copying the path out of the other project.

This is a known issue and planned to be fixed eventually.
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How to create a Kotlin console application with Gradle in Intellij IDEA

I found this tutorial from JetBrains:
It is dated August 19th, 2020.
I am using the same IntelliJ IDEA version as in their documentation: 2020.2.
However, my project creation wizard looks quite different from theirs.
They provide this screenshot:
But for me, it looks like this:
and when I click on Next:
I don't see where I can choose the Console Application template, or Gradle.
I found a second tutorial - , which shows yet a third variation of the New Project wizard:
Are the tutorials out of date? Am I doing anything wrong? How do I create a Kotlin project, based on a console application template, with Gradle?
The wizard you have seems to be obsolete now. There was a brand-new one, released as a part of Kotlin 1.4 recently(see here). Most probably, the problem is caused by the Kotlin IDE plugin being outdated or something. Please try to delete in and re-install using the Preferences -> Plugins menu. Comment here with the results, please. I'd like to know if this would help.
Indeed it's quite weird, I've never seen the dialog to look like yours (mine looks like the one in the tutorials). However, choosing the template doesn't do anything special - it simply creates the main file, which you can do so yourself.
So create a new project with the "JVM/IDEA" option. If it already opens up a main.kt file, you don't need to do anything else. If it didn't, look in the src folder - you should see a folder named main with a folder named kotlin (with a blue icon instead of grey) inside - here's where you wanna create your main file (right click -> new kotlin file/class -> main.kt and make it a file, not a class). Finally, put this in the file:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Hello world!")
Note: if you don't have a kotlin folder, create the file in the folder with the blue icon (might even be src). Also, if this doesn't use Gradle (for some reason), create a Gradle project instead, and at the "Additional libraries and frameworks" option, uncheck Java and check Kotlin, then continue with creating main.kt if it isn't created.
You may create a Kotlin + gradle project from the terminal:
$mkdir myProject; cd myProject; gradle init
follow the tutorial.
And then start the Intellij & open the dir
You're good to go
Same process like this
The same happened to me but I figured out how to fix it:
Just disable Material Theme UI.

Problem Importing ControlP5 in IntelliJ IDEA (used with Processing Core)

I am developing an interactive program to simulate power grid switching and I have it working beautifully with the rendering tools in the Processing library. Now I want to add a user interface with menus and buttons, etc. I found the ControlP5 library and it seems like what I need, but I am having a hard time importing it into my project. I have the most current ControlP5 folders/files on my machine and I have added them as a project library. IntelliJ is recoginizing my import statement, but it won't let me declare a variable using the ControlP5 class.
My import statement seems good to go... it is greyed out as an unused import.
But the very last line in the code copied here generates an error "Cannot resolve symbol 'ControlP5'"
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.event.*;
import controlP5.*;
public class Main extends PApplet {
Viewport viewport = new Viewport();
Click click = new Click();
UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();
ControlP5 cp5;
Here is a screen shot of my libraries. I have the Processing Core library which I am using for drawing tools, and I want to also use classes from the ControlP5 library which I believe I have correctly linked as an external library here.
Here is a screen shot of my module dependencies.
Here is a screen shot of the bottom of my project tree. I can see that Processing is correctly shown, but I do not see the ControlP5 library here.
I have tried multiple different methods of adding just certain subfolders of the "controlp5-master" folder which I downloaded with no luck.
I have also searched through Google, Processing forum, and Stack Overflow and can't find an answer.
Any advice?
My problem was solved on the Processing Forum. I simply referenced the wrong file when establishing my external library. The ControlP5 download package includes a jar file that is buried several folders deep. Once I pointed the library to that jar file, I was in business.

Bug in importing project code classes in android studio 3.0

So, say I have this code,
And then, normally, if I want to import that class, i just hover on the red-coded code (in this case MenuType), and press Alt+Enter. But, annoyingly, instead of importing the class, it turns into this:
And it's error.
To make it work, I need to manually insert the supposed-to-be-imported package into the import section, and it works normally. It's workable, but kinda annoying.
This however, work normally with non-project code (classes in dependencies, etc)
Anyone knows what caused this and how to fix it? Maybe it's because of Kotlin?
P.S. I think I didn't find this kind of bug in Android Studio prior to 3.0

IntelliJ autocomplete partially working

I've just added some Java classes to my project in IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.3. When I attempt to use autocomplete to add the elsewhere in the project, it does not find them. It shows older classes, but not the new classes. If I type out the class name, IntelliJ asks to import it and everything works.
What am I missing? Why would if find some of my classes and not others?
Not the end of the world, but it is very annoying.
Well, I just discovered the invalidate cache option. This appears to have fixed the issue, by forcing a re-index.
For anyone else facing this problem, the option is under File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...

Listener in Testng

I have created a listener class in my project. Now what I have read in web there are two methods to add a listener either to your class or to testng file.
Please check in the folder structure. For now, I m using it like this in my java class but it is giving me error as in image attached:
From your screenshots, I understand that your test class resides in the package Test.test.MyHomepageTestCases in src/test/java
You are trying to refer to the listener that resides in the package Test.tes.Utilsin src/main/java.
When you use #Listeners(Test.tes.MyHomepageTestCases.MyHomepageTestCases.ListenerToUse.class)
Here you are basically telling Java to look for the listener class ListenerToUse inside Test.tes.MyHomepageTestCases.MyHomepageTestCases (as a nested class), but that's not the case because ListenerToUse is NOT a embedded class inside
To fix the problem please do the following:
Change: #Listeners(Test.tes.MyHomepageTestCases.MyHomepageTestCases.ListenerToUse.class)
To: #Listeners(Test.tes.Utils.ListenerToUse.class)
I think the issue is you're mixing the package of your Listener, and the package of the class where you want to add it.
Your code now:
Correct package:
However, you've named your package "Test", which is (besides breaking Java naming conventions -> clashing with the TestNG Test class. On your screenshot, I can see that "Test" is grayed out. If you hover with your mouse over it, you'll probably see Eclipse has resolved it as "org.testng.annotations.Test". So you have two options:
Name your packages properly and try again
Expand the imports sections of your HomeTestCases class; manually add:
import Test.tes.Utils.ListenerUse;
and delete the following:
import org.testng.annotations.Test;