Looping structure and reusing EntityNew - orm

I just recently got to start using ORM so be prepared for this to be an easy answer...
So I've striped out any error checking and defining of parameters, et al. This is the part of the code that is Adding a user to the database. The entity is being populated correctly, everything is working, except! I am getting the exact same record inserted thousands of times. If I replace the Entity ORM code with a writeOutput, I get what is expected but with the orm added back in it becomes a, practically, endless loop and never updates the entity values. I imagine it's a conceptual short coming on my part.
companyObj = EntityLoadByPK( 'companyInfo', companyId );
for(i=1; i LTE application._.size(toCommit); i = i++ ){
/**Again, error checking and defining parameters were pulled out for clarity.
It's all about the ORM.[I've got to assume]*/
StructClear( toSaveObjects );
currentUserName = structFind(toCommit[i],'USERNAME');
currentEntity = EntityNew( "CompanyUsers");
properties = getMetaData(currentEntity).properties;
for(t=1; t <= arrayLen(properties); t++){
property = properties[t];
currentField = #property.Name#;
if( StructkeyExists(toCommit[i],property.name)){
currentSetValue = structFind(toCommit[i],property.name);
if( LEN( TRIM( currentSetValue ) ) ){
if( ListFindNoCase( listOfKeys, TRIM( currentField ), "," ) ){
if( ListFindNoCase( toCommitOwnFunction, TRIM( currentField ), "," ) ){
<! ---[] Requires separate fuction --->
if(currentField eq 'userGroups'){
groupObj = EntityLoadByPK( 'companyGroups', 1);
entity_groupObject = EntityNew('companyUsers_J_companyGroups');
} else{
/***BTW, the duplication occurs even if the fields values aren't assigned dynamically.*/
evaluate("currentEntity." & "set#property.name#(currentSetValue)");
transaction {
committedData.message[i] = TRIM( mssgQualifier ) & TRIM( mssgValue );
catch(any e){
committedData.message[i] = TRIM( mssgQualifier ) & ' failed. No further information is available.';
return committedData;
So I've tried to clean up the above code. I also came across OrmEvictEntity which resolves the primary issue I was having.
private function commitStruct( required any toCommit, required string toCommitOwnFunction, string shrtName, any companyId ){
// Struct Key List. May vary by record
var listOfKeys = '';
// ORM object to save. Create for clearing at loop head
var currentEntity = structNew();
// anncillary/related obcts to save with entity
var entityObjsToSave = structNew();
// The temp subject of the return msg
var msgSubject = '';
// The temp action of the return msg
var msgAction = '';
// committed data struct
var committed = structNew();
// msgSubject and msgAction return struct
var committed.returnMsg = structNew();
// holds the model object properties
var properties = structNew();
//current row username, if applicable
var currentUserName = '';
// if entity required companyId relationship
if( ListFindNoCase( this.typeNeedsCompId, shrtName) ){
var companyObj = EntityLoadByPK( 'companyInfo', companyId );
// If we are Adding Users (AU), create the entity and get bean metadata
if( ListFindNoCase( 'AU,UU', TRIM( shrtName ), ',' , false ) ) {
currentEntity = EntityNew( "CompanyUsers" );
properties = getMetaData( currentEntity ).properties;
//toCommit Counter
//------------[START] Primary 'row' loop -------------
for( row IN toCommit ){
//drop into row var
row = toCommit[i];
// clear primaries--Future Use.
structClear( entityObjsToSave );
currentUserName = '';
msgSubject = '';
msgAction = '';
//Update listOfKeys for this record
listOfKeys = StructKeyList(toCommit[i]);
//assign username for frequent, future reference
if( ListFindNoCase(listOfKeys, 'USERNAME' ) ){
currentUserName = structFind( row, 'USERNAME' );
// If we are Adding Users (AU) or Updating Users (UU), create the entity and assign default msg values
if(shrtName eq 'AU'){
currentEntity = EntityNew( "CompanyUsers" );
msgSubject = TRIM( currentUserName );
msgAction = ' - submitted successfully';
properties = getMetaData( currentEntity ).properties;
//------------[START] FUTURE CONDITIONS -------------
//.------------[END] FUTURE CONDITIONS -------------
// Set companyId to entity
if( ListFindNoCase( this.typeNeedsCompId, shrtName ) ){
currentEntity.setCompanyId( companyObj );
//------------[START] Looping items in row -------------
for( property IN properties ){
currentField = setFieldNameAndValue( property, row, listOfKeys );
//if this field was not ruled out for some reason previously but caught locally
if( currentField.fieldValue NEQ 'IGNORE' ){
// if the field name is listed in toCommitOwnFunction, split off for separate processing
if( ListFindNoCase( toCommitOwnFunction, TRIM( currentField.fieldName ), "," ) ){
// test toCommitOwnFunction field names
switch (currentField.fieldName){
case 'userGroups':
if( isDefined( 'groupObj' ) ){
if( isDefined( 'entity_groupObject' ) ){
groupObj = EntityLoad( 'companyGroups', { groupName = #currentField.fieldValue# });
entity_groupObject = EntityNew('companyUsers_J_companyGroups');
msgAction = '-Error. Unexpected Field';
if( LEN(TRIM(currentField.fieldValue))){
//Simple field type insertion
evaluate( "currentEntity." & "set#currentField.fieldName#( currentField.fieldValue )" );
//.------------[END] Looping items in row -------------
transaction {
if( !isNull( entity_groupObject ) ){
EntitySave( entity_groupObject );
committed.returnMsg[i] = TRIM( msgSubject ) & TRIM( msgAction );
catch(any e){
committed.returnMsg[i] = TRIM( msgSubject ) & ' - Action Failed. No additional information is available.<br/><br/>' & e; }
//.------------[END] Primary 'row' loop -------------
return committed;
My remaining issue is the groupObj, simply due to my lack of ORM experience I'm sure.
I have cfcs for CompanyUsers with a one-to-many being expressed in companyUsers_J_companyGroups and CompanyGroups with same (back to companyUsers_J_companyGroups). companyUsers_J_companyGroups has many-to-one pointed back out to CompanyUsers and CompanyGroups -
property name='userId'
hint='The user side of the relationship';
property name='groupId'
hint='The group side of the user/group relationship';
I continue to get errors on the group processing.

The primary issue with coming to this solution, that I had, was that the CF parser's requirements (re: #'s, evaluate, and so) seemed counterintuitive. I'm not a big fan of 'evaluate' to begin with. Regardless, the following resolves the issue. Outstanding is maintaining relational entities to be followed up in a separate post.
private function commitStruct( required any toCommit, required string toCommitOwnFunction, string shrtName, any companyId ){
// ORM object to save. Create for clearing at loop head
var currentEntity= structNew();
// committed data struct
var committed = structNew();
// holds the model object properties
var properties = structNew();
// Create default entity object and metadata
currentEntity = EntityNew( "CompanyUsers" );
properties = getMetaData( currentEntity ).properties;
//toCommit Counter
i = 0;
//------------[START] Primary 'row' loop -------------
for( row IN toCommit ){
//drop into row var
row = toCommit[i];
// Here we are Evicting the entity for reuse.
//create the entity
currentEntity = EntityNew( "CompanyUsers" );
//getting the cfc column setup and properties
properties = getMetaData( currentEntity ).properties;
//------------[START] Looping items in row -------------
for( property IN properties ){
//assign the fieldname
current.fieldName = #property.Name#;
//assign the fieldvalue to appropriate var, current.fieldValue
current.fieldValue = structFind( row, current.fieldName );
// Simple field type insertion, meaning one-to-many, many-to-many, et al would need
// to be split off and handled differently.
evaluate( "currentEntity." & "set#currentField.fieldName#( currentField.fieldValue )" );
//.------------[END] Looping items in row -------------
transaction {
// Save the entity
catch(any e){
//.------------[END] Primary 'row' loop -------------
Many thanks to #James A Mohler for all of his advice.


How to make a report parameter selection change another report parameter selection values while allowing multiselect for both of them?

Lets say I have a table with a list of names, such as "a, b, c" and each name has several other values assigned (some of the other values can be assigned to several/all of names values, example below).
Table example:
( names - other ):
a - aa
a - ab
a - ac
b - ab
b - bb
b - cb
c - ac
c - bc
c - cc
How do I make in birt so that I could select names in one parameter box and get corresponding other values to select for another parameter? I know it's possible to do that with cascading parameter, but that doesn't allow to have multiselect for the first parameter, which in our example would be names values.
Found a solution partly here: https://forums.opentext.com/forums/developer/discussion/61283/allow-multi-value-for-cascading-parameter
and here (thanks google translate ^^): https://www.developpez.net/forums/d1402270/logiciels/solutions-d-entreprise/business-intelligence/birt/birt-4-3-1-multi-value-cascade-parameters/
Steps to do:
change"\birt\webcontent\birt\ajax\ui\dialog\BirtParameterDialog.js" file contents (there is a file to download for replacement in one of the links, but in case it goes dead I'm sharing 2 snippets from it where the changes occur:
__refresh_cascade_select : function( element )
var matrix = new Array( );
var m = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < this.__cascadingParameter.length; i++ )
for( var j = 0; j < this.__cascadingParameter[i].length; j++ )
var paramName = this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name;
if( paramName == this.__isnull )
paramName = this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value;
if( paramName == element.id.substr( 0, element.id.length - 10 ) )
//The two way work (String(selectedValue) or Array(SelectedValueArray))
var l = 0;
var isFirstElement = true;
var selectedValue = "";
var selectedValueArray = new Array();
for(var test = 0; test<element.options.length;test++){
isFirstElement = false;
selectedValue = element.options[test].value;
selectedValue = selectedValue+","+element.options[test].value;
selectedValueArray[l] = element.options[test].value;
var tempText = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
var tempValue = element.options[element.selectedIndex].value;
// Null Value Parameter
if ( tempValue == Constants.nullValue )
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name = this.__isnull;
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value = paramName;
else if( tempValue == '' )
if( tempText == "" )
var target = element;
target = target.parentNode;
var oInputs = target.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
if( oInputs.length >0 && oInputs[1].value != Constants.TYPE_STRING )
// Only String parameter allows blank value
alert( birtUtility.formatMessage( Constants.error.parameterNotAllowBlank, paramName ) );
this.__clearSubCascadingParameter( this.__cascadingParameter[i], j );
// Blank Value
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name = paramName;
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value = tempValue;
// Blank Value
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name = paramName;
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value = tempValue;
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name = paramName;
//The two way work (String(selectedValue) or Array(SelectedValueArray))
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value = selectedValueArray;
for( var m = 0; m <= j; m++ )
if( !matrix[m] )
matrix[m] = {};
matrix[m].name = this.__cascadingParameter[i][m].name;
matrix[m].value = this.__cascadingParameter[i][m].value;
birtEventDispatcher.broadcastEvent( birtEvent.__E_CASCADING_PARAMETER, matrix );
and this:
// exist select control and input text/password
// compare the parent div offsetTop
if( oFirstITC.parentNode && oFirstST.parentNode )
// Bugzilla 265615: need to use cumulative offset for special cases
// where one element is inside a group container
var offsetITC = Position.cumulativeOffset( oFirstITC );
var offsetST = Position.cumulativeOffset( oFirstST );
// compare y-offset first, then x-offset to determine the visual order
if( ( offsetITC[1] > offsetST[1] ) || ( offsetITC[1] == offsetST[1] && offsetITC[0] > offsetST[0] ) )
oFirstST.focus( );
oFirstITC.focus( );
After .js is changed cascading parameters can have multiselect on all levels.
1st DataSet "DS_country" query:
2nd DataSet "DS_office" query:
After datasets are created we can make cascading report parameters CRP_country and CRP_office (keep in mind that UI doesn't let you to choose "Allow multiple values" on the upper levels, but we can change that in property editor after the parameters are made by going to advanced tab and changing "Scalar parameter type" property value to "Multi Value")
The only thing left is to pick lower level cascading parameters (CRP_office in our example) and go to script tab and add this on "beforeOpen":
// Do that if your selections are in String type.
var stringArray = params["CRP_country"].value.toString().split(",");
var result = "";
for(var i =0 ; i < stringArray.length ; i++){
result = "'"+stringArray[i]+"'";
result = result+",'"+stringArray[i]+"'";
// For String
this.queryText = this.queryText.replace("'DS_country'", result);
//For integer (the first part is useless)
//this.queryText = this.queryText.replace("'DS_country'",

Photoshop Scripting: Relink Smart Object

I'm working on a script that should go through a photoshop document and relink all visible linked objects to a new specified file. I've gotten the loop working so that it cycles through every layer and collects only the visible layers, but for the life of me I can't find if there's a method available to relink a smart object. The closest I've found is this script:
but when it gets to desc3.putPath(idnull, new File(newFile));, it spits out an error indicating that the functionality may not be present in the current Photoshop version. The script itself is 4 years old so it may be out of date.
Any help would be appreciated!
MY script as it stands is below:
var files = File.openDialog("Please select new linked file");
var selectedFile = files[0];
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var allLayers = [];
var allLayers = collectAllLayers(doc, allLayers);
function collectAllLayers (doc, allLayers)
for (var m = 0; m < doc.layers.length; m++)
var theLayer = doc.layers[m];
if (theLayer.typename === "ArtLayer")
collectAllLayers(theLayer, allLayers);
return allLayers;
var visibleLayers = [];
for (i = 0; i < allLayers.length; i++)
var layer = allLayers[i];
if (layer.visible && layer.kind == LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT)
for (i = 0; i < visibleLayers.length; i++)
var layer = visibleLayers[i];
Note: I am aware that this script currently may be error-prone if you don't know exactly how it works; I'm not intending to publish it at this time so I'm not super concerned with that at the moment. Mostly I just need the core functionality to work.
I used an AM function for getting visible smart objects — it works much faster. But if you want you can use yours. The important bit is relinkSO(path);: it'll also work in your script (just don't forget to select a layer: activeDocument.activeLayer = visibleLayers[i];)
Note that it works similar to Photoshop Relink to File command — if used on one instance of Smart Object all the instances are going to be relinked. If you want to relink only specific layers you'll have to break instancing first (probably using the New Smart Object via Copy command)
function main() {
var myFile = Folder.myDocuments.openDlg('Load file', undefined, false);
if (myFile == null) return false;
// gets IDs of all smart objects
var lyrs = getLyrs();
for (var i = 0; i < lyrs.length; i++) {
// for each SO id...
// select it
// relink SO to file
// embed linked if you want
function getLyrs() {
var ids = [];
var layers, desc, vis, type, id;
layers = 0;
catch (e)
layers = 1;
while (true)
ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex(charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), layers);
desc = executeActionGet(ref);
catch (err)
vis = desc.getBoolean(charIDToTypeID("Vsbl"));
type = desc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("layerKind"));
id = desc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("layerID"));
if (type == 5 && vis) ids.push(id);
return ids;
} // end of getLyrs()
function selectById(id) {
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIdentifier(charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), id);
desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID('null'), ref);
executeAction(charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc, DialogModes.NO);
} // end of selectById()
function relinkSO(path) {
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putPath( charIDToTypeID('null'), new File( path ) );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('placedLayerRelinkToFile'), desc, DialogModes.NO );
} // end of relinkSO()
function embedLinked() {
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('placedLayerConvertToEmbedded'), undefined, DialogModes.NO );
} // end of embedLinked()
app.activeDocument.suspendHistory("relink SOs", "main()");

Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers

ERROR: (-4014) Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers.
The default function of DI API SaveDraftToDocument() is working fine on MS SQL Database but not SAP HANA.
I am posting the Delivery document with Serial Numbers.
SAPbobsCOM.Documents oDrafts;
oDrafts = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDrafts);
var count = oDrafts.Lines.Count;
var linenum = oDrafts.Lines.LineNum;
var RsRecordCount = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
var sQryRecordCount = String.Format("Select * from \"SANTEXDBADDON\".\"#TEMPITEMDETAILS\" where \"U_DraftNo\" = '{0}'", EditText27.Value);
if (count == RsRecordCount.RecordCount)
string ItemCode = "", WhsCode = ""; double Quantity = 0; int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < oDrafts.Lines.Count; i++)
ItemCode = oDrafts.Lines.ItemCode;
var RsSerial = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
string table = "\"#TEMPSERIALS\"";
var sQrySerial = String.Format(
"Select \"U_ItemCode\" , \"U_DistNumber\" from \"SANTEXDBADDON\".\"#TEMPSERIALS\" where " +
"\"U_DraftNo\" = '{0}' and \"U_ItemCode\" = '{1}'", EditText27.Value, ItemCode);
int serialindex = 1, lineindex = 0;
if (RsSerial.RecordCount > 0)
while (!RsSerial.EoF)
var RsSerialOSRN = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
var sQrySerialOSRN = String.Format(
"Select * from OSRN where \"DistNumber\" = '{0}' and \"ItemCode\" = '{1}'"
, RsSerial.Fields.Item("U_DistNumber").Value.ToString(), ItemCode);
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.BaseLineNumber = oDrafts.Lines.LineNum;
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.SystemSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.ManufacturerSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.InternalSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.Quantity = 1;
if (RsSerial.RecordCount != serialindex)
Application.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("INTERNAL NO " + oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.InternalSerialNumber, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
var status = oDrafts.SaveDraftToDocument();
if (status == 0)
Application.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("Delivery Posted Successfully !", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
int code = 0; string message = "";
oCompany.GetLastError(out code, out message);
Application.SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage(message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Medium, true);
The error you have posted explains the problem. You are trying to deliver products but have not included all of the serial/batch numbers.
I don't think there's enough information to be sure where this problem happens, but here are some pointers:
You are reading the serial numbers from a custom table. Are the values you are reading valid? For example, could another user have added them to a different order? Could the values be for a different product?
Are you specifying the correct quantity of serial numbers? Is it possible that the item quantity on the line is more than the number of serial numbers you are adding?
Believe the error message until you can prove it's wrong. It doesn't seem like this is a HANA issue (we use HANA extensively) it's a logical problem with the data you are providing.
You may want to capture more debugging information to help you if you can't easily identify where the problem is.

How to use GroupFormatter with ObjectListView control

I cannot seem to find anywhere, any examples on how to make use of the GroupFormatter delegate to allow me to add footers to my groups when using the ObjectListView control.
Does anyone have any examples that could demonstrate this? I want to remove the text from the group header and add a footer (different text per footer). As well as changing font, etc.
Any examples would be very helpful.
You can analyze the code for the
public void MakeGroupies<T>(T[] values, string[] descriptions, object[] images, string[] subtitles, string[] tasks)
method of the ObjectListView class. That explicitly sets the GroupKeyGetter, GroupKeyToTitleConverter and GroupFormatter property delegates.
This is C# but your VB adaptation should be straightforward. I am using this small test class as the object type to bind to the list view.
public class TestClass
private readonly string _s;
private readonly float _f;
public TestClass( string p1, float p2 )
this._s = p1;
this._f = p2;
[OLVColumn(DisplayIndex = 1, Name="S", Title="String")]
public string S {get {return this._s;}}
[OLVColumn( DisplayIndex = 2, Name = "F", Title = "Float" )]
public float F {get {return this._f;}}
So as not to manually define column traits I am using attributes inside the bound object and a
BrightIdeasSoftware.Generator.GenerateColumns( this.olv, typeof( TestClass ) );
call in the form/user control where I am using the list view. In fact here is the method that completely isolates ObjectListView configuration:
void SetData( TestClass[] objects )
// build list columns
Generator.GenerateColumns( this.olv, typeof( TestClass ) );
// use groups and make current column the priimary sort column
this.olv.ShowGroups = true;
this.olv.SortGroupItemsByPrimaryColumn = false;
// loop through columns and set properties
foreach( OLVColumn col in this.olv.Columns )
col.Groupable = true;
col.Sortable = true;
if( col.Name == "F" )
col.MakeGroupies<float>( new float[] { 10f, 100f, 1000f }, new string[] { "<10", "10-100", "100-1000", ">1000" } );
else if( col.Name == "S" )
col.UseInitialLetterForGroup = false;
col.GroupKeyGetter = ( obj ) =>
TestClass tc = (TestClass)obj;
switch( char.ToLower( tc.S[0] ) )
case 'a':
case 'e':
case 'i':
case 'o':
case 'u': return true;
default: return false;
col.GroupKeyToTitleConverter = ( o ) => { bool b = (bool)o; return b ? "vowel" : "consonant"; };
col.GroupFormatter = ( /*OLVGroup*/ group, /*GroupingParameters*/ parms ) =>
string s = string.Format ("{0} {1}", group.GroupId, group.Id);
//group.BottomDescription = "BottomDescription: " + s;
//group.TopDescription = "TopDescription: " + s;
group.Footer = "Footer: " + s;
this.olv.SetObjects( objects );
You will definitely have one different footer per each group.

Existing posts keep on re-add upon deletion of selected row in jTable

I try to refresh the data of jTable upon deletion of selected row. Here are my codes to set up table :
private JTable getJTableManageReplies() {
new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
if (!e.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
int viewRow = jTableManageReplies.getSelectedRow();
// Get the first column data of the selectedrow
int replyID = Integer.parseInt(jTableManageReplies.getValueAt(
viewRow, 0).toString());
eForumRepliesAdmin reply = new eForumRepliesAdmin(replyID);
replyID = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Are you sure that you want to delete the selected reply? " , "Delete replies", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if(replyID == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Reply has been deleted successfully.");
return jTableManageReplies;
public void SetUpJTableManageReplies() {
DefaultTableModel tableModel = (DefaultTableModel) jTableManageReplies
String[] data = new String[5];
db.setUp("IT Innovation Project");
String sql = "Select forumReplies.reply_ID,forumReplies.reply_topic,forumTopics.topic_title,forumReplies.reply_content,forumReplies.reply_by from forumReplies,forumTopics WHERE forumReplies.reply_topic = forumTopics.topic_id ";
ResultSet resultSet = null;
resultSet = db.readRequest(sql);
try {
while (resultSet.next()) {
data[0] = resultSet.getString("reply_ID");
data[1] = resultSet.getString("reply_topic");
data[2] = resultSet.getString("topic_title");
data[3] = resultSet.getString("reply_content");
data[4] = resultSet.getString("reply_by");
} catch (Exception e) {
And this is my sql statement :
public boolean deleteReply() {
boolean success = false;
DBController db = new DBController();
db.setUp("IT Innovation Project");
String sql = "DELETE FROM forumReplies where reply_ID = " + replyID
+ "";
if (db.updateRequest(sql) == 1)
success = true;
return success;
I called the repaint() to update the table data with the newest data in database and it works. I mean the data after deletion of certain row. However, the existing posts will keep on re-add. Then I add the removeAllElement method to remove all the existing posts because my sql statement is select * from table. Then, there is an error message which is ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Any guides to fix this? Thanks in advance.
I called the repaint() to update the table data with the newest data
in database and it works.
There is no need to call repaint method when data is changed. Data change is handled by the Table Model (DefaultTableModel in this case.) And fireXXXMethods are required to be called whenever data is changed but you are using DefaultTableModel even those are not required. (Since by default it call these methods when ever there is a change.)
I think the problem is in the valuesChanged(..) method. You are getting the value at row 0 but not checking whether table has rows or not. So keep a constraint.
int viewRow = jTableManageReplies.getSelectedRow();
// Get the first column data of the selectedrow
if(jTableManageReplies.getRowCount() > 0)
int replyID = Integer.parseInt(jTableManageReplies.getValueAt(viewRow, 0).toString());