data empty using ReportUserAction component - react-admin

I'm using the following code to create an action on a Edit View:
const PostEditActions = ({ basePath, data, resource }) => (
<ReportUserAction record={data} />
export const UserEdit = (props) => (
<Edit title="Modify user parameters" actions={<PostEditActions />} {...props}>
In ReportUserAction component I receive data= undefined, but I don't know why. The edit view has data:
And I can access to other variables such as basePath and Resource.
How can I pass data with the correct information?


specific ID in react-admin list

would like to get the id of a row when I click on a button or somewhere on the row inside the list/Datagrid component of react-admin,
I am completely new to react js and react-admin as well.
WOuld appreciate for any kind gesture
React-admin exposes a hook called useRecordContext that lets you access the record used by the current component. In a Datagrid, this lets you access the record of the row.
So you can create a component like so:
import { useRecordContext } from 'react-admin';
const MyButton = () => {
const record = useRecordContext();
const handleClick = () => {
// the current row id is
// do something with it
return <button onClick={handleClick}>Do stuff</button>;
Then, use that component as a child of <Datagrid>:
const MyList = () => (
<TextField source="title" />
<MyButton />
More information at

React hook form with customize controller

render={({ field: { value, onChange, onBlur } }) => {
return (
label={'Product Type'}
I got my select input componenet from react-select package and i want to use react hook form controller with it btw i already got my own onChange props on it , In docs to send data to useForm i also need to put field onchange on it so how to bring onChange useForm with my own logic???
const onProductTypeChange = (e) => {
const valueSelect = e.value
props.setJobData((arr) => ({
productType: valueSelect
this is my on change needed
You can set onChange prop on SelectInput as a function which calls your onProductTypeChange function and also call onChange of react-hook-form, like this:
onChange={(e)=> {

how do I pass ref to state?

I created a ref and passed it to the component as an argument. Now how can I write it to State without dispatch?
const myRef = createRef<any>();
const KeyboardAvoidingWrapper: React.FC<IKeyboardAvoidingProps> = (
props: IKeyboardAvoidingProps,
=> {
if (isAndroid) {
return (
<ScrollView ref={myRef} style={styles.scroll} contentContainerStyle={styles.scrollContent}>
This example might help you.
<Component ref={(ref) => {
// You can now write ref to state,
// which I will not recommend
// or pass it to callback
}} />
// You need to pass getInnerRef
<Component getInnerRef={(ref) => {
this.innerRef = ref;
const FancyButton = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
<button ref={ref} className="FancyButton">
// You can now get a ref directly to the DOM button:
const ref = React.createRef();
<FancyButton ref={ref}>Click me!</FancyButton>;
Please refer the react documentation. It clearly defines how to use refs.

Creating new record does not register in list without refresh and creates duplicate record

Below is a screenshot of the Redux dev tools. This is a list of records of a particular resource. As you can see, the newly added record has a duplicate with the key undefined. It also does not register on the list without a refresh.
Redux Dev Tools
Here is the create component:
export const OrgCreate = (props: ReactAdminComponentProps) => {
const controller = useCreateController(props);
return (
<Create {...props} {...controller}>
<TextInput source="name" />
Here is the list component:
export const OrgList = (props: ReactAdminComponentProps) => {
const controller = useListController(props);
return (
<List {...props} {...controller} exporter={false} bulkActionButtons={false}>
<Datagrid rowClick="edit" hasBulkActions={false}>
<TextField source="name.value" label="Name" />
<DateField source="createdAt" />
Here is the create response in the GraphQL provider:
createResponse = (data: any) => data.createOrganization.organization;
Try removing the lines:
const controller = useCreateController(props);
const controller = useListController(props);
and further {...controller}, it should work.

React Router V4 restore navigation state from url

Let's say we display a dropdown and on select the user is navigated to a different subpage via react router. How can we restore the dropdown selection on page reload with react router? The projectNumber param is only accessible in the Project component.
In some other projects I solved this problem by writing back the route param to a context or redux store from the child component, but this obviously isn't a nice solution, is it?
export const Projects: React.FC = () => {
const { data, loading, error } = useSomeData()
const history = useHistory()
const onSelectProject = useCallback(
(projectNumber: unknown) => {
if (error) return <p>{error.toString()}</p>
return (
<Select loading={loading} onChange={onSelectProject} placeholder="Select a project">
{data?.map((project) => (
<Option key={} value={project.number}>
<Route path="/project/:projectNumber" render={() => <Project />} />
You can do it via react-router state. Just see the example:
export const Projects = () => {
const history = useHistory()
const { state } = useLocation()
const onSelectProject = useCallback(
(projectNumber) => {
pathname: '/project',
state: {
if (error) return <p>{error.toString()}</p>
return (
<Select loading={loading} onChange={onSelectProject} placeholder="Select a project">
{data?.map((project) => (
<Option key={} value={project.number}>
{state && state. projectNumber && <Project projectNumber={state.projectNumber} />
It will work fine for reload page, but not for sharing link to someone other.
But if you are going to share link with preselected dropdown, you can use query parameter (GET parameter).