Is Desktop Mode Accessible When Using Bluetooth Keyboards in ChromeOs v69? - google-chrome-os

I just found a great bluetooth keyboard by Brydge for the Pixel Slate and am wondering if current ChromeOs devices can manually transfer from "tablet" to "desktop" mode when you attach a bluetooth keyboard?

It seems like this is feasible by enabling a setting in developer mode. Thanks to #Skawtnyc's response on Reddit!
You can switch back and forth on the fly. Enable chrome://flags/#ash-debug-shortcuts and then you can use CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+T to switch back and forth between desktop and tablet mode.
If you connect a mouse it will automatically switch to desktop mode, but using this method you can still switch back and forth.
#Skawtnyc also points out a bug to watch out for when using an external display such as a monitor.
Keep in mind that when connected to a dock with an external display, this setup can trigger a crash/restart error. The cause is the virtual keyboard. Anything that causes the virtual keyboard to appear on screen will trigger it. The workaround is to go into Accessibility settings and turn off the on-screen keyboard. You don't need it anyway when using a physical keyboard.


Programmatically disable all Notification Center banners on Mac

Can a Mac app temporarily disable Notification Center, for example while it is doing a full-screen presentation? Apple says alerts are "automatically disabled while you’re presenting in Keynote. They also won’t appear if your display is mirrored on an external monitor." Do third-party apps also have the ability to temporary disable notifications?
I don't think so, but my assumptions are base on iOS, where you can't turn off notification center at all.
You can enable Focus (aka Do Not Disturb) which will hide current notifications and prevent new ones from popping up. See for how to enable/disable it.
I do not know if applications themselves have control over enabling/disabling Focus.
I use the Touch Bar and add the Focus button to quickly enable it if I need to present or share screen. I do not see a keyboard shortcut you can set in Monterrey like you could in Big Sur.

Is it possible to test touch gestures with a "non-touchable" laptop?

While developing Windows Store apps and WP8 apps, is it possible to test the "touch" gestures while using a laptop that doesn't support touch? Are there parallel mouse or keyboard actions/combinations that will do the same thing as a "pinch" or a "flick" gesture (to imitate semantic zoom and unzoom) for example?
When you use the simulator, there are buttons at the right that let you simulate multi-touch. It's not convenient, but it mostly works.
I haven't been able to use the WP8 SDK yet but if the SDK is like WP7 (from what I hear from others it is) use the simulator that comes with the SDK and use Multitouch Vista to emulate the touches with this Guide to using Multitouch Vista. You will just need any other USB mouse (note though using the built-in trackpad as another mouse has been hit and miss in my experience with Multitouch Vista)
For Windows Store Apps the easiest way to simlute gestures only us by using the provided simulator. You can still use Multitouch Vista but the dots to track the points won't show in the Metro Environment.

Force showing keyboard in metro?

I'd like to be able to force the keyboard to show on screen in my Metro app. My goal is to test out different layouts/controls and get a feel for the interaction. My problem is that I'm running Win8 on a MacBook Pro (Parallels) and I don't know how to override the physical keyboard and show it on screen instead.
Similarly, I'd like to be able to force rotation if possible.
You could run your app the Simulator. You can put the Simulator in "Touch Mode" and that will interpret mouse clicks as touch events in the on screen controls like Text Boxes and you can choose to rotate the Simulator into profile as well.

How do I Capture keyboard/mouse events with my application in focus?

I'm building a synergy like app for Mac OS, that captures keyboard/mouse and sends them to a remote computer.
I wish to capture all user keyboard and mouse events, while my NSWindow is in focus (if possible, while not in focus would be nicer). the catch is - I don't want system shortcuts like CMD+Tab or CMD+Q to interrupt me, I wish to handle them before the windowing system does, so that my app won't loose focus. Same for mouse.
Check this - Cocoa Event-Handling Guide
Hope this helps :)

How to detect external keyboard connectification in objective-c?

My application need to know are external keyboard connect or no. How could i do to know that? No Private API please. :)
If this is iOS related, I'm not sure why you'd want to detect this as the hardware keyboard acts exactly the same as the software keyboard (except with a few extra shortcuts for sound, brightness etc. which your app shouldn't use anyway).
If you're considering screen space, then the software keyboard will still send it's notifications when it is displayed or when it is hidden, so you can respond to those. For example, say you have the software keyboard up and then you connect your external keyboard. The software keyboard will hide, and will post the UIKeyboardWillHideNotification. So you can respond to that.