Subscribing to Presence Changes in Skype for Buisness Client - skype-for-business

I want to subscribe to my own presence changes in my Skype for Buisness Client and tried the ContactInformationChanged event from the Lync Client SDK. The documentation on subscribing to presence (doc) writes that their is also a need to create a Subscription, fill it with the ContactInformationTypes i want to subscribe to, add the contact i want to subscribe to and call Subscribe() on the subscription object. Now unless i misunderstood the documentation you still habe to subscribe to the ContactInformationChanged event if you do that. The thing is even if i leave out the subscription creation part and just subscribe to the ContactInformationChanged event it makes no difference. For example if i do this:
var selfContact = m_lyncClient.Self.Contact;
selfContact.ContactInformationChanged += Contact_ContactInformationChanged;
m_subscription = m_lyncClient.ContactManager.CreateSubscription();
List<ContactInformationType> contactInformationList = new List<ContactInformationType>
m_subscription.Subscribe(ContactSubscriptionRefreshRate.High, contactInformationList);
I get event messages for ContactInformationChanged with a ContactInformationTypethat i didn't specify.
My Questions:
Is the Subscription creation part even necessary?
Is there a way to just get Presence Notifications of specific ContactInformationType's changing (like Availabilty for example)?

Is the Subscription creation part even necessary?
For your own contact, no you don't need to create a subscription.
Is there a way to just get Presence Notifications of specific ContactInformationType's changing (like Availabilty for example)?
No. You just need to filter out all other callbacks like so:
private void Contact_ContactInformationChanged(object sender, ContactInformationChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.ChangedContactInformation.Contains(ContactInformationType.Availability) ||
e.ChangedContactInformation.Contains(ContactInformationType.ActivityId) ||


Selectively consume messages based on message body attributes in RabbitMQ

Let's say I have a situation where I need to wait for up to 1 minute for some action to be performed.
If it is expired, then try different action.
My current solution proposal is based on RabbitMQ features.
I would create following resources:
DirectExchange exchangeDirect() {
return new DirectExchange("");
Queue bufferQueue() {
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("x-message-ttl", amqpProperties.getTimeToLive().toMillis());
args.put("x-dead-letter-exchange", "");
args.put("x-dead-letter-routing-key", "timedOutQueue");
return new Queue("buffer.queue", true, false, false, args);
Queue timedOutQueue() {
return new Queue("timed.out.queue", true);
Binding bufferQueueToExchangeDirect() {
return bind(bufferQueue())
Binding timedOutQueueToExchangeDirect() {
return bind(timedOutQueue())
When I add action to bufferQueue and I don't receive any delivery update within 1 minute, this request is then moved to timedOutQueue thanks to bufferQueue's TTL.
I can attach application rabbit listener to timedOutQueue and use different action.
When I add action to bufferQueue and I receive confirmation that action was successfully performed, I'd like to remove given action event from bufferQueue.
I couldn't find such feature in RabbitMQ, i.e. being able to receive selectively.
I also found some articles saying that selective consuming is antipattern.
Is it possible to selectively consume messages from RabbitMQ queue?
What is proper way to implement this pattern in RabbitMQ?
There is no concept of message selection in RabbitMQ.
The "proper" way for an application that wants to selectively receive messages is to use multiple queues/routing keys with a consumer on each specific queue he expresses interest in.
However, there is no way to "remove" a message from the middle of a queue; only the head.
When I add action to bufferQueue and I receive confirmation that action was successfully performed, I'd like to remove given action event from bufferQueue.
That makes no sense to me; when the message timed out in bufferQueue due to TTL, and was moved to timedOutQueue, it no longer exists in bufferQueue so there is nothing to remove.
There is also no mechanism to ...
and I don't receive any delivery update within 1 minute,
... because each message in a queue is independent.
It doesn't sound like your application is suitable for a message broker at all.

Azure Queue, AddMessage then UpdateMessage

Is it possible to Add a message to an Azure queue then, in the same flow, update or delete that message?
The idea would be to use the queue to ensure that some work gets done - there's a worker role monitoring that queue. But, the Web role which added the message may be able to make some progress toward (and sometimes even to complete) the transaction.
The worker would already be designed to handle double-delivery and reprocessing partially handled messages (from previous, failed worker attempts) - so there isn't a technical problem here, just time inefficiency and some superfluous storage transactions.
So far it seems like adding the message allows for a delivery delay, giving the web role some time, but doesn't give back a pop-receipt which it seems like we'd need to update/delete the message. Am I missing something?
It seems this feature was added as part of the "2016-05-31” REST API
we now make pop receipt value available in the Put Message (aka Add Message) response which allows users to update/delete a message without the need to retrieve the message first.
I suggest you follow these steps as it worked for me
How to: Create a queue
A CloudQueueClient object lets you get reference objects for queues. The following code creates a CloudQueueClient object. All code in this guide uses a storage connection string stored in the Azure application's service configuration. There are also other ways to create a CloudStorageAccount object. See CloudStorageAccount documentation for details.
// Retrieve storage account from connection string
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
// Create the queue client
CloudQueueClient queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
Use the queueClient object to get a reference to the queue you want to use. You can create the queue if it doesn't exist.
// Retrieve a reference to a queue
CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference("myqueue");
// Create the queue if it doesn't already exist
How to: Insert a message into a queue
To insert a message into an existing queue, first create a new CloudQueueMessage. Next, call the AddMessage method. A CloudQueueMessage can be created from either a string (in UTF-8 format) or a byte array. Here is code which creates a queue (if it doesn't exist) and inserts the message 'Hello, World':
// Retrieve storage account from connection string.
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
// Create the queue client.
CloudQueueClient queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference("myqueue");
// Create the queue if it doesn't already exist.
// Create a message and add it to the queue.
CloudQueueMessage message = new CloudQueueMessage("Hello, World");
For more details, refer this link.
Girish Prajwal

Servicestack.Redis Pub/Sub limitations with other nested Redis commands

I am having a great experience with ServiceStack & Redis, but I'm confused by ThreadPool and Pub/Sub within a thread, and an apparent limitation for accessing Redis within a message callback. The actual error I get states that I can only call "Subscribe" or "Publish" within the "current context". This happens when I try to do another Redis action from the message callback.
I have a process that must run continuously. In my case I can't just service a request one time, but must keep a thread alive all the time doing calculations (and controlling these threads from a REST API route is ideal). Data must come in to the process on a regular basis, and data must be published. The process must also store and retrieve data from Redis. I am using routes and services to take data in and store it in Redis, so this must take place async from the "calculation" process. I thought pub/sub would be the answer to glue the pieces together, but so far that does not seem possible.
Here is how my code is currently structured (the code with the above error). This is the callback for the route that starts the long term "calculation" thread:
public object Get(SystemCmd request)
object ctx = new object();
TradingSystemCmd SystemCmd = new TradingSystemCmd(request, ctx);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x =>
return (retVal); // retVal defined elsewhere
Here is the SystemCmd.signalEngine():
public void signalEngine(){
using (var subscription = Redis.CreateSubscription())
subscription.OnSubscribe = channel =>
subscription.OnUnSubscribe = channel =>
subscription.OnMessage = (channel, msg) =>
TC_CalcBar(channel, redisTrade);
subscription.SubscribeToChannels(dmx_key); //blocking
The "TC_CalcBar" call does processing on data as it becomes available. Within this call is a call to Redis for a regular database accesses (and the error). What I could do would be to remove the Subscription and use another method to block on data being available in Redis. But the current approach seemed quite nice until it failed to work. :-)
I also don't know if the ThreadPool has anything to do with the error, or not.
As per Redis documentation:
Once the client enters the subscribed state it is not supposed to
issue any other commands, except for additional SUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE,
Source :

How to cancel a deferred NServiceBus Message?

Say I use the deferred messaging feature to send a message at some later future point in time, but then later I might want to cancel that message.
Question 1 - When making the original bus.Defer(...) call, how do I get a unique identifier back for that message? I would expect there to be a message id or a timeout id of some sort.
Question 2 - Short of calling the RavenDB database directly, is there a way to query the bus to get back all pending deferred messages?
Question 3 - Is there some way to cancel a deferred message? I would expect something like bus.CancelDeferred(messageid)
Is any of this available, or are there any other mechanisms I can use to achieve similar results?
I've had the need to abandon deferred messages and outstanding replies a few times, and I did it by "incrementing the correlation ID" on my saga. You don't mention sagas though, so I'm not sure if this solution will be usable to you. I do think, however, that it goes under "any other mechanisms" that you ask for :)
Check out this example - here I have the state of my saga which, among other things, contains a custom CorrelationId:
public class MySagaData : ISagaData
// ... the usual stuff here
public string CorrelationId { get; set; }
and then, each time I defer a message or request something, I correlate the deferred message and/or reply with the current value of the correlation ID:
bus.Defer(time, new Something { CorrelationId = Data.CorrelationId });
bus.Send(new SomeRequest { CorrelationId = Data.CorrelationId });
thus conceptually correlating the deferred message and the reply with the current state of the saga.
And then, in cases where I want to abandon all outstanding messages, I simply re-set the saga's correlation ID to a new value - I usually set the value to something like somethingWithBusinessMeaning/timestamp.
This way, abandoned messages will not correlate with any saga instance, effectively being ignored.
Does it make sense?
1) There is currently no way to do this. You could add your own header with a app specific id if you need to keep track of them
2) No, you have to query the storage as you mention. That said what would be the use case for this?
3) No, and this is by design. Given that you can't assume when a message will arrive you can't rely on timeouts being canceled since a defered message might be stuck in a queue and processed right after you cancel. The "cancel" message might also get lost.
In short: your code needs to be prepared to discard "invalid" messages no matter what.

While handling an NServiceBus message, is it possible to peek at the input queue?

I have a Windows service using NServiceBus to handle incoming messages.
While processing a message, I would like to check to see if there are any other remaining messages on the queue to process.
What is the best way to approach this?
For this specific scenario I'd say that a saga could be appropriate where it is created by the first message received, opens a timeout (for let's say one minute), collects all messages during that period of time, then Bus.SendLocal's a message containing all rows, for which another handler creates the spreadsheet and uploads.
Since, NServiceBus is using MSMQ, you can use the methods from System.Messaging.
Included is a modified method, I'm currently working on, to do a kind of batch processing.
using System.Messaging;
public int PeekAtQueue()
const string QUEUE_NAME = "private$\\you_precious_queuname";
if (!MessageQueue.Exists(".\\" + QUEUE_NAME))
return 0;
var messageQueues = MessageQueue.GetPrivateQueuesByMachine(Environment.MachineName);
var queue = messageQueues.Single(x => x.QueueName == QUEUE_NAME);
return queue.GetAllMessages().Count();
Modified here itself in the editor. Hope it still compiles :)
Found a similar discussion here, by the way: