What is wlConcatenatedUserHead0.js? - ibm-mobilefirst

I am facing this issue in mfp 7. See the attached image for better clarification.

"wlconcatenatedbody0.js" gets created when you chose to concatenate your JS files. This is a choice you make as part of your build process. The configuration to do this, is enabled via build-settings.xml. Concatenation of JS files is not on by default in Desktop browser environment.
Refer to the steps and details here.
This does not cause runtime issues, but if there is a problem, troubleshooting becomes hard. If you do not wish to have concatenation on, you should modify the settings accordingly.


Debugging an app with computed environment variables in IntelliJ IDEA

Consider an app which, in 12-factor style, receives its config in the form of a JSON document provided as an environment variable. The config contains secrets, so it is never stored on disk; instead, it is computed on the fly before starting the app, using something like sops or nunjucks.
I am trying to debug such an app in IntelliJ. Is there any way to run some arbitrary script before launch and provide its output to the app as an environment variable?
I will accept answers for any run config type, but an approach that works with "npm" or "Application" would be most helpful for me.
EnvFile IntelliJ IDEA plug-in added this option some time ago.
I did a quick test and don't see this option available, at least on Windows.
EDIT: found it was only merged in the forked version and not available in the official plug-in. You will have to merge it manually and build the plug-in from sources.
IntelliJ IDEA doesn't have a built-in feature for that, feel free to vote for the corresponding request.

Can't use background task in Windows Phone 8.1 (the ID_CAP_NETWORKING required, but it's included in the manifest)

I need to update my Windows Phone application tile by downloading and parsing JSON. So I'm using Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.
And I've always got the exception Use of networking APIs requires the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to be defined in the application manifest when I'm trying to debug background task.
But my manifest included ID_CAP_NETWORKING as required (screenshot https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10750111_821340111262044_6461333323674658178_o.jpg).
I don't know what to do. I tried rebuild or recreate the app, but this didn't help. Also I can't find any documentation or an answer on the internet.
Can you please write, what can I do to solve this problem?
This is demo project http://1drv.ms/1yjHm49 with reproduced problem (project's name is 'Meduza. Windows Phone').
I debug my application on Lumia 720 (if it can help).
I re-downloaded your project and now I get your error. So I thought, I must of done something before launching your project that fixed it.
It took me while, but I can get your project to work by doing this
Unzip project to directory
Open Project
Clean Project
Add Internet (Client and Server) in Package.appxmanifest file (make sure you save it before exiting)
Put the break points in your background task
And it works. So a combination of Clean Build + editing the Package.appxmanifest did the trick for me.

DropWizard testing

As I am using eclipse and just set up a dropwizard server. On the command prompt I typed in java -jar target/hello-world-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server hello-world.yml and is running. Yet when ever I make a change to my eclipse file, like changing the yml file for example it doesn't update. I have to crtl+c and re-run what I typed in above. My question is, is there a faster way of testing so that it updates every time I change something or I just have to deal with the testing. Thanks.
Run from within the IDE
Different Java IDEs permit more efficient workflows. For example, in an IDE you can run up your application using a Runtime Configuration that executes your Service.main() method with parameters of server hello-world.yml. This will save you endless Maven builds.
Unfortunately, with Eclipse the hot swapping of code changes is often cumbersome, so I would recommend that you consider Intellij which is more reliable when it comes to hot swapping code. Even then hot swapping can be risky.
Sometimes a restart is unavoidable
That being said, in your situation hot swapping won't help. You are changing the startup configuration file which is only read at startup. You will have to restart to see the changes unless you create your own dynamic-refresh-on-file-hash-change mechanism (not advised).
One alternative is to put much of your configuration testing in unit tests and verify that your code is responding as expected.
Static assets give an optimal workflow (no restarts)
You may encounter a situation where you only want to change static assets (like JavaScript files) in which case Intellij will allow you to simply recompile on the fly and will copy the changed assets into the /target directory and have them immediately picked up by Dropwizard without a restart.
If you wanted to go one step further you could enlist the services of Grunt.js so that it continuously monitored the src/main/resources/assets (or similar) for changes and then automatically update your /target for you. Again, Intellij will autosave on focus change so this would lead to an optimal workflow where you change the asset, wait one second, refresh browser and see the immediate result.
I wrote a lengthy blog article covering Dropwizard and Ember Data a while ago if you want more details on this approach (and single page web application development in general).

Changing the working directory for a process remotely

I've got an application that has a bug right now, but we're unable to update the end-user to get the fix out. What a possible workaround would be is to change the working directory to the application's install directory, but from what I can tell, there's no way to do that outside of the program itself. Is there some sort of Windows API call that can change other processes' working directories, or is that not available due to security issues? I figure it's not possible.
You can change the directory that it initially starts in with a shortcut. If that is not enough, I don't believe what you want is possible without injecting a custom dll into the process after the fact.
Why do you want to change the working directory? Maybe you could modify the PATH environment variable in some way to change the order of directories your app searches for files.

ClickOnce Application Not Opening

I have a VB.NET ClickOnce application that I am trying to install on my computer. Previously, I was able to install and run these apps without issue. Now when I install the application, I can see the flash of a window opening, and then nothing. (There are also no processes left hanging or anything when viewed with the task manager.)
After some digging around I noticed that there are files in my Temporary Internet Files with names like "FusionBindError" and then my application name and different DLL names.
I have done everything I can find on the net to do, reinstall applications, reinstalled the .NET Framework, deleted my Local Settings folder and relogged in.
Does anyone out there have any other ideas for me to try?
I tried the Mage.exe suggestion, but it failed to help. Same with the other installation location suggestion. The application flashes at the bottom of the screen but does not open. I have tried using FUSLOGVW to check the bindings and nothing shows up in there. (Good or bad, there are no binding entries.)
Have you tried using mage.exe? This is a command-line tool that comes with .NET framework. Start up a VS command prompt, and try mage -cc. This will clear your applicaiton cache and will force a new click-once download. This is the first thing I do when my click-once applications fail and it works 99% of the time.
A couple of suggestions:
FusLogVW isn't working for you because you have to enable assembly binding failure logging inside the registry. This MSDN article describes how to do this.
Another thing that comes to mind is, perhaps the ClickOnce app install, or perhaps the whole ClickOnce store is corrupted. Try deleting the ClickOnce app store then reinstalling the application.
It's possible that new prerequisites were added that you don't have on hand. If the URL you are using points directly to "my.application" or whatever your equivalent is, prerequisites won't be processed.
So try pointing to the setup.exe that is created in the same directory as the .application file.
Other than that, it sounds like you're doing all the right stuff...
Also, it could be useful to run the fuslogvw utility on a machine where the application actually works. Or reflector.
And then see if indeed any of its dependencies being loaded surprise you.
Also, for these types of errors, be sure to check if disabling the antivirus resident protection helps. Sometimes it causes problems accessing assemblies' manifests and such.
I uninstalled my Kensington Mouse software, and that resolved my installation errors.
Who knew that mouse software that I never used could cause so much trouble??
Sometimes if your machine is working for days this problem will show up. Try to restart your machine. The same problem happened to me and it disappeared when I restarted my machine.