Automatic change of linked server name for a newly restored database - sql

We are requesting backup/restore from PROD to TEST environment. Is there a way to update the linked server name of Stored Procedures pointing to Test server.
For example:
one stored procedure(prod) used a linked server like [prodservername].[database].[table]
once this stored procedure restored in test then i need to edit the linked server used in stored procedure to [testservername].[database].[table].
The thing is we have a lot of SP that used linked server in calling some data and we don't want to do that manually. Is there a way to automate this process? Please help thanks!
[ProductionServerName].[Database].dbo.[Table] --Need to change [ProductionServerName] to [TestServerName]
WHERE column1 = 'Sample'

#Meow3301, seems You are not familar with sql server. Please check below screen cap:
What you need to do is delete the existing one from Server Objects -> Linked Server and re-create the Linked Server with YOUR [ProductionServerName] and change the Data source to your TEST server (no matter the server name or ip address), that's all!


Query SQL Linked Server only pulling data from one server

I have four SQL Servers that are named in the following way:
I have a table that is on dbs3 called table1 in database1. This table does not exist on the other servers. However when I run the query:
select *
from dbs.database1.dbo.table1 (or any of the database servers)
it returns the results as if I queried the existing table on dbs3. It is like the DBMS is ignoring the 4 part nameing in the query and returning the results from table on dbs3 no matter which server I try to designate in the 4 part naming convention. Any ideas what could be going on here. The servers appear in the linked servers list.
If you can make changes without breaking stuff (or if it's already broken enough in your opinion), I recommend recreating your linked servers. If your linked server is another SQL Server, you can do
exec sp_dropserver 'dbs';
exec sp_addlinkedserver 'dbs';
This creates a linked server definition with the default configuration, which is appropriate for most applications (and can still be tweaked afterwards).

Update from linked server (mysql) to local sql database.

I am looking for a way to setup a scheduled update from a linked server I created to a local db, I am not familiar with triggers but from what I've read you have to set them up on the originating server, and I only have read access to the mysql Database. Basically all that I am trying to do is make a local copy of two tables from the mysql db. I can manually do so with select into statements, but I would like to have some automation if possible. Any thoughts on how to achieve this? Also I am using SQL server 2008 R2. Thanks!
You have several options to do:
Copy all data from the source table (do not use this if the source table is big)
If you have a column in the source table which can be used to determine which records should be copied, use that (this is mostly an auto updated timestamp column in MySQL)
Set up a trigger to track modifications
To copy, you can set up a Linked Server or you can use SSIS
To use a linked server you can use OPENQUERY()
You can schedule your task with SQL Server Agent

T-SQL Script to copy data from one server to another?

Is it possible to copy data from one server to another using a T-SQL script? We have a code promotion process that makes using the import wizard less than optimal for our team so I am looking into a script I can simply have someone run in Management Studio that will do the trick.
First create a Linked Server to other server, then you can access the target server by 4 part Names, for example:
Insert into Server2.Database2.dbo.MapTable1 select * from table1
p.s you can add linked server by sp_addLinkedServer

SQL Server Select Query - Specifying server as a parameter

We have 2 servers - one production, one test/development. I wanted to run some SQL checks and updates against production data but write the changes to test/development server, so people wouldn't see the changes.
Using SQL Server Management studio, I ran the cursor with the checks and updates in it. I was actively connected to test/development. However, I wrote my queries as follows.
SELECT * FROM [Production_Server].[Production_DB].[schema].[table]
I was under the impression this would look at the production server, however, it did not. It looks at the test/development server. I have access/rights in both environments.
Is there something I overlooked permission wise to get this to work? Or is just how it is intended to work?
"[Production_Server]" must be the wrong linked server name.
Run the below sproc to find the correct value to use
exec sp_linkedservers


what is mssqlsystemresource database? do we need to copy this while moving form one server to another one?
All system stored procedures, views and functions are stored in the MsSqlSystemResource database. This db is hidden, you can't see it in SSMS but lives in the data directory...should already be on your new server
run this query on the other server
select name, filename
from master..sysaltfiles
where dbid = 32767
The system resource database. You should treat it as part of your SQL Server binaries, not as part of your data. You should never copy this file, it is manipulated only by SQL Setup operations. Replacing a resource database is not supported and can render a SQL Server instance unusable.