IntelliSense for React Native when Importing or adding libraries - react-native

I want to add IntelliSense when I'm importing or adding libraries from 'react-native'. I just do not know what is it called. Can someone help me out here.
The IntelliSense I want is like this:

For IntelliSense you has to install extensions,
You can install extensions from
As per my experience React Native Tools,React Native snippet, Prettier(For formatting code) are good extensions. You can search from top search bar
If you habit of eclipse shortcuts then you can install eclipse keymap similarly intellij keymap is also available if you are familiar with Android studio.
If you want to debug app then Node debug is good extension.
EDIT: example


VSCode autocomplete extension for React Native?

I'm using VSCode with my React Native project and want to get the same autocomplete extension used in this video for the 5s clip at 1:08:12, where it shows you what properties there are of a given import etc. I installed TabNine, but it doesn't make any suggestions when I type the name of an import, or anything else.
You can use react-native with TypeScript and you will get really powerful autocompletion support, I believe you can do the same in JavaScript projects if you installed #types/react-native like that
npm i -D #types/react-native

Android Studio no syntax highlighting

Okay, I've wanted to give React Native a try, did a fresh install of Android Studio 4.1.1 on my Ubuntu 19.10, bootstrapped a simple project via react-native CLI, opened it and instantly noticed that JSX highlighting is broken, google around, but the only thing I found is this link -
Tried to reboot, to create a new project from scratch, I did not load my PyCharm settings when installed Android Studio, have not installed any plugins yet. So yeah - any ideas how do I get my highlighting working?
UPD: code navigation also seems to be broken. May be I need to try other version of Android Studio...
UPD 2: Tried Expo with Typescript project setup, studio asked to install a plugins that supports tsx, then restarted and now even the comments are not supported lol.
Note that Android Studio does not have support for JavaScript. You may want to try IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition or WebStorm if you do not need to work with Java.

how to make autocomplete in webstorm as in vsCode for react native?

how to make autocomplete css properties in webstorm as in vsCode for react native?
in vscode
in webStorm
Please follow for updates.
Installing react-native typings (#types/react-native) should make things better: hit Alt+Enter on "react-native" in import {...} from 'react-native', choose Install Typescript definitions for better type information. See more
More Packages
Styled Components & Styled JSX
I used plug-in "Tab-Nine" for VS code and Atom . It is very useful for complete code with many language.
Webstorm also, but I haven't experienced it yet. Hope you like it It here

Adding React Native to an existing iOS app - fails to compile

I followed the official guide on adding React Native to existing iOS apps (Swift).
pod install finished successfully and I got to the point when I import React in a Swift file and try to compile the app.
The build fails with an error in the yoga dependency. Xcode cannot find the C++ standard library:
However, then I click "Go to definition" on <algorithm>, Xcode can find it:
These are my project settings (I tried a few different combinations):
I'm fairly new to iOS development, so this might be a simple issue with our existing project, Xcode, Command Line Tools, or my machine. I Googled around a bit, no luck so far.
Any help from someone familiar with iOS development is appreciated! When we find the solution I'd like to update the official guide so others don't get stuck adding React Native to their app.
I believe your issue is fixed by this PR, which reduces the number of exported Yoga headers to those that are actually needed to be able to build and as part of that removes headers that require C++ and its stdlib.

Cannot find JSX Harmony in IntelliJ 2016.2.2 Ultimate Edition

I have imported a project into IntelliJ 2016.2.2 UE and the developer setup notes for this project state that I need to set the Javascript language version to JSX Harmony.
But I cannot see it listed as an option.
Is JSX Harmony the same thing as React JSX?
If not, how do I get JSX Harmony as an option in IntelliJ?
If you are looking for "JSX Harmony" to make intellij understand JSX syntax in .js, you can just try using "React JSX" from the dropdown.