Google Maps is not working in Qlikview tool - qlikview

We are using Google Maps in Qlikview (Business Intelligence tool). Recent days we are getting a pop-up error:
"This site can't load google maps correctly do you own this website"
We need google support to sort out this issue.
Using the below script:
LOAD Quantity, Customer, City FROM [D:\Customer_info.xls] (biff, embedded labels, table is Sheet1$);
let noRows = NoOfRows('CustomerTable')-1;
for i=0 to $(noRows)
let a=peek('Customer',$(i),'CustomerTable');
let b=peek('City',$(i),'CustomerTable');
let c=peek('Quantity',$(i),'CustomerTable');
GeocodeResponse: LOAD status, '$(a)' as CustomerName, '$(b)' as CustomerCity, '$(c)' as CustomerQuantity, ([result/geometry/location/lat]) as latitude, ([result/geometry/location/lng]) as longitude FROM […, Table is [GeocodeResponse]);
next i;
SET HidePrefix='_' ; // Field required for calculating best zoom level
_zoom_level: Load RecNo( ) as _zoom_level Autogenerate(max_zoom_level);
maptype: LOAD * INLINE [ Maptype roadmap mobile satellite terrain hybrid ];
gmap_key =“;
max_zoom_level = 14;
var_pi180= '=pi()/180';
var_lat_offset= '0';
var_mc2= '=256*pow(2,$(var_zoom))';
var_mc1= '=256*pow(2,($(var_zoom)-1))';
var_mid_lat= '=median(latitude)';
var_mid_long= '=median(longitude)';
map_size_x= '640';
map_size_y= '400';


Find frontage street polyline given a street address

I have an app whereby users select parcels of land based on shapefile information. How can I return the associated street polyline location (lat, long)? I want to be able to locate the center of the street and its extents in front of this parcel. Refer to the image below the parcel is in blue and the street polyline I am interested in is in red.
If I could be pointed towards which Esri javascript method or class I could use then I can figure out the rest
Assuming that you have a Road FeatureLayer, what you could do is to spatial query it using the parcel geometry. In order to do that you can use queryFeatures method. You can add a buffer distance in order to get the roads that are around the parcel. Something like this,
let query = roadsFeatureLayer.createQuery();
query.geometry = parcelGeometry; // the parcel polygon geometry
query.distance = 10;
query.units = "meters";
query.spatialRelationship = "intersects";
query.returnGeometry = true;
query.outFields = ["*"];
// returns a feature set with the roads features that
// intersect the 10 meters buffered parcel polygon geometry
Now, the result includes a set of roads. The decision of wich one you need, is another problem like #seth-lutske mention in the comments.
ArcGIS JS API - FeatureLayer queryFeatures

How to implement random select and click from the list (Android / Appium)

I was trying to create an automated testing with a requirement to random select from the given list (with different urls) tried some of the script available online however cant make it to work and getting ElementNotFound. Please help me on this
List elementList = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//android.view.View[#content-desc = 'carouselItem']"));
Random rand = new Random();
int index = rand.nextInt(elementList.size()-1);
enter image description here

Rest API Pagination Query (List. Generate) in Power query/Power BI

I . sorry for posting this second or third time but couldn't find any solutions from the community. let me know if some who can help me out. Any power query expert here with Rest API's who can help me with List. Generate function query for pagination?
Issue: Pagination of API URL that allows 50 rows of data per Agent.
Background: Created a function below which allows me to extract all Agent ID's(But only 50 rows per ID).
(id as text, n as number) as table=>
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("",
[RelativePath="/api/stats/agents/" &(id)&"/activities?n="&number.totext(n) ) ),
Than a created a query below to extract all the rows as well watching curbal's video,
Video Link:
Source = List.Generate(()=>
[result = try all_rows (1) otherwise try null, n=1],
each [result]<> null,
each [result = try all_rows ([n]+50) otherwise null, n=[n]+50],
each [result]
but it shows this error,
enter image description here

How to get crawl stats FROM webmaster tools api

I want to get this graph datas :
I can't add an image here : graph.png I don't have the reputation 10.
So I want to get for each day the 3 values (Pages crawled per day, kilobytes downloaded per day, time spent downloading a page)
the idea is to get an array like this :
$datas['2015-11-20']['pages_crawled'] = 125;
$datas['2015-11-20']['kilobytes'] = 1452;
$datas['2015-11-20']['time_spent'] = 1023;
$datas['2015-11-21']['pages_crawled'] = 146;
$datas['2015-11-21']['kilobytes'] = 2410;
$datas['2015-11-21']['time_spent'] = 1563;
$datas['2015-11-22']['pages_crawled'] = 102;
$datas['2015-11-22']['kilobytes'] = 1560;
$datas['2015-11-22']['time_spent'] = 1400;
Something like this.
thanks specially to #alex for his greathfull Help.
Unfortunately you can't get this Crawl Stats via API.
The only supported methods are webmasters.urlcrawlerrorscounts.query, webmasters.urlcrawlerrorssamples.list, webmasters.urlcrawlerrorssamples.get, webmasters.urlcrawlerrorssamples.markAsFixed ( )
So you can get information about crawl errors, but not general crawl stats.
The crawl errors you can retrieve with this API call :{YOUR_API_KEY}
But the crawl statistics are not exposed through API.

CRM 2011 - Dashboards Slide Show For on a TV

My customer want to have a "Slide Show" of all the "Dashboards" that are in the CRM. He wants to be able to hang a TV out and then show a slide with some "Dashboards" that will change every 10 seconds. The data needs to be up to date, so taking screenshots and putting them in a Powerpoint isn't enough. I was thinking about the following :
Create a custom Page with an Iframe and update the iframe every 10 seconds with a new "Dashboard" in it. I know you can do the following => /OrganizationName/dashboards/dashboard.aspx?dashboardId=%7b16a69a12-105a-e011-bd7f-000c29198df7%7d&dashboardType=1030&pagemode=iframe, but there is no way where I can find the ID. "The Copy A Link" functionality when "Right"-clicking on a view isn't there anymore.
I remember at the "Tech Days" of CRM, that there was a possiblity to immediatly connect to the "Report"-server for showing the "Dashboards"... Or is there a table in the "Database" who has all the "Names" + "IDs" of the dashboards?? I can't seem to find it in the Database...
How would you guys make a cool "Dashboard"-slid for on TV (PC connected to TV is what I mean by that).
I have a few screens in my office building showing dashboards from CRM, mainly Service Desk/call centre statistics.
I used this 'copy link' method to obtain a URL to the full screen dashboard (without any sidebars) then I installed a plugin/extension for IE to auto-refresh and cycle through various dashboard tabs (can't remember what it's called, but if you Google I'm sure you'll find it). This is always up to date and creates a slideshow effect.
System Dashboards are System Forms and Personal Dashboards are User Forms so it cab be retrieved from dbo.SystemFormBase and dbo.UserFormBase tables respectively.
If any Personal dashboard is shared then that details can be retrieved from PrincipalObjectAccess table.
Use below sp to retrieve dashboard id, name and type for the specific user.
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetDashboardIds]
#SystemUserID uniqueidentifier
select FormId as 'DashboardID',Name as 'Name', 'System' as DashboardType
from dbo.SystemFormBase
where Type = 0
select UserFormId as 'DashboardID',Name as 'Name', 'Custom' as DashboardType
from dbo.UserFormBase
where Type = 0 and OwnerId = #systemUserID
select UserFormId as 'DashboardID',Name as 'Name', 'Custom' as DashboardType
from dbo.UserFormBase UFB inner join PrincipalObjectAccess POA on UFB.UserFormId = ObjectId
where Type = 0 and POA.PrincipalId = #systemUserID
Happy Coding