How to generate authentication credentials for Google Sheets API? - google-sheets-api

Step 1 (completed):
As instructed, I have followed every step in Google's Node.js Quickstart:
and it ran perfectly without any errors. My understanding was that after I run index.js, a token.json is created. After which, I can somehow use the token.json for any future authentication purpose without needing credentials.json every time. Please, correct me if I am wrong in this assumption. I am only making this assumption based on what Google is saying in the previously given link - "Authorization information is stored on the file system, so subsequent executions will not prompt for authorization."
Step 2 (problem):
Below is another code snippet is given by a Google Sheet's API's documentation page for reading multiple range data:
I, however, do not know how to generate authentication credentials for authClient. Am I suppose to do something with token.json? If yes, what is the protocol of using the token.json file?
Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions if needed.
enter code here// BEFORE RUNNING:
// ---------------
// 1. If not already done, enable the Google Sheets API
// and check the quota for your project at
// 2. Install the Node.js client library by running
// `npm install googleapis --save`
const {google} = require('googleapis');
var sheets = google.sheets('v4');
authorize(function(authClient) {
var request = {
// The ID of the spreadsheet to retrieve data from.
spreadsheetId: 'my-spreadsheet-id', // TODO: Update placeholder value.
// The A1 notation of the values to retrieve.
ranges: [], // TODO: Update placeholder value.
// How values should be represented in the output.
// The default render option is ValueRenderOption.FORMATTED_VALUE.
valueRenderOption: '', // TODO: Update placeholder value.
// How dates, times, and durations should be represented in the output.
// This is ignored if value_render_option is
// The default dateTime render option is [DateTimeRenderOption.SERIAL_NUMBER].
dateTimeRenderOption: '', // TODO: Update placeholder value.
auth: authClient,
sheets.spreadsheets.values.batchGet(request, function(err, response) {
if (err) {
// TODO: Change code below to process the `response` object:
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
function authorize(callback) {
// TODO: Change placeholder below to generate authentication credentials. See
// Authorize using one of the following scopes:
// ''
// ''
// ''
// ''
// ''
var authClient = null;
if (authClient == null) {
console.log('authentication failed');


How to authenticate Shopware 6 <base-app-url> correctly

With the Admin SDK it's possible to further enrich the administration in Shopware 6. As in the installation guide for apps stated, an entry point (base-app-url) needs to be provided in the manifest file of an app.
Since every request needs to be authenticated properly, this GET request also needs authentication. However, I am not able to authenticate this one in the same way as I am successfully doing it with the GET request from modules.
The base-app-url request looks the following (in my case with some [custom] entity privileges):
The shop has the following data
Shop {
_id: 'sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K',
_url: 'http://localhost:8888',
_secret: '3c5a2f031006791f2aca40ffa22e8febbc8a53d8',
_secretKey: 'VnNwM0ZOMnN1Y05YdUlKazlPdlduWTdzOHhIdFpacjVCYkgzNEg'
I am currently authenticating my modules like the following (Node.js):
const SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE = 'shopware-shop-signature';
export function authenticateGetRequest(req: Request, shop: Shop): void {
// e7b20a46487046a515638f76c6fadab6b1c749ea4a8ac6e7653527e73ba18380
const signature = getSignatureFromQuery(req);
verifySignature(shop.secret, removeParamsFromQuery(req), signature);
function getSignatureFromQuery(req: Request): string {
if (!req.query[SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE]) {
throw new Error('Signature is not present in request!');
return req.query[SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE] as string;
function removeParamsFromQuery(req: Request): string {
// Some code
// Returns following string - Does neither work for base-app-url nor for module GET requests:
// 'shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045964'
// If the string follows this pattern, it works only for modules:
// shop-id={id}&shop-url={url}&timestamp={ts}&sw-version={v}&sw-context-language={cl}&sw-user-language={ul}
function verifySignature(secret: string, message: string, signature: string): void {
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(message).digest('hex');
if (hmac !== signature) {
throw new Error('Signature could not be verified!');
However the base-app-url cannot be verified correctly and the "Signature could not be verified!" error is thrown.
What am I doing wrong here?
More info:
Additionally I added a GET request for a module where everything is working:
The resulting string can be verified:
Try out following code in some php sandbox environment:
$message = 'shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045963&sw-version=';
$secret = '3c5a2f031006791f2aca40ffa22e8febbc8a53d8';
$signature = '0f0889c9e8086c6c3553dc946a01f2ef27b34cd1c55b0c03901b6d8a6a9b6f53';
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $message, $secret);
if (!hash_equals($hmac, $signature)) {
echo 'Signature not valid';
} else {
echo 'Signature valid';
Express decodes the query strings automatically with req.query depending on your express configuration. Keep in mind to validate the hmac with encoded query params as they are passed from shopware.
In my case the only difference where the decoded privileges and they looked like this:
But they need to look like this:
Looking at the QuerySigner, this is how the signature is generated on the side of Shopware with the actual arguments:
// 8034a13561b75623420b06fb7be01f20d97556441268939e9a5222ffec12215a
Given on your side you remove the shopware-shop-signature query param AND that the secrets are equal on both sides, you should be able to regenerate the matching signature.
const crypto = require('crypto');
const message = 'location-id=sw-main-hidden&privileges=%7B%22read%22%3A%5B%22language%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22create%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22update%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22delete%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%7D&shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045964&sw-version=';
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'VnNwM0ZOMnN1Y05YdUlKazlPdlduWTdzOHhIdFpacjVCYkgzNEg').update(message).digest('hex');
// 8034a13561b75623420b06fb7be01f20d97556441268939e9a5222ffec12215a
So in theory your code looks fine. Verify that the query string matches exactly. Things to check:
Maybe your node server decodes the url entities unwantedly?
Does your node serve escape special characters in the query string?
Do the secrets match on both sides?
To consider additionally:
Consider to just point the base-app-url to a static page outside of the scope of your app server instead. As that page will be loaded inside an iframe, you can use client side javascript to read the query parameters and, only if necessary, make requests to your app server using the credentials from inside the iframe. Keep in mind you really only need the authentication if you need to handle personalized data, otherwise you might as well serve static assets without the need for authentication.

How to unregister middleware in Telegraf?

When I add bot.hears(...), it registers middleware for handling matching text messages. But now it will handle those messages even if they are sent any time, even if not expected.
So if I am creating a stateful service, I would like to listen to particular messages only at appropriate time.
How can I unregister middleware, so that it does not hear any more previously handled messages?
I turned out I was looking for Scenes. How to use them is described on Github.
I'll just post a slightly modified code from the links above:
const { Telegraf, Scenes, session } = require('telegraf')
const contactDataWizard = new Scenes.WizardScene(
'CONTACT_DATA_WIZARD_SCENE_ID', // first argument is Scene_ID, same as for BaseScene
(ctx) => {
ctx.reply('Please enter guest\'s first name', Markup.removeKeyboard());
ctx.wizard.state.contactData = {};
(ctx) => {
// validation example
if (ctx.message.text.length < 2) {
ctx.reply('Please enter real name');
ctx.wizard.state.contactData.firstName = ctx.message.text;
ctx.reply('And last name...');
const stage = new Scenes.Stage();
But I still don't know how to generally implement it, so I need to find it out in the Scenes code of Telegraf.

How to securely store phone numbers in Twilio Functions?

I am using Twilio Functions. I wonder if the phone numbers stored in the Function's code are secure?
I am using code similar to that found here:
Basically, it rejects numbers that on a blacklist of your choosing. The blacklist is in the Function's code itself.
Perhaps this is already secure. Forgive my misunderstanding.
The aforementioned code:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
// Listing all the blocked phone numbers, at the moment "+1(212)555-1234" and "+1(702)555-6789"
let blacklist = event.blacklist || [ "+12125551234", "+17025556789" ];
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
let blocked = true;
if (blacklist.length > 0) {
if (blacklist.indexOf(event.From) === -1) {
blocked = false;
if (blocked) {
else {
// if the caller's number is not blocked, redirecting to another TwiML which includes instructions for what to do
callback(null, twiml);
Heyooo. Twilio Developer Evangelist here. 👋
I don't think you have to worry about the security of these numbers. But what you could do it to add the blacklist to the function configuration instead. This way you wouldn't have to change the function code whenever you want to add a new number to the blacklist.
These values below will be available in the context object that is passed into your function.
exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
console.log(context.BLACKLIST); // 1212...

Nested WLJSONStore Calls Not Executing in Expected Sequence and Not Adding Items to the Collection

This is Worklight 6.1 code with dojo, testing with Chrome and the std dev server Liberty. What I want this code to do is to query a collection, which should have 0 or 1 entries, and either retrieve the one entry if it exists or create an entry with a supplied set of values. What I'm trying to do is store a url, id, and password for a service. If this is the first time the app has run after installation I want to prompt the user for this info and store it. The code to prompt the user will be added later. If it is not the first run of the app then the values should be stored in the collection and be retrieved. I'll add code later to allow the user to change and update the values.
What is happening now is that the .add never seems to be executed, and also the execution sequence I'm seeing thru the breakpoints I've set seems weird.
Here is the setup code
// set up the jsonStore
var collectionName = 'servers';
var collections = {};
collections[collectionName] = {};
// initialize the default jsonStore Monitor credentials
var jsonURL = '';
var jsonUser = 'keyser';
var jsonPassword = 'soze';
And here is the problem code
// Initialize the JSONStore
.then(function() {
console.log("store initialized");
// query the store
var query = {_id: 0};
.then(function(arrayResults) {
console.log("credentials retrieved " + arrayResults.length);
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
// retrieve the credentials from the json object
console.log("password retrieved " + arrayResults[0].json.password);
jsonURL = arrayResults[0].json.url;
jsonUser = arrayResults[0].json.user;
jsonPassword = arrayResults[0].json.password;
} else {
// load the default credentials into jsonStore
var credentials = {url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword};
.then(function() {
console.log("credentials loaded " + credentials.url);
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("credential load failed");
} // end of else
// Query the model list
}) // end of get(collectionName) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("credentials not retrived");
}); // end of get(collectionName) fail
}) // end of init(collections) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("store init failed" + errorObject);
}); // end of init(collections) fail
}); // end of ready
When I step thru it flows in this sequence.
Then it jumps immediately to the "end of ready". Seems weird but I'm a rookie so maybe it's OK?
Back to the get(collectionName)
to the .then and logs "credentials retrieved" with and array length of 0
To the else clause of the statement
And it breaks on the get(collectionName) in the else clause. So far so good
From here it jumps to queryModels(), skipping over the .add (far as I can tell)
Then it returns to the .then under the 2nd get and logs "credentials loaded"
At this point execution ends "normally" except,
The item never gets added to the collection, and
The queryModels runs before I expect it to, I want it to run after the item is added.
By now it's probably obvious that I'm a rookie, so I'm probably making the rookie mistake. I know
I'm dealing with deferreds here with the .then and .fails, and I'm nesting them, which seems to be
an accepted technique, but I'm not getting the execution sequence I want.
I've tried this code commenting out the 2nd get(collections) in a couple of formats and it barfs both ways.
// WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName)
// WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName)
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's my "answer" below based on what I learned from the other answers below.
Bluewing and cnandrue's answers were both very helpful, and I got it working. The main issues I had turned out to be.
I had failed to grasp that slot 0 in a collection equates to a document _id key of 1. I was trying to query _id = 0, and never getting a hit. The add to the collection was working all along, I was just not reading it correctly.
Moving the queryModels into the if/else clauses (bluewing's suggestion) worked, and reading the material cnandreu referenced (very worthwhile to read) explained why it worked. Thanks!
The tip about the "weird" execution sequence being an artifact of the breakpoints was also very useful, I quit chasing that red herring.
Here is a working draft of the code after fixing these issues. I did not implement all of the suggestions yet, but probably will as I polish this up. Thanks again.
// Initialize the JSONStore - you have to .init to start the collection before you can read it.
.then(function() {
console.log("store initialized");
// query the store
var query = {_id: 1};
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName) // get 1
.then(function(arrayResults) {
console.log("credentials retrieved " + arrayResults.length);
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
// retrieve the credentials from the json object
console.log("password retrieved " + arrayResults[0].json.password);
jsonURL = arrayResults[0].json.url;
jsonUser = arrayResults[0].json.user;
jsonPassword = arrayResults[0].json.password;
} else {
// load the default credentials into jsonStore
var credentials = {url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword};
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName) // get 2
.then(function(numberOfDocumentsAdded) {
console.log("Number of Docs Added" + numberOfDocumentsAdded);
}); // end of .add then
} // end of else
}); // end of get(collectionName) 1 then
}) // end of init(collections) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("something failed" + errorObject);
}); // end of init(collections) fail
All the JSON store calls ( like add , init etc) are asynchronous. So only you are getting that weird flows when you are checking with Breakpoints.
To get you execution sequence try to move the queryModels(); once the credentials are loaded.
.then(function() {
console.log("credentials loaded " + credentials.url);
My suggestion is the same as Bluewings', but I wanted to share some pseudocode:
function handleCredentials (arrayResults, callback) {
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
//.... synchronous code here.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
} else {
.add({url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword})
.then(function() {
.then(function() {
.find({_id: 1})
.then(function (arrayResults) {
handleCredentials(arrayResults, function () {
Notice I created a function for handleCredentials, that function will either do a synchronous operation (setting some variables with the result from the find call) or an asynchronous operation (calling add to add credentials). A setTimeout with 0 is called to preserve async behavior, this is explained in detail here. After the handleCredentials function has finished, you call the queryModels function via the callback pattern.
As an aside, I recommended reading this blog post: What’s so great about JavaScript Promises?. Especially the "Error Handling" section. You don't need to add a .fail to every promise, you can get away with less failure functions and the error object should provide enough details into what went wrong. JSONStore error objects are documented here, notice they contain the source of the failure (e.g. src: 'find').

Meteor.http.get issue with Twitter API

I am using Meteor and the Twitter API for a project. I want to get information on a user from Twitter. I wrote a function that for example returns only the location of a user from Twitter. I believe this is the proper way to do a request on Meteor. Here it is :
Meteor.methods({getTwitterLocation: function (username) {
Meteor.http.get(""+ username +"&include_entities=true", function(error, result) {
if (result.statusCode === 200) {
var respJson = JSON.parse(result.content);
console.log("location works");
return (respJson.location)
}else {
return ( "Unknown user ")
Now this function will log what's in the console on my Git Bash. I get someones Location by doing a But I want to post what that function returns on a page. In my case, I want to post in on a user's profile. This doesn't work. But the console.log(respJson.location) returns the location in my Git Bash but it won't display anything on the profile page. This is what I did on my profile page:
profile.js :
Template.profile.getLocation= function(){
profile.html :
<template name="profile">
from {{getLocation}}
With that I get "Seattle, WA" and " "location works" on my Git Bash but nothing on the profile page. If anyone knows what I can do, that'd be really appreciated. Thanks.
Firstly when data is returned from the server you need to use a synchronous call, as the callback will return the data when the server already thinks the meteor method has completed. (the callback will be fired at a later time, when the data is returned from the server, by which time the meteor client would have already got a response)
var result = Meteor.http.get(""+ username +"&include_entities=true");
if (result.statusCode === 200) {
var respJson = JSON.parse(result.content);
console.log("location works");
return (respJson.location)
}else {
return ( "Unknown user ")
The second is you need to use a Session hash to return the data from the template. This is because it will take time to get the response and the getLocation would expect an instant result (without a callback). At the moment client side javascript can't use synchronous api calls like on the server.
Template.profile.getLocation= function(){
return Session.get("twitterlocation");
Use the template created event to fire the meteor call:
Template.profile.created = function() {"getTwitterLocation","BillGates", function(err,result) {
if(result && !err) {
Session.set("twitterlocation", result);
Session.set("twitterlocation", "Error");
Twitter has since updated its API to 1.1 a few modifications are required:
You now need to swap over to the 1.1 api by using 1.1 instead of 1. In addition you need to OAuth your requests. See Below contains sample data but you need to get proper keys
var authkey = "OAuth oauth_consumer_key="xvz1evFS4wEEPTGEFPHBog",
oauth_timestamp=""+(new Date().getTime()/1000).toFixed(0)+"",
Be sure to remove the newlines, I've wrapped it to make it easy to read.
var result = Meteor.http.get(""+ username +"&include_entities=true",{headers:{Authorization : authkey});
If you find this a bit troublesome it might be easier to just use a package like via meteorite to OAuth your requests for you.