Playing real-time sound from serial port (COM) - naudio

I'm using arduino's ADC to capture data from external microphone and send it through the serial port. My question is: How to capture and play this data with NAudio?

Well, if you know how to receive audio from a serial port, you'd put it into a BufferedWaveProvider as you received it. The BufferedWaveProvider can be played with WaveOutEvent


How to get audio from GSM modem - Not to a speaker but as a RTP stream

I have a GSM modem with a serial port and soldered points for MIC and Speaker. Through the serial port I can send AT signalling commands, send SMS and make/receive calls. I had to solder a speaker and a MIC to the modem card. My problem is that I want to read the audio stream as a RTP stream, possibly through some intermediate hardware/software. My goal is to ultimately get the audio as a RTP stream on some port with some RTP profile. I understand that I need to run a UDP server to serve the audio over a UDP IP-address/port tuple, but how do I get the audio to the UDP server in the first place? Codec conversion is also something that I am familiar with and am aware that I may need it.
This is a simplified diagram of what I intend to do:
GSM-modem-audio ---*1*---> audio-over UDP(ip-address:port)---->
>---*2*--> Kurento RTPendpoint---*3*--->Kurento-WebRTC endpoint
I don't know how to handle part * 1 * piece of the puzzle.
Easy way: get Rassbery-PI, get usb sound card, connect analog output of modem to sound card.
Have be no problem convert digital ALSA sound card signal to rtp stream.
More complex way - create special hardware which will do same.. oh wait! That will be like sangoma board.
Anyway it is not wise idea create something like that yourself except for educational purpose, becuase it will be costly or low quality.

How should items that function at different baud rates work together?

I've got an Arduino Uno which I'd like to setup to with a TTL Serial JPEG Camera for image capture and send that data using a GPRS shield.
Currently I've got the two pieces of hardware working independently. The camera is taking and storing photos. The GPRS shield is sending SMS, and connecting to web urls.
Now that I've confirmed both work in isolation, how do I combine the code? The baud rate for the GPRS is set at 19200 and the camera at 9600. I've tried to set the baud of the GPRS shield down to 9600 and while it 'runs' I don't get any response from the text message I tried to send. Also the camera documentation says not to change the baud rate. Any guidance is appreciated
Connect these two devices to two separate serial lines. Since you're on an Uno, which has only one hardware Serial line (pins 0 and 1), you can use SoftwareSerial to use another pair of pins as a second serial line.
Then you can simply specify different baud rates when setting each serial line up.

XBee Arduino API Remote At Command Response

I'm in trouble with programming my Arduino. I've two XBee Series 2 Modules and an Arduino UNO. I use the XBee-API library from:
I generate three RemoteATRequest Packets (0x17) to control a Digital Pin of the Remote Sleepy Node and send it out of a SoftwareSerial to the XBee Coordinator which is plugged via a Sparkfun XBee Arduino Shield ( to the Arduino UNO. The Communication works fine. Every Request Packet is sending out to the Remote. And for every Request Packet a Remote Packet is received. I checked this with a Serial Monitor and a RS232<-> TTL Converter. But in my Arduino Software it seems to be that only one Remote Packet is received. Curious is the point that when I send the Request Packets in the time the Remote is sleeping than I read three Response if it is awake and takes the Requests from the Coordinator.
Does anyone try the same or hase the same problems? I've tried so much until know another Baudrate, delays befor sending out. Nothing works.
My recollection of ZigBee and/or 802.15.4 is that the parent node for a sleepy end device will only hold/queue a single frame for when the sleepy device wakes up. And note that in ZigBee it's only guaranteed to queue it for 7.5 seconds. You may need to modify your code to send a single Remote AT Request at a time, and wait for the response before sending another.
This page has a good description about how the MAC layer works:
Once the frame is assembled, there are actually two ways to send it.
If its going to another router or an end device whose receiver is
always on, the frame will be sent directly via the radio. Otherwise,
if the destination is a sleepy end device, the frame will need to be
sent as an indirect transfer. The frame will go to the indirect queue
until the destination device wakes up and polls the parent. Once the
poll comes in, the frame will get sent to the destination.
It would be great if the XBee module supported a frame type that contains multiple AT commands, but as far as I can tell, that isn't an option.

External USB device interface with Xilinx Atlys board

I'm trying to interface the Mindwave ( with my Altys board, through the USB UART port. The dongle I'm trying to connect is basically a wireless reciever that outputs serial data stream on the USB connection. I'm trying to read in this serial stream on the FPGA.
The problem I'm seeing is that when I try to Chipscope the UartRx pin (A16), I see no activity on it even though the dongle is supposed to send 0xAA in standby mode.
Since the FPGA does not power the dongle, I have it connected to an external power USB hub and then connect the hub to the FPGA. However I don't see any activity.
Do I need to convert the signals to another level, or invert them? I thought the EXAR chip takes care of it.
Did you try swapping RX and TX?
Did you have acces to a scope? To check you can repeatly send 'U's (0x55) and look with a scope to see which line is RX and which is TX. You can also check the speed of the interface with this method.

zte voice modem problem

we are using zte usb modem. we try to call by AT command (ATD) successfully. But there is no sound when remote device answered.
Does anyone have any idea?
My problem was associated with ZTE usb modem.
I solved the problem.
i can receive and send voice separately to voice port now. But i can not get clean sound like WCDMA UI.
how can i receive and send data with high quality?
Please look at my source code. []
Does anyone now where is my error?
Thank you for your time.
a) Not all zte usb modems supports voice, to detect if modem supports check for ZTE voUSB Device in your ports list.
b) If port present, voice will go through it in pcm format, with 64kbps frequency (8000 samples per sec, 8 sample size).
In your own program, you should read audio stream from there.
stream is additionaly encoded with g.711, so you need to decode it before sending to audio device
It is fairly common to shut off the speaker after connection. Try sending ATM2, that should make the speaker always on.
Basic hayes command set:
Speaker always on (data sounds are heard after CONNECT)
I'm trying to use asterisk's chan_dongle module on ZTE MF180 Datacard model with activated voices abilities.
Originally chan_dongle using raw PCM format on voice data.
But i was discover, that ZTE using ulaw format on sending and recciving voice data.
You can get voice data and save file in this format for learn by using standard Asterisk's Record(filename:ulaw) command in dialplan.
My voice data, dumped from ZTE modem in the same format.
I check it. ZTE dumped data was successefully played by Asterisk's command Playback(dumped)