How do I export database tables data from hdfs into local csv using hive without write permission - hive

I dont have write permission on hdfs cluster.
I am accessing database tables created/stored on hdfs using hive via edge node.
I have read access.
I want to export data from tables located on hdfs into csv on my local system.
How should i do it?

insert overwrite local directory '/____/____/' row format delimited fields terminated by ',' select * from table;
Note that this may create multiple files and you may want to concatenate them on the client side after it's done exporting.


pyspark script to copy any parquet file data to any oracle table

We have one s3 bucket called Customers/
Inside this we have multiple folders and again sub folders inside them.
And finally we have parquet files of data.
Now I want to read any parquet file (not specific to any file) and load data into oracle.
For now my script is working for one s3 path where it reads one parquet file e.g. customer_info.parquet and it loads data in oracle database table called customer.customer_info
I need help on generating a generic script where we can read any parquet file and load data in any corresponding database table.
for e.g.
S3 location : s3/Customers/new_customrers/new_customer_info.parquet
Oracle Database: Customer
Oracle table : new_customers
S3 location :s3/Customers/old_customrers/old_customer_info.parquet
Oracle Database:Customer
Oracle table:old_customers
S3 location : s3/Customers/current_customrers/current_customer_info.parquet
Oracle Database :Customer
Oracle table:current_customers**
Is there any way to make this copy process generic. Database will be same only oracle tables will be changed according to the parquet file.
My current script is a pyspark script where we are reading one s3 file data into spark dataframe and writting that dataframe to one oracle table.

how can we load orcdata into hive using nifi hive streaming processor

I have orc files and their schema i have tried loading this orc files in local hive and its working fine, now I will generate multiple orc files and need to load this orc files to hive table using nifi put hive streamming processor ?
PutHiveStreaming expects incoming flow files to be in Avro format. If you are using PutHive3Streaming you have more flexibility but it doesn't accept flow files in ORC format; instead both of those processors convert the input into ORC and write it into a managed table in Hive.
If your files are already in ORC format, you can use PutHDFS to place them directly into HDFS. If you don't have permissions to write directly into a managed table location, you could write to a temporary location, create an external table on top of it, and then load from there into the managed table using INSERT INTO myTable FROM SELECT * FROM externalTable or whatever.

Impala import data from an SQL file

I have the .sql files in HDFS which has mysql INSERT queries. I created an external table in impala with the appropriate schema. Now I want to run all the insert commands stored in HDFS to the table. Is there a way to do it? Data size is 900GB!
Is any other way to import the .sql files from HDFS? We have tried with hive but it requires all the insert fields to be in lowercase which we do not have.

What will be DataSet size in hive

I have 1 TB data in my HDFS in .csv format. When I load it in my Hive table what will be the total size of data. I mean will there be 2 copies of same data i.e 1 Copy in HDFS and other in Hive table ? Plz clarify. Thanks in advance.
If you create a hive external table, you provide a HDFS location for the table and you store that data into that particular location.
When you create a hive internal table hive create a directory into /apps/hive/warehouse/ directory.
Say, your table name is table1 then your directory will be /apps/hive/warehouse/table1
This directory is also a HDFS directory and when you load data into the table into internal table it goes into its directory.
Hive creates a mapping between table and their corresponding HDFS location and hence when you read the data its reading from the corresponding mapped directory.
Hence there wont be duplicate copy of data corresponding to table and their HDFS location.
But if in your Hadoop cluster Data Replication factor is set to 3(default replication) then it will take 3TB cluster disk space(as you have 1TB data) but there wont be any effect of your hive table data.
Please see below link to know more about Data replication.
It depends whether you are creating an internal or external table in Hive.
If you create an external table in Hive, it will create a mapping on where your data is stored in HDFS and there won't be any duplication at all. Hive will automatically pick the data where ever it is stored in HDFS.
Read more about external tables here:

Where does hive stores its table?

I am new to Hadoop and I just started working on Hive, I my understanding it provides a query language to process data in HDFS. With HiveQl we can create tables and load data into it from HDFS.
So my question is: where are those tables stored? Specifically if we have 100 GB file in our HDFS and we want to make a hive table out of that data what will be the size of that table and where is it stored?
If my understanding about this concept is wrong please correct me ..
If the table is 100GB you should consider an Hive External Table (as opposed to a "managed table", for the difference, see this).
With an external table the data itself will be still stored on the HDFS in the file path that you specify (note that you may specify a directory of files as long as they all have the same structure), but Hive will create a map of it in the meta-store whereas the managed table will store the data "in Hive".
When you drop a managed table, it drops the underlying data as opposed to dropping a hive external table which only drops the meta-data from the meta-store referencing that data.
Either way you are using only 100GB as viewed by the user and are taking advantage of the HDFS' robustness though duplication of the data.
Hive will create a directory on HDFS. If you didn't specify any location it will create a directory at /user/hive/warehouse on HDFS. After load command the files are moved to the /warehouse/tablename. You can also point to the HDFS directory if it contains partitions (if the files are partitioned), or use external table concept.