Im fairly new to iOS development and I'm working on a project that requires integration with Active Campaign.
I simply want to make a post request using their API to add a contact to the database when a button is pressed.
I've first attempted a get request for the current contacts using Alamofire to make sure I can get to it and I can't seem to get the desired output. I've searched and googled quite a bit to find a solution. I've found a few different ways to do it online but nothing has seemed to work.
When I run my current code to add a contact I get this error:
responseSerializationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseSerializationFailureReason.jsonSerializationFailed(error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid value around character 0." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid value around character 0.}))
Below is my code to add a contact. I will say this is after trying many different solutions I've come across and I may have confused myself. Any help is much appreciated!!
import UIKit
import Alamofire
import SwiftyJSON
class emailEntry: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var f_name: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var l_name: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var email: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var center_frame: UIView!
var api_key = "MY_KEY_IS_HERE"
let urlBase = "BASE_URL_HERE"
#IBAction func submit_but(_ sender: UIButton) {
let url = "\(urlBase)/admin/api.php?api_action=contact_add"
guard let authHeader = Request.authorizationHeader(user: "AnyString", password: api_key) else{
let parameters:Parameters = ["first_name":f_name,
let headers:HTTPHeaders = [authHeader.key: authHeader.value]
Alamofire.request(url, method: .post , parameters: parameters, headers: headers).validate().responseJSON { response in
switch response.result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):
That error indicates the response you got back was not JSON. Most likely it was some sort of HTML error page. Check the API docs and make sure you're properly formatting your request. Also, you can use responseString to see the content of the response in plain text.
I am using Manger class for request. When I compile it shows
<unknown>:0: error: tuple pattern cannot match values of the non-tuple type 'Response<String, NSError>' Error`.
Its working fine in old Swift Xcode 6.*. But in Xcode 7.* its not working.
let aManager = Manager.sharedInstance
aManager.request(.GET, URLStrings.BASE_URL + URLStrings.CATEGORIES)
.responseString { _, _, result in
print("Response String: \(result.value)")
.responseJSON { _, _, result in
print("Response JSON: \(result.value)")
On clicking responseString it shows ?
Kindly Help me.
I supposed that you are using the 3.0+ Alamofire.
I encounter this problem recently, here is my solution:
for you code replace _, _, result to response and query the response data by or response.result.value
For more information about the new response structure, you can check the official document here: enter link description here
Hope these helps.
You're on the Alamofire 3.0.0-beta.1 pre-release. You should switch back to Alamofire 2.0.2 (the latest release) until we have all the documentation and migration guides up-to-date.
I change my code in to this form. Now What I have to do is Convert data to JSon Object my self. But its working now for me.
let aManager = Manager.sharedInstance
aManager.request(.GET, URLStrings.BASE_URL + URLStrings.CATEGORIES )
.response {
(request, response, data, error) in
if let response = response {
print("GET REQUEST: \(request?.description)")
print("GET REQUEST: \(response.statusCode)")
if response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201 {
else {
I check the official document here: Response Serializers
In the document, find Response Serializers, read the example code, I post it in here:
Alamofire.request(.GET, "", parameters: ["foo": "bar"])
.responseJSON { response in
debugPrint(response) // prints detailed description of all response properties
print(response.request) // original URL request
print(response.response) // URL response
print( // server data
print(response.result) // result of response serialization
if let JSON = response.result.value {
print("JSON: \(JSON)")
Hope it can helps you~
I have a TableViewController which I am attempting to pass through a URL to a WebView on another ViewController
I am overriding the below function, which works find if I make the URL static as you can see in the comment out let newsLink constant
let newsLink = ""
However with the below pulling the URL from indexPath.row it fails for some reason and passes through a nil value
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath){
let newsLink = (posts.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row).valueForKey("link") as! String)
//let newsLink = ""
let newsWebViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("idNewsWebViewController") as! NewsWebViewController
newsWebViewController.newsURL = NSURL(string: newsLink)
showDetailViewController(newsWebViewController, sender: self)
If I println() the below, I get exactly the same output as the URL I ahve hardcoded in the test let newsLink constant
println(posts.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row).valueForKey("link") as! String)
I can't figure out why this is failing. Hopefully someone smarter than me can help.
The code on the receiving end VC is below"
var newsURL : NSURL!
//var newsURL = NSURL(string: "")
#IBOutlet weak var newsWebView: UIWebView!
#IBOutlet weak var descTextView: UITextView!
and in the viewDidAppear function
let request : NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: newsURL!)
More Info
var types
var posts = NSMutableArray()
var elements = NSMutableDictionary()
how I am adding objects
elements.setObject(urlLink, forKey: "link")
Could you show the declaration / structure of the "posts" variable?
Without more information, the only thing I can think of is that the value of "link" is not actually a String, but something (maybe a NSURL) that when printed shows that content. That would explain the println showing the same url but the cast failing.
When you print, or implicitly convert any object to a String (as in the println), it calls the "description" method of that object.
For example:
class MyURLContainer {
var link:String
override func description() -> String {
return link
let url = MyURLContainer()
let = ""
println( "my link: \(url)" ) // this would show the link correctly
let link = url as? String // this will be nil, as url can't be casted to String
I think (posts.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row).valueForKey("link") does not return a String type. It might already be a NSURL, and hence showing you correct value in println()
Could you post some more details about it. Hope this helped.
It turns out it was the encoding on the URL that NSURL didn't like.
The solution was to use the below:
var escapedString = originalString.stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
I'm new to swift, but this seems a bit messy.
I just started developing in Swift, so im totally new to closures. I'm also new how to handle asynchronous API request.
I have read a lot of similar question such as, How to get data to return from NSURLSessionDataTask in Swift and How to use completionHandler Closure with return in Swift?. These helped me, but my problem it a little bit different.
In my function I want to first make a API request to get a JSON payload. With some data in this JSON payload I want to make multiple other API request. In this case, I will for each of API request receive a JSON payload, where I want to store some of the data in my own JSON data structure.
The problem is that, for every multiple API request I make I can only return part of my own JSON data in my CompletionHandler - This is only way to return data when making an API request using a closure, as far as I understand.
So instead of getting multiple completion handlers, when calling my function, I just want to receive a single.
The thing is I dont know to how to completion handling several closures in a function, in this case two closures.
I have posted my code below - I know its quite long and maybe not that clean.
However, the point is that when im updating offers to my storeDict this will be empty, due to the offers dict array is getting its information from inside the second closure. This is shown at the bottom of the function.
func getOffersFromWishList(offerWishList: [String], latitude: Double, longitude: Double, radius: Int, completionHandler: ([NSDictionary] -> Void)) {
var master: [NSDictionary] = []
var nearby_params: NSDictionary = ["r_lat": latitude, "r_lng": longitude, "r_radius": radius]
var store_id_list: [String] = []
// Get all store_ids for store which are nearby (Radius determines how nearby)
singleton_eta.api("/v2/stores", type: ETARequestTypeGET, parameters: nearby_params, useCache: true, completion: { (response, error, fromCache) -> Void in
if error == nil {
let json = JSON(response)
storeArray = json.arrayValue
for store in storeArray {
var storeDict = [String: AnyObject]()
var metaData = [String: String]()
var offers: [NSDictionary] = []
let name = store["branding"]["name"].stringValue
let store_id = store["id"].stringValue
let street = store["street"].stringValue
let city = store["city"].stringValue
let zip_code = store["zip_code"].stringValue
let dealer_id = store["dealer_id"].stringValue
let logo = store["branding"]["logo"].stringValue
metaData = ["name": name, "store_id": store_id, "street": street, "city": city, "zip_code": zip_code, "dealer_id": dealer_id, "logo": logo]
//println("Butiks ID: \(store_id)")
var offset = 0
let limit = 100
// Loop through the offers for the specific store id - only possible to request 100 offers each time
// A while loop would be more suitable, but I dont know when to stop, as the length of the offerArray can not be counted as it is cant be accessed outside of the closure.
for x in 1...2 {
var store_params: NSDictionary = ["store_ids:": store_id, "limit": limit, "offset": offset]
// Get offers for a specific store_id
singleton_eta.api("/v2/offers", type: ETARequestTypeGET, parameters: store_params, useCache: true, completion: { (response, error, fromCache) -> Void in
if error == nil {
offerArray = JSON(response).arrayValue
//println( "TypeName0 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(offerArray))")
//Loop through the recieved offers
for of in offerArray {
let name = of["branding"]["name"].stringValue
let dealer_id = of["dealer_id"].stringValue
let heading = of["heading"].stringValue
let description = of["description"].stringValue
let price = of["pricing"]["price"].stringValue
let image = of["images"]["view"].stringValue
// Loop through our offerWishList
for owl in offerWishList {
let headingContainsWish = (heading.lowercaseString as NSString).containsString(owl.lowercaseString)
// Check if offer match with our wish list
if(headingContainsWish) {
// Save neccesary meta data about each offer to a tuple array
var offer = Dictionary<String, String>()
offer = ["name": name, "dealer_id": dealer_id, "heading": heading, "description": description, "price": price, "image": image, "offerWishItem": owl]
offset = offset + limit + 1
storeDict.updateValue(metaData, forKey: "meta_data")
storeDict.updateValue(offers, forKey: "offers") // offers is empty due to its appending inside the closure
else {
Calling the above function
getOffersFromWishList(offerWishList, latitude, longitude, radius) { (master) -> Void in
This is what the master will print when calling the function, where offers is empty.
"meta_data" = {
city = "Kongens Lyngby";
"dealer_id" = d8adog;
logo = "";
name = "d\U00f8gnNetto";
"store_id" = d2283Zm;
street = "Kollegiebakken 7";
"zip_code" = 2800;
offers = (
So my questions, what is the proper way to return data from the second closure to the first closure inside a function? Or am I doing this in the completely wrong way?
The thing is, I need all this data for a tableview and therefore need all the data at once.
A couple of thoughts:
If there's any possibility of returning all of this in a single request to the server, that might offer better performance. Often, the time required to performing the requests on server is inconsequential in comparison to the network latency. If you can avoid needing to make one request, get a response, and then issue more requests, that would be ideal.
Or perhaps you request the locations within some distance in advance, cache that, and then the "show me deals for nearby locations" might not require these two sets of requests.
(I recognize that neither of these may work for you, but it's something to consider if you can. If you can eliminate consecutive requests and focus on largely concurrent requests, you'll have much better performance.)
Let's assume for a second that the above is not an option, and you're stuck with one request to get the nearby locations and another set to get the deals. Then you have a couple of options:
You can definitely go down the road that you're contemplating with a single callback. You can, for example, issue all of your requests, doing a dispatch_group_enter before you initiate each request, do a dispatch_group_leave upon the completion of each request, and then issue a dispatch_group_notify that will be called when each enter call has been offset by a corresponding leave call. So, build your response object as each request finishes, and only when they're done, call the completion closure.
Another approach would be to have a closure that behaves more like an enumeration closure, one that is called as each site's deals come in. That way, the UI can be updated as things come in, rather than waiting for everything. If you're on a slow network, updating the UI as data comes in may be far more tolerable. (E.g., consider ten requests, each which takes 1 second complete on a slow 3G cellular connection: watching them pop in one per second is far more tolerable than seeing nothing for ten seconds).
Having said that, you may want to abandon closures completely. You could consider a delegate-protocol pattern, where you specify a delegate for your request, and then implement protocol methods for each of the responses you get from the server. That way you can update the UI as new responses come in, rather than holding everything up until the last one comes in. But we're recognizing that there are very different types of responses (one is a list of sites, another is the list deals for a given site, a third would be the "I'm all done" and/or "there was an error), so when it starts to get this complicated, it might be better to define a protocol for this interface, and handle it that way.
I need to make a POST request with an HTTP Body with a JSON object, but I also need to use url query parameters in the same request.
HTTP Body: { foo : [ bar, foo], bar: foo}
Is this supported by Alamofire? How would I go about doing this?
This is definitely a valid use case. I've ran into similar issues with trying to append access tokens as query parameters to a POST request. Here's a function that should make things a bit easier for the time being that is similar to your approach.
func multiEncodedURLRequest(
method: Alamofire.Method,
URLString: URLStringConvertible,
URLParameters: [String: AnyObject],
bodyParameters: [String: AnyObject]) -> NSURLRequest
let tempURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: URLString.URLString)!)
let URLRequest = ParameterEncoding.URL.encode(tempURLRequest, parameters: URLParameters)
let bodyRequest = ParameterEncoding.JSON.encode(tempURLRequest, parameters: bodyParameters)
let compositeRequest = URLRequest.0.mutableCopy() as NSMutableURLRequest
compositeRequest.HTTPMethod = method.rawValue
compositeRequest.HTTPBody = bodyRequest.0.HTTPBody
return compositeRequest
With that said, could you make sure to put in a feature request issue on the Github? This is certainly something we need to figure out how to make easier in Alamofire since it's such a common use case. If you could put in a really good description of your use case, then I'm sure it will get attention. I will certainly help press to get support added.
At this point, I've decided to solve this by manually encoding an NSURLRequest with the URL parameters, retrieving the URL from that request, and using that to create the final request. I've created a function to return the query parameter encoded request:
private func queryParameterEncodedRequestURL(urlString: String,
values: [String]) -> NSURL {
let URL = NSURL(string: urlString)
var request = NSURLRequest(URL: URL)
let parameters = [
"param1": values[0]!,
"param2": values[1]!
let encoding = Alamofire.ParameterEncoding.URL
(request, _) = encoding.encode(request, parameters: parameters)
return (request.URL, nil)
This works fine, but I would definitely like to see Alamofire support multiple encoding types more easily. This feels like a workaround to me.
I'd like to use custom headers to provide some more information about the response data. Is it possible to get the headers in a response from a dojo datagrid hooked up to a jsonRest object via an object store (dojo 1.7)? I see this is possible when you are making the XHR request, but in this case it is being made by the grid.
The API provides an event for a response error which returns the response object:
on(this.grid, 'FetchError', function (response, req) {
var header = response.xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();
using this I am successfully able to access my custom response headers. However, there doesn't appear to be a way to get the response object when the request is successful. I have been using the undocumented private event _onFetchComplete with aspect after, however, this does not allow access to the response object, just the response values
aspect.after(this.grid, '_onFetchComplete', function (response, request)
///unable to get headers, response is the returned values
}, true);
I managed to get something working, but I suspect it is very over engineered and someone with a better understanding could come up with a simpler solution. I ended up adding aspect around to allow me to get hold of the deferred object in the rest store which is returned to the object store. Here I added a new function to the deffered to return the headers. I then hooked in to the onFetch of the object store using dojo hitch (because I needed the results in the current scope). It seems messy to me
aspect.around(restStore, "query", function (original) {
return function (method, args) {
var def =, method, args);
def.headers = deferred1.then(function () {
var hd = def.ioArgs.xhr.getResponseHeader("myHeader");
return hd;
return def;
aspect.after(objectStore, 'onFetch', lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
response.headers.then(lang.hitch(this, function (evt) {
var headerResult = evt;
}), true);
Is there a better way?
I solved this today after reading this post, thought I'd feed back.
dojo/store/JsonRest solves it also but my code ended up slightly different.
var MyStore = declare(JsonRest, {
query: function () {
var results = this.inherited(arguments);
console.log('Results: ', results);
results.response.then(function (res) {
var myheader = res.xhr.getResponseHeader('My-Header');
return results;
So you override the normal query() function, let it execute and return its promise, and attach your own listener to its 'response' member resolving, in which you can access the xhr object that has the headers. This ought to let you interpret the JsonRest result while fitting nicely into the chain of the query() all invokers.
One word of warning, this code is modified for posting here, and actually inherited from another intermediary class that also overrode query(), but the basics here are pretty sound.
If what you want is to get info from the server, also a custom key-value in the cookie can be a solution, that was my case, first I was looking for a custom response header but I couldn't make it work so I did the cookie way getting the info after the grid data is fetched:
dojo.connect(grid, "_onFetchComplete", function (){
This is useful for example to present a SUM(field) for all rows in a paginated datagrid, and not only those included in the current page. In the server you can fetch the COUNT and the SUM, the COUNT will be sent in the Content-Range header and the SUM can be sent in the cookie.