vuex getter does not update on another component depending on timing - vue.js

My app uses
axios to fetch user information from a backend server
vuex to store users
vue-router to navigate on each user's page
In App.vue, the fetch is dispatched
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
beforeCreate() {
In store.js, the users is an object with pk (primary key) to user information.
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
users: {},
getters: {
userCount: state => {
return Object.keys(state.users).length
mutations: {
SET_USERS(state, users) {
// users should be backend response
users.forEach(u => state.users[] = u)
actions: {
fetchUsers({commit}) {
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
console.log("Cannot fetch users: ", error.response)
Here Backend.getUsers() is an axios call.
In another component which map to /about in the vue-router, it simply displays userCount via the getter.
Now the behavior of the app depends on timing. If I visit / first and wait 2-3 seconds, then go to /about, the userCount is displayed correctly. However, if I visit /about directly, or visit / first and quickly navigate to /about, the userCount is 0. But in the console, it still shows the correct user count (from the log in SET_USERS).
What did I miss here? Shouldn't the store getter see the update in users and render the HTML display again?

Since it's an object Vue can't detect the changes of the properties and it's even less reactive when it comes to computed properties.
Copied from
When adding new properties to an Object, you should either:
Use Vue.set(obj, 'newProp', 123), or
Replace that Object with a fresh one. For example, using the object spread syntax we can write it like this:
state.obj = { ...state.obj, newProp: 123 }


vue/vuex: Can you re-render a page from another page?

With the first login in my app, users get a possibility to leave their address. When this address is stored, the user are pushed to their dashboard. Second login the user go straight to the dashboard.
I have 2 Vuex states that are updated with the 'Signed' leads to address page, 'Frequent' leads to 'dashboard'.
mounted () {
computed: {
promptStatus () {
return this.$store.getters.getPrompt
methods: {
async getPrompt() {
await //GET axios etc
// push prompt status in Store
let value =
this.$store.commit('setPrompt', value)
if (this.promptStatus === 'signed') {
this.$router.push({path: '/adres'})
if (this.promptStatus === 'frequent') {
this.$router.push({path: '/dashboard'})
When user leaves the address I reset the vuex.state from 'signed' to 'frequent'.
//store address
let value = 'frequent'
this.$store.commit('setPrompt', value)
this.$router.push({name: 'Prompt'})
The is refreshed. But the Prompt.vue wil not re-render with the new vuex.status. Many articles are written. Can 't find my solution. Maybe I organize my pages the wrong way.
In views, it is not recommended to mutate data (call commit) outside vuex. Actions are created for these purposes (called from the component using dispatch). In your case, you need to call action "getPrompt" from the store, but process routing in the authorization component. This is more about best practice
To solve your problem, you need to make a loader when switching to dashboard. Until the data is received, you do not transfer the user to the dashboard page
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
name: "DashboardLayout",
components: { ..., ... },
data: () => ({
isLoad: false
async created() {
this.isLoad = false;
try {
await this.$store.dispatch('getData');
this.isLoad = true;
} catch (error) {
Data is received and stored in the store in the "getData" action.
The referral to the dashboard page takes place after authorization. If authorization is invalid, the router.beforeEach handler (navigation guards) in your router/index.js should redirect back to the login page.
Learn more about layout in vuejs
Learn more about navigation guards

Insert localstorage with vuex

My script I'm using axios and vuex but it was necessary to make a change from formData to Json in the script and with that it's returning from the POST/loginB2B 200 api, but it doesn't insert in the localstorage so it doesn't direct to the dashboard page.
import axios from "axios";
const state = {
user: null,
const getters = {
isAuthenticated: (state) => !!state.user,
StateUser: (state) => state.user,
async LogIn({commit}, user) {
await"loginB2B", user);
await commit("setUser", user.get("email"));
async LogOut({ commit }) {
let user = null;
commit("logout", user);
methods: {
async submit() {
/*const User = new FormData();
User.append("email", this.form.username)
User.append("password", this.form.password)*/
try {
await this.LogIn({
"email": this.form.username,
"password": this.form.password
this.showError = false
} catch (error) {
this.showError = true
name: "App",
created() {
const currentPath = this.$router.history.current.path;
if (window.localStorage.getItem("authenticated") === "false") {
if (currentPath === "/") {
The api /loginB2B returns 200 but it doesn't create the storage to redirect to the dashboard.
I use this example, but I need to pass json instead of formData:
There are a couple of problems here:
You do a window.localStorage.getItem call, but you never do a window.localStorage.setItem call anywhere that we can see, so that item is probably always empty. There also does not seem to be a good reason to use localStorage here, because you can just access your vuex store. I noticed in the link you provided that they use the vuex-persistedstate package. This does store stuff in localStorage by default under the vuex key, but you should not manually query that.
You are using the created lifecycle hook in App.vue, which usually is the main component that is mounted when you start the application. This also means that the code in this lifecycle hook is executed before you log in, or really do anything in the application. Instead use Route Navigation Guards from vue-router (
Unrelated, but you are not checking the response from your axios post call, which means you are relying on this call always returning a status code that is not between 200 and 299, and that nothing and no-one will ever change the range of status codes that result in an error and which codes result in a response. It's not uncommon to widen the range of "successful" status codes and perform their own global code based on that. It's also not uncommon for these kind of endpoints to return a 200 OK status code with a response body that indicates that no login took place, to make it easier on the frontend to display something useful to the user. That may result in people logging in with invalid credentials.
Unrelated, but vuex mutations are always synchronous. You never should await them.
There's no easy way to solve your problem, so I would suggest making it robust from the get-go.
To properly solve your issue I would suggest using a global navigation guard in router.js, mark with the meta key which routes require authentication and which do not, and let the global navigation guard decide if it lets you load a new route or not. It looks like the article you linked goes a similar route. For completeness sake I will post it here as well for anyone visiting.
First of all, modify your router file under router/index.js to contain meta information about the routes you include. Load the store by importing it from the file where you define your store. We will then use the Global Navigation Guard beforeEach to check if the user may continue to that route.
We define the requiresAuth meta key for each route to check if we need to redirect someone if they are not logged in.
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import store from '../store';
const routes = [
path: '/',
name: 'Dashboard',
component: Dashboard,
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
path: '/login',
name: 'Login',
component: Login,
meta: {
requiresAuth: false
// Create a router with the routes we just defined
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
// This navigation guard is called everytime you go to a new route,
// including the first route you try to load
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// to is the route object that we want to go to
const requiresAuthentication = to.meta.requiresAuth;
// Figure out if we are logged in
const userIsLoggedIn = store.getters['isAuthenticated']; // (maybe auth/isAuthenticated if you are using modules)
if (
(!requiresAuthentication) ||
(requiresAuthentication && userIsLoggedIn)
) {
// We meet the requirements to go to our intended destination, so we call
// the function next without any arguments to go where we intended to go
// Then we return so we do not run any other code
// Oh dear, we did try to access a route while we did not have the required
// permissions. Let's redirect the user to the login page by calling next
// with an object like you would do with `this.$router.push(..)`.
next({ name: 'Login' });
export default router;
Now you can remove the created hook from App.vue. Now when you manually change the url in the address bar, or use this.$router.push(..) or this.$router.replace(..) it will check this function, and redirect you to the login page if you are not allowed to access it.

How to deduplicate data fetches in children routes

Imagine the following routes. I'm using Vue and vue-router syntax right now, but I figure the question applies to other SPA frameworks as well.
path: 'user/:id', component: require('User.vue'),
children: [
{ path: 'edit', component: require('UserEdit.vue'), }
In User.vue, the user object is fetched using the route id parameter upon component creation:
data() {
return { user: null }
created() {
this.user = fetchUser(this.$
In UserEdit.vue, a user is also fetched, and in 85% of the cases this will be the user that was also fetched in User.vue:
data() {
return { user: null }
created() {
this.user = fetchUser(this.$
Question: if we would navigate from User.vue to UserEdit.vue, it is apparent that (most probably) the same user object will be fetched again. How can this kind of code duplication be avoided? How should I pass the previously fetched data down to a child route?
I guess I should somewhere check if the route parameters remain equal, because if they aren't we're editing another user and the User data should be fetched anyway...
Time for a state management store (like vuex)? If so, when the app navigates away from user pages, should the user store be cleared, or do you keep the last fetched user always in memory?
I'm having a hard time to come up with something DRY.
Looking forward to your advice and some hands-on code examples.
Use vuex for state management. For example, setting something like lastUser and userData which could be accessed from any component. fetchUser would then be an action in the store:
state: {
lastUser: '',
userData: null
actions: {
fetchUser({ state }, user) {
if (state.userData && user == state.lastUser) {
return state.userData;
} else {
// Api call, set userData and lastUser, return userData
async created() {
this.user = await this.$store.dispatch('fetchUser', this.$;
async created() {
this.user = await this.$store.dispatch('fetchUser', this.$;

Vuex store module state access in component

I am new in this world of Vue and Vuex, but I want to know if you can help me with this problem that I have right know, and actually don't really know why.
Note: I am using an api developed in laravel.
The scenario is this:
I have a common component that I have created which displays a list (data table) of users.
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
data () {
return {
items: [],
user: {}
methods: {
getUsers: 'users/getUsers'
mounted () {
***this.user = {
user: 'auth/user'
this.user = {
user: 'auth/user'
var routeName = this.$ // users or admins
this.getUsers(route, user)
this.items = this.$store.state.users
Right now my application will have three roles: regular users, administrator and super administrators.
A super administrator will have two modules for display users:
List of all regular users.
List of all administrators.
This two modules would be in different routes, which is why I reused the common component that displays a list of users.
So, I have in Vuex right now two modules, the first one is auth module that in its state file will contain the information of the user that is logged in: name, email, role. And the second module is users module that in its state will contain the list of users passed via api depending on the route I am entering and the user's role that this one has.
The users module has three actions, the first one is getRegularUsers(), getAdmins() and getUsers(routeName, role). The last action is invoked in users component that received the route (url the user is currently in) and the user's role.
The definition of getUsers() is:
export const getUsers = (routeName, role) => {
if (routeName == 'admins') {
if (role === 'SuperAdmin')
As you can see, this action is considering the route and the role of the current user that is logged in and depending on the route or role, this action invoked the other actions that I created. This two other actions fetch via commit (mutation) the users state, that is an array of user objects:
export default {
users = []
The problem:
Looking at the chrome console, this is the error:
The undefined or null error, means that this.user.role is udenfined
And If I look at vuex-devtools you will see that user has the role assigned, even in getters and state: User role - getter and state
The question:
I have done anything in actions, such as this.$store.getters.user.role and nothing happens.
So, hope you can help me with this. I think I have explained carefully the situation I am having.
Thanks for your support.
Get the users of the role:
var routeName = this.$ // users or admins
this.getUsers(route, this.user.role)
set mapGetters in computed object:
computed: {
user: 'auth/user'
and use vuex getters for this line
this.items = this.$store.state.users

How do I update the Apollo data store/cache from a mutation query, the update option doesn't seem to trigger

I have a higher order component in my react native application that retrieves a Profile. When I call an "add follower" mutation, I want it to update the Profile to reflect the new follower in it's followers collection. How do I trigger the update to the store manually. I could refetch the entire profile object but would prefer to just do the insertion client-side without a network refetch. Currently, when I trigger the mutation, the Profile doesn't reflect the change in the screen.
It looks like I should be using the update option but it doesn't seem to work for me with my named mutations.
const getUserQuery = gql`
query getUserQuery($userId:ID!) {
User(id:$userId) {
followers {
const followUserMutation = gql`
mutation followUser($followingUserId: ID!, $followersUserId: ID!) {
addToUserFollowing(followingUserId: $followingUserId, followersUserId: $followersUserId) {
followersUser {
#graphql(followUserMutation, { name: 'follow' })
#graphql(unfollowUserMutation, { name: 'unfollow' })
export default class MyProfileScreen extends Component Profile
update: (store, { data: { followersUser } }) => {
//this update never seems to get called
console.log('this never triggers here');
const newData = store.readQuery({ getUserQuery });
store.writeQuery({ getUserQuery, newData });
EDIT: Just realised that you need to add the update to the graphql definition of the mutation.
EDIT 2: #MonkeyBonkey found out that you have to add the variables in the read query function
#graphql(followUserMutation, {
name: 'follow',
options: {
update: (store, { data: { followersUser } }) => {
console.log('this never triggers here');
const newData = store.readQuery({query:getUserQuery, variables});
store.writeQuery({ getUserQuery, newData });
#graphql(unfollowUserMutation, {
name: 'unfollow'
export default class MyProfileScreen extends Component Profile
variables: { .... },
I suggest you update the store using the updateQueries functionality link.
See for example this post
You could use compose to add the mutation to the component. Inside the mutation you do not need to call client.mutate. You just call the mutation on the follow user click.
It might also be possible to let apollo handle the update for you. If you change the mutation response a little bit that you add the following users to the followed user and add the dataIdFromObject functionality. link