Remove an item from array by id - vue.js

data: function(){
return {
items: [
{ id: '1', name: 'Item 1', bool: false},
{ id: '2', name: 'Item 2', bool: false},
{ id: '3', name: 'Item 3', bool: false},
{ id: '4', name: 'Item 4', bool: false}
checkedItems: [],
select: function(event, index) {
if (!this.items[index].bool) {
this.checkedItems.splice(index, 1);
} else {
When I click on the div it copies the items data into checkedItems and sets bool to true.
Is it possible to target the item id and remove that specific one from checkedItems as the current splice is removing the wrong item based off the index.

Why not use an object instead of an array, something like this:
data: function(){
return {
items: [
{ id: '1', name: 'Item 1', bool: false},
{ id: '2', name: 'Item 2', bool: false},
{ id: '3', name: 'Item 3', bool: false},
{ id: '4', name: 'Item 4', bool: false}
checkedItemsObj: {},
select: function(event, index) {
let item = this.items[index];
if (!item.bool) {
this.checkedItemsObj[] = item
} else {
delete this.checkedItemsObj[]
getCheckedItems: () => Object.values(data().checkedItemsObj)
Now to get the array of checked items anytime, you can call methods.getCheckedItems()


Show only enabled item in v-treeview

I'm using v-treeview and i have items like that:
id: 1,
name: 'name 1',
disabled: false,
children: [
id: 2,
name: 'name 2',
disabled: false,
children: [
id: 3,
name: 'name 3',
disabled: false
id: 4,
name: 'name 4',
disabled: false,
children: [
id: 5,
name: 'name 5',
disabled: true
id: 6,
name: 'name 6',
disabled: true,
children: [
id: 7,
name: 'name 7',
disabled: true
that i want is, only showing the items with disabled false; without passing by filter data to send to v-treeview;
I already tried on slot on not showing any data when disabled is true but the the item set blank space:
<template v-slot:label="{item}" >
<v-container v-if="!item.disabled">
{{ }}
Some items is provided with v-select, it allow to switch the disabled value of children items, so can't use filter computed cause i have no access of the children with disabled true;
You can use computed in order to create a dynamic variable:
computed: {
visibleElements: function() {
// filter here only entries you are interested to show
let visibleElements = => {
return visibleElements;

Vuejs - How to add new value into itemList array

I'm new in Vuejs, please help me - How to add new value into itemList array
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
rows: [],
itemList: [
{ code: 'Select an Item', description: '', unitprice: ''},
{ code: 'One', description: 'Item A', unitprice: '10'},
{ code: 'Two', description: 'Item B', unitprice: '22'},
{ code: 'Three', description: 'Item C', unitprice: '56'}
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
rows: [],
itemList: [
{ code: 'Select an Item', description: '', unitprice: ''},
{ code: 'One', description: 'Item A', unitprice: '10'},
{ code: 'Two', description: 'Item B', unitprice: '22'},
{ code: 'Three', description: 'Item C', unitprice: '56'}
this.itemList.push({code:'Four',description:'Item D',unitprice:'0'});
You can call addItem, in template or javascript.

compare previous value in each loop with current value

i have a json that i have to itterate in my jade :
{ RefSlipNo:
{ fieldlabel: 'RefSlipNo',
fieldname: 'RefSlipNo',
fieldtype: 'text',
required: '1',
default_value: '',
placeholder: 'Ref Slip No',
order_no: '1',
formgroup: 'vehicleDetails',
can_delete: '0',
status: '1' },
{ fieldlabel: 'BookNumber',
fieldname: 'BookNumber',
fieldtype: 'text',
required: '1',
default_value: '',
placeholder: 'Book Number',
order_no: '2',
formgroup: 'vehicleDetails',
can_delete: '1',
status: '1' },
{ fieldlabel: 'SlipDate',
fieldname: 'SlipDate',
fieldtype: 'text',
required: '1',
default_value: '',
placeholder: 'Slip Date',
order_no: '3',
formgroup: 'invoice',
can_delete: '1',
status: '1' },
{ fieldlabel: 'FillFuelDate',
fieldname: 'FillFuelDate',
fieldtype: 'text',
required: '1',
default_value: '',
placeholder: 'Fill Fuel Date',
order_no: '4',
formgroup: 'invoice',
can_delete: '1',
status: '1' }
i want to use fieldset and legend on the basis of formgroup like:
FillFuelDate : |
SlipDate : |
RefSlipNo : |
BookNumber : |
But could not able to get logic. How to loop it in jade. I want to get all field list with invoice formgroup under one fieldset and all vehicledetails under 1 fieldset as shown above.
In your JavaScript, define a function like this, and pass it as a local to your pug template:
function groupByFormGroup(fields) {
const formGroups = [];
const formGroupsByName = {};
fields.forEach(field => {
if (!formGroupsByName[field.formGroup]) {
formGroupsByName[field.formGroup] = {name: field.formGroup, fields: []};
Then in the pug template, do something like:
each formGroup in groupByFormGroup(fields)
each field in formGroup.fields
label= field.fieldLabel
input(type="text" name=field.fieldName)

Pick event not triggered for select field picker,while importing sencha-touch/base scss

I am having one select field and want to handle select field picker events manually. Following code for selectfield :
xtype: 'selectfield',
label: 'Choose one',
options: [
{text: 'First Option', value: 'first'},
{text: 'Second Option', value: 'second'},
{text: 'Third Option', value: 'third'}
defaultPhonePickerConfig: {
hideOnMaskTap: true,
listeners: {
change: function(ths, val) {
console.log('change event called');
pick: function(ths, The, slot) {
console.log('pick event called');
if (PICKER_CONFIG != true) {
if (The[slot.getName()] != undefined && The[slot.getName()] != null && The[slot.getName()] != "") {
// Ext.getCmp('contractList').setValue(The[slot.getName()]);
ths.fireEvent('change', ths, The);
cancel: function() {
console.log('cancel called');
console.log('show called');
pick is not getting called because i am using base css .
Here is my app.scss
#import 'sencha-touch/base';
But its working if i am using sencha-touch default and default/all css
#import 'sencha-touch/default';
#import 'sencha-touch/default/all;
but, i don't want to use it
Is there any way to get that pick by using sencha-touch/base css.
Can you tell me from where you get "pick" event ?
And what it supposed to do ?
I'm guessing that its doing the same thing as "change".
And how do you know its because you are using base css ?
from what I read the base css is sencha will be using bare minimum styling for components to work and the rest will be up to user. so there should be no effect on event components behaviour.
This is what i wrote to set Picker in SelectField:
xtype: 'selectfield',
usePicker: true,
displayField: 'text',
valueField: 'value',
options: [
{ text: 'Choose Dosage', value: 'default' },
defaultPhonePickerConfig : {
listeners: {
change: function(thePicker, newValue, oldValue) {
//check if custom variable has been set to false
if (newValue.slotsNumeric != null && newValue.slotsDecimal != null) {
var total = newValue.slotsNumeric + newValue.slotsDecimal;
// set the select field to show the correct selected value!!
var DecimalPicker = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('selectfield')[0];
text: total,
value: total
useTitles: true,
hideOnMaskTap: true,
slots: [
name : 'slotsNumeric',
title : 'Numeric',
align: 'center',
data : [
{text: '0', value: 0},
{text: '1', value: 1},
{text: '2', value: 2},
{text: '3', value: 3},
{text: '4', value: 4},
{text: '5', value: 5},
{text: '6', value: 6},
{text: '7', value: 7},
{text: '8', value: 8},
{text: '9', value: 9},
name : 'slotsDecimal',
title : 'Decimal',
align: 'center',
data : [
{text: '.0', value: .0},
{text: '.1', value: .1},
{text: '.2', value: .2},
{text: '.3', value: .3},
{text: '.4', value: .4},
{text: '.5', value: .5},
{text: '.6', value: .6},
{text: '.7', value: .7},
{text: '.8', value: .8},
{text: '.9', value: .9},

Sencha touch selectfield list scroll issue

I have created toolbar containing 1 selectfield.
Items in select field are more & there is no way to know that there is more item in the list.
How can i solve this problem. Please help me.
Here is code
items: [
xtype : 'toolbar',
docked: 'top',
id: 'toptool',
flex: 1,
items: [
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'test',
options: [
text: 'cat 1',
value: '1',
text: 'cat 2',
value: '2',
text: 'cat 3',
value: '3',
text: 'cat 1',
value: '1',
text: 'cat 2',
value: '2',
text: 'cat 3',
value: '3',
text: 'cat 1',
value: '1',
text: 'cat 2',
value: '2',
text: 'cat 3',
value: '3',
text: 'cat 1',
value: '1',
text: 'cat 2',
value: '2',
text: 'cat 3',
value: '3',
text: 'cat 1',
value: '1',
text: 'cat 2',
value: '2',
text: 'cat 3',
value: '3',
first off all remove the comma(,) after the "value" parameter. Now use a css class or inline style to fix the height of the select field.
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'test',
style: 'height:100px',