How to add directory? -

I am trying to add information to a directory is this the correct method of doing it? Seems to not be working

You called GetDirectoryEntry() twice. That means when you call CommitChangegs(), you're committing from a different object in memory than the one where you updated the phone number. Even if the two objects represent the same AD record, they're still different objects. Only one of them has your changes. You need to commit from the same object you updated:
Dim ADEntry = ADSearchResult.GetDirectoryEntry()


EaselJS - Storing Shape Graphics in Database

I'm using EaselJS for a project, and have the need to store the details of various 'Shape' objects in a database, so that they can be re-drawn at another time.
My project has the 'Stage' set up so that I can drag-draw a box, which is saved into the database when completed. I intend to make it usable for drawing polygons also.
My database has a table in it called 'polyshapes', which stores the,, Shape.x, Shape.y, Shape.rotation. It also has a field called 'graphics' where I can store some sort of text string representing the object.
When I draw a box, I'm able to store a string of the 'graphics' using: JSON.stringify(
When I load this shape from the database, I create a new createjs.Shape() object, and then use = JSON.parse(graphicsString) to load the graphics.
Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work, as it doesn't load the required functions within the object.
I have also tried just individually updating some specific graphics attributes such as 'command', '_instructions', '_stroke', '_strokeStyle'. But I still can get the required graphic to re-draw.
Ideally, I'd only need to store the 'instructions' attribute of the when I drag-draw it, and then when loading from the DB, I would just use a method to re-create those graphics when provided with the 'instructions' data. However I can't seem to see a suitable method for doing this.
I have also looked into the decodePath() graphics method. This would be useful, except that there doesn't appear to be an inverse method 'encodePath()' to allow me to serialize it in the first place.
How can I store the data in a database, and then recall it later to rebuild a new Shape() object?

Creating an attribute against WHEREUSED Non Persistent Object - Maximo

I have added an attribute against the NP WHEREUSED object.
I'm adding a New Row and the field is getting populated using a LKP and on Save Maximo gets rid of the value.
How can I ensure to maintain the value of the spare fieldon save?
First, you need to understand that it takes code to move anything from a non-persistent (NP) object or attribute to somewhere where it will get saved. Second, you need to understand that the save() method is never called on NP objects; execute() is called instead.
I think the problem you are running into is that Maximo does not currently (as of Maximo offer "Execute" in the selection of events for Object Launch Points. If you would like to see that changed, please vote for this RFE:
Then, you'll have to find a workaround until IBM implements that RFE.

Does NSIncrementalStoreNode updateWithValues's "values" argument require only the changed values or a complete new copy of the data?

I'm calling:
- (void)updateWithValues:(NSDictionary *)values
in an NSIncrementalStore subclass in order to update the cache with update NSManagedObject values. My question concerns the values argument. Do I only need to put in the updated attributes or a complete new copy of the data?
The description in the documentation says: "Update the values and version to reflect new data being saved to or loaded from the external store. // The values dictionary is in the same format as the initializer."
It isn't clear to me whether or not the "values" that "reflect the new data" refers to only the updated attributes or all the attributes in the object.
It requires the complete data. I agree it wasn't very clear but I suppose the reason is so you can do the conflict handling first. The annoying thing is there is no way to get the values back from the node to merge in the new ones and set them again. Annoyingly this means you can't use the node as your cache object, I'm still learning the NSIncrementalStore so likely there reason for this design will come clear at some point.

How can I use ORMLite with objects that contain ArrayLists of other objects?

I have a Android java project with quite complex datatypes including ArrayLists of other complex datatypes. I’m trying to store my data in a database using ORMLite (4.42).
I have major problems converting between ArrayLists and ForeignCollection, has anyone manage to do this?
I don’t want a continuous sync with the database, instead I have a save method that saves the entire structure and a read method that restores the entire method. After an object is restored from the database, the object is sent via interfaces where the receiver expects a ArrayLists and not orm lite ForeignCollections.
My approach is the following. For each ArrayList I have a complementary ForeignCollection. Before storing an object to the database, the content of the ArrayList is copied to the ForeignCollection, and when read back, vice versa.
When I read out a data structure from the database, I want the ensure that the entire structure is restored since later on, the object will be sent to users that are not aware about orm lite package, thus I set eager = true.
My complex datatype looks like this:
#DatabaseTable(tableName = "accounts")
public class Account {
#DatabaseField(generatedId = true)
private int id;
#ForeignCollectionField (eager = true, maxEagerLevel = 2)
private ForeignCollection<Order> ordersFoC;
private ArrayList<Order> ordersArL;
The Problem
Before storing the Account to the database, I tried to do the following. My hope was to copy the objects in the ArrayList to the ForeignCollection and the update the database with the Account object. The object myAccount has the same id as an object in the database so I expect an update of that object.
No luck. The addAll method does directly write the orders to the database so I end up with duplicates of all orders since “addAll” adds and does not update any existing records.
So I tried to first remove all the orders from the database, but again with no luck:
ordersFoC.clear(); // Also tried: ordersFoC.removeAll(ordersFoC);
The objects are not removed from the database. I read at (by Philip Fu) that this is a “known” problem with ormlite, that eager ForeignCollection does not play well with removeAll() or clear().
Is there a pattern that I have missed that allows me to work with objects that includes ArrayLists of complex types using the ormlite framework?
I've got my code working with ArrayLists ok. I declared my fields like this:
#ForeignCollectionField(eager = true, maxEagerForeignCollectionLevel = 99)
private Collection<PersonalNameStructure> personalnamestructures = new ArrayList<>();
and the getter as
public List<PersonalNameStructure> getPersonalNameStructures() {
return new ArrayList<>(personalnamestructures) ;
so it creates the ArrayList on the fly rather than trying to maintain it.
Obviously you may realise this already, but you also need to be careful around writing the objects as the eager setting affects reading foreign collections, it doesn't do anything for foreign fields or when writing a record.

Are there any "gotchas" to watch for in using a Class (object) within itself?

I've got a Registry class and there are a few Registry values that I want to access from within that Registry class. (There is a bit of a calculation with these values so I thought I'd just put all that code right in the Registry Class itself).
So we might have something within our RegistryRoutine.cls like:
Function GetMyValue() as integer
Dim R as new RegistryRoutine
GetMyValue=R.GetRegisetryValue (HKEY, key, value, etc.)
End Function
No, in general you won't see any problems (like member variables being overwritten or anything weird like that).
Where you could run into issues is if you have explicity shared variables that are being written to multiple times. But that's dangerous no matter what you do.
Do watch out for recursive cases - e.g., GetMyValue() should not call R.GetMyValue(), nor should GetRegistryValue() call GetMyValue().
It's rare that you actually want to do this, however.
Since you're not passing any arguments into GetMyValue(), we can assume that the current instance already has all the information it needs.
Since you're only returning an integer, not a RegistryRoutine instance, the client has no need for a new instance.
So, why not just call GetRegistryValue (without the R.)?
It's quite common for classes to work with instances of themselves. Consider, for example, how a tree structure works. Either a Node class has to keep track of its children, or has to keep track of its parent (or both). All the nodes are the same class.