Use row 1 column ith as output filename awk - awk

I'm a very recent command line user thus I'm requiring some help to split a text file by columns using awk. The difficulty for me is that I want the ith filename to be the text from the 1st row of the ith column.
This is what I had in mind:
awk '{for(i = 2; i <= NF; i++){name= ??FNR == 1 $i?? ;print $1, $i > name}}' myfile.txt
But I don't know how to set the name variable...
Input: myfile.txt
'ID' 'sample_1' 'sample_2' ...
'id_1' 1 2 ...
'id_2' 2 3 ...
Excpected output:
'ID' 'sample_1'
'id_1' 1
'id_2' 2
'ID' 'sample_2'
'id_1' 2
'id_2' 3

You should keep column headers in an array.
awk 'NR==1 {
for (i=2; i<=NF; ++i) {
fnames[i] = gensub(/\x27/, "", "g", $i)
print $1, $i > fnames[i] ".txt"
for (i=2; i<=NF; ++i)
print $1, "\x27" $i "\x27" > fnames[i] ".txt"
}' myfile.txt
\x27 is single quote in hex-escaped form
gensub(/\x27/, "", "g", $i) removes single quotes from column headers to name output files as you wanted.

You can try this awk :
awk -F'\t' ' # tab as field separator
for ( i = 2 ; i <= NF ; i++ ) { # for each record loop from field 2 to last field
if ( NR == 1 ) { # if first record
a[i] = $i # keep each field in array a
gsub ( /^'\''|'\''$/ , "" , a[i] ) # remove quote at start and end in array a
print $1 FS $i > a[i]".txt" # print needed field in corresponding file
}' myfile.txt


Divide largest value by second largest value

I am having a file in the following format. Column one has ~20,000 uniq entry and column 2 has ~120,000 different entry and column 3 has count associated with column 2. For a single entry in column 1 there can be multiple entry in column 2. For each unique entry in column 1, I am trying to get ratio of maximum value to second maximum value of column 3.
S1 S2 C1
A A1 1
A AA 10
A A6 5
A A0 4
B BB 12
B BC 11
B B1 19
B B9 4
Expected Output
S1 S2 C1
B B1 19 1.58333
A AA 10 2
I can do in steps like bellow. But is there a smart way of doing in in one script?
awk 'NR==1; NR > 1 {print $0 | "sort -k3 -n -r "}' F1.txt | awk '!seen[$1]++' >del1.txt
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$2]=1; next}FNR==1{print $0;}!a[$2]' del1.txt F1.txt | awk 'NR==1; NR > 1 {print $0 | "sort -k3 -n -r"}' | awk '!seen[$1]++' >del2.txt
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]=$3; next}FNR==1{print $0"\t";"RT"}FNR>1 a[$1]{print $0"\t"$3/a[$1]}' del2.txt del1.txt
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
NR == 1 { print $1, $2, $3; next }
{ data[$1][$3] = $2 }
for (key in data) {
asorti(data[key], s, "#ind_num_desc")
print key, data[key][s[1]], s[1], s[1] / s[2]
This^^^ assumes an arbitrary permutation of the lines (and requires gawk (which is pretty common) or another implementation with native multi-dimensional “arrays”).
If you can make more assumptions about the input — e.g. that it is always grouped by the first column —, then you can make it more memory-efficient and get rid of multi-dimensional arrays (by not delaying the evaluation until END and instead calculating it in a per-line block each time the first column’s value changes (and then one last time in END).)
To get a different handling of equal numeric values (e.g. to report the “subkey” (column 2) of the first (instead of last) encountered occurrence of a value), you could add if (!($3 in data[$1])) ... or the like.
Whenever you find yourself creating a pipeline containing awk, there is a very good chance that what you are trying to do can be done in a single call to awk much more efficiently.
A non-GNU awk approach that presumes all field1 'A' records are together and all 'B' records are together (as you show in your sample data) could be:
awk '
FNR==1 { print; next } ## 1st line, output heading
$1 != n { ## 1st field changed
if (n) { ## if n set, output result of last block
printf "%s\t%s\n", rec, max / nextmax
rec = $0 ## initialize vars for next block
n = $1
max = $3
nextmax = 1
next ## skip to next record
if ($3 > max) { ## check if 3rd field > max
rec = $0 ## save record
nextmax = max ## update nextmax
max = $3 ## update max
else if ($3 > nextmax) { ## if 3rd field > nextmax
nextmax = $3 ## update nextmax
} ## output final block results
END { printf "%s\t%s\n", rec, max / nextmax }
' file
Example Use/Output
With your data in the file file, you would have:
$ awk '
> FNR==1 { print; next } ## 1st line, output heading
> $1 != n { ## 1st field changed
> if (n) { ## if n set, output result of last block
> printf "%s\t%s\n", rec, max / nextmax
> }
> rec = $0 ## initialize vars for next block
> n = $1
> max = $3
> nextmax = 1
> next ## skip to next record
> }
> {
> if ($3 > max) { ## check if 3rd field > max
> rec = $0 ## save record
> nextmax = max ## update nextmax
> max = $3 ## update max
> }
> else if ($3 > nextmax) { ## if 3rd field > nextmax
> nextmax = $3 ## update nextmax
> }
> } ## output final block results
> END { printf "%s\t%s\n", rec, max / nextmax }
> ' file
S1 S2 C1
A AA 10 2
B B1 19 1.58333
Using any awk in any shell on every Unix box and using almost no memory (important since your input file would be huge given your description of it):
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }
NR == 1 { print; next }
$1 != prev {
if ( prev != "" ) {
print prev, val, max, (preMax ? max/preMax : 0)
prev = $1
max = ""
(max == "") || ($3 > max) {
val = $2
preMax = max
max = $3
END { print prev, val, max, (preMax ? max/preMax : 0) }
$ awk -f tst.awk F1.txt
S1 S2 C1
A AA 10 10
B B1 19 1.58333

Concatenating array elements into a one string in for loop using awk

I am working on a variant calling format (vcf) file, and I tried to show you guys what I am trying to do:
1 877803 838425 GC G
1 878077 966631 C CCACGG
1 877803 838425 C -
1 878077 966631 - CACGG
In summary, I am trying to delete the first letters of longer strings.
And here is my code:
awk 'BEGIN { OFS="\t" } /#/ {next}
m = split($4, a, //)
n = split($5, b, //)
x = "-"
delete y
if (m>n){
for (i = n+1; i <= m; i++) {
y = sprintf("%s", a[i])
print $1, $2, $3, y, x
else if (n>m){
for (j = m+1; i <= n; i++) {
y = sprintf("%s", b[j]) ## Problem here
print $1, $2, $3, x, y
}' input.vcf > output.vcf
I am getting the following error in line 15, not even in line 9
awk: cmd. line:15: (FILENAME=input.vcf FNR=1) fatal: attempt to use array y in a scalar context
I don't know how to concatenate array elements into a one string using awk.
I will be very happy if you guys help me.
Merry X-Mas!
You may try this awk:
awk -v OFS="\t" 'function trim(s) { return (length(s) == 1 ? "-" : substr(s, 2)); } {$4 = trim($4); $5 = trim($5)} 1' file
1 877803 838425 C -
1 878077 966631 - CACGG
More readable form:
awk -v OFS="\t" 'function trim(s) {
return (length(s) == 1 ? "-" : substr(s, 2))
$4 = trim($4)
$5 = trim($5)
} 1' file
You can use awk's substr function to process the 4th and 5th space delimited fields:
awk '{ substr($4,2)==""?$4="-":$4=substr($4,2);substr($5,2)==""?$5="-":$5=substr($5,2)}1' file
If the string from position 2 onwards in field 4 is equal to "", set field 4 to "-" otherwise, set field 4 to the extract of the field from position 2 to the end of the field. Do the same with field 5. Print lines modified or not with short hand 1.

Compare values in two rows fo specific column

I would like to print the lines of file based on a condition with respect the previous line. I would like to implement the following condition:
If the key (field 1 and field2) between the current line and the previous line is identical and the difference between field 8 and field 8 of the previous line is bigger than 1, print the current line and append the difference.
Input file:
Expected output file:
Lines 3 and 4 have an identical key (47329,39785) and the difference of the values in fields 8 is 172.91-170.93=1.98, so we print line 4. An identical reasoning goes for lines 6 and 7
awk -F, 'NR%2{ab = $1 FS $2} ab == ob && $8 - O8 > 1; {ob = ab; O8 = $8}'
I've come up with this script, tested on gawk v5.0.0
if (NR == 1)
key1 = $1
key2 = $2
field = $8
# when on first record, there's nothing to compare with
if ($1 == key1)
if ($2 == key2)
if ($8 - field > 1)
print $0, $8-field
# uncomment following line to print line match number
# print "("NR")",$0, $8-field
# assign for next iteration
key1 = $1
key2 = $2
field = $8
tested on your input, found:
$ awk -f script.awk test.txt
47329,39785,2,12,28,351912.53,2533118.81,172.91,1 2.02
47329,39797,2,12,28,352062.77,2533104.67,173.63,1 2.99
Matches line 3 and 7.

awk: Print line numbers seperated by comma

awk '{for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/, " "); print tolower($i)": "NR | "sort -V | uniq";}}' input.txt
With above code, I get output as:
line1: 2
line1: 3
line1: 5
line2: 1
line2: 2
line3: 10
I want it like below:
line1: 2, 3, 5
line2: 1, 2
lin23: 10
How to achieve it?
Use gawk's array features. I'll provide actual code once I hack it up.
awk '{for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/, " ");
arr[tolower($i)] = arr[tolower($i)]NR", "}
for (x in arr) {
print x": "substr(arr[x], 1, length(arr[x])-2);
}}' input.txt | sort
Note that this includes duplicate line numbers if a word appears multiple times on the same lines.
using perl...
if( /(\w+):\s*(\d+)/){ # extract the parts
$arr{lc($1)}{$2} ++ # count them
for my $k (sort keys %arr){ # print sorted alpha
print "$k: ";
print join(", ",(sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$lines)),"\n"; print sorted numerically
This solution removes ans sorts the duplicated numbers. Is this what you needed?

awk one row substracts the next row if their first two colums are the same

If we would like to substract $17 if their $1 & $2 are the same: input
111,CPD-123456,2222,1111,IC50,,6.1,uM,1183,1265,Ki,,0.16,uM,,38.125,1.7511,2003-03-03 00:00:00,2003-02-10 00:00:00,Cell,Enzyme
111,CPD-123456,2222,1111,IC50,,9.02053,uM,1183,1265,Ki,,0.16,uM,,56.3783,-1.5812,2003-02-27 00:00:00,2003-02-10 00:00:00,Cell,Enzyme
111,CPD-777888,3333,4444,IC50,,6.1,uM,1183,1265,Ki,,0.16,uM,,38.125,-1,2003-03-03 00:00:00,2003-02-10 00:00:00,Cell,Enzyme
111,CPD-777888,3333,4444,IC50,,9.02053,uM,1183,1265,Ki,,0.16,uM,,56.3783,-3,2003-02-27 00:00:00,2003-02-10 00:00:00,Cell,Enzyme
The desired output should be (1.7511-(-1.5812)=3.3323); (-1-(-3)=2)
First attempt:
awk -F, ' last != $1""$2 && last{ # ONLY When last key "TargetID + Cpd_number"
print C # differs from actual , print line + substraction
C=0} # reset acumulators
{ # This block process each line of infile
C -= $17 # C calc
line=$0 # Line will be actual line without activity
last=$1""$2} # Store the key in orther to track switching
END{ # This block triggers after the complete file read
# to print the last average that cannot be trigger during
# the previous block
print C}' input
It will give the output:
The second attempt:
tail -n+2 test > test2 # remove the title/header
awk -F, '$1 == $1 && $2 == $2 {print $17}' test2 >> test3 # print $17 if the $1 and $2 are the same
awk 'NR==1{s=$1;next}{s-=$1}END{print s}' test3
rm test2 test3
test3 will be
Output is
Could any guru kindly give some comments? Thanks!
You could try the below awk command,
$ awk -F, 'NR==1{next} {var=$1; foo=$2; bar=$17; getline;} $1==var && $2==foo{xxx=bar-$17; print xxx}' file
awk '
BEGIN { FS = "," }
NR == 1 { next } # skip header line
{ # accumulate totals
if ($1 SUBSEP $2 in a) # if key already exists
a[$1,$2] -= $17 # subtract $17 from value
else # if first appearance of this key
a[$1,$2] = $17 # set value to $17
END { # print results
for (x in a)
print a[x]
' file