ArangoDB working together with letsenrcypt certificates - ssl

Is there anyoune out there who got a running arangoDB database working with a letsencrypt certificate? I just can't find out to geht this running.
ArangoDB is running on a digitalOcean droplet and I could get it running togehter with a self-signed certificate following this tutorial. So arangoDB is sucessfully running on port: 8530
Now my approach was replacing the self-signed certificate with a letsencrypt cert.
So I added a subdomain in DigitalOcean to the droplet. e.g.: an then generated the cert-files:
sudo -H ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone -d
You will end up with 4 files: cert.pem chain.pem fullchain.pem privkey.pem
As I understood, these files are:
Private Key --------> privkey.pem
Public Key ---------> cert.pem
Certificate Chain --> chain.pem
As described in the tutorial I mentioned, you nee the certificate and the key in one file. So i did
cat chain.pem privkey.pem | sudo tee server.pem
to have a file containing the certificate and the private key.
Then I modified the file /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf to let arango know where the keyfile is and modified the ssl section:
keyfile = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
But after restarting arango, the server is not available. When trying to connect the browser to: Firewall settings for the droplet should all be ok, because I could access this address with the self-signed cetificate before.
I then tried to modify the endpoint in /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf from
endpoint = ssl://
endpoint = ssl://
and also
None of it was working. Has somebody out there an idea what I am doing wrong?

Please use the ip of the interface you want to use when specifying the endpoint e.g. endpoint = ssl:// (ip address should list your interfaces along with addresses in use). Then it could help to use the fullchain.pem to create the server.prm (cat fullchain.pem privkey.pem > server.pem). Make sure the resulting server.pem is accessible and readable by the arangodb user. If the server is still not starting correctly please provide logs of the server. To access the logs use systemctl -fu arangodb3.service or follow the logs with tail -f <logfile> if you use some custom location for logging.
I have just tested a setup with letsencrypt certificates and it was working after ensuring all above points.


use a lets encrypt certificate for another service

I have a Lets Encrypt certificate which works on my Synology NAS using a DDNS name. I want to use the certificate for another service (ejabberd) on another machine (a Raspberry Pi), that would run under the same DDNS name, but on another port.
I can download the certificate from the NAS resulting in three files:
cert.pem (CERTIFICATE)
chain.pem (CERTIFICATE)
privkey.pem (RSA PRIVATE KEY)
ejbberd's configuration needs the certificate file in two places:
### ===============
certfile: "/etc/ejabberd/certfile.pem"
s2s_use_starttls: optional
s2s_certfile: "/etc/ejabberd/certfile.pem"
- "no_sslv3"
I am not sure which file to use here. I had this working, but the certificate expired.
It could be done by cat cert.pem chain.pem privkey.pem > certfile.pem
Here is a description and also (under appendix) a description of the certfile format.

SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 read server hello A [duplicate]

I am running Windows Vista and am attempting to connect via https to upload a file in a multi part form but I am having some trouble with the local issuer certificate. I am just trying to figure out why this isnt working now, and go back to my cURL code later after this is worked out. Im running the command:
openssl s_client -connect
It gives me an digital certificate from VeriSign, Inc., but also shoots out an error:
Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)
What is the local issuer certificate? Is that a certificate from my own computer? Is there a way around this? I have tried using -CAfile mozilla.pem file but still gives me same error.
I had the same problem and solved it by passing path to a directory where CA keys are stored. On Ubuntu it was:
openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -connect
You must explicitly add the parameter -CAfile your-ca-file.pem.
Note: I tried also param -CApath mentioned in another answers, but is does not works for me.
Error unable to get local issuer certificate means, that the openssl does not know your root CA cert.
Note: If you have web server with more domains, do not forget to add also -servername parameter. This parameter will "Set TLS extension servername in ClientHello". Without this parameter, the response will always contain the default SSL cert (not certificate, that match to your domain).
This error also happens if you're using a self-signed certificate with a keyUsage missing the value keyCertSign.
Is your server configured for client authentication? If so you need to pass the client certificate while connecting with the server.
I had the same problem on OSX OpenSSL 1.0.1i from Macports, and also had to specify CApath as a workaround (and as mentioned in the Ubuntu bug report, even an invalid CApath will make openssl look in the default directory).
Interestingly, connecting to the same server using PHP's openssl functions (as used in PHPMailer 5) worked fine.
put your CA & root certificate in /usr/share/ca-certificate or /usr/local/share/ca-certificate.
dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates
or even reinstall ca-certificate package with apt-get.
After doing this your certificate is collected into system's DB:
Then everything should be fine.
With client authentication:
openssl s_client -cert ./client-cert.pem -key ./client-key.key -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -connect
Create the certificate chain file with the intermediate and root ca.
cat intermediate/certs/intermediate.cert.pem certs/ca.cert.pem > intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem
chmod 444 intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem
Then verfify
openssl verify -CAfile intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem \
intermediate/certs/ OK
Deploy the certific
I faced the same issue,
It got fixed after keeping issuer subject value in the certificate as it is as subject of issuer certificate.
so please check "issuer subject value in the certificate(cert.pem) == subject of issuer (CA.pem)"
openssl verify -CAfile CA.pem cert.pem
cert.pem: OK
I got this problem when my NGINX server did not have a complete certificate chain in the certificate file it was configured with.
My solution was to find a similar server and extract the certificates from that server with something like:
openssl s_client -showcerts -CAfile my_local_issuer_CA.cer -connect > output.txt
Then I added the ASCII armoured certificates from that 'output.txt' file (except the machine-certificate) to a copy of my machines certificate-file and pointed NGINX at that copied file instead and the error went away.
this error messages means that
CABundle is not given by (-CAfile ...)
the CABundle file is not closed by a self-signed root certificate.
Don't worry. The connection to server will work even
you get theis message from openssl s_client ...
(assumed you dont take other mistake too)
I would update #user1462586 answer by doing the following:
I think it is more suitable to use update-ca-certificates command, included in the ca-certificates package than dpkg-reconfigure.
So basically, I would change its useful answer to this:
Retrieve the certificate (from this stackoverflow answer and write it in the right directory:
# let's say we call it my-own-cert.crt
openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -connect <hostname.domain.tld>:<port> 2>/dev/null </dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /usr/share/ca-certificates/my-own-cert.crt
Repeat the operation if you need other certificates.
For example, if you need CA certs for ldaps/starttls with Active Directory, see here for how to process this + use openssl to convert it in pem/crt:
openssl x509 -inform der -in LdapSecure.cer -out my-own-ca.pem
#and copy it in the right directory...
cp my-own-ca.pem /usr/share/ca-certificates/my-own-ca.crt
Add this certificates to the /etc/ca-certificates.conf configuration file:
echo "my-own-cert.crt" >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf
echo "my-own-ca.crt" >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf
Update /etc/ssl/certs directory:
Note that if you use private domain name machines, instead of legitimate public domain names, you may need to edit your /etc/hosts file to be able to have the corresponding FQDN.
This is due to SNI Certificate binding issue on the Vserver or server itself

Securing a private IP address (https certificate)

I have an unusual use case :
a web server on the Internet is serving pages through HTTPS,
inside those web pages, there are calls to XMLHttpRequests to a locally connected device (IP over USB)
the device supports both HTTP and HTTPS,
the device is accessible on http(s)://
the http calls fail because of insecure content in a https page,
the https calls fail because the certificate is not trusted (self-signed),
Side question: Since the device is locally connected to the PC, the encryption is pretty useless: Does a http header exists that allows insecure connections to a specific URL ? (like CORS for cross domain)
Main question: Is it possible to obtain a certificate for a private IP address ?
Edit: it seems that Plex had a similar problem and solved it the way described on this blog. This is a way too big for me.
Is it possible to obtain a certificate for a private IP address ?
A certificate can be bound to an IP address (see this). You can issue a self-signed certificate to a private address, but a trusted CA will not issue a certificate to a private address because it can not verify its identity.
For example a certificate issued to would be theoretically valid in any context, and this should not be allowed by a trusted CA
Plex solves the problem with a Dynamic DNS and a wildcard certificate. The connection are done using the name (not the IP) of the device which is resolved to the private IP
Does a http header exists that allows insecure connections to a specific URL ? (like CORS for cross domain)
No, it does not exist. The browser blocks your XHR connections because they are HTTP connections initiated from a HTTPS page (mixed-content warning). Non-secure content can theoretically be read or modified by attackers, even though the parent page is served over HTTPs, so is normal and recommended that the browser warns the user.
To fix the mixed-content and https errors, you could serve the content through HTTPS and a self-signed certificate, and request users to import your root CA at browser.
An SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix.
You could however use a 'self-signed' certificate. Here's how to create one:
Creating a Self-signed Certificate for a private IP
(example :
You need OpenSSL installed.
For example, on Ubuntu, you could install it by: sudo apt-get install openssl
(It may already be installed. Type "openssl version" to find out)
For Windows, you could try this:
Once OpenSSL is installed, go to OpenSSL prompt by entering 'openssl' on the console (LINUX), or the cmd prompt (WINDOWS).
$ openssl
Now do the following steps to create: Private key, Certificate Request, Self-signing the certificate, and putting it all together, by using the below commands:
i) Create KEY called mydomain.key:
OpenSSL> genrsa -out mydomain.key 2048
ii) Use the key to create a Certificate request called mydomain.csr
You could accept the default options, or specify your own information:
OpenSSL> req -new -key mydomain.key -out mydomain.csr
iii) use the above to create a certificate:
OpenSSL> x509 -req -days 1825 -in mydomain.csr -signkey mydomain.key -out mydomain.crt
iv) Put all the above to create a PEM certificate:
exit OpenSSL (OpenSSL> q) and go to certificate location and do:
$ sudo cat mydomain.key mydomain.crt >> is your self-signed certificate. You can use this in requests like if your server supports https. Remember to check the port number for https(443).

Checking server certificate with openssl versus a web request

Working with a standard MediaTemple server setup with an installed GeoTrust domain certificate I am getting different responses from openssl and web requests.
Visiting the site from a site checker site I get a good response and see my domain certificate and the full Geotrust certificate chain.
When using
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts -ssl3
from my local machine I see
Server certificate
Panel/CN=Parallels Panel/
issuer=/C=US/ST=Virginia/L=Herndon/O=Parallels/OU=Parallels Panel/CN=Parallels
and Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)
openssl version -d = OPENSSLDIR: "/etc/pki/tls"
It's a Centos 6.x box.
The apache httpd.conf file points to a certificate and CA list in a completely different location: /usr/local/psa/var/certificates/ which would seem fine to me.
Where is the openssl s_client finding the Parallels certificate? It is not located in /etc/pki/tls. Is there a way to configure the box so that the openssl requests and apache use the same server certificate?
Thanks in advance!
openssl s_client gets the certificate from the server during the SSL handshake. OPENSSLDIR is only the place where any (optional) configurations for the openssl tool gets stored.
Note that you might get a different certificate with openssl than you have configured on your server because you need to use SNI (Server Name Indication) like the browser do. This feature is used if you have multiple certificates behind the same IP. To use this feature with openssl add the -servername hostname parameter and provide the name you expect. You must also remove the -ssl3 option since this restricts the connection to SSL 3.0 which is not only insecure but also does not support SNI.
Turns out that on MediaTemple servers they maintain certs in two locations. The apache server has a location for the CA file in its conf files that is different from where openssl maintains its CA files.
You can find the apache location in the conf files and the openssl location with
openssl version -d
Within MediaTemple's web administration pages you can use plesk to install the domain cert into the openssl location as the "server's" cert. The apache server should already have the cert and CA files in the right location. The MediaTemple custom apache configuration overrides the standard apache setup which sets apache's cert locations to be the same as openssl's.

Add self signed certificate to ubuntu for use with curl

I'm developing a program where I have a virtual development server that runs with a self signed certificate. My program uses curl to connect to the server and pull information, but needs to do so with SSL. When I try to connect I get the error "SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK." When running firefox I can add the certificate to just firefox, but that doesn't help me with curl. How do I add the certificate for curl to recognize?
curl 7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15
Protocols: tftp ftp telnet dict ldap ldaps http file https ftps
Features: GSS-Negotiate IDN IPv6 Largefile NTLM SSL libz
Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx 64bit
This is one way that worked for me:
First, get the CA cert from the development domain and save it to a file called 'logfile'. (Assumes port 443 for SSL)
openssl s_client -connect |tee logfile
Then, use the --cacert curl option to use the saved certificate file.
curl --cacert logfile **THE REST OF YOUR CURL COMMAND**
I'd copy the certificate to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/.
Let me quote the man page for update-ca-certificates:
Furthermore all certificates with a .crt extension found below /usr/local/share/ca-certificates are also included as implicitly trusted.
Add your rootCA.pem in /usr/share/ca-certificates directory.
After that update your certificates with: update-ca-certificates --fresh command.
I just did that, and works fine.
First, in your Linux, you should add your CERTIFICATE.cert to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/.
After that by adding --cacert CERTIFICATE.cert to your command, curl will automatically use this certificate in that request.
curl --cacert CERTIFICATE.cert GET "URL".
Obviously, you can edit the request to have your desired request.