How can I use a repeat in AMP carousel - carousel

I have an AMP-LIST which includes a few items, each item has some properties. One of these properties is an array of Images that is supposed to be used inside an AMP-CAROUSEL. Something like this scheme:
<amp-list src="A/JSON/URL">
How can I render the IMAGES array which is part of ITEMS array inside the carousel for every item
items: [

*** Problem Solved :
It's an AMP-HTML project by the way.
And I managed to get the results by changing the html code to this:
<amp-list src="A/JSON/URL">
<img src={{theURL}} />


VueJS: :class, condition with index

I'm creating a list of (thumbnail) 2 images, and #click each image should be expanded to max-width, by adding said class ('max-w-full') to the classes. The class is added by setting the array entry with the same index nr. as the image (imgclicked[0], imgclicked[1]) in the list to 1.
data:() {
imgclicked=[0,0], //by default both are set to 'small'/not 'max-w-full'
the template part looks like this:
<template v-for="(image,index) in images>
<a #click="zoomImgClicked(index)">
<img :src="image.filename" :class={'max-w-full' : imgclicked[index]==1,'w-12' : imgclicked[index]==0}">
</a> // using this.imgclicked[index] gives me the error 'this.imgclicked[0] is undefined'
on click the method zoomImgClicked() ist launched:
zoomImgClicked: function(i){
But this is not working. If I open the vue console and change the values of imgclicked[0] manually from 0 to 1 it works (images ae being resized). Also I see the method doing it's work, when logging in the console, the values are changed from 0 to 1 and vice versa. But it's not reflected on the page #click.
Why is that?
Please read Change Detection Caveats in the Vue docs.
Vue cannot detect the following changes to an array:
When you directly set an item with the index, e.g. vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue
When you modify the length of the array, e.g. vm.items.length = newLength
You should use the $set method for this:
this.$set(this.imgclicked, i, 1)
try with array syntax:
'max-w-full': imgclicked[index]==1,
'w-12': imgclicked[index]==0
'static class if need'

Object reactivity of complex object

I have an issue with complex object reactivity.
I've read everything I can on stack to find a way to solve it, but nothing works. I've looked at object reactvity and array caveats on vuejs, but not working either.
So I'm asking some help please.
Let me explain the project:
I have 2 columns :
- on the left side, I CRUD my content
- on the right side, I display the results
I have my object, and I'm adding new elements on its "blocks" property (text, images, etc...)
"uid": 1573224607087,
"animation": "animationName",
"background": {
"bckColor": "#ff55ee",
"blocks": []
On click event, I add a new element via this method. Everything is ok, I can CRUD a block.
addBloc(el) {
if (el.type == "text") {
const datasA = {
type: "text",
slideId: this.pagination.currentPage,
content: el.content,
css: {
color: "#373737",
this.$bus.$emit("newElement", datasA);
To modify the order of my elements on the display side, I added a drag and drop module to move my block on my DOM tree. Smooth dnd
The problem is, when I drang&drop my element, my object is updated correctly, but the DOM isn't. The dragged element goes back to its initial position.
What is strange, when I try to modify my block (the one I dragged), it modifies the other one.
I'me adding a small video, so you can see what's happening.
Small animation to show you what's going on
I add some more explainations.
I use event bus to communicate between my components, and the right side is using its own object!
I don't know how I can solve this issue.
Tell me if you need more information.
Thank you all !
EDIT 1 :
I added an id to each block to see what happens when I start Drag&Drop. ==> blocks are moving correctly. The problem is not coming from the method onDrop() but from my nested components if I understand well. They don't update. I'm going to search for this new issue.
I've added a new gif to show what's going on.
This is the nested structure
TheSidebar.vue => top container
:get-child-payload="itemIndex => getChildPayload(i, itemIndex)"
v-show="pagination.currentPage === i"
v-for="(input, index) in slides[i].blocks"
blockId #{{input.uid}}
v-if="input.type == 'text'"
Then I have my AppContainer.vue file, which is a top level. In this I have the specific elements of each input type
And I have AppElement.vue file, which is common elements, I can use everywhere
Something like this
Know I don't know yet, how to force vue to update AppContainer.vue and AppElement.vue
EDIT 2 :
As suggested in this article I've changed the key of the component and now , when I drag and drop my elements, they stay where they are dropped.
What I see also, is that the AppElement inputs, are related to their own AppContainer. So everything is ok now, but I don't know if it is best practices.
The issue appears to be that the Smooth dnd library you are using is not updating the array of blocks that you are passing to it, it is likely making a copy of the array internally. So when you change the position of the blocks by dragging and dropping, you are not changing your blocks array, just the internal copy.
Looking at the Smooth dnd documentation, if you wanted to access the modified array you could try using the drag-end event handler:
onDragEnd (dragResult) {
const { isSource, payload, willAcceptDrop } = dragResult

how to start a new line inside a single <td> with bootstrap-vue b-table

I'm trying to create a table using vue.js as frontend and bootstrap-vue for css styles.
The generated table html should be like:
So as you can see, inside every td tag, there can be multiple items. Every item takes a single line. And the number of items is not fixed.
In bootstrap-vue, there is a b-table component:
<b-table :items="items"></b-table>
It binds data to items:
data() {
return {
items: [
{ r1c1: 40, r1c2: 'Dickerson', r1c3: 'Macdonald' },
{ r2c1: 21, r2c2: 'Larsen', r2c3: 'Shaw' }
Every single element from items takes one single cell in the b-table.
My question is how to add new lines for a single item here, like if I want r1c1 to be like: 40<br/>20. I tried adding '\n' but it ended up in the webpage a space. Please help, many thanks.

Titanium ListView template conditional rendering

Does anyone know how it would be possible to conditional render a view in the list view template based on the passed in bindId ?
I have a template which should show a view only if the value if the label that is passed in is not empty.
<View class="productBannerLabelWrapper productBanner1">
<Label class="productBannerLabel" bindId="productBanner1" />
The label has a view around it, because the label needs a collared background which is larger than the label itself.
Thank for helping out
When you fill you item array you can set the visible property like this:
var prop = {
productBanner1: {
text: "Text",
visible: (checkValue)?1:0
$.list_section.items = items;
with Alloy:
add a databinding to the visible parameter like productBanner:visible="{isVisible}" and use a dataTransform to change the module before assigning it:
function transformFnc(model) {
return {
otherStuff: model.attributes.otherStuff
isVisible: (checkValue)?1:0

Sencha Touch 2 carousel.setItems() not working

I am trying to build a dynamic image carousel using Sencha Architect. I have a carousel added to a tab panel. The carousel is set up to read images from a store called "pictureStore." I have a function to pull images from the store and create the carousel items - I can get the images from the store but unable to create the carousel. When I try to use carouself.setItems() or carousel.add() I get an error "Object # has no method". Please take a look and let me know if my method is incorrect for creating a dynamic carousel. I appreciate your help and knowledge of how to fix
Function to read images and create carousel items (works up until comment below):
onMycarouselActivate: function(container, newActiveItem, oldActiveItem, options) {
Ext.getStore('pictureStore').load(function(pictures) {
var items = [];
Ext.each(pictures, function(picture) {
if (!picture.get('image')) {
xtype: 'myimage',
picture: picture
//following doesn't work for adding the carousel images:
//carousel.items = [{html: items}];
Sample JSON with image info
"test": {
"cat": {
"entries": [
"image": "/images/1.png"
"image": "/images/2.png"
Error messages when using carousel.add or carousel.setItems:
Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'add'
Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'setItems'
If your variable carousel has no method add or setItems then it's probably not your carousel.
To make sure of that, you can try to do console.log(carousel); to figure out what it is exactly. Also, it doesn't seem to be declared anywhere in your code...
But it's quite simple to fix. I presume you've added a event listener to your carousel that listens to the activate event and if you take a look at the documentation for this event, you can see that the first parameter sent to the callback function is the container (in this case your carousel)
So what you have to write is this :
onMycarouselActivate: function(carousel, newActiveItem, oldActiveItem, options) {
instead of this
onMycarouselActivate: function(container, newActiveItem, oldActiveItem, options) {
and you should be all set
Also if you take a look at the documentation for the image component, you can see there is no picture in the config but there is a src attribute. SO you should write :
xtype: 'myimage',
src: picture
Hope this helped
try this code
xtype: 'image',
scr:'path of image'
where myCarousel is object of carousel.
You can try this, this is working for me.....
Ext.getStore('Pictures').load(function(pictures) {
Ext.each(pictures, function(picture) {
if (picture.get('image')) {
html: '<img style="max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%;" src="' + picture.get('image') + '"/>'
Hope this will help you...