Left Outer Join returning results to be excluded - sql

I have a query like
FROM inventory_tagalongs
WHERE TagAlong_ItemNum <> 'bokiwi2'
SELECT inventory.itemnum
, inventory.itemname
, inventory.ItemType,inventory.dept_id
FROM inventory
ON inventory.itemnum = a.itemnum
JOIN departments
ON inventory.dept_id = departments.dept_id
JOIN categories
ON departments.subtype = categories.cat_id AND categories.description = 'vapors'
in which i am trying to exclude a's results from the lower syntax but the results return are exactly the same whether or not left outer join..... is there or not.
Do i have my syntax incorrect here?

Good afternoon. Please try this:
, inventory.itemname
, inventory.ItemType
, inventory.dept_id
from inventory
join departments on inventory.dept_id=departments.dept_id
join categories on departments.subtype=categories.cat_id and categories.description='vapors'
select 1 from inventory_tagalongs B where inventory.itemnum = b.itemnum
AND B.TagAlong_ItemNum <>'bokiwi2');
The CTE overthought the issue a bit. This accomplishes the goal with easier-to-read code and should perform better as well.
Thanks, John.

If you are trying to get results that don't have the tag, your logic is inverted. You want:
SELECT i.itemnum, i.itemname, i.ItemType, i.dept_id
FROM inventory i JOIN
departments d
ON i.dept_id = d.dept_id JOIN
categories c
ON d.subtype = c.cat_id AND
c.description = 'vapors' LEFT OUTER JOIN
ON i.itemnum = a.itemnum
WHERE a.itemnum IS NULL;
You don't need a CTE for this at all. It would usually be written as:
SELECT i.itemnum, i.itemname, i.ItemType, i.dept_id
FROM inventory i JOIN
departments d
ON i.dept_id = d.dept_id JOIN
categories c
ON d.subtype = c.cat_id AND
c.description = 'vapors' LEFT OUTER JOIN
inventory_tagalongs it
ON i.itemnum = it.itemnum AND it.TagAlong_ItemNum = 'bokiwi2'
WHERE a.itemnum IS NULL;
And -- as mentioned in another answer -- NOT EXISTS is another typical way to approach this problem.


SQL many to many select people with multiple vacancies

I am working with sql server through SSMS right now. How can i choose all people with multiple(>2)vacancies?
I am trying something like that, but i dont understand how to make part with "more than 2 vacancies"?
SELECT dbo.applicants.FirstName, dbo.vacancy.Name
FROM dbo.applicants INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant ON dbo.applicants.id = dbo.VacancyApplicant.ApplicantId INNER JOIN
dbo.vacancy ON dbo.VacancyApplicant.VacancyId = dbo.vacancy.id WHERE dbo.vacancy.Name='third vacancy'
SELECT dbo.applicants.FirstName, dbo.vacancy.Name
FROM dbo.applicants A INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant V ON A.id = V.ApplicantId
FROM dbo.applicants INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant ON dbo.applicants.id =
dbo.VacancyApplicant.ApplicantId INNER JOIN
dbo.vacancy ON dbo.VacancyApplicant.VacancyId = dbo.vacancy.id
WHERE A.id=dbo.applicants.id
GROUP BY dbo.applicants.id,dbo.vacancy.id
Group By and Having are you basic answer. Below is a simple solution, might not be ideal, but can give you the idea.
I am finding target "applicants" ids in subquery, that uses GROUP BY and HAVING then outer query joins to that to output FirstName and LastName of applicant
SELECT dbo.applicants.FirstName, dbo.applicants.LastName FROM
dbo.applicants a INNER JOIN
SELECT dbo.applicants.id
FROM dbo.applicants INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant ON dbo.applicants.id = dbo.VacancyApplicant.ApplicantId INNER JOIN
dbo.vacancy ON dbo.VacancyApplicant.VacancyId = dbo.vacancy.id AND dbo.vacancy.Name='third vacancy'
GROUP BY dbo.applications.id
HAVING COUNT(dbo.vacancy.id) > 2
) targetIds ON a.id = targetIds.id
"more than 2 vacancies"?
Your question only mentions vacancies but your query is filtering for a particular name. I assume you really want more than two of that name.
If I understand correctly, you want aggregation:
SELECT a.FirstName, a.Name
FROM dbo.applicants a INNER JOIN
dbo.VacancyApplicant va
ON a.id = va.ApplicantId INNER JOIN
dbo.vacancy v
ON va.VacancyId = v.id
WHERE v.Name = 'third vacancy'
GROUP BY a.FirstName, v.Name
Note the use of table aliases. They make the query easier to write and to read.
,COUNT (va.VacancyId) OVER (PARTITION BY ap.id) AS NoOfVacancies
FROM dbo.applicants ap
JOIN dbo.VacancyApplicant va
ON ap.id = va.ApplicantId
JOIN dbo.vacancy vc
ON va.VacancyId = vc.id
SELECT FirstName,[Name], NoOfVacancies FROM TempCTE
WHERE NoOfVacancies > 2

How to create distinct count from queries with several tables

I am trying to create one single query that will give me a distinct count for both the ActivityID and the CommentID. My query in MS Access looks like this:
tbl_Category.Category, Count(tbl_Activity.ActivityID) AS CountOfActivityID,
Count(tbl_Comments.CommentID) AS CountOfCommentID
FROM tbl_Category LEFT JOIN
(tbl_Activity LEFT JOIN tbl_Comments ON
tbl_Activity.ActivityID = tbl_Comments.ActivityID) ON
tbl_Category.CategoryID = tbl_Activity.CategoryID
(((tbl_Activity.UnitID)=5) AND ((tbl_Comments.PeriodID)=1))
I know the answer must somehow include SELECT DISTINCT but am not able to get it to work. Do I need to create multiple subqueries?
This is really painful in MS Access. I think the following does what you want to do:
SELECT ac.Category, ac.num_activities, aco.num_comments
FROM (SELECT ca.category, COUNT(*) as num_activities
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT c.Category, a.ActivityID
FROM (tbl_Category as c INNER JOIN
tbl_Activity as a
ON c.CategoryID = a.CategoryID
tbl_Comments as co
ON a.ActivityID = co.ActivityID
WHERE a.UnitID = 5 AND co.PeriodID = 1
) as caa
GROUP BY ca.category
) as ca LEFT JOIN
(SELECT c.Category, COUNT(*) as num_comments
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT c.Category, co.CommentId
FROM (tbl_Category as c INNER JOIN
tbl_Activity as a
ON c.CategoryID = a.CategoryID
tbl_Comments as co
ON a.ActivityID = co.ActivityID
WHERE a.UnitID = 5 AND co.PeriodID = 1
) as aco
GROUP BY c.Category
) as aco
ON aco.CommentId = ac.CommentId
Note that your LEFT JOINs are superfluous because the WHERE clause turns them into INNER JOINs. This adjusts the logic for that purpose. The filtering is also very tricky, because it uses both tables, requiring that both subqueries have both JOINs.
You can use DISTINCT:
tbl_Category.Category, Count(DISTINCT tbl_Activity.ActivityID) AS CountOfActivityID,
Count(DISTINCT tbl_Comments.CommentID) AS CountOfCommentID
FROM tbl_Category LEFT JOIN
(tbl_Activity LEFT JOIN tbl_Comments ON
tbl_Activity.ActivityID = tbl_Comments.ActivityID) ON
tbl_Category.CategoryID = tbl_Activity.CategoryID
(((tbl_Activity.UnitID)=5) AND ((tbl_Comments.PeriodID)=1))

How to Fix Right Outer Join

I am Trying to make Left Outer Join Use bellow code;
The Result Using (LEFT OUTER , RIGHT OUTER, FULL OUTER And INNER JOIN) is The same Result.
I am Try to return All Publisher Name Include Those who don't connected with any Books yet!
SELECT P.PublisherName,
COUNT(B.BookID) AS BookPublished
ON P.PublisherID = B.PublisherID
WHERE (P.PublisherID = #pPublisherID OR #pPublisherID IS NULL)
GROUP BY PublisherName
Thanks In Advance
Publishers that have no books published are filtered out by GROUP BY.
It can be fixed by using GROUP BY ALL:
SELECT P.PublisherName,
COUNT(B.BookID) AS BookPublished
FROM LR_Publisher AS P
LEFT OUTER JOIN LR_Book As B ON P.PublisherID = B.PublisherID
-- WHERE (P.PublisherID = #pPublisherID OR #pPublisherID IS NULL)
GROUP BY PublisherName
you could write it this way
select P.PublisherName,
isnull(bi.BookPublished, 0) as BookPublished
from LR_Publisher as P
left join (
select B.PublisherID, Count(B.BookID) BookPublished
from LR_Book as B
where (#pPublisherID is null or B.PublisherID = #pPublisherID)
group by B.PublisherID
) bi on P.PublisherID = Bi.PublisherID
where (#pPublisherID is null or P.PublisherID = #pPublisherID)
I also was not aware of the filtering done by group by. Thank you for the question.
simple left join will help you want all publisher name including who does not published any book yet
SELECT P.PublisherName
ON P.PublisherID = B.PublisherID

How to get distinct id in subquery from fact table

Trying to return all the fields in my sub query minus the duplicated childid's in the fact table cor.score. I don't want the duplicate id's to inflate my count. Every id needs to be counted once.
select distinct cs.childid
(select s.sitename, c.primarylanguage, count(Primarylanguage) as 'Count'
from cor.scores cs
left join cor.sites s on s.id = cs.siteid
left join cor.children c on c.id = cs.childid
group by s.sitename, c.primarylanguage)
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 7 Incorrect syntax near ')'.
What's the best way to go about this?
select distinct cs_childid
select s.sitename,cs.childid as cs_childid, c.primarylanguage, count(Primarylanguage) as 'Count'
from cor.scores cs
left join cor.sites s on s.id = cs.siteid
left join cor.children c on c.id = cs.childid
group by s.sitename, c.primarylanguage,cs.childid
)as T
Do you want this:
1. can return any column of subquery
select s.childid,s.[Count]
SELECT s.sitename, c.primarylanguage,cs.childid, count(Primarylanguage)OVER(PARTITION BY s.sitename) as 'Count'
FROM cor.scores cs
LEFT join cor.sites s on s.id = cs.siteid
) AS s LEFT join cor.children c on c.id = s.childid
Or this:
2. Only can return group column and aggregate columns
select s.childid,s.[Count]
SELECT s.sitename,cs.childid, count(Primarylanguage)OVER(PARTITION BY s.sitename) as 'Count'
FROM cor.scores cs
LEFT join cor.sites s on s.id = cs.siteid
GROUP BY s.sitename,cs.childid
) AS s LEFT join cor.children c on c.id = s.childid

SQL - Multiple join left with sum doesn't give expected result

Here is my request
SELECT j.* ,
c.name as client_name ,
s.name as supplier_name,
s.ID as supplier_id ,
mt.* ,
SUM(pb.require_followup) as nb_followup,
SUM(ws.worked_time) as hours_on_job,
SUM(iv.total) as total_price,
SUM(iv.hour_expected) as hours_planned,
j.ID as ID
FROM $wpdb->posts j
LEFT JOIN ".Job::$META_TABLE." mt ON mt.post_id = j.ID
LEFT JOIN ".Job::$LINK_TABLE_JOB_CONTACT." l1 ON l1.job_id = j.ID
LEFT JOIN ".Contact::$TABLE_NAME." c ON c.ID = l1.contact_id
LEFT JOIN ".Supplier::$TABLE_NAME." s ON s.ID = c.supplier_id
LEFT JOIN ".Problem::$TABLE_NAME." pb ON pb.job_id = j.ID
LEFT JOIN ".Worksheet::$TABLE_NAME." ws ON ws.job_id = j.ID
LEFT JOIN ".Invoice::$TABLE_NAME." iv ON iv.job_id = j.ID
WHERE j.post_status = 'publish'
AND j.post_type = 'job'
".implode(' ',$where_condition)."
ORDER BY j.post_date DESC
the Problem is that result for SUM is wrong when I LEFT JOIN other table.
The row 53 for example give 105 for nb_followup instead of 1
Where this request return the right result simply by removing the last 2 LEFT JOIN : LEFT JOIN ".Worksheet::$TABLE_NAME." ws ON ws.job_id = j.ID and
LEFT JOIN ".Invoice::$TABLE_NAME." iv ON iv.job_id = j.ID
SELECT j.* ,
c.name as client_name ,
s.name as supplier_name,
s.ID as supplier_id ,
mt.* ,
SUM(pb.require_followup) as nb_followup,
j.ID as ID
FROM $wpdb->posts j
LEFT JOIN ".Job::$META_TABLE." mt ON mt.post_id = j.ID
LEFT JOIN ".Job::$LINK_TABLE_JOB_CONTACT." l1 ON l1.job_id = j.ID
LEFT JOIN ".Contact::$TABLE_NAME." c ON c.ID = l1.contact_id
LEFT JOIN ".Supplier::$TABLE_NAME." s ON s.ID = c.supplier_id
LEFT JOIN ".Problem::$TABLE_NAME." pb ON pb.job_id = j.ID
WHERE j.post_status = 'publish'
AND j.post_type = 'job'
".implode(' ',$where_condition)."
ORDER BY j.post_date DESC
Also removing only LEFT JOIN ".Invoice::$TABLE_NAME." iv ON iv.job_id = j.ID will give 15 as result for the row 53
To resume
Full request give 105 -> wrong should be 1
removing the last join give 15 -> wrong should be 1
removing the last 2 join give 1 -> Correct
You need to calculate the SUM()s BEFORE you join, otherwise the rows multiply because of the joins and this in turn leads to errors in summation. e.g.
j.ID as ID
, pb.nb_followup
FROM $wpdb->posts j
LEFT JOIN (select pb.job_id, SUM(pb.require_followup) as nb_followup from ".Problem::$TABLE_NAME." pb GROUP BY pb.job_id) pb ON pb.job_id = j.ID
The other problem you are facing is that MySQL permits "lazy syntax" for group by. Don't use this lazy syntax or you will get unexpected error/bugs. It is very simple to avoid, REPEAT every column of the select clause in the group by clause UNLESS the column is using an aggregate function such as SUM(), COUNT(), MIN(), MAX() and so on.e.g.
select a.col1, b.col2, c.col3 , sum(d.col4)
from a
inner join b on a.id = b.aid
inner join c on b.id = c.bid
inner join d on c.id = d.cid
group by a.col1, b.col2, c.col3