Get upercase within String Value - vba

I am currently working on a tool to automatically send out emails.
Within this tool one variable is the pathway in which the attachment is to be found.
The file names are automatically generated within a folder, but sometimes got strange symbols and/or uppercase letters, like this: "Sⁿkwrld.xlsx".
By collecting this value within a string, VBA retrieves: "Snkwrld.xlsx". This results in not being able to find the right file.
Is there a way to fix this problem and let VBA retrieve the correct value with the uppercase "N"?
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,
Remco Coppens


MS Access: Query to list number of files in a series of folders

I have folders labeled by their keyfield, so 1, 2, ... 999, 1000. located in currentproject.path\RecordFiles\KeyFieldHere so like currentproject.path\RecordFiles\917.
I want to run a query that will count how many files are in each folder. I know this can be done with the DIR function through visual basic, but I can't seem to run it through a SQL query.
I've tried using this function in a SQL equation, so Expr1: [FlrFileCount("Y:\Education\Databases\RecordFiles\")] as one of the fields just to see if it can work, but it prompts me for a value and then returns nothing.
EDIT: I tried an approach using the FlrFileCount function in a continuous form, and it does work, BUT... I get an error after every single line. I have a field in a continuous form of =FlrFileCount([currentproject].[path] & "\recordfiles\" & [ID]), but when I run the form I get an error "Error 76, Error source: FlrFileCount, Error description: Path not found." Which is crazy because IT WORKS, it properly lists the number of files in the folder for each record.
I just need to get this functionality over into a SQL query so I can pull that data for mail merges.
I currently have something similar in a form. The form has an onload property to run a module (Link here) to create a list of all the files in the relevant folder to that record, and then I have another field that just counts the number of entries in the list. However a list can't be a value in a SQL query, so I don't think that code will help.
Thanks to Tim Williams, the answer was to put
=FlrFileCount(Currentproject.Path & "\recordfiles\" & [ID])
It seems the [currentproject].[path] part was where the error was. What's confusing is that in other places, MS Access adds the extra [] around currentproject and path, and I don't know why.
Thank you so much for your help! Now to the tricky part: Implementing a proper naming scheme by program ID across a sharepoint so that the relevant folder can be opened consistently even when program names change. - Search the whole registry for a value only?

So I'm trying to make a programm that searches the WHOLE registry for one specific value WITHOUT declaring the location of the key. It should just search for the value and print it in a msg box but the only way I found was to declare the location and search for the key then. The code should also take the value of a text box and search for this specific value. I don't really know what I could possible do next so I'm trying to get some help from you guys. If you have snippets, articels or smth like that pls send it 2 me :)

Outlook vba to create folder and file emails based on subject phrase

I found this create an outlook rule to create folders if needed based on text in subject line
Which gets me 99% of the way there. But I would like the reference point to create the folder name to start after a set character. For example if the subjet was "xxxx #1234", I want the folder name to be 1234, not #1234 as would happen if I put the str value as #. Any pointers?
It looks like you need to get a substring, see String Manipulation
for more information about string VBA functions.
For example, to get number you can use the Right function:
MsgBox Right("xxxx #1234", 4)

Check if string follows format

Basically I have created an acronym finding macro and it works well except it includes all of our reference numbers. Now unfortunately changing the search parameters won't work as many acronyms include both letters and numbers.
My idea was to compare the string, once found, and if it is in the reference number format e.g.
I will simply not include it.
I'm certain there must be a simple way of doing this and me not being able to locate it is a case of not knowing what to search for but anyway thank you in advance for the help.
if ucase$("A12BC3456") like "[A-Z][0-9][0-9][A-Z][A-Z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" then
msgbox "is ref no."

VBA Macro to extract strings from word doc

i have a word document containing several strings. These strings have the first part always the same, for example ABC_001, ABC_002, ABC_003. I need to search for "ABC_" substring in the doc, extract all the occurences ("ABC_001", "ABC_002", "ABC_003") and copy them in an Excel sheet.
Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance.
You can reference the VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 and regex them.
Have a look at
and some of VBA multiple matches within one string using regular expressions execute method
Actually it is probably easier to go to data and "Get external data" choose de-limiter and import, either manually or record a macro to get a feeling for the vba structure.
This should get you all the entrys in seperate cells, then go over them with a MID to get the part you need