Retrieve customer related to payment - square

Anyone know if it's possible to retrieve the customer name related to a transaction from the API?
I see it under "Paid by" if I follow the "payment_url" in the connect v1{{location_id}}/payments/{{payment_id}} endpoint but can't see to find it anywhere else
Background: I'm working on a ticketing system that breaks out items by item_category so a kitchen gets only food items and the bar gets only drink items.
I have queues and itemized tickets by category BUT I can't seem to find the customer's name anywhere

You'll need to utilize the V2 Transactions API. When you call ListTransactions or RetrieveTransaction (ListTransactions), the Transaction object will have an array of Tenders, tenders, which has a field called customer_id. With this id, you will be able to pass it to RetrieveCustomer (RetrieveCustomer) to find out their name. Note that if you're not explicitly filling out their name, the name might not be available (an "instant profile" (Instant Profiles) will be created with whatever information can be retrieve from the card used to pay).
Update: Alternatively, as suggested by #Dan, would be to strip the payment_url from a V1 RetrievePayment (RetrievePayment) which includes the transaction_id at the end of the URL: This is more efficient as you won't need to loop through transactions, and allow you to send it straight to RetrieveTransaction.


Is it possible to retrive the 'account' associated with a xero bank transaction

I'm using Xero's private API to export bank transactions (so I can automate a bunch of financial reporting).
Retrieving the transactions works well (as documented here but this endpoint doesn't return the account field associated with each transaction, which I want to use to group the transactions into e.g. "Cost of sale", "Operating expenses" and so on.
Does anyone know of a way to find the account for a given transaction via the API?
Further info:
If the transaction contains line items, then the account associated with each line item is returned by the endpoint above. I'm mostly interested in transactions that do not include line items (the LineItems field is an empty array)
Most of the transactions i'm working with are of the "Spend Money" type
I'm currently using pyxero SDK, but open to other options
The account field is present in Xero's web interface, and on the CSV export available from the web interface.
Our contacts in Xero don't have default accounts.
It is the LineItems of Bank Transactions that have AccountCodes associated with them and I've not been able to find a bank transaction record without a line item in the data I have available to me.
Is it possible that you are not implementing paging? From the bank transactions documentation you linked to above:
Paging BankTransactions (recommended)
To utilise paging, append a page parameter to the URL e.g. ?page=1. If there are 100 records in the response you will need to check if there is any more data by fetching the next page e.g ?page=2 and continuing this process until no more results are returned.
By using paging all the line item details for each bank transaction are returned which may avoid the need to retrieve each individual bank transaction.
I'm not familiar with the pyXero implementation, but it looks like they support Xero paging. From the pyXero readme:
# Grab 100 invoices created after 01-01-2013
xero.invoices.filter(since=datetime(2013, 1, 1), page=1)

How do I access all the information for a Square transaction?

I am a student (so I am pretty new to all of this stuff) trying to create a database for a coffee shop that uses Square for their register and website. I want the database to update with all the information from a transaction every time one is completed.
I have a webhook that gets me the IDs every time a transaction completes, I can send the transaction ID to the Square API with an http request and get back information about the payment, but I still cannot figure out how to get the rest of the transaction information. We want to query the database about what kinds of items are being sold when and with what modifiers, but so far the only way I can get that is through downloading a csv file with the item line information from the Square Dashboard.
If there is a way to get the line item information in some kind of way that can be automatically added to the database, I would really appreciate the help. I have been looking for a solution and cannot find it on my own.
For in-person payments the only way to see itemizations is to use V1 ListPayments (or RetrievePayment).
In order to see itemizations for online payments, you must utilize Square's Orders API. The workflow would be:
Create an order (CreateOrder) with line_items (can be ad-hoc, or use Catalog ids). Save the order_id for the next step.
When calling Charge, pass in the order_id from the previous step.
Once you are successfully attaching the order_id's, when you retrieve a transaction you will be able to call the BatchRetrieveOrders endpoint with the order_id to see the itemizations.
V1 Payments
Orders Overview
Orders Reference

How to retrieve Square orderIds for Call to BatchRetrieveORders

I want to retrieve a list of orders using the Square API. The call to retrieve orders is a POST call with a String array of order_ids however I'm not sure where I can get this information. In the docs they said I can use the ListTransactions endpoint to get this information but I'm not able to find the order_id within the response.
The documentation to retrieve Orders located at:
see sample response of ListTransactions:
The Orders API does not support listing of orders. To access order
details, you will need to fetch the order's ID by querying
transactions using the ListTransactions and RetrieveTransaction
endpoints, and then fetching the order using the BatchRetrieveOrders
The goal is to get a list of recent transactions/orders that list out exactly what was purchased. The Transactions model doesn't contain Items whereas the Orders model does.
The Transaction object will include an order_id field if you included it during the Charge request. If you did not pass the order_id to the Charge request, then it will not show up.
Furthermore - just for clarity's sake, if you use Square Point of Sale, or if you haven't included the order_id previously but still would like to view itemizations for transactions, please look at V1 ListPayments which will include it even if there's no order_id.

API to retrieve subscribers with statistics from journey in Marketing Cloud (former ExactTarget)

We have following task:
In the Marketing Cloud there are few journeys created by Journey Builder. They all are assigned to different Data Extensions via Event Source.
I'm going to receive all Data Extension rows that participate in specific Journey. Also we need to retrieve basic statistics by participants that shows us actual status of participant (data extension row in journey) like: what is the current place in journey for participant (received first email, received sms in line after first email etc.).
To retrieve all participants I suspect we have to use:
GET /interaction/v1/eventDefinitions/{eventDefinitionId}
where eventDefinitionId is Id from
GET /interaction/v1/interactions/{journeyId}
please correct me if I'm wrong.
The question is if there is some API that allows to retrieve statistic data described below.

How to structure REST resource hierarchy?

I'm new to server side web development and recently I've been reading a lot about implementing RESTful API's. One aspect of REST API's that I'm still stuck on is how to go about structuring the URI hierarchy that identifies resources that the client can interact with. Specifically I'm stuck on deciding how detailed to make the hierarchy and what to do in the case of resources being composed of other resource types.
Here's an example that hopefully will show what I mean. Imagine we have a web service that lets users buy products from other users. So in this simple case, there are two top level resources users and products. Here's how I began to structure the URI hierarchy,
For users:
For products:
In both of these cases objects in each hierarchy reference a subset of the objects in the other hierarchy. For example /users/{id}/bought is a list of the products that some user has bought, which is a subset of /products. Also, /products/{id}/seller references the user that sold a specific product.
Since these URI's reference other objects, or subsets of other objects, should the API support things like this: /users/{id}/bought/id/description and /products/{id}/buyer/location? Because if those types of URI's are supported, what's to stop something like this /users/{id}/bought/{id}/buyer/bought/{id}/seller/name, or something equally convoluted? Also, in this case, how would you handle routing since the router in the server would have to interpret URI's of arbitrary length?
The goal is to build convenient resource identifiers, don't try to cross-reference everything. You don't have to repeat your database relations in URL representation :)
Links like /product/{id}/buyer should never exist, because there already is identifier for that resource: /user/{id}
Although it's ok to have /product/{id}/buyers-list because list of buyers is a property of product that does not exist in other contexts.
You should think of it in a CRUD fashion, where each entity supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete (typically using GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP verbs respectively).
This means that your endpoints will typically only go one level deep. For instance
GET /users - Return a list of all users (you may not want to make this publically available)
GET /users/:id - Return the user with that id
POST /users - Create a new user. Return a 201 Status Code and the newly created id (if you want)
PUT /users/:id - Update the user with that id
DELETE /users/:id - Delete the user with that id
Going into more detail, such as /users/:id/about is likely not necessary. While it may work, it may be getting slightly overspecific.
Perhaps in your case you could add in:
GET /users/:id/bought - Array of products that the user bought
GET /users/:id/sold - Array of products that the user sold
where you could return a list of id's (which can be fetched through the products API), or you could populate the Products before sending them back if you wish. If you do choose to populate them, you probably should not then populate users referenced by each product. This will lead to circular includes and is wrong.
And for Products, in your sitation I would use:
GET /products- Return a list of all products
GET /products/:id - Return the products with that id
POST /products- Create a new product. Return a 201 Status Code and the newly created id (if you want)
PUT /products/:id - Update the product with that id
DELETE /products/:id - Delete the product with that id
GET /products/:id/buyers - Array of who bought the product
GET /products/:id/sellers - Array of everyone selling the product