Vue.js - using Vuelidate url domain should match email domain - vue.js

I have two inputs field : url and email
I'm using Vuelidate and I want to make a custom validator where it checks if the url domain name is equal to the email domain name.
Valid example :
url: (https://)www.mydomain.example
email: johndoe#mydomain.example
Invalid example :
url: (https://)www.mydomain.example
email: johndoe#somedomaine.example
validations object :
validations: {
form: {
url: { required, url, maxLength: maxLength(2083) },
email: { required, email, maxLength: maxLength(255) },
lastName: { required, maxLength: maxLength(100) },
firstName: { required, maxLength: maxLength(100) }

You could use a custom validator called matchUrl as follow :
const matchUrl=(value, vm) =>
value.substring(value.indexOf("#")+1) ===vm.url.substring(vm.url.indexOf(".")+1);
And use it as :
validations: {
form: {
url: { required, url, maxLength: maxLength(2083) },
email: { required,matchUrl, email, maxLength: maxLength(255) },
lastName: { required, maxLength: maxLength(100) },
firstName: { required, maxLength: maxLength(100) }
check this working example


How to do Prisma runtime model validation?

In my application, I have validated the input credential at the DTO level by using class-validator. But I need runtime model validation like sequelize ORM.
In sequelize:
'use strict';
import { DataTypes, Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
function User(sequelize: Sequelize) {
const user = sequelize.define(
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
role: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(20),
allowNull: false
email: {
type: new DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false,
validate: {
isEmail: {
// args: true,
msg: 'Invalid email'
len: {
args: [1, 100] as readonly [number, number],
msg: 'Email length should be 1 to 100 characters'
notNull: {
// args: true,
msg: 'Email cannot be empty'
password: {
type: DataTypes.VIRTUAL,
allowNull: true,
tableName: 'users',
underscored: true,
createdAt: 'created_at',
updatedAt: 'updated_at',
deletedAt: 'deleted_at',
paranoid: true
return user;
export default User;
Is there any possibility to do model validation in Prisma?
There is an open feature request for Prisma to support runtime model validation directly at the Schema level. Alternatively, you can leverage the Client Extensions to perform validation. There is an example in this blog post that shows how to perform custom runtime validation.

How to create or update many-to-many relation in Prisma?

I have the following models, and many-to-many relation between them:
model User {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String?
email String? #unique
followings Artist[]
model Artist {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String #unique
spotifyId String #unique
followers User[]
When a user logs into my app, I retrieve their current followed artists, and need to update my database.
I have managed to select artists data from database (for updating user <-> artist relation), sample data:
const followings = [
id: '...',
name: 'MARINA',
spotifyId: '6CwfuxIqcltXDGjfZsMd9A'
id: '...',
name: 'Dua Lipa',
spotifyId: '6M2wZ9GZgrQXHCFfjv46we'
Now, this is my user object:
const user = {
id: 'someId',
name: 'someName',
email: 'someEmail'
I tried to insert or update user <-> artist relation with this query but I'm getting Bad Request error:
await prisma.user.upsert({
where: {
create: {
followings: {
connectOrCreate: followings
update: {
followings: {
connectOrCreate: followings
Please advise what I need to do. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I took the idea of the query from Updating a many-to-many relationship in Prisma post, but it didn't work for me, so please don't mark duplicate.
connectOrCreate should specify where key with id (so Prisma could find this entity) and create key with all required model fields (so Prisma could create it if it not already present), but you just passing an array of models. Change your code to this one:
await prisma.user.upsert({
where: {
email: '',
create: {
name: '',
email: '',
followings: {
connectOrCreate: [
create: {
name: 'MARINA',
spotifyId: '6CwfuxIqcltXDGjfZsMd9A',
where: { id: '...' },
update: {
followings: {
connectOrCreate: [
create: {
name: 'MARINA',
spotifyId: '6CwfuxIqcltXDGjfZsMd9A',
where: { id: '...' },

What is this mean in GrqphQL Expected type '[OrderCreationNotificationEnum!]

I have a service who provided me api to use and they are using GraphQL.
Everything else seems working fine apart from this section.
I'm using the following query to create an order and it's working fine apart from when I add notifications in there
I'm getting this error
Argument 'notifications' on InputObject 'OrderCreateMutationInput' has an invalid value ({type: {OrderCreationNotificationEnum: {email: true}}}). Expected type '[OrderCreationNotificationEnum!]'
orderCreate(input: {
order: {
{key: "VRPOrderId", value: "abc131"}
firstName: "John"
surname: "Doe"
phone: "0405123456"
billingFirstName: "John"
billingSurname: "Doe"
billingEmailAddress: ""
address: {
address: "1 Bourke Street"
city: "Melbourne"
country: {
code: "AU"
postcode: "3000"
state: {
short: "VIC"
address: "1 Bourke Street"
city: "Melbourne"
country: {
code: "AU"
postcode: "3000"
state: {
short: "VIC"
termsAndConditionsAccepted: true
lineItems: [
variantId: "VmFyaWFudC00NzMz"
quantity: 1
totalCents: 22500
postageCents: 1000
variantId: "VmFyaWFudC00NzYy"
quantity: 1
totalCents: 22500
postageCents: 500
type: {
OrderCreationNotificationEnum: {
email: true
I am struggling to get the notification working. I'm adding link for the instructions too. Please help.
link to api document
Argument 'notifications' on InputObject 'OrderCreateMutationInput' is an Enum:
enum OrderCreationNotificationEnum {
# Notify the order information via Email
# Notify the order information via SMS
For notifications, you should specify an array of enum values like this:
notifications: [EMAIL, SMS]

Fulltext mongodb $text search query in graphql-compose-mongoose

I'm unable to figure out how to construct a graphql query for performing the mongodb fulltext search using the text index.
I've already created a text index on my string in the mongoose schema but I don't see anything in the schemas that show up in the grapqhl playground.
A bit late, though I was able to implement it like so
const FacilitySchema: Schema = new Schema(
name: { type: String, required: true, maxlength: 50, text: true },
short_description: { type: String, required: true, maxlength: 150, text: true },
description: { type: String, maxlength: 1000 },
location: { type: LocationSchema, required: true },
timestamps: true,
name: 'text',
short_description: 'text',
'': 'text',
'location.address': 'text',
'': 'text',
'location.state': 'text',
'': 'text',
name: 'FacilitiesTextIndex',
default_language: 'english',
weights: {
name: 10,
short_description: 5,
// rest fields get weight equals to 1
After creating your ObjectTypeComposer for the model, add this
const paginationResolver = FacilityTC.getResolver('pagination').addFilterArg({
name: 'search',
type: 'String',
query: (query, value, resolveParams) => {
resolveParams.args.sort = {
score: { $meta: 'textScore' },
query.$text = { $search: value, $language: 'en' };
resolveParams.projection.score = { $meta: 'textScore' };
FacilityTC.setResolver('pagination', paginationResolver);
Then you can assign like so
const schemaComposer = new SchemaComposer();
// ...
facilities: Facility.getResolver('pagination')
// ...
On your client side, perform the query like so
facilities(filter: { search: "akure" }) {
items {

Fuzzy search using mongoose from vue client

Getting error unknown top level operator $regex
search.vue `
let questDocuments = await conversation
.find({ query: { $limit: 100, $search: q, skippop: true } })
.then(response => {`
q is the string being passed
service hook
before: {
all: [],
find: [
fields: ["label"],
deep: true
const conversation = new Schema(
label: { type: String, required: true },
nodeId: { type: String, required: true },
details: { type: String },
url: { type: String },
creator: { type: String },
handle: { type: String },
date: { type: String },
From search bar add expression to search. E.g "the"
Add $regex to the whitelist option of the Mongoose service:
app.use('/messages', service({
whitelist: [ '$regex' ]
try this
// regex to find records that start with letter any name , example "e"
$match: {
field_name: {
$regex: "^" + searchName,
$options: "i"
}]).exec(function(err, result) {
if (err) { // handle here }
if (result) { // do something }