Giving input 22222222222222222 for double but the output is 22222222222222224.000000 Why? - long-double

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Enter the number:");
double num;
Why it is giving output not like given.

A long double is typically implemented in the x86 extended precision format. The fraction part of that has 63 bits and has approximately 18 significant digits. Your number is 17 digits long, and what is happening is that the number is too large to precisely store in the 63 bits available.
If it is always going to be an integer (no decimal portion), then consider using a "long long" to represent this number.


Using XOR on characters as a simple checksum; is a char just a byte?

I have a string of characters and want to generate a simple checksum by accumulating XOR on each character, then adding the lowest-order byte result of that to the end of the string as formatted by sprintf(twoCharacterBuffer, "%02X", valueHoldingXOR);.
If I just XOR the characters in the string, putting them into an unsigned char value, the compiler warns me that "'sprintf' output between 3 and 9 bytes into a destination of size 2"
The Arduino documentation is a little vague, possibly on purpose, about the number of bytes in a character. I'd like to just XOR the lowest-order byte, whether it's 1 or 2 or 4 bytes, but am not sure of the correct way to do that. Or can I assume that a char is a byte and just cast it?

Returning uint Value from Char in gawk

I'm trying to get value of an ASCII char I receive via RS232 to convert them into binary like values.
0x01--> #
0x02--> #
My Problem is to get the value of ASCII chars higher than 127.
Test-Code to get the int value:
echo -e "\xFF" | gawk -l ordchr -e '{printf("%c : %i", ord($0),ord($0))}'
� : -1
Test-Code 2:
echo -e "\x61" | gawk -l ordchr -e '{printf("%c : %i", ord($0),ord($0))}'
a : 97
So my solution to convert the values into unsigned int, is like this:
else new_char = ord($0)+0`
But I wanted to know if there was a way to cast directly an int as uint in gawk.
Later I tried to write my own ord() function.
echo -e "\xFF" | awk 'BEGIN {_ord_init()}
printf("%s : %d\n", $0, ord($0))
function _ord_init( i, t)
for (i=0; i <= 255; i++) {
t = sprintf("%c", i)
_ord_[t] = i
function ord(str, c)
# only first character is of interest
c = substr(str, 1, 1)
return _ord_[c]
0xFF returns:
� : 0
0x61 returns:
a : 97
Can someone explain me the behavior?
I'm using:
GNU Awk 4.1.3, API: 1.1 (GNU MPFR 3.1.4-p1, GNU MP 6.1.1)
But I wanted to know if there was a way to cast directly an int as uint in gawk.
Actually, any string in awk is, in the end, a number.
Strings are converted to numbers and numbers are converted to strings,
if the context of the awk program demands it. [...] A string is
converted to a number by interpreting any numeric prefix of the string
as numerals: "2.5" converts to 2.5, "1e3" converts to 1,000, and
"25fix" has a numeric value of 25. Strings that can’t be interpreted
as valid numbers convert to zero. source
Let's make a quick test:
print 0xff
print 0xff + 0
print 0xff +0.0
print "0xff"
# 255
# 255
# 255
# 0xff
So, any hex is automatically interpreted as uint. Casting a int to uint is a tricky question: generally, you should convert the modulus of the int to hex, then add the sign bit as MSB (that is, if the number is non-positive). But you should not need to do so in awk.
Remember that conversion is made as a call to sprintf() and you may control it via the CONVFMT variable:
A string that controls the conversion of numbers to strings
(see section Conversion of Strings and Numbers). It works by being
passed, in effect, as the first argument to the sprintf() function
(see section String-Manipulation Functions). Its default value is
"%.6g". CONVFMT was introduced by the POSIX standard. source
Remember that locale settings may affect the way the conversion is performed, especially with the decimal separator. For more, see this, which is out of scope.
Can someone explain me the behavior?
I can't actually reproduce it, but I suspect this line of code:
# only first character is of interest
c = substr(str, 1, 1)
In your example, the first char is always 0 and the output should always be the same. I'm testing this online.
I'll make another example of mine:
a = 0xFF
b = 0x61
printf("a: %d %f %X %s %c\n", a,a,a,a,a)
printf("b: %d %f %X %s %c\n", b,b,b,b,b)
# a: 255 255.000000 FF 255 ÿ
# b: 97 97.000000 61 97 a
Either run gawk in binary mode gawk -b to stop it from pre-stitching UTF8 code points. Split it by // empty string, then each single spot inside that resulting array will contain something that's 1-byte wide.
For the other way around, just pre-make an array from 0 to 256. Gawk doesn't stop there at all. In my routine gawk startup sequence, I do that same custom ord sequence from 0x3134F all the way back to zero (around 210k or so). The reason to do it backwards is, for whatever reason, there are some code points that will come out with an IDENTICAL character that gawk can't differentiate. doing it reverse will ensure the lowest # code point is assigned to it. For this mode, I run it in regular utf8 one.
For your scenario I'll just pre-make 4-hex wide array from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, back to their integer ones, then for each 0xZZ 0xWW, throw ZZWW into that lookup dictionary and get back and integer.
If you just try ord( ) from 128 to 255 it usually won't work like that because 128 is where unicode begins 2 bytes. 0x800 begins 3bytes, 0x10000 begins 4 bytes. I'm not too familiar with those that extend ascii to 256 - they usually require using iconv or similar to get back to UTF-8 first.
A quick note if you want to take raw UTF8 bytes and trying to figure out how many stitched UTF8 code points there are, just delete everything 0x80 - 0xBF. The length() of the residual is the number of code points.
In decimal lingo, out of the 4 ranges of 64 numbers from 0 to 255 :
000 - 063 - ASCII
064 - 127 - ASCII
128 - 191 - UT8-multiple-byte continuation encoding (the 0x80 0xBF)
192 - 255 - the most significant byte of UTF8 multi-byte char
and this looks hideous. Luckily, octal to the rescue. The 0x80 - 0xBF range is just \200-\277. You can use any of AWK's regex to find those (also for FS / RS etc). I was spending time manually coding up the utf8 algorithm before doing all that bit-shifting when I realized much later I don't need that to get to my end goal.
You can easily beat the system built in wc -m command if you want to count utf8 code-points when combining the logic above with mawk2. On my 2.5 year old laptop, against a 1.83 GB flat text file FILLED with unicode all over, I got it down to approx 19 seconds or so to count out 1.29 billion utf8 code points, using just awk.
i've ran into the same problem myself. I ended up with first with a detector whether it's running gawk in unicode mode or byte mode (check the length() of 3 octal value combo that make up one UTF8 code point returns 1 or 3)
then when it sees gawk unicode mode, run a custom shell command from gawk and use unix printf to print out bytes 128-255, and chunk it back into gawk into an array. If you need it i can paste the code sometime (but it's SUPER hideous so i hope i won't get dinged for its lack of elegance)
because there are simply bytes like C0, C1, or FF etc that don't exist in UTF8, no matter what combination you attempt, you cannot get it to generate it all 256 within gawk. I mean another way to do it would be pre-making that chain and using something xxd -ps to store it as a hash string, only converting it back at runtime, but it's admittedly slower.

Rounding doubles for use in NSString

I have a situation where I have lots of different double values, for example 1.00, 0.25 and 2.50. I would like to round these doubles so that they become 1, 0.25 and 2.5; in other words I want to remove any trailing 0's. Is there a way to do this?
At the moment I have been using %.2f, and I'm wondering if I can make use of this but adapt it in some way. Please can someone help me out?
As long as you're talking only about display, this is quite easy. The format specifier you want is %g:
The double argument shall be converted in the style f or e (or in the style F or E in the case of a G conversion specifier), with the precision specifying the number of significant digits [...] Trailing zeros shall be removed from the fractional portion of the result[...]
double twopointfive = 2.500;
double onepointzero = 1.0;
double pointtwofive = .25000000000;
NSLog(#"%g %f", twopointfive, twopointfive);
NSLog(#"%g %f", onepointzero, onepointzero);
NSLog(#"%g %f", pointtwofive, pointtwofive);
2011-12-06 21:27:59.180 TrailingZeroes[39506:903] 2.5 2.500000
2011-12-06 21:27:59.184 TrailingZeroes[39506:903] 1 1.000000
2011-12-06 21:27:59.185 TrailingZeroes[39506:903] 0.25 0.250000
The same format specifier can be used with an NSNumberFormatter, which will also give you some control over significant digits.
The trailing zeroes can't be removed from the way the number is stored in memory, of course.
I believe you want the %g format specifier to redact trailing zeros.
Not really rounding, but have you tried just %f it should only show the number of digits required rather then padding out the number.
My answer above is wrong, %g as others has stated is the right way to go.
The documentation for string formatters should help too.
Here is a list of all the format specifiers that you can use...
%# Object
%d, %i signed int
%u unsigned int
%f float/double
%x, %X hexadecimal int
%o octal int
%zu size_t
%p pointer
%e float/double (in scientific notation)
%g float/double (as %f or %e, depending on value)
%s C string (bytes)
%S C string (unichar)
%.*s Pascal string (requires two arguments, pass pstr[0] as the first, pstr+1 as the second)
%c character
%C unichar
%lld long long
%llu unsigned long long
%Lf long double

Showing decimals of a variable with sprintf in MATLAB

I don't understand the next thing that happens using the sprintf command.
>> vpa(exp(1),53)
ans =
>> e = 2.7182818284590455348848081484902650117874145507812500
e =
>> sprintf('%0.53f', e)
ans =
Why does sprintf show me the number e rounded instead of the number and I kept at the first place?
Variables are double precision by default in MATLAB, so the variable e that you create is limited to the precision of a double, which is about 16 digits. Even though you entered more digits, a double doesn't have the precision to accurately represent all those extra digits and rounds off to the nearest number it can represent.
EDIT: As explained in more detail by Andrew Janke in his answer to this follow-up question I posted, the number you chose for e just happens to be an exact decimal expansion of the binary value. In other words, it's the exactly-representable value that a nearby floating-point number would get rounded to. However, in this case anything more than approximately 16 digits past the decimal point is not considered significant since it can't really be represented accurately by a double-precision type. Therefore, functions like SPRINTF will automatically ignore these small values, printing zeroes instead.

GMP variable's bit size

How to know the size of a declared variable in GMP??or how can we decide the size of an integer in GMP?
in manual it is given that this function allocates 1limb(=32bits for my comp) size to the "temp"....
but it is having 9 digit number only..
SO i dont think that 32 bit size number holds only 9 digits number..
So please help me to know the size of integer variable in GMP ..
thanks in adv..
mpz_sizeinbase(num, 2) will give you the size in 'used' bits.
32 bits (4 bytes) really can be used to store only 9 decimal digits
2^32 = 4 294 967 296
so only 9 full decimal digits here (the 10th is in interval from 0 up 4, so it is not full).
You can recompute this via logarithms:
let's ask google
log base 10(2^32) = 9.63295986
Everything is correct.
You can check the number of limbs in a debugger. A GMP integer has the internal field '_mp_size' which is the count of the limbs used to hold the current value of the variable (0 is a special case: it's represented with _mp_size = 0). Here's an example I ran in Visual C++ (see my article How to Install and Run GMP on Windows Using MPIR):
mpz_set_ui(temp, 1073741824); //2^30, (_mp_size = 1)
mpz_mul(temp,temp,temp); //2^60 (_mp_size = 2)
mpz_mul(temp,temp,temp); //2^120 (_mp_size = 4)