Truncate and insert new content into table with the least amount of interruption - sql

Twice a day, I run a heavy query and save the results (40MBs worth of rows) to a table.
I truncate this results table before inserting the new results such that it only ever has the latest query's results in it.
The problem, is that while the update to the table is written, there is technically no data and/or a lock. When that is the case, anyone interacting with the site could experience an interruption. I haven't experienced this yet, but I am looking to mitigate this in the future.
What is the best way to remedy this? Is it proper to write the new results to a table named results_pending, then drop the results table and rename results_pending to results?

Two methods come to mind. One is to swap partitions for the table. To be honest, I haven't done this in SQL Server, but it should work at a low level.
I would normally have all access go through a view. Then, I would create the new day's data in a separate table -- and change the view to point to the new table. The view change is close to "atomic". Well, actually, there is a small period of time when the view might not be available.
Then, at your leisure you can drop the old version of the table.

TRUNCATE is a DDL operation which causes problems like this. If you are using snapshot isolation with row versioning and want users to either see the old or new data then use a single transaction to DELETE the old records and INSERT the new data.
Another option if a lot of the data doesn't actually change is to UPDATE / INSERT / DELETE only those records that need it and leave unchanged records alone.


Keeping BigQuery table data up-to-date

This is probably incorrect use case for BigQuery but I have following problem: I need to periodically update Big Query table. Update should be "atomic" in a sense that clients which read data should either use only old version of data or completely new version of data. The only solution I have now is to use date partitions. The problem with this solution is that clients which just need to read up to date data should know about partitions and get data only from certain partitions. Every time I want to make a query I would have first to figure out which partition to use and only then select from the table. Is there any way to improve this? Ideally I would like solution to be easy and transparent for clients who read data.
You didn't mention the size of your update, I can only give some general guideline.
Most BigQuery updates, including single DML (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE) and single load job, are atomic. Your reader reads either old data or new data.
Lacking multi-statement transaction right now, if you do have updates which doesn't fit into single load job, the solution is:
Load update into a staging table, after all loads finished
Use single INSERT or MERGE to merge updates from staging table to primary data table
The drawback: scanning staging table is not for free
Update: since you have multiple tables to update atomically, there is a tiny trick which may be helpful.
Assuming for each table that you need an update, there is a ActivePartition column as partition key, you may have a table with only one row.
CREATE TABLE ActivePartition (active DATE);
Each time after loading, you set to a new active date, then your user use a script:
DECLARE active DATE DEFAULT (SELECT active FROM ActivePartition);
-- Actual query
SELECT ... FROM dataTable WHERE ActivePartition = active

avoiding write conflicts while re-sorting a table

I have a large table that I need to re-sort periodically. I am partly basing this on a suggestion I was given to stay away from using cluster keys since I am inserting data ordered differently (by time) from how I need it clustered (by ID), and that can cause re-clustering to get a little out of control.
Since I am writing to the table on a hourly I am wary of causing problems with these two processes conflicting: If I CTAS to a newly sorted temp table and then swap the table name it seems like I am opening the door to have a write on the source table not make it to the temp table.
I figure I can trigger a flag when I am re-sorting that causes the ETL to pause writing, but that seems a bit hacky and maybe fragile.
I was considering leveraging locking and transactions, but this doesn't seem to be the right use case for this since I don't think I'd be locking the table I am copying from while I write to a new table. Any advice on how to approach this?
I've asked some clarifying questions in the comments regarding the clustering that you are avoiding, but in regards to your sort, have you considered creating a nice 4XL warehouse and leveraging the INSERT OVERWRITE option back into itself? It'd look something like:
Assuming that your table isn't hundreds of TB in size, this will complete rather quickly (inside an hour, I would guess), and any inserts into the table during that period will queue up and wait for it to finish.
There are some reasons to avoid the automatic reclustering, but they're basically all the same reasons why you shouldn't set up a job to re-cluster frequently. You're making the database do all the same work, but without the built in management of it.
If your table is big enough that you are seeing performance issues with the clustering by time, and you know that the ID column is the main way that this table is filtered (in JOINs and WHERE clauses) then this is probably a good candidate for automatic clustering.
So I would recommend at least testing out a cluster key on the ID and then monitoring/comparing performance.
To give a brief answer to the question about resorting without conflicts as written:
I might recommend using a time column to re-sort records older than a given time (probably in a separate table). While it's sorting, you may get some new records. But you will be able to use that time column to marry up those new records with the, now sorted, older records.
You might consider revoking INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE privileges on the original table within the same script or procedure that performs the CTAS creating the newly sorted copy of the table. After a successful swap you can re-enable the privileges for the roles that are used to perform updates.

How to perform data archive in SQL Server with many tables?

Let's say I have a database with many tables in it. I want to perform data archiving on certain tables, that is create a same table with same structures (same constraint, indexes, columns, triggers, etc) as a new table and insert specific data into the new table from the old table.
Example, current table has data from 2008-2017 and I want to move only data from 2010-2017 into the new table. Then after that, I can delete the old table and rename the new table with naming conventions similar to old table.
How should I approach this?
For the sort of clone-rename-drop logic you're talking about, the basics are pretty straight forward. Really the only time this is a good idea is if you have a table with a large amount of data, which you can't afford down time or blocking on, and you only plan to do this one. The process looks something like this:
Insert all the data from your original table into the clone table
In a single transaction, sp_rename the original table from (for example) myTable to myTable_OLD (just something to distinguish it from the real table). Then sp_rename the clone table from (for example) myTable_CLONE to myTable
Drop myTable_OLD when you're happy everything has worked how you want. If it didn't work how you want, just sp_rename the objects back.
Couple considerations to think about if you go that route
Identity columns: If your table has any identities on it, you'll have to use identity_insert on then reseed the identity to pick up at where the old identity left off
Do you have the luxury of blocking the table while you do this? Generally if you need to do this sort of thing, the answer is no. What I find works well is to insert all the rows I need using (nolock), or however you need to do it so the impact of the select from the original table is mitigated. Then, after I've moved 99% of the data, I will then open a transaction, block the original table, insert just the new data that's come in since the bulk of the data movement, then do the sp_rename stuff
That way you don't lock anything for the bulk of the data movement, and you only block the table for the very last bit of data that came into the original table between your original insert and your sp_rename
How you determine what's come in "since you started" will depend on how your table is structured. If you have an identity or a datestamp column, you can probably just pick rows which came in after the max of those fields you moved over. If your table does NOT have something you can easily hook into, you might need to get creative.
A couple other alternatives that came to mind:
Table Partitioning:
This shards a single table across multiple partitions (which can be managed sort of like individual tables). You can, say, partition you data by year, then when you want to purge the trailing year of data, you "switch out" that partition to a special table which you can then truncate. All those operations are meta-data only, so they're super fast. This also works really well for huge amounts of data where deletes and all their pesky transaction logging aren't feasible
The downside to table partitioning is it's kind of a pain to set up and manage.
Batched Deletes:
If you're data isn't too big, you could just do batched deletes on the trailing end of your data. If you can find a way to get clustered index seeks for your deletes, they should be reasonably lightweight. As long as you're not accumulating data faster than you can get rid of it, the benefit of this kind of thing is you just run it semi-continuously and it just nibbles away at the trailing end of your data
Snapshot Isolation:
If deletes cause too much blocking, you can also set up something like snapshot isolation, which basically stores historical versions of rows in tempdb. Any query which sets isolation level read committed snapshot will then read those pre-change rows instead of contend for locks on the "real" table. You can then do batched deletes to your hearts content and know that any queries that hit the table will never get blocked by a delete (or any other DML operation) because they'll either read the pre-delete snapshot, or they'll read the post-delete snapshot. They won't wait for an in-process delete to figure out whether it's going to commit or rollback. This is not without its drawbacks as well unfortunately. For large data sets, it can put a big burden on tempdb and it too can be a little bit of a black box. It's also going to require buy-in from your DBAs.

MS Access: move deleted records automatically to "recycle bin" table

I need to implement a copy of records right after they are deleted from the table, so they can be recovered in case of accidental deletion.
I am using MS Access. Is there any built in way to do it or will I have to INSERT INTO SELECT before every DELETE?
Doing it for just one table is not a concern. I want to use something ready for any table regardless of its structure, so I don't need to create and configure another recycle-bin-table for every table I have in the database, which would be necessary if I want successful move operations.
Besides SQL, I can run VBA to accomplish this task.
There are recommendations of adding a boolean column that indicates if the record is to be displayed or is archived (has the meaning of "deleted" for my purposes), but this involves changing every table and every query I have done, so it won't fit for me, only as a last resort.
What happens when you have cascading deletions, as in all good designed databases? Also your INSERT in a backup table before DELETE will not solve all the issues you will face. Also copying table can result in a lot of copies that will increase your database size and you will have soon or later to clean your data.
Journaling can be better solutions?

Update thousands of records in a DataSet to SQL Server

I have half a million records in a data set of which 50,000 are updated. Now I need to commit the updated records back to the SQL Server 2005 Database.
What is the best and efficient way to do this considering the fact that such updates could be frequent (though concurrency is not an issue but performance is)
I would use a Batch Update.
Also documented here.
I agree with David's answer, as that's what I use. However, there is an alternative approach you could take which is worth considering (all situations are different after all) - it's something I would consider in the future if I had another similar requirement.
You could bulk insert the updated records into a new table in the DB (using SqlBulkCopy) which is an extremely fast way of loading data into the db (example). Then run an UPDATE statement on your main table to pull in the updated values from this new table which you would drop at the end.
The batched update approach of using SqlDataAdapter allows you to easily deal with any errors on specific rows (e.g. you could tell it to continue in the event of an error with a specific updated row so it doesn't stop the whole process).