Postman: How to use global variable defined in Pre-request Script in Tests Script - api

I have defined one global variable in a Pre-request Script.
I want to compare this global variable with variable present in the response.

As the warning message says, you're running a very old version of Postman and it's probably the chrome extension.
This is now several major versions behind and the pm.* functionality is not included in that old version of the chrome extension.
Download the native application and start using the newest version of Postman. By not doing this, you're missing out on so many new features.

As #Danny mentioned, it is recommended to update to the latest version.
Now to your question, if you want to compare the global variable with workkard_number present in response, you need to first parse the response and get the workkard_number in it, which you can then compare with your global variable. You could try something like this in your test script:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var responseWorkkardNumber = jsonData.wokkard_number;
You can retreive the workkard_number in the response like this(assuming that your response is a json with "workkard_number" as a key in it. Then you can compare it as follows:
tests["workkard_numbers are equal"] = responseWorkkardNumber === globals.workkard_number;
tests["workkard_numbers are equal"] = responseWorkkardNumber === pm.globals.get("workkard_number");
Also note - "Warning - Environment and global variables will always be stored as strings. If you're storing objects/arrays, be sure to JSON.stringify() them before storing, and JSON.parse() them while retrieving." -


Flowable - concat dynamic variable and a string in http task (url)

I need to convert the base url according to the production and other environments.
I am using script task before a http task to perform this logic.
baseUrl = http://localhost:8080
baseUrl, is the output of the script task. Now I need to add this base url as a prefix in http task url
Url = ${baseUrl}/application/find (something like this).
I am getting the following issue
Unknown Property used in the expression ${baseUrl}/application/find
var env = execution.getVariable("env")
if(env == "prod") {
var baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080";
execution.setVariable("baseUrl", baseUrl);
Please assist.
This typically means that it is unable to find a property in the expression (as the message says). The only expression you are using is baseUrl which means that the issue is around the baseUrl. The concatenation as you have done it is correct and doesn't need to have an adaption.
You should check if the variable really exists, this you can do by introducing a wait state before your HTTP task and check afterwards if the variable is created. Rather than using outputs, you can also use the Java API in your script task to create the variable:
execution.setVariable("baseUrl", "http://localhost:8080");
Assuming you are using Spring Boot, for your specific use-case it would be also an option to use the to specify your base-url and then refer to the baseUrl with the following expression:
This will allow you to change the baseUrl independent of your process definition.

Returning Variable from Feature File With Multiple Scenarios - Karate

We already know that scenarios are run paralelly. But we had the case where we need to return variables from feature files (that are gonna be called from another feature file).
We had multiple scenarios in the feature file as below:
Feature: Test GraphQL Create Item
Given url baseUrl
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(token)' }
Scenario: Create item unauthorized
* configure headers = { Authorization: ""}
#Features calling function and others
And match response.errors[0].message == errorUnauthorized
Scenario: Create story authorized
#Features calling function and others
And def idItem =
We are reusing the feature file above to obtain variable to be used on another feature file. However it seems that the other feature files fail intermittently complaining the variables obtained from the other feature file is null.
My assumption is that the returned variable is not returned properly since there are more than one scenarios on the feature file. We tried deleting the #negative scenario and have only exactly 1 scenario. Suddenly the intermittent failures gone.
Is there any way to avoid this intermittent failures while still retaining the ability to run scenarios paralelly?
Can't say without seeing your code. But you can try using the #parallel=false annotation in the "calling" feature file:
Otherwise this may be a bug in Karate - so please follow this process:

Not able to use variable defined in karate-config.js in my feature file

I want to set a Global variable for Base Test Data location which can be used in all of my feature files.
In karate-config.js i have made below changes -
var config = {
env: env,
INPUT_JSON_PATH: 'com/company/project/module/TestData'
And in my feature file I am trying to use it as -
Given path '/myService'
And request read('classname:INPUT_JSON_PATH/Exception_Handling/Mandatory_Fields_missing.json')
When method POST
Then status 400
But somehow its not getting resolved and I am getting error -
could not find or read file: classname:INPUT_JSON_PATH/Exception_Handling/Mandatory_Fields_missing.json
Any idea, what am i missing here?
Just keep in mind that read() and other parts of the right-hand-side are treated as ordinary JavaScript. Maybe you were intending to do this:
And request read('classpath:' + INPUT_JSON_PATH + '/Exception_Handling/Mandatory_Fields_missing.json')

.env VUE_APP_ variable json?

Starting to use the vue cli 3 and ran into a use-case I can't seem to find an answer for.
How can I set an environment variable via a .env file (ie, .env.development, .env.production, etc) that exposes a JSON object? Additionally, is there a way to load an external files contents into an environment variable (i.e., require)?
Appreciate the assistance!
I came up with a solution to solve my own issue...
Although the previous answers are viable I didn't want to have to JSON.parse every time I wanted to use the JSON in the environment variable.
The approach I took was to store in each environment-specific file (i.e., .env-development, .env-production, .env-test) a file path to a file containing the JSON. For example...
This file would contain the raw JSON...
Then in my vue.config.js I used the webpack DefinePlugin to load up the file and make it available via a global variable. For example...
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
VUE_APP_JSON: JSON.stringify(process.env.VUE_APP_JSON_FILE)
Defining the new variable will make the json available as an object where throughout my app I can simply reference This saves me from having to JSON.parse the variable all throughout my app.
You can
stringObj = JSON.stringfy(YourJson),
Then save this string inside the VUE_APP_SOME_KEY_NAME.
but when you'll use it you'll have to JSON.parse () it first.
So, you cannot directly store a json object in a key value .dotEnv file.
Another option is to load these json files Base on process.env.NODE_ENV.
like: require (`config.${process.env.NODE_ENV}.js)
You should distinguish which profile using dot . (as .env.production or .env.development) and the format must be KEY=value, you can't put a json object here, only strings, but you can use JSON.parse in your code to unserialize any string in the file.
Vue cli will only allow access to environment variables that starts with VUE_APP_ and to access, process.env.VUE_APP_SECRET
You can find it and more in the docs

Using result from the first request and passing in the second request- POSTMAN

I want to use the result which is "id" and use it in the second request POST
Saving it as environmental variable in the first request(under tests)
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("id", jsonData.token);
Here is the second request looks like, not sure what I am doing wrong here
Your request is correct.
As long as you set an environment variable, you may USE this environment. From your print screen I see "no environment" on the top right corner.
I suggest either you create an environment where to save your environment variables and then use it or you use a global variable, postman.setGlobalVariable("id", ...) instead