Unable to resolve module 'react-devtools-core' from 'node-modules/react-native/Libraries/Core/Devtools/setupDevtools.js' - react-native

Trying to debug react native iOS application but when I am running the app from xcode, getting this error.
'react-devtools-core' from 'node-modules/react-native/Libraries/Core/Devtools/setupDevtools.js'


React Native: Android - Google mlkit FaceDetection causing app crash with FATAL EXCEPTION

After configuring the Firebase dashboard and integrating everything into my React Native app, when launching the Android Emulator the app crashes and I get the following error:
FATAL EXCEPTION: create_react_context
Process: com.appName, PID: XXXX
java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class com.google.mlkit.vision.face.FaceDetection: com.google.mlkit.vision.face.FaceDetector com.google.mlkit.vision.face.FaceDetection.getClient() failed to verify: com.google.mlkit.vision.face.FaceDetector com.google.mlkit.vision.face.FaceDetection.getClient(): [0x10] can't resolve returned type 'Unresolved Reference: com.google.mlkit.vision.face.FaceDetector' or 'Unresolved Reference: com.google.mlkit.vision.face.internal.FaceDetectorImpl'
The iOS Simulator runs fine and I'm able to use MLKit tools seamlessly, so this leads me to believe I have configured the Android app incorrectly. Any ideas?

react native invalid hook call in release build

I tried to build my react native app and got the error below.
it works totally fine in debug build while app crashes in release build.
I got this by logging my android device with the command adb logcat '*:E'
Thanks in advance.

Unable to debug react native with iOS simulator using VSCode, bundling with babel async error

I'm getting the below error when connecting to the packager from the expo app:
bundling failed: node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js: /Volumes/Tub/Work/TOYL/REACT_NATIVE/rn-complete-guide/babel.config.js: Error while loading config - You appear to be using a native ECMAScript module configuration file, which is only supported when running Babel asynchronously.
I'm new to react development, and want to use VSCode directly for debugging, not Chrome.

Native module cannot be null, but the app works fine

react-native run-ios successfully builds the project and the app is started at simulator, however, I got the error below, I tried to get more details in the Xcode log, I only got this:
[fatal][tid:com.facebook.react.ExceptionsManagerQueue] Unhandled JS Exception: Native module cannot be null.
How can I debug this error? is it just a warning? I can see fatal in Xcode log.
If I press on Dismiss in simulator, the error below gone and the app seems to work fine..
Any idea?

Including react-native-maps package in the project is making the app crash

Running react native app on the android simulator.
Installed react-native-maps module and build again. The app stopped working.
Build successful but the app crashes as soon as I open it without any error or exception.
google-services version 4.0.1
React native - latest
I tried adding disablestrictVersioncheck to true in the build.gradle file. Did not help.