XAMPP: Apache not starting - apache

I had an older installation in folder C://xampp1 [ Windows 10 ] ; tried to uninstall that. I configured Apache to use port 8081.
But nothing happens. What to do?
EDIT: There are no apache error or access log files.
EDIT 9 nov.:
I should disable or uninstall "the other service"; But How???


Valet returns 404 not found

I'm trying to get Valet to work but all my sites return 404 - Not found.
My project folder is named Webb, inside is a folder named ogge. The path is ~/Desktop/Webb/ogge.
Valet is parked in my project folder, the ~/.config/valet/config.json contains the following:
"tld": "test",
"paths": [
I have linked the ogge project and valet links returns this:
These are the things I've tried
Restarted nginx and dnsmasq with brew services restart --all.
Reinstalled Valet, Composer and Brew.
Restarted my computer.
Restarted Valet.
brew services list returns ngninx, dnsmasq and php as started.
I can ping ogge.test without any issues.
I saw this issue and tried everything mentioned but without any luck.
What is wrong with my Valet?
You should add your website address to your hosts file, and it will work normally.
You can find the file under (for Lunix):
For Windows under:
And add your records for your website like to the hosts file like: ogge.test

How to install xdebug in centos 7?

I am using centos 7 & apache server, for remote debug purpose in VS Code how to install and configure xdebug in Live GoDaddy VPS server?
PHP version : 5.6
if you have php7 in centos7 with webtactic and epel you can install xdebug with the following
yum install php70w-pecl-xdebug.x86_64
if you have epel and webtactic, but not php7 you can install xdebug with:
yum install php-xdebug
Now that xdebug is in your sytstem its time to confgure xdebug
open /etc/php.d/xdebug.ini in your favourite editor
add the following lines
#this line will be added automatically
zend_extension = /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/xxx/xdebug.so
#add the following
xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
You can find the correct paths to the files needed if you have yum-utils installed and run
repoquery --list php70w-pecl-xdebug
# the output is:
You now need to restart httpd
service httpd restart
# or
systemctl restart httpd.service
Xdebug will now be up and running
If you are running with SELinux enforement on, then you can run this command to let xdebug out:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
Inside eclipse, goto preferences > php > debuggers
change the debugger to xdebug
click configure
change the dropdown for “accept remote session (JIT)” to “any” or “prompt”
click ok
Xdebug Helper is the best solution I have found for firefox – simply install the extension from here, navigate to the site you want to debug, and click the little green bug, select debug and reload your page to open in your editors debugger. You might need to add the key you added to your xdebug.ini in the previous steps.
Xdebug Helper is the best solution I have found for chrome – simply install the extension from here, navigate to the site you want to debug, and click the little green bug, select debug and reload your page to open in your editors debugger. You might need to add the key you added to your xdebug.ini in the previous steps.

Laravel exception on WAMP windows server

I have installed a Laravel application on WAMP in a window server and I receive this error:
"Call to undefined function Illuminate\Encryption\openssl_cipher_iv_length()"
I cannot figure out the reason.
-- UPDATE --
I found out that MCrypt module is missing from the php extension folder, now the problem is how to install it :)
Solution 1:
Enable this extension (php_mcrypt.dll) in your php.ini file:
And then restart WAMP.
Solution 2:
For laravel look into config/app.php under 'cipher' and replace CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 with 'AES-128-CBC'
Make sure you update Wampserver, PHP AND Apache:
Exit running Wamp Server
From [Wamp][1]:
- Install the Visual c++ packages,
- Update Wamp Server
- Update PHP
- Update Apache
Switch to the newest PHP:
- Wamp TrayIcon->PHP->Version-> 7.x.x
Switch to the newest Apache Version
- Wamp TrayIcon->Apache->Version-> 2.x.x
Make enable extension=openssl in both php.ini files, php and apache directories

Tactic Installation on centos 7

I am doing installation of tactic 4.5 on centos 7.
i am following
but in the end when i am trying to access tactic through web
i am getting this error:
The requested URL /tactic was not found on this server.
you need to configure apache properly to fix this.
Copy tactic configuration file in /etc/httpd/conf.d folder
cp /opt/tactic/tactic_data/config/tactic.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d
open httpd.conf file and add Include conf.d/*.conf in the end
systemctl restart httpd.service

validate Apache2.4 installation in windows 7 command prompt

I stalled Apache2.4.3 and PHP 5.4.11 on my desktop computer which runs Windows 7 professional. I would like to know what command shall I run in the command prompt to check if the Apache server has been properly installed.
On my C drive, Apache folder called Apache24 and Php folder called php
I run a test.php file which has a phpinfo function in it. It showed PHP and Apache version information asApache/2.4.3 (Win32) PHP/5.4.11
the system showed the following message when I typed httpd.exe in the command prompt
AH00558: httpd.exe: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified do
main name, using fe80::bcbd:7ef2:4d92:6a9. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally
to suppress this message
Please tell me what the above message means. Does it indicate the Apache is not installed properly?
I added 3 lines to the http.conf file
LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll"
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "c:/php"
I did some research online. Here is what I did to resolve my issue.
install the Apache as a window service.
1a. You should run the command prompt (DOS prompt) as an administrator, otherwise the window system will prompt an error message saying that your are not the administrator.
1b. To run command as an administrator, click on Window start up menu icon, find the command prompt icon, right click on it, then choose run as 'Administrator'
1c. in the Dos prompt, navigate to c:\apach24\bin\ folder, then type httpd -k install. This will install Apache as a window service.
I hope this helps. Thanks!