VUE scroll-to from subpage to index page anchor - vue.js

I am trying to scroll via v-scroll-to to an anchor in frontpage it works fine but if i navigate from subpage to indexpage anchor doesnt work because the anchor not in the DOM. How can is solve this problem?
<a v-for="menuItem in menuItems" :key="" :class="{'is-active': activeMenuItem === menuItem}" :href="menuItem.url" v-scroll-to="menuItem.url">{{ menuItem.text !== '' ? $t(menuItem.text) : '' }}</a>
The menuItem.url included the anchor.

Please refer this issue because might be useful for you.
I haven't used vue-scrollto, but according to this issue, it probably works by the following code.
<a v-for="menuItem in menuItems" :key="" :class="{'is-active':
activeMenuItem === menuItem}" :href="menuItem.url" #click="$scrollTo('#element')">{{
menuItem.text !== '' ? $t(menuItem.text) : '' }}</a>


Trying to set a dynamic url as backgroundImage in vuejs in v-for

Currently trying to add a dynamic url to my background image inside select option. But it seems breaking, not sure how that comes and how to fix this. Looking for different combinations like ` or ' and even ". But really confused.
<select v-model.lazy="countryCode" #change="handleChange" class="select-field height-select-input select-width">
<option v-for="(country, index) in checkCountryName"
:selected="index === 0"
:style="{backgroundImage: 'url('' + {{country.country_code}} + '/flat/64.png')'}"
{{ country.country_code }}
:style="`backgroundImage: url('${country.country_code}/flat/64.png')`"
Is that the exact code you are using? If so, it looks like the issue is within the quotation marks on your url request.
You have
:style="{backgroundImage: 'url('{{country.country_code}}/flat/64.png')'}"
Remove the quotes around the url and it should work
:style="{backgroundImage: 'url({{country.country_code}}/flat/64.png)'}"

Binding style css in vuejs

I get into a problem. Here's my code:
:style="arrDisplay[1][i1+3] > 0 ? {background: 'orange'}: ''"
v-for="(m1, i1) in 2"
v-text="arrDisplay[1][i1+3] > 0 ? arrDisplay[1][i1+3] : ''"
#blur="onEdit(1, i1+3)"
<div class="del" v-if="arrDisplay[1][i1+3] > 0">
I want the table cell have orange background when it's value > 0 else white. It work perfectly fine after calculate arrayDisplay but not when I edit it:
onEdit(y, x) {
var src =
this.arrDisplay[y][x] = parseInt(src)
But if I edit it by Vue DeveloperTools it works. I think if I'm right the reason maybe Vue does not recognize that I change arrDisplay but have no idea how to fix it. What should I do ?
You are trying to update an item using an index in an array.
As explained here this is not reactive. That's why you don't see the update.
Try this:
Vue.set(this.arrDisplay[y], x, parseInt(src))
Note: make sure that this.arraDisplay[y] is reactive. If it is not, then you need to use Vue.set when creating it also.

Right way of using asp-page and asp-route in core razor pages between _layout and index page

Below is the file structure
I have default Index page under Pages folder, which has layout as _LayoutHarman.cshmtl
Code : Pages/Shared/_LayoutHarman.chtml
header menu : pages are in category folder in this case
<a asp-route-cat_slug="electronic" asp-page="./category/Index">Electronic</a>
<a asp-route-cat_slug="beauty-care" asp-page="./category/index" >Beauty Care</a>
<a asp-route-cat_slug="toy" asp-page="./category/index" >Toy</a>
footer menu : pages are on root folder
<a asp-page="./Contact" >Contact</a>
<a asp-page="./terms" >Terms</a>
<a asp-page="./privacy" >Privacy</a>
Code : Pages/category/Index.cshtml
#page "{cat_slug?}/{pageIndex:int?}"
#model bList.Pages.category.IndexModel
<nav aria-label="Page navigation example">
<ul class="pagination text-center">
<li><a asp-page="category" asp-route-cat_slug="#Model.cat_url" asp-route-pageIndex="#Model.prev_no"> Previous</a></li>
#if (Model.no_more_record != "YES")
<li><a asp-page="category" asp-route-cat_slug="#Model.cat_url" asp-route-pageIndex="#Model.next_no">Next</a></li>
Here Next/ previous button generate url as follow
respective on selected category
Issue : When i visit on category page and click on prev or next button and then try to click on link Contact,Terms,Privacy i.e (which is on _LayoutHarman.cshtml) or on header menu then href become blank.
Edited One:
Code: On _LayoutHarman.cshtml
<a href="./category/toy" >toy</a>
Footer Menu
<a asp-page="./Contact" >Contact</a>
<a asp-page="./terms" >Terms</a>
Code: On Category/Index.html page
Now on Next/ Prev button click , header menu generates url as
https://localhost:44382/category/toy/category/toy hence error page occurs. but for footer menu contact/term/privacy works properly
I did reproduce your problem, you need to delete the point(.) in asp-page attribute in your _LayoutHarman.cshmtl.
Changed like this:
<a asp-route-cat_slug="electronic" asp-page="/category/Index">Electronic</a>
<a asp-route-cat_slug="beauty-care" asp-page="/category/index" >Beauty Care</a>
<a asp-route-cat_slug="toy" asp-page="/category/index" >Toy</a>
<a asp-page="/Contact" >Contact</a>
<a asp-page="/terms" >Terms</a>
<a asp-page="/privacy" >Privacy</a>
And you don't need to add asp-page="category" in Pages/category/Index.cshtml, just delete this attribute in this page.
Here is my test result:
Do you really need all this extra server side processing, asp-route-cat_slug asp-page?
Can't you just use plain old fashion HTML hyperlink? As for the dynamic parameters maybe you can set only them...
View category
Just an idea to think on...

vue-router: dynamic class when NOT active link

With this code
class="button is-success is-rounded is-outlined"
v-for="ro in cRoutes"
<span class="icon"><b-icon pack="fas" v-bind:icon="ro.meta.icon" /></span>
<span>{{ }}</span>
I get a bunch of filled icons (this uses Bulma, but thats not important here) and the icon with the active path is outlined.
Now I would like to have it the other way round: Every Icon should get
the "is-outlined" class except the active icon, which should get no
extra class.
I probably could do something like :class="{'is-outlined' : ro.path !== route.matched.path}" but I would prefer to have the easy approach of the active-class or something similar.

Navigation with a ternary operator to set active class to the DIRECTORY link

All my pages are in DIRECTORIES and are ALL named index.php
I use independent modules, each in its own directory, so that they can be dropped into any web app. The links and the URLs end with: "directory_name/".
basurl(); is a function to simplify links.
defined('PDQURL') or define('PDQURL', 'http://pdq/dev/');
function base_url($location) {return PDQURL.$location;}
<a class="nav-link" href="<?=base_url('index.php')?>">Home</a>
<a class="nav-link" href="<?=base_url('conversions/')?>">Conversions</a>
<a class="nav-link" href="<?=base_url('employees/')?>">Employees</a>
You have to get the current URL of your page. Actually there are different ways to get the current url with php. I 'm using the following piece of code.
$current = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http")
After you 've got the current called uri, juxt compare it with your base url.
<a class="nav-link<?= base_url('example.php') == $current ? ' active-link' : '' ?>">Example</a>
This means, that if you call your example.php page, and the current url matches the result of your base_url() function, the active-link css class will be displayed.