Appmaker fill a textbox with a default value in a create form - default-value

In a create form, I want the textbox being filled with some default value :
For example
- the date with the current date
- the price with the listprice outof the db, but so that the user can change it
I was not able to figure out where to do that


How can i restrict the textbox value to stay same in the access database

My goal is to create an access database form with ordering multiple item at a time. But for this phase my end goal is to find the total cost by multiplying price per unit*quantity. Through my working out i got stucked by the problem of on change event. Basically, whenever i change a the id in the combo box it changes in all the textbox that i programmed.
Here is the scenario:
In this case the price per unit stays 1000 for all of the stock ID, whereas, when i have stock id of 2 i want the price to be 0 and so on.
This is how i programmed the get price per unit value
Private Sub StockIDCombo_Change()
Me.PricePerUnit.Value = Me.StockIDCombo.Column(3)
End Sub
Note that the form is continuous.
Have an additional field in the table to hold the calculation, and bind your textbox to this field.
Is your PricePerUnit control unbound? It should be bounded to some table field as other fields (StockID, Quantity).

How to see name when I enter an id in access form

I have a Form where I Enter CustomerID in a combo box. This box has Two Columns CustomerID and CustName.
the CustName and CustFather reside in another query.
is there a way to show the CustName and CustFather everytime i enter CustomerID in the form?
The CustomerID is entered in a form and not in the same table as CustName and CustFather.
Tried DLookup but it just looks only the first time and then shows that same value everytime i open the form or update it. the dlookup is shown as:
=DLookUp("CustName","qryForRecovery","CustomerID =" & "CustomerID")
is there a way i can show the CustName everytime i update the CustomerID field?
This is the link to the snapshot of my recovery form.
Use a combo box to enter the customerId.
Then create a text box for the customerName, that links to the customerId combo, as explained here.
The trick is to properly set the properties of the combo:
RowSource Type: Table/Query
Source: SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM tblCustomers
Bound column: 1
Column count: 2
Limit to List: Yes
Column widths: 3;0 'second column will be hidden
You don't need Dlookups or whatever ..just correctly designed ComboBox
RowSource = SELECT CustomerID,CustName CustFath From Customers
Bound column: 1
Column count: 3
Column width : 0;4;4
You won't see the ID ..but Customer Name will be nicely displayed.

vb if condition on items and price from database

I actually have a Access database where i have a table called "tblfreight" and two column is there (items and Price)
And I want to auto show the Price when I choose Items.
There is two Textbox: "txtitems" and "txtprice"
I want to be like this....
If txtitems.text = select from tblfreight and column items Then
txtprice.text = select from tblfreight and column Price
Else txtprice.text=0 (Zero)
You need to query your DB first..
Select * from tblfreight - will get you your data you need.
Then you need to put this data somewhere. You can use a combobox for this. Once you have your combobox filled with your data you then can set the price into a label or textbox easily.
You can use the combobox selected index changed event...
Inside the changed event something like this would work...
textprice.text = Combobox.selecteditem.value
This will give you a great start, that's why this answer just gives you the steps and not the full code.

one problem in fetching a data from backend in

i have two item in form it is---1 is textbox and 2nd is combo box.
now i have single value in textbox .
but there is a multiple value for a combobox with is totally depend on a value of textbox....
*i am already add data to the backend files ... in which 1 columns that is called column A it's value is for textbox and 2 column that is called column B it's value for combo box *
When i write in textbox it's dependent ALL value can be get in the combo box.
Can any one solve my problem... It is a row vice search.....
I used a Ms Access for my backend......
How i can create a table that can be i used for a my problem
Give me any reference or codes.
This is probably Category->Product kind of scenario, where ONE Category can have ONE or MORE Products,
Category "Softdrink" can have Products("Coke","Pepsi" etc.)
Category "Harddrink" can have Products("8 PM","BP",etc.)
So when u will put "Softdrink" in your textbox then you want to get the relevant products for it. (Assumed you are using TextChange event)
SQL - select Product.Name from Category Inner Join Product On Category.Id= Product.Category_Id where CategoryName ="Softdrink"
and table structure would be like,

What is the purpose of BOUND COLUMN property of listbox in MS Access?

What is the purpose of BOUND COLUMN property of listbox?
The bound column is a number that represents what column from the row source will be used to set the value of the Control Source (if the list box is bound).
Note that you can’t use a column name here. So you don't set the bound column to a column name, but you must use a column number.
Another issue here is that the column number starts at 1 (not zero). Note that OFTEN the 1st column length is set to zero. That allows you to have a list box with something like
select PartNumber, PartDescripton from tblParts
The list box will display the part description, but if you set the bound column = 1, then the listbox will return the PartNumber despite the fact that the listbox is displaying Descriptions (since you set the length of the 1st column = 0. If you set the bound column = 2, then the listbox will return description. Note that you can grab any column value from the list box by using
Note that in the above, the column feature is zero based. So, 1 = 2nd column
It's the column of the data set that is used to set the value of the listbox. For example, if it's bound to a dataset with the query:
select firstname,lastname,userid from users;
then setting the bound column to userid (3 in the above example) will cause the user ID information to be returned as the listbox value.
A bound column is the data that the form is going to save. For instance, if you have a list box or combo box that lists employeeID and employeeName and you set the bound column to 0, the form will save the employee ID number from
the selection and insert that value into the corresponding table.
You can test which value you are referencing this using this vba:
Private Sub ComboBoxName_AfterUpdate()
MsgBox ("bound column is: " & Me.ComboBoxName.BoundColumn & ". value is: " & Me.ComboBoxName.Column(0))'change 0 to whatever number column is bound
End Sub
The bound column rule applies even if the first column is hidden on the form. For instance, the user could select "Mike Jones" from the employee list, but the form is going to save Mike Jones' employeeID for data uses (this ID could be stored in a table of sales records, etc.).