overriding basePAth for Edit or ShowButton - react-admin

In reference to this: https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin/pull/1491
That is not overriding the url that gets called.
I thought this meant to change the basePath of the URL that hoes to the API not the internal one to the frontend site, hopefully that makes sense.
So essentially I want to override the basePath so I can call a different URL on the backend side. If this is not what was intended , how can I override a action of the EditButton or ShowButton to call a different URL?
Or the other option that I can think of is: if we have a way to override the attribute that gets picked at the moment the button gets clicked, that is for an instance for complex structures instead of sending the id to lookup you could use something like: user.id.
Thanks in advance.

I guess the answer to this is to customise the dataProvider. But I don't see it as a clean solution to have to customise the dataProvider for such a case scenario :(


MVC4:Prevent the user to type and navigate any ControllerName/ActionName in the address bar

In my MVC application, I dont want any user to type in the address bar of the browser and navigate to any controller action directly.Can I enable this for the whole application?if yes ,How? Can you please let me know the concept name ?
Also I dont want to do that through Request.URLReferrer because it has its own security risks (per Avoiding user to navigate to a view by entering url in the browser)
Thanks in advance!
You need to use Custom Action Filter Attributes, See :
As Parsanna mentioned in comment,
You can use the [ChildActionOnly] attribute on your action method to make sure it's not called directly, or use the ControllerContext.IsChildAction property inside your action to determine if you want to redirect.
See :Asp.net mvc How to prevent browser from calling an action method?

DNN get params in view are not available in edit

I am creating a dnn module. The content depends on the param in the url.
I want to be able to edit this content in the 'edit content' mode. However when i go to edit content the param in the url is no longer accessible because it is the parent document. How do i go about passing this value from the view.ascx to the edit.ascx?
Try storing the param in cookies or localstorage. Then you should be able to access it. Of course the user will be able to modify it but you can do a check that the user has not modified it by storing a server side encryption or somthing like that.
A workaround is to have a field where the user enters this parameter. But i know this isn't a very good solution. I am guessing that you will have to override the dotnetnuke core to do this (yes i know it sucks).
I hope I am understanding the question properly.
To pass parameters from your View to Edit controls, you should first make sure they are registered properly in the module definition. You default View should have an empty controlkey and your Edit should be registered with a control key, for example "addedit".
When creating a link between your view control and edit control, use the EditUrl() method of PortalModuleBase. When passing a parameter, for example an id of the item you want to load into your edit control, you can pass them as arguments in the EditUr method.
Example (in my view.ascx.cs):
lnkEdit.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("id", "16", "addedit");
This will assign a module view link to the edit.ascx (assuming the controlkey in the definition is addedit) passing in a url parameter "id" with value 16.
See my DNN Module Views tutorial for a complete lesson on how to do DNN module views and navigation.

Disable action method from being called from the address bar

I have a method in my controller that I don't want to be called from the address bar in the browser...
Is there a way to do that? Maybe some kind of annotation, modification in the route configuration? Which are my options?
If you are going to use this action only from within your controller or Views then you can use ChildActionOnly attribute.
If you want to access it using POST then you can use [HttpPost] attribute.
But if you wish to use it using GET (i.e. using AJAX call etc) and don't want users to access it using address bar then you can follow this tutorial to make your actions AJAX only.
Or, if you simply want a method that is not an Action at all (i.e. cannot be called using HTTP) then you can either make it private or use [NonAction] attribute
Use NonAction attribute on the method.

Creating a new view results in 404 Page

I am trying to do something very simple and I seem to be missing something. I tried to scour the internet for results but haven't gotten anywhere so I was wondering if someone can please advise on this seemingly easy and straightforward task.
I have a working MVC Application and have created Models, Controllers, Views using the defaults (scaffolding).
Now I want to create a new view for one of my controller actions:
public ActionResult Index()
return View(db.Blog.ToList());
So I right click on Action Result and click Add View.
This gives me a dialog box where I specify a view name of "Test", I click "Create a Strongly Typed View" check box and select model class of Blog.
For scaffold template, I leave empty (note I have tried index without any good result)
Now I click the Add button.
As expected this creates a new view test.cshtml under Views/Blogs
Now when I begin without debugging and go to url: localhost:12341/Blog/Test
I get the following error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Blog/test
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.17929
There could be a lot of issues with why it doesn't work. It is probably worth your while to look into ASP.NET MVC routing. For now, Mystere Man's solution might be a "quick fix" assuming you have everything else set up to their defaults.
In particular, when you tell your browser to go to localhost:12341/Blog/Test then it will (probably) look for a Controller called BlogController and then perform the Test action. In your case, your action is called Index so you would want to go to localhost:12341/Blog/Index (though you may be able to omit Index since it's the default action). Lastly, since your action is called Index then the View() function will automatically look for Index.cshtml. This is detailed somewhat in the msdn documentation:
In particular:
If the ViewName property is empty, the current action name is used in place of the ViewName property.
Your action method is called Index, not Test. If you want the url to be /Test, then you need to name the action method Test (there are other ways to do it, but this is the best way)
If you want to use the view Test, then you need to specify it in your View() method.
return View("Test", db.Blogs.ToList());
However, you will still need to use the Index url /Blogs/Index because your action method is Index.

Setting returnURL for CButtonColumn button

I'm looking at the controller for the default Delete button in the CButtonColumn class. It manages to return to the previous web-page after deleting a CGridView line and remain on the same page of the CGridView, as opposed to going to the first page. The lines responsible for this in the associated controller seem to be:
if (!isset($_GET['ajax']))
$this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin'));
I would like to create a new custom button that has this behavior (i.e. returning to the previous view without resetting the pagination to page 1), but simply including the above lines of code in the button's associated action does not do the trick. I think I need to send that 'returnUrl' parameter somehow, but I cannot figure out how :)
The 'returnUrl' code you are looking at uses a POST variable for the returnUrl. To use this, you will need to POST that somehow. On the View this code is called from I am assuming there is a <input name="returnUrl"> field in the form. You should make sure this field (populated with the correct URL value) is on all of the Views you are POSTing from in order to access that POST variable in your Controller action.
If you are POSTing to the deleteAction via AJAX, I think you can set the $_POST['returnUrl'] variable with the jQuery AJAX function.
Another way to go might be to use CWebUser's returnUrl SESSION variable instead of this POST variable. I have never done this, but it's built in to Yii so I assume it works OK.
I never really liked the hacky $_POST['returnUrl'] that Gii generates anyway.
ANOTHER thing you could do, possibly, is look at the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] variable, and use that for the return redirect in your deleteAction. I don't know if that will be set correctly though, with complications from the 302 redirect/rewrites that Yii does.
Good luck!
You can set the return url via the CHtml::link call. Here is an example using delete
'confirm' => 'Are you sure?'
Pulled from this Stackoverflow answer.