SQL: FIlter rows by direction - sql

I have a table with 2 column date (timestamp), status (boolean).
I have a lot of value like:
| date | status |
|-------------------------- |-------- |
| 2018-11-05T19:04:21.125Z | true |
| 2018-11-05T19:04:22.125Z | true |
| 2018-11-05T19:04:23.125Z | true |
I need to get a result like this:
| date_from | date_to | status |
|-------------------------- |-------------------------- |-------- |
| 2018-11-05T19:04:21.125Z | 2018-11-05T19:04:27.125Z | true |
| 2018-11-05T19:04:27.125Z | 2018-11-05T19:04:47.125Z | false |
| 2018-11-05T19:04:47.125Z | 2018-11-05T19:04:57.125Z | true |
So, I need to filter all "same" value and get in return only period of status true/false.
I create query like this:
SELECT max("current_date"), current_status, previous_status
FROM (SELECT date as "current_date",
status as current_status,
(lag(status, 1) OVER (ORDER BY msgtime))::boolean AS previous_status
FROM "table" as table
) as raw_data
group by current_status, previous_status
but in response I get only no more than 4 value

This is a gaps-and-islands problem. A typical method uses the difference of row numbers:
select min(date), max(date), status
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (order by date) as seqnum,
row_number() over (partition by status order by date) as seqnum_s
from t
) t
group by status, (seqnum - seqnum_s);

Yes you could use LAG but then you also need a running counter that increments every time the status changes:
WITH cte1 AS (
SELECT date, status, CASE WHEN LAG(status) OVER (ORDER BY date) = status THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS chg
FROM yourdata
), cte2 AS (
SELECT date, status, SUM(chg) OVER (ORDER BY date) AS grp
FROM cte1
SELECT MIN(date) AS date_from, MAX(date) AS date_to, status
FROM cte2
GROUP BY grp, status
ORDER BY date_from
DB Fiddle


SQL- Return rows after nth occurrence of event per user

I'm using postgreSQL 8.0 and I have a table with user_id, timestamp, and event_id.
How can I return the rows (or row) after the 4th occurrence of event_id = someID per user?
| user_id | timestamp | event_id |
| 1 | 2020-04-02 12:00 | 11 |
| 2 | 2020-04-02 13:00 | 11 |
| 2 | 2020-04-02 14:00 | 99 |
| 2 | 2020-04-02 15:00 | 11 |
| 2 | 2020-04-02 16:00 | 11 |
| 2 | 2020-04-02 17:00 | 11 |
| 2 | 2020-04-02 17:00 | 11 |
Ie if event_id = 11, I would only want the last row in the table above.
You can use window functions:
select *
from (
select t.*, row_number() over(partition by user_id, event_id order by timestamp) rn
from mytable t
) t
where rn > 4
Here is a little trick that removes the row number from the result:
select (t).*
from (
select t, row_number() over(partition by user_id, event_id order by timestamp) rn
from mytable t
) x
where rn > 4
You can use a cumulative count. This version includes the 4th occurrence:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
count(*) filter (where event_id = 11) over (partition by user_id order by timestamp) as event_11_cnt
from t
) t
where event_11_cnt >= 4;
The filter has been valid Postgres syntax for a long time, but instead, you can use:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
sum( (event_id = 11)::int ) over (partition by user_id order by timestamp) as event_11_cnt
from t
) t
where event_11_cnt >= 4;
This version does not:
where event_11_cnt > 4 or (event_11_cnt = 4 and event_id <> 11)
An alternative method:
select t.*
from t
where t.timestamp > (select t2.timestamp
from t t2
where t2.user_id = t.user_id and
t2.event_id = 11
order by t2.timestamp
limit 1 offset 3
sorry to be asking about such an old version of Postgres, here is an answer that worked:
WITH EventOrdered AS(
, UserId
, Timestamp
FROM Event),
FourthEvent AS (
, FIRST_VALUE(TimeStamp) OVER (PARTITION BY UserId ORDER BY Timestamp) FirstFourthEventTimestamp
FROM EventOrdered
FROM Event e
JOIN FourthEvent ffe
ON e.UserId = ffe.UserId
AND e.Timestamp > ffe.FirstFourthEventTimestamp
ORDER BY e.UserId, e.Timestamp

SQL: Get date difference between rows in the same column [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
SQL or LINQ: how do I select records where only one paramater changes?
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to create a report and this is my input data.
Stage Name Date
1 x 12/05/2019 10:00:03
1 x 12/05/2019 10:05:01
1 y 12/06/2019 12:00:07
2 x 12/06/2019 13:12:03
2 x 12/06/2019 13:23:00
1 y 12/08/2019 16:00:07
2 x 12/09/2019 09:17:59
This is my desired output.
Stage Name DateFrom DateTo DateDiff
1 x 12/05/2019 10:00:03 12/06/2019 12:00:07 1
1 y 12/06/2019 12:00:07 12/06/2019 13:12:03 0
2 x 12/06/2019 13:12:03 12/08/2019 16:00:07 2
1 y 12/08/2019 16:00:07 12/09/2019 09:17:59 1
I cannot use group by clause over stage and name, since it will group the 3rd and 6th rows from my input. I tried joining the table to itself, but I am not getting the desired result. Is this even possible in SQL ? Any ideas would be helpful. I am using Microsoft SQL Server.
This is a variation of the gaps and island problem. You want to group together groups of adjacent rows (ie having the same stage and name); but you want to use the start date of the next group as ending date for the current group.
Here is one way to do it:
min(date) date_from,
lead(min(date)) over(order by min(date)) date_to,
datediff(day, min(date), lead(min(date)) over(order by min(date))) date_diff
from (
row_number() over(order by date) rn1,
row_number() over(partition by stage, name order by date) rn2
from mytable t
) t
group by stage, name, rn1 - rn2
order by date_from
Demo on DB Fiddle:
stage | name | date_from | date_to | datediff
----: | :--- | :------------------ | :------------------ | -------:
1 | x | 12/05/2019 10:00:03 | 12/06/2019 12:00:07 | 1
1 | y | 12/06/2019 12:00:07 | 12/06/2019 13:12:03 | 0
2 | x | 12/06/2019 13:12:03 | 12/08/2019 16:00:07 | 2
1 | y | 12/08/2019 16:00:07 | 12/09/2019 09:17:59 | 1
2 | x | 12/09/2019 09:17:59 | null | null
Note that this does not produce exactly the result that you showed: there is an additional, pending record at the end of the resultset, that represents the "on-going" series of records. If needed, you can filter it out by nesting the query:
select *
from (
min(date) date_from,
lead(min(date)) over(order by min(date)) date_to,
datediff(day, min(date), lead(min(date)) over(order by min(date))) date_diff
from (
row_number() over(order by date) rn1,
row_number() over(partition by stage, name order by date) rn2
from mytable t
) t
group by stage, name, rn1 - rn2
) t
where date_to is not null
order by date_from
This is a variation of the gaps-and-islands problem, but it has a pretty simple solution.
Just keep every row where the previous row has a different stage or name. Then use lead() to get the next date. Here is the basic idea:
select t.stage, t.name, t.date as datefrom
lead(t.date) over (order by t.date) as dateto,
datediff(day, t.date, lead(t.date) over (order by t.date)) as diff
from (select t.*,
lag(date) over (partition by stage, name order by date) as prev_sn_date,
lag(date) over (order by date) as prev_date
from t
) t
where prev_sn_date <> prev_date or prev_sn_date is null;
If you really want to filter out the last row, you need one more step; I'm not sure if that is desirable.

time difference between transaction of user

Table: txn
customer_id | time_stamp
1 | 00:01:03
1 | 00:02:04
2 | 00:03:05
2 | 00:04:06
Looking to query the time difference between each first transaction and next transaction of customer_id
Customer ID | Time Diff
1 | 61
select customer_ID, ...
from txn
You want lead() . . . but date/time functions are notoriously database-specific. In SQL Server:
select t.*,
lead(time_stamp) over (partition by customer_id order by time_stamp)
) as diff_seconds
from t;
In BigQuery:
select t.*,
lead(time_stamp) over (partition by customer_id order by time_stamp),
) as diff_seconds
from t;

Query for negative account balance period in bigquery

I am playing around with bigquery and hit an interesting use case. I have a collection of customers and account balances. The account balances collection records any account balance change.
| ID | Name |
| 1 | Alice |
| 2 | Bob |
Accounts balances:
| ID | customer_id | value | timestamp |
| 1 | 1 | -500 | 2019-02-12 |
| 2 | 1 | -200 | 2019-02-10 |
| 3 | 2 | 200 | 2019-02-10 |
| 4 | 1 | 0 | 2019-02-09 |
The goal is to find out, for how long a customer has a negative account balance. The resulting collection would look like this:
| ID | Name | Negative account balance since |
| 1 | Alice | 2 days |
Bob is not in the collection, because his last account record shows a positive value.
I think following steps are involved:
get last account balance per customer, see if it is negative
go through the account balance values until you hit a positive (or no more) value
compute datediff
Is something like this even possible in sql? Do you have any ideas on who to create such query? To get customers that currently have a negative account balance, I use this query:
SELECT customer_id FROM (
SELECT t.account_balance, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY timestamp DESC) as seqnum FROM `account_balances` t
) t
WHERE seqnum = 1 AND account_balance<0
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
SELECT customer_id, name,
SUM(IF(negative_positive < 0, days, 0)) negative_days,
SUM(IF(negative_positive = 0, days, 0)) zero_days,
SUM(IF(negative_positive > 0, days, 0)) positive_days
SELECT customer_id, negative_positive, grp,
1 + DATE_DIFF(MAX(ts), MIN(ts), DAY) days
SELECT customer_id, ts, SIGN(value) negative_positive,
COUNTIF(flag) OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY ts) grp
SELECT *, SIGN(value) = IFNULL(LEAD(SIGN(value)) OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY ts), 0) flag
FROM `project.dataset.balances`
GROUP BY customer_id, negative_positive, grp
LEFT JOIN `project.dataset.customers`
ON id = customer_id
GROUP BY customer_id, name
You can test, play with above using sample data from your question as in below example
WITH `project.dataset.balances` AS (
SELECT 1 customer_id, -500 value, DATE '2019-02-12' ts UNION ALL
SELECT 1, -200, '2019-02-10' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 200, '2019-02-10' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 0, '2019-02-09'
), `project.dataset.customers` AS (
SELECT 1 id, 'Alice' name UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 'Bob'
SELECT customer_id, name,
SUM(IF(negative_positive < 0, days, 0)) negative_days,
SUM(IF(negative_positive = 0, days, 0)) zero_days,
SUM(IF(negative_positive > 0, days, 0)) positive_days
SELECT customer_id, negative_positive, grp,
1 + DATE_DIFF(MAX(ts), MIN(ts), DAY) days
SELECT customer_id, ts, SIGN(value) negative_positive,
COUNTIF(flag) OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY ts) grp
SELECT *, SIGN(value) = IFNULL(LEAD(SIGN(value)) OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY ts), 0) flag
FROM `project.dataset.balances`
GROUP BY customer_id, negative_positive, grp
LEFT JOIN `project.dataset.customers`
ON id = customer_id
GROUP BY customer_id, name
-- ORDER BY customer_id
with result
Row customer_id name negative_days zero_days positive_days
1 1 Alice 3 1 0
2 2 Bob 0 0 1

group a set of records by date in teradata

Currently I have data in a table as shown below:
date id value
1-Jan-13 1 100
2-Jan-13 1 100
3-Jan-13 1 100
4-Jan-13 1 200
5-Jan-13 1 200
6-Jan-13 1 100
7-Jan-13 1 100
I am trying to group the records based on the id and val and version records with startdate and end date .
Desired output:
start date end date id value
1-Jan-13 3-Jan-13 1 100
4-Jan-13 5-Jan-13 1 200
6-Jan-13 7-Jan-13 1 100
I'm not an expert in Teradata but you most likely, since windowing functions are supported (specifically ROW_NUMBER), be able to do something like this
SELECT MIN(date) start_date, MAX(date) end_date, id, value
SELECT date, id, value,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id, value ORDER BY date) island
FROM table1
) q
GROUP BY id, value, island
ORDER BY start_date, end_date
Sample output:
| 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-03 | 1 | 100 |
| 2013-01-04 | 2013-01-05 | 1 | 200 |
| 2013-01-06 | 2013-01-07 | 1 | 100 |
Here is SQLFiddle demo (It's a SQL Server demo, but should work as expected in Teradata)
The ROW_NUMBER version can be further simplified: modified SQL Fiddle
For Teradata:
dt - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY val, dt) AS dummy
FROM table1
) AS dt
GROUP BY 1,2,dummy
And there are some hardly known functions in TD13.10 for processing time series data:
WITH cte(id,val,pd) AS
SELECT id, val, PERIOD(dt, dt+1) AS pd
FROM table1
id, val,
BEGIN(pd) AS start_dt,
LAST(pd) AS end_dt
(NEW VARIANT_TYPE(cte.id,cte.val)
,Nrm_Count INTEGER)
LOCAL ORDER BY id, val, pd
) A
ORDER BY start_dt, end_dt