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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to put all my logic in service from component. Is there way to have local service for each component
If you want local instance for your component , what you can do is -
you can use Providers:[SimpleService] metadata in you #component decorator.
selector: 'parent',
template: `...`,
providers: [ SimpleService ]
class ParentComponent {
constructor(private service: SimpleService) { }
Each instance of ParentComponent now has it’s own instance of SimpleService, so state is not shared globally but only between a ParentComponent and it’s child components.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I add this code at mounted()
mounted() {
function(response) {
if (response.status !== 200) {
console.log('Looks like there was a problem. Status Code: ' +
// Examine the text in the response
response.json().then(function(data) {
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Fetch Error :-S', err);
It's not fixing, API works well.
API returns
Console Log
This problem not fixing for me, I tried at another PC but same.
Axios is not working too so I changed to fetch.
There is no problem with your code, the error you showed in your screenshot says you cannot get any result from the URL.
It looks like your browser is under CORS policy and this is why it doesn't work or you use GET instead of POST.
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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm creating a simple Vue Laravel CRUD
So in my component's script I have
export default {
data: function() {
return {
items: []
method: {
getList() {
.then( response => {
this.items =
.catch(error => {
created() {
I have created a method getList() to get the data which then I want to call in the create(). But the Vue keeps prompting an error, that my getList() is not a function.
app.js:21339 [Vue warn]: Error in created hook: "TypeError: this.getList is not a function"
Then I tried to put my request directly inside the create() without calling my method, and it works just fine I was able to get the data.
I'm still learning and I'd appreciate any help :)
You have a typo - method should be methods.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to load my login form after the splash screen but it is giving an error as
Error: Looks like you have nested a 'NavigationContainer' inside another. Normally you need only one container at the root of the app, so this was probably an error. If this was intentional, pass 'independent={true}' explicitly. Note that this will make the child navigators disconnected from the parent and you won't be able to navigate between them.
my app.js file
As far as my understanding is concerned. I can see some place of improvements, and one of them would be:
Using replace() correctly with the help of StackActions reference
import { StackActions } from '#react-navigation/native';
Use useEffect hook, to perform setTimeOut() operation in your SplashScreen component
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
useEffect(() => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500);
return () => clearTimeout(timer);
}, []);
I hope, you will be good after following that in your code.
If LoginForm has a separate NavigationStack configured inside it this issue will occur, please try after removing it.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I couldnt find and example or snippets of how to use tabBarOnLongPress on react navigation v5.If somebody's done it already,help?
If you are using standard TabNavigator, just subscribe to tabLongPress event in your screen components.
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('tabLongPress', (e) => {
// Do something
Example on Snack:
If you are using custom Tab Navigator, don't forget to emit tabLongPress event.
const onLongPress = () => {
type: 'tabLongPress',
target: route.key,
More info here:
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Closed 8 years ago.
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how to handle Routes in Express.js and how many ways to handle that kindly inform me with code and demo.answer will be appreciated.thanks
I've written a longer guide that explains this stuff, but here's a simple example:
var express = require("express");
var app = express();
app.get("/", function(request, response) {
response.send("Welcome to the homepage!");
app.get("/about", function(request, response) {
response.send("Welcome to the about page!");
app.get("*", function(request, response) {