How to obtain all the tuples after a certain date in sql? - sql

I have to obtain the male employee with highest number of requests in the second half of April 2014.
I have these tables:
Employee (EmployeeID, firstName, LastName, gender)
Workplace (CompanyID, EmployeeID, CompanyName)
Extras (ExtraID, CompanyID, Requests, Description, Date)
Extras.Requests is a string, not numerical.
My SQL attempt looks like this:
Employee.FirstName, Employee.LastName,
Extras ON Workplace.CompanyID = Extras.CompanyID)
ON Workplace.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID
Employee.Gender = "male"
AND Extras.Date BETWEEN #4/15/2014# AND #4/30/2014#
I'm not sure if my query is correct or not, thanks in advance.

There are several issues with your querySUM(COUNT(...)) nesting aggregate functions like this isn't permitted
You also need a GROUP BY clause to use aggregation function with non-aggregating columns (which are Employee.FirstName, Employee.LastName in your query).
Sorting is performed by an ORDER BY clause
Your original query includes a nested inner join which is likely to produce unexpected results.
FROM Employee
INNER JOIN(Workplace
INNER JOIN Extras ON Workplace.CompanyID=Extras.CompanyID
) ON Workplace.EmployeeID=Employee.EmployeeID
While nesting joins is allowed it is rarely used, I suggest you avoid it.
I would expect the query to look more like this
Employee.FirstName, Employee.LastName, COUNT(Extras.ExtraID)
FROM ((Employee
INNER JOIN Workplace
ON Workplace.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID)
ON Workplace.CompanyID = Extras.CompanyID)
WHERE Employee.Gender = "male"
AND Extras.Date BETWEEN #4/15/2014# AND #4/30/2014#
COUNT(Extras.ExtraID) DESC;
It's been years since I used access, I think it still wants parentheses in the from clause as I've shown above. In most SQL implementation they are not required, and it is more common for literals to use single quotes e.g. WHERE Employee.Gender = 'male'.


How can we rewrite a query with a subquery in SELECT clause?

How would you rewrite the following query into one without subquery as much as possible?
Select dept name,
(Select Count(*)
From instructor
Where department.dept name = instructor.dept name
) As num_instructors
From department;
I came up with the following. Is it a good equivalence to the above?
Select dept name, count(*)
From department, instructor
Where department.dept name = instructor.dept name
Group By department.dept_name;
The proper way to write the query uses explicit JOIN syntax:
select d.dept_name, count(i.dept_name)
from department d left join
instructor i
on d.dept_name = i.dept_name
group by d.dept_name;
If you only care about departments that have at least one instructor, then no join is necessary at all:
select i.dept_name, count(*)
from instructor i
group by i.dept_name;
Your attempt is really close, just a couple things..
You should use explicit joins (ie. JOIN, LEFT JOIN etc.) instead of implicit joins (commas in the FROM clause). Implicit joins are 25+ years depreciated.
Also, in this case you will want a LEFT JOIN or no departments will be displayed that don't have instructors. LEFT JOIN will retain departments without instructors and give you a 0 count (like the first query), where a JOIN would not display those at all.
SELECT d.dept_name, COUNT(i.dept_name) as num_instructors
FROM department d
LEFT JOIN instructors i on d.dept_name = i.dept_name
GROUP BY d.dept_name

How to join two SQL queries into one?

I'm new to SQL and I'm currently trying to learn how to make reports in Visual Studio. I need to make a table, graph and few other things. I decided to do matrix as the last part and now I'm stuck. I write my queries in SQL Server.
I have two tables: Staff (empID, StaffLevel, Surname) and WorkOfArt (artID, name, curator, helpingCurator). In the columns Curator and HelpingCurator I used numbers from empID.
I'd like my matrix to show every empID and the number of paintings where they're acting as a Curator and the number of paintings where they're acting as a Helping Curator (so I want three columns: empID, count(curator), count(helpingCurator).
Select Staff.empID, count(WorkOfArt.Curator) as CuratorTotal
FROM Staff, WorkOfArt
WHERE Staff.empID=WorkOfArt.Curator
and Staff.StaffLevel<7
group by Staff.empID;
Select Staff.empID, count(WorkOfArt.HelpingCurator) as HelpingCuratorTotal
FROM Staff, WorkOfArt
WHERE Staff.empID=WorkOfArt.HelpingCurator
and Staff.StaffLevel<7
group by Staff.empID;
I created those two queries and they work perfectly fine, but I need it in one query.
I tried:
Select Staff.empID, count(WorkOfArt.Curator) as CuratorTotal,
COUNT(WorkOfArt.HelpingCurator) as HelpingCuratorTotal
FROM Staff FULL OUTER JOIN WorkOfArt on Staff.empID=WorkOfArt.Curator
and Staff.empID=WorkOfArt.HelpingCurator
WHERE Staff.StaffLevel<7
group by Staff.empID;
(as well as using left or right outer join)
- this one gives me a table with empID, but in both count columns there are only 0s - and:
Select Staff.empID, count(WorkOfArt.Curator) as CuratorTotal,
COUNT(WorkOfArt.HelpingCurator) as HelpingCuratorTotal
FROM Staff, WorkOfArt
WHERE Staff.empID=WorkOfArt.Curator
and Staff.empID=WorkOfArt.HelpingCurator
and Staff.StaffLevel<7
group by Staff.empID;
And this one gives me just the names of the columns.
I have no idea what to do next. I tried to find the answer in google, but all explanations I found were far more advanced for me, so I couldn't understand them... Could you please help me? Hints are fine as well.
The easiest way to do this is most likely with inner select in the select clause, with something like this:
(select count(*) from WorkOfArt C where C.Curator = S.empID)
as CuratorTotal,
(select count(*) from WorkOfArt H where H.HelpingCurator = S.empID)
as HelpingCuratorTotal
FROM Staff S
WHERE S.StaffLevel<7
group by S.empID;
This way the rows with different role aren't causing problems with the calculation. If the tables are really large or you have a lot of different roles, then most likely more complex query with grouping the items first in the WorkOfArt table might have better performance since this requires reading the rows twice.
From a performance perspective, the following query is probably a little more efficient
select e.EmpId, CuratorForCount, HelpingCuratorForCount
from Staff s
inner join ( select Curator, count(*) as CuratorForCount
from WorkOfArt
group by Curator) mainCurator on s.EmpId = mainCurator.Curator
inner join ( select HelpingCurator, count(*) as HelpingCuratorForCount
from WorkOfArt
group by HelpingCurator) secondaryCurator on s.EmpId = secondaryCurator.HelpingCurator
One method, that can be useful if you want to get more than one value aggregated value from the WorkOfArt table is to pre-aggregate the results:
Select s.empID, COALESCE(woac.cnt, 0) as CuratorTotal,
COALESCE(woahc.cnt) as HelpingCuratorTotal
(SELECT woa.Curator, COUNT(*) as cnt
FROM WorkOfArt woa
GROUP BY woa.Curator
) woac
ON s.empID = woac.Curator LEFT JOIN
(SELECT woa.HelpingCurator, COUNT(*) as cnt
FROM WorkOfArt woa
GROUP BY woa.HelpingCurator
) woahc
ON s.empID = woahc.HelpingCurator
WHERE s.StaffLevel < 7;
Notice that the aggregation on the outer level is not needed.

Create filter for most recent date using combined columns

I have created a filtering application in Access that references four simple tables:
Employee: Emp_ID, FirstName, LastName
Skill: Skill_ID, SkillName, SkillDescription, SkillGroup
Employee_Skill: Entry_ID, Emp_ID, Skill_ID, LevelofExperience, Dateupdated
SkillGroupName:SkillGroup_ID SkillGroupName`
Basically the idea of this database is to track employee skills and how the level of experience improves (or not!) over time. The problem I am facing is that I want the application to filter by the most recently updated combination of Skill and Employee. I have found the query that will allow for me to use the two columns as a distinct entity:
SELECT DISTINCT Emp_ID, Skill_ID FROM Employee_Skill
WHERE (SELECT MAX(DateUpdated)From Employee_Skill);
And it works perfectly on its own, but I don't know how to incorporate it either into my main query, which simply joins together the necessary columns for an easier end user experience. It does not visibly show Emp_ID or Skill_ID. It also doesn't in the VBA for the application. (-1 = Include all History; 0 = Only include most updated.)
I have been able to select the distinct combination of Employee and Skill through my main query by doing this:
Max(Employee_Skill.LevelOfExperience) AS LevelOfExperience,
Max(Employee_Skill.DateUpdated) AS DateUpdated,
Max(SkillGroup.SkillGroupName) AS SkillGroupName
(Employee INNER JOIN
Employee_Skill ON
Employee.Emp_ID = Employee_Skill.Emp_ID) ON
Skill.Skill_ID = Employee_Skill.Skill_ID) ON
SkillGroup.SkillGroup_ID = Skill.SkillGroup
Max(Employee_Skill.LevelOfExperience) DESC;
However, my forms and reports built on this query are stuck with only the option of seeing the most updated version. I am really hoping to have a dynamic form that removes the constraints as desired.
Not sure what you're doing with Max(Employee_Skill.LevelOfExperience) or Max(SkillGroup.SkillGroupName) but I think you need to stick with querying for the detail rows and then include another column marking the Max(Employee_Skill.DateUpdated) filter, like:
iif(max_dateUpdated=dateupdated,1,0) as is_max_DateUpdated
(Employee INNER JOIN
Employee_Skill ON
Employee.Emp_ID = Employee_Skill.Emp_ID) ON
Skill.Skill_ID = Employee_Skill.Skill_ID) ON
SkillGroup.SkillGroup_ID = Skill.SkillGroup inner join
max(dateupdated) as max_dateUpdated
group by
empID) mx on
Employee.empID = mx.empID

Three tables join given me the all combination of records

When i written the query like the following.. It's written the combination of all the records.
What's the mistake in the query?
SELECT ven.vendor_code, add.address1
FROM vendor ven INNER JOIN employee emp
ON ven.emp_fk =
INNER JOIN address add
ON add.emp_name = emp.emp_name;
Using inner join, you've to put all the links (relations) between two tables in the ON clause.
Assuming the relations are good, you may test the following queries to see if they really make the combination of all records:
SELECT count(*)
from vendor ven
inner join employee emp on ven.emp_fk =
inner join address add on add.emp_name = emp.emp_name;
SELECT count(*)
from vendor ven, employee emp, address add
If both queries return the same result (which I doubt), you really have what you say.
If not, as I assume, maybe you are missing a relation or a restriction to filter the number of results.

SQL Query for finding values that do not exist in one table, with WHERE clause

I'm struggling to compile a query for the following and wonder if anyone can please help (I'm a SQL newbie).
I have two tables:
(1) student_details, which contains the columns: student_id (PK), firstname, surname (and others, but not relevant to this query)
(2) membership_fee_payments, which contains details of monthly membership payments for each student and contains the columns: membership_fee_payments_id (PK), student_id (FK), payment_month, payment_year, amount_paid
I need to create the following query:
which students have not paid fees for March 2012?
The query could be for any month/year, March is just an example. I want to return in the query firstname, surname from student_details.
I can query successfully who has paid for a certain month and year, but I can't work out how to query who has not paid!
Here is my query for finding out who has paid:
SELECT student_details.firstname, student_details.surname,
FROM student_details
INNER JOIN membership_fee_payments
ON student_details.student_id = membership_fee_payments.student_id
WHERE membership_fee_payments.payment_month = "March"
AND membership_fee_payments.payment_year = "2012"
ORDER BY student_details.firstname
I have tried a left join and left outer join but get the same result. I think perhaps I need to use NOT EXISTS or IS NULL but I haven't had much luck writing the right query yet.
Any help much appreciated.
I'm partial to using WHERE NOT EXISTS Typically that would look something like this
SELECT D.firstname, D.surname
FROM student_details D
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM membership_fee_payments P
WHERE P.student_id = D.student_id
AND P.payment_year = '2012'
AND P.payment_month = 'March'
This is know an a correlated subquery as it contains references to the outer query. This allows you to include your join criteria in the subquery without necessarily writing a JOIN. Also, most RDBMS query optimizers will implement this as a SEMI JOIN which does not typically do as much 'work' as a complete join.
You could use a left join. When the payment is missing, all the columns in the left join table will be null:
SELECT student_details.firstname, student_details.surname,
FROM student_details
LEFT JOIN membership_fee_payments
ON student_details.student_id = membership_fee_payments.student_id
AND membership_fee_payments.payment_month = "March"
AND membership_fee_payments.payment_year = "2012"
WHERE membership_fee_payments.student_id is null
ORDER BY student_details.firstname
You can also write following query. This will gives your expected output.
SELECT student_details.firstname,
FROM student_details
student_details.student_id Not in
(SELECT membership_fee_payments.student_id
from membership_fee_payments
membership_fee_payments.payment_year = '2012'
AND membership_fee_payments.payment_month = 'March'