How to implement a sidebar that is bound to the route in nuxtjs - vue.js

so I structured my pages folder like this
----page1.vue // contains different content
----page2.vue // contains different content
so the routes can be accessed like
now, what I want to achieve is, when I access the route /index/page2/some-slug-here. it will show the sidebar component based on that route param.
so to show some visual, take a look at the attached image.
since nuxt don't seem to support named view routes. are there any other ways to achieve what I want?

Nuxt.js does support named views. They are referenced as layouts in documentation and serve exactly that purpose.
It is possible to create multiple layouts in layouts folder and specify them for each page as following:
<!-- Your template -->
export default {
layout: 'sidebar'
// page component definitions


Vue.js Vue3 different Templating with for sub components

I have a Vue 3 project,
Most of my Components use the Template in App.vue (My understanding goes that this is Similar to a "Master Page in .net core with the completeness inheriting the style and layout from the App.vue. In my case, the app.vue will have the dashboard layout (top and sides) and then I will load the restricted components in the content section.
However, I cannot seem to figure out how to make public-facing pages, such as login and register not reference the Dashboard template at all as they are not logged in, but still allow some Vue functionality. Post for login, errors returned, etc. How can I split them or have multiple Master App.vue templates for different users, based on their role or logged-in status.
your help is greatly appricated.
In App.vue you can use vue js built in component tag to render dynamic layouts
<component :is="activeLayout"></component>
you can bind it to a computed property and return the appropriate component to bind for different scenarios

Vue-Router add new route dynamically when there is a new component

I need to create a fully modular Vue project and I can't figure out how do I add or remove routes when there is a new component or a component is deleted.
Now I statically type all the routes that are available in my Sidebar menu. Let's say there are 10 menus in my sidebar, it means that I should type 10 routes in my routes.js file.
But I need this project to be modular. By saying modular what I mean is, I need to give the component list to the project, I think that I should do that with a .json file and let's say this file says that it has only 5 component available, then the related routes will be dynamically created in the routes.js file, and when one of them is deleted, the related route should be removed from the routes list as well. That is what I want.
I want to do that because I develop a single frontend with Vue for more than one device. These devices may have different options and menus, when the device and the frontend matches, only the available menus will be put in the sidebar, so I can't type all the routes statically as I've been doing the whole time.
Any advice would be appreciated.
You can loop through a list of routes and use the router.addRoute function to dynamically add them to your router instance (requires vue-router 3.5.0+), instead of loading them by default. You could do this from the created() hook of your main layout for example.
// app.vue
<router-view />
export default {
created() {
let routes = loadRoutes(); // insert your own function to get the correct routes here
routes.forEach(route => this.$router.addRoute(route))
If you need to be able to switch between different layouts on the same device (like a shared terminal for managers and employees) you can reset the routes array by creating a new router instance, or removeRoute (if you use v4.0+).

Vuepress dynamic routes and render as page?

I use vuepress as a mixed solution of static generated pages and dynamic pages in the SPA approach. The dynamic data source is a large database server, hence it can not use the additionalPages feature introduced in vurepress 1.x. That means dynamic routes was added using enhanceApp.js as below. Dynamic pages are rendered with extended layouts to share same page structure (header, footer).
// Foo is a layout component extends from Layout.vue
import Foo from './layouts/Foo.vue'
export default ({
Vue, // the version of Vue being used in the VuePress app
options, // the options for the root Vue instance
router, // the router instance for the app
siteData // site metadata
}) => {
{ path: '/foo/:id', component: Foo },
It works, however the layouts/Foo.vue is a component. It missing frontmatter, markdown syntax like normal markdown page does. The question is how to load a markdown page and pass to routes as component?
I'm still new to Vuepress, but I come across this comment in the source code that might be able to help you.
When Vue SFCs are source files, make them as layout components directly
I haven't finished reading all source code, so I'm not very sure I understand it correctly. But I guess when Vuepress find a vue component, it will not render it like a markdown file. It assumes you have your own style inside the .vue file. So I think that may be why you are missing what normal markdown page has.
However, if you need to mix a dynamic data source with static pages, you can try to use Vue in markdown to get what you want to achieve.

Switching Between Components in a Vue App

I'm building a single-file-based Vue application from a template generated with the Vue UI tool.
I understand how a .vue file defines the styling/structure/behavior of a component, how smaller components can be composed into bigger components, and how the top-level "App" component mounts everything to an HTML Div.
As the user progresses through the app, though -- say from a login screen to a master screen to a detail screen -- what's the accepted approach to switching out the current screen-level component?
Ty in advance.
--The Vuebie
This is quite an open ended question so ill just show you what I have done in my own projects. I split my components directory into two directories; 'pages' and 'common'. (Ignore the 'firebase' directory is it beyond the scope of this question).
The common directory holds components that may be used in a page or re used in several different pages.
For example the 'account form' is used in my 'Edit Account page' and the category bar is used in several of my pages.
The pages directory holds components that are technically no different from my common components but they represent full pages on my website. A page component may contain several common components.
Now the biggest distinction between common and pages is in the router. I route different paths relative to the main url (that is probably not the technically correct description but hopefully you get the point) to each of the pages. Here is my index.js file from my router directory:
As you can see, I have a route pointing to each one of my pages. You can " switch out the current screen-level component" (as you put it) by using router-link tag's to navigate between different page components. These are clickable urls that your client can use, they can also be wrapped in buttons and such.
For example, this router link navigates to my home page, the component name is 'Helloworld'. See its corresponding reference in my router's index.js and in the pages directory so you can connect it all in your head.
<router-link class="nav-item nav-word" :to="{ name: 'HelloWorld' }">
Finally, I will talk a bit about the App.vue file. The App.vue acts like a base component as it contains the 'router view' tag within it's template:
This means that every page that you route will be placed in the position of the 'router view tag'. I.e this tag will be replaced with the page. It is common practise to surround this tag with html code that you would like to be shown in each page. For example I have my router view tag between my nav bar and footer. So that the nav bar and footer will show on each page.

Aurelia top level component without routing

Is it possible to add an Aurelia top level component without the router?
The goal is to create a component without the router since my application doesn't need any url based navigation.
From what I can tell Aurelia seems to take you down a path where components are instantiated via routing based on how the component is registered with the router.
Instead I would like to just add markup for the top level component on the main index.html page:
<my-component bind.current="'123456'"></my-component>
I would like define components without a router and only use the templating and data binding capabilities of Aurelia.
Is that possible?
Tried this in index.html (inside the body tag of the default project)
<require from='./dist/my-component'></require>
But it does not seem to pick it up. Ideally I would like to just define it in markup on a page served from the server since it would enable me to sett attributes dynamically on the elements
<my-component current.bind={{someServerGeneratedId}}></my-component>
In the above I would use a templating framework like mustache to dynamically render the Aurelia when the page is served from the server.
I could wrap the component in another "landing" component, but that makes it hard to benefit from setting things up with server generated bindings.
Per Rob's response:
- He is expecting to add the ability to add a root component to the landing page in a future release. I understand there are ways to not use the router, but it still depends on pulling in a partial view during bootstrapping of the application. This does not use the router directly, but conceptually this is really just an implied/convention based client side nav. In the end there is a client side request to pull in the view, which means I can't generate the html dynamically from the initial server response.
Yes you can do this very easily without the router. Just remove the router configuration from your app.js and in app.html remove the router code there as well.
I think the issue you are running in to is that you are specifying the dist folder again in your index.html. You should just reference it like this -
<require from="my-component"></require>
<my-component current.bind="someServerGeneratedId"></my-component>
This will bind up correctly.
I guess you're missunderstanding the route concept here.
At the time of writing, Aurelia's index.html page is your initial page where you put your "loading" stuff and where Aurelia bootstraps the entire app.
So, you can't put a custom component directly on it, but that should not be a problem.
If you don't change any configuration on Aurelia, it will look for your app.html to bootstrap your app, and there you can have anything you want (routes or not, doesn't matter). So, you should put your component there, beside the other tags/components/etc you need.
I've made a plunker without any routing and with a custom component in the app.html, and something simulating what you need.
<require from='./my-component'></require>
<my-component current.bind="serverGeneratedID"></my-component>
If you need anything else, comment here and I'll try to go further.